Zdravo, izvršio sam povlačenje 11. januara, rečeno mi je da je obrađeno i verifikovano, i od tada ga nikad nisam primio, rekli su mi da dam svojoj banci referentni broj pa sam to uradio, ali su mi rekli da broj zaista ne radi ništa osim ako nisu položili novac onda je referentni broj koristan, toliko puta bih išao u ćaskanje uživo i rekao mi da je prošao i da bi trebalo da bude tamo, onda su počeli da blokiraju moj ćaskanje da više ne mogu da razgovaram sa živim agentom
Hello, I made the withdrawal on Jan 11, was told processed and was verified, and since then I never received it, they told me to give my bank the reference number so I did but they told me the number really doesn’t do anything unless they did deposit the money then the reference number is usefull, so many times I’d go to live chat and be told it’s gone through and should be there, then they started blocking my chat were I no longer can talk to a live agent
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