Zdravo, pišem ovo u vezi sa kršenjem pravila i uslova odgovornog kockanja kako je navedeno na veb stranici operatera. Posle meseci razgovora sa nekoliko njihovih agenata i postavljanja istog pitanja, podneo sam žalbu. Politika odgovornog kockanja u kazinu jasno kaže da na zahtev za onemogućavanje ograničenja gubitka, igrač mora da sačeka period čekanja od 24 sata pre nego što se limit gubitka onemogući. Ova politika je nešto na šta sam se veoma oslanjao jer mi je dala vremena da se ohladim, zaustavim i razmislim pre nego što izgubim više nego što sam mogao da priuštim.
Napravio sam brojna ograničenja gubitaka i više puta ih onemogućio. Nekoliko puta sam pokušao da kontaktiram podršku da vidim da li se moje ograničenje gubitka može onemogućiti pre perioda čekanja od 24 sata, ali svaki put kada su mi rekli da to ne mogu da urade umesto mene. Međutim, 3. oktobra sam zatražio da mi se onemogući ograničenje gubitka. Otprilike 12 sati nakon mog prvobitnog zahteva da onemogućim ograničenje gubitka, razgovarao sam sa agentom koristeći ćaskanje na mreži za podršku i pitao ga da li mogu da onemoguće moje ograničenje gubitka pre nego što se završi period čekanja od 24 sata i operater je ranije onemogućio moj limit gubitka. Kao što je ranije pomenuto, razgovarao sam sa brojnim drugim agentima o tome da se moj limit gubitka onemogući pre 24 sata, ali svaki put kada mi svaki drugi agent kaže da moram da čekam puna 24 sata jer je to u njihovom odgovornom kockanju Uslovi. Postojao je samo jedan put kada su ga onemogućili pre nego što je završen period čekanja od 24 sata. Kao rezultat toga, verujem da su prekršili svoje odredbe i uslove odgovornog kockanja.
Bio sam u kontaktu sa osobljem za podršku operatera putem e-pošte, kao i sa menadžerima, ali oni nisu u mogućnosti da mi daju jasan odgovor koji se odnosi na moju zabrinutost. U početku mi je rečeno da njihov sistem neće dozvoliti da se ograničenje gubitka onemogući pre perioda čekanja od 24 sata. Onda kada sam pružio dokaz o tome, rekli su mi da postupaju po mom zahtevu kako bi moje iskustvo klađenja učinili prijatnijim. Verovao bih u ovo da svaki put kada tražim da mi se onemogući ograničenje gubitka, oni su ga onemogućili pre perioda čekanja od 24 sata. Ali kao što je ranije pomenuto, od brojnih puta kada sam tražio da se moje ograničenje gubitka ranije onemogući, to su uradili samo jednom za mene. Pored toga, nigde u uslovima i odredbama kazina ne stoji da ograničenje gubitka može biti uklonjeno pre nego što se završi period čekanja od 24 sata na zahtev igrača. To ni izdaleka ne implicira nešto slično tome. Jedina stvar u kojoj se navodi je da svaki igrač mora da sačeka puna 24 sata pre nego što im se onemogući ograničenje gubitka.
Uz sve ovo rečeno, osećam se kao da su očigledno zanemarili da ispoštuju svoju obavezu brige i sprovode sopstvene odredbe i uslove u vezi sa odgovornim kockanjem. Nije odgovornost igrača da poštuju odredbe i uslove kazina. To je odgovornost operatera. Samo zato što neko traži da prekrši politiku uopšte ne daje operateru pravo da prekrši politiku. Kao što sam već rekao, ova politika mi je mnogo značila jer mi je dala vremena da se ohladim i da više ne gubim. Oni nisu uspeli da sprovedu sopstvenu politiku i to je jasno kršenje njihovih uslova. Da je osoblje za podršku uklonilo moje ograničenje gubitka svaki put kada sam zahtevao da se ukloni, onda ne bih dvaput razmišljao o ovom kršenju smernica. Međutim, pošto je to bio samo jedan put, to je jasan pokazatelj da su njihovi uslovi prekršeni na njihovoj strani. Da njihovi uslovi i odredbe čak i izdaleka impliciraju da se ograničenje gubitka može onemogućiti na zahtev igrača, ne bih pisao ovu žalbu. Međutim, o tome ništa ne stoji. Ovo je još jedan pokazatelj zašto verujem da su prekršili svoje uslove. Štaviše, imejlovi koje imam u vezi sa ovim kršenjem sa pomoćnim osobljem i menadžmentom; oni su menjali svoje odgovore i uopšte ne daju jasne odgovore na moja pitanja i nedoumice. Kao na primer kako su mi u početku rekli da im njihov softver neće dozvoliti da onemoguće ograničenje pre isteka vremenskog okvira od 24 sata. Ovo je opet još jedan pokazatelj da su prekršili svoje odredbe i uslove odgovornog kockanja. Mnogo puta sam ih pitao gde u njihovim uslovima i odredbama odgovornog kockanja to čak i izdaleka implicira da ograničenje gubitka može biti uklonjeno pre nego što se završi period čekanja od 24 sata, ali oni nisu odgovorili ni jednom na moje pitanje. Ovo je još jedan pokazatelj da su prekršili svoje uslove.
