U početku sam mislio da imaju najbolje držanje i osvojene slotove i usluga za korisnike je dobra, sve dok nisam odlučio da podignem novac i tu je počela moja noćna mora!
Prvo vam je dozvoljeno da podignete samo do 500 eura, ni peni više, pa ako imate veliki dobitak, zaboravite na to!
Zabava je počela kada sam podigao 500 eura po njihovim uslovima, ali onda su počeli da traže nemoguću dokumentaciju, to je vaš pasoš/osobna iskaznica, izvod iz banke sa IBAN brojem (ako vam se sviđam gde vaša banka ne daje taj detalj na izjave, nemaš sreće), Selfi sa pasošem u ruci, dokaz o prebivalištu i dokaz da ste uplatili depozit u istom mjesecu kada tražite povlačenje.
Potrošio sam 10 hiljada funti u ovom kazinu i kada sam konačno odlučio da podignem 14000 eura, tada je počela sva drama i jednostavno nisam mogao napraviti jedno povlačenje, posebno s obzirom na to da imaju limit od 500 eura.
Verificiran sam sa svim njihovim zahtjevima da prihvatam IBAN zahtjeve na bankovnim izvodima. Moje internet bankarstvo nije dalo bankovne izvode pa sam otišao u ekspozituru i rekli su mi da IBAN ne stoji na njihovim izvodima. Tako sam obavijestio kazino, ali su me jednostavno ignorirali.
Budući da sam stvarno frustriran u ovom trenutku zbog nepostojanja odgovora iz caisna, jednostavno sam izgubio sav taj novac na jednom mjestu, ali smatram da bi ljudi trebali biti svjesni ovog problema i ovog kasnoa i što je važnije, njihovim vlasnicima nikada ne bi trebalo dozvoliti da obavljati bilo kakav posao u UK.
Imam dokaze o svim e-porukama koje smo komunicirali s njima, kao i snimke ekrana sa njihovih loših usluga za ćaskanje.
Nadam se da neko može pomoći s ovim.
Initially thought that they had the best hold and win slots and customer service was good, until I decided to make a withdrawal and that's where my nightmare started!
Firstly you are only allowed to withdraw up to 500 euros, not a penny more, so if you have a big win, forget about it!
The fun started when I made the withdrawal of 500 euros as per their terms, but then they started requesting impossible documentation, these included your passport/id, bank statement with IBAN number (if you like me where your bank does not give that detail on statements, you out of luck), Selfie with the passport in hand, proof of residence and proof that you made a deposit within the same month when you request a withdrawal.
I have spent 10's of thousands of pounds at this casino and when I finally decided to make a withdrawal of 14000 Euros, this is when all the drama started and I just could not make a singe withdrawal, especially considering they have a 500 euro limit.
I was verified with all their requirements accept for the IBAN requirements on bank statements. My online banking did not provide bank statements so I went to the branch and they told me that the IBAN does not appear on their statements. So I informed the casino, but they just ignored me completely.
Being really frustated at this point due to no response from the caisno I just lost all of that money on a single slot, but I feel that people should be made aware of this issue and this casno and more importatnly their owners should never be allowed to do any business in the UK.
I have proof all all emails communicted with them as well as screenshots from their poor chat services.
Hope someone can help with this.