Za KIC transfer, pošaljite svoju saglasnost e-poštom na sa detaljima u nastavku. Takođe imajte na umu da KIC transfer važi samo jednom. Ako vam to bude potrebno u budućnosti, neće biti načina da to uradite. Molimo pročitajte dolenavedena pravila i pošaljite saglasnost na . Kada dobijemo saglasnost, pokrenućemo proces prenosa.
KIC UID prenosa:
Otkazano UID:
Važna pravila koja treba zapamtiti pre nego što date saglasnost za KIC transfer:
- Svakom korisniku je dozvoljena samo jedna aplikacija za KIC prenos.
- Nagrade vezane za KIC ne mogu se tražiti više od jednom.
- Potvrdite da li još uvek postoji stanje na starom računu.
- Pristup nalozima koji se prijavljuju za zatvaranje i drugim nalozima sa ponovljenim prijavama biće ograničen.
Srdačan pozdrav
Panda - BC.GAME
For KYC transfer, please email your consent to support@bc.game with the details below. Also note that KYC transfer is only valid once. If you require it in the future, there will be no way to do that. Please read the rules below and send the consent to support@bc.game. Once we have received the consent, we will initiate the transfer process.
KYC Transfer UID:
Cancelled UID:
Important rules to remember before you consent for KYC transfer:
- Each user is allowed only one application for KYC transfer.
- KYC-related rewards cannot be claimed more than once.
- Please confirm whether there is still a balance in the old account.
- Accounts applying for closure and other accounts with repeated applications will have their login access restricted.
Best Regards
Panda - BC.GAME
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