Kada je moj limit gubitka bio onemogućen početkom oktobra (pre nego što je završen vremenski okvir od 24 sata), izgubio sam sumu bitkoina (otprilike 0,7 btc). Nadam se da ću dobiti nadoknadu za sumu koju sam izgubio za vreme koje je trebalo da se održi i primeni period čekanja od 24 sata kako je navedeno u njihovoj politici odgovornog kockanja.
Hello, I am writing this with regards to a violation of the responsible gambling terms and conditions as indicated on the operators website. After months of speaking with a few of their agents and asking the same question I have made a complaint. The casino responsible gambling policy clearly states that upon request of disabling a loss limit, the player must wait a 24 hour waiting period before the loss limit is disabled. This policy is something that I highly relied on as it gave me time to cool off and stop and think before losing any more than I could afford.
I have made numerous loss limits and disabled them numerous times. A number of times, I attempted to contact support to see if my loss limit could be disabled before the 24 hour waiting period but each time they told me they are unable to do this for me. However, on October 3rd I requested that my loss limit be disabled. About 12 hours after my initial request to disable my loss limit, I spoke to an agent using the online support chat and asked if they could disable my loss limit before the 24 hour waiting period was complete and the operator disabled my loss limit early. As previously mentioned, I have spoken to a number of other agents about getting my loss limit disabled before the 24 hour time frame, but each time every single other agent has told me I must wait the full 24 hours because it is in their responsible gambling terms and conditions. There was only this one time where they disabled it before the 24 hour waiting period was completed. As a result, I believe that they have violated their responsible gambling terms and conditions.
I have been in contact with the operators support staff via email as well as managers but they are unable to provide me with a clear answer that addresses my concerns. Initially I was told that their system will not allow the loss limit to be disabled before the 24 hour waiting period. Then when I provided evidence of it, they told me they were acting upon my request to make my betting experience more enjoyable. I would have believed this if every time I requested my loss limit to be disabled, they did disable it before the 24 hour waiting period. But as mentioned before, out of the numerous times I have requested my loss limit to be disabled early, they only did it one time for me. Additionally, nowhere in the casino's terms and conditions does it state the loss limit may be removed before the 24 hour waiting period is complete upon request of the player. It does not even remotely imply something similar to that. The only thing it states is that each player must wait the full 24 hours before their loss limit is disabled.
With all of this said, I feel as though they have clearly neglected to uphold their duty of care and enforce their own terms and conditions regarding responsible gambling. It is not the players responsibility to uphold the casinos terms and conditions. That is the responsibly of the operator. Just because someone asks to break a policy does not at all give the operator the right to break the policy. As I stated before, this policy is something that meant a lot to me because it gave me time to cool off and not lose any more. They failed to enforce their own policy and that is a clear violation of their terms and conditions. If the support staff had removed my loss limit every time I requested it to be removed, then I would not think twice about this policy violation. However, since it was only the one time, this is a clear indication that their terms and conditions have been broken on their end. If their terms and conditions even remotely implied that the loss limit can be disabled upon request of the player, I would not be writing this complaint. However, it does not state anything about that whatsoever. This is another indication on why I believe they have broken their terms and conditions. Furthermore, the emails I have regarding this violation with support staff and management; they have been changing their responses and not providing clear answers to my questions and concerns at all. Such as how they initially told me their software will not let them disable the limit before the 24 hour time frame is up. This again is another indication that they have violated their responsible gambling terms and conditions. Numerous times I have asked them where in their responsible gambling terms and conditions it even remotely implies that the loss limit may be removed before the 24 hour waiting period is complete but they have not responded even one time to my question. This is another indication that they have violated their own terms and conditions.
When my loss limit was disabled early in October (before the 24 hour time frame was complete) I ended up losing a sum of bitcoin (roughly 0.7 btc). I am hoping to get compensation for the sum that I lost during the time that the 24 hour waiting period should have been upheld and implemented as stated in their responsible gambling policy.
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