Igrač iz Austrije dovodi u pitanje postupak provjere. Nakon provjere povukao je 2500 eur, ali ostatak je izgubljen.
Dobar dan, dragi tim casino gurua,
Tražio sam dobar kasino na vašoj web stranici koji podržava kriptovalute kao načine plaćanja, a naišao sam i na Casinoin.io. Počeo sam igrati 18. 02. i povukao se 02. 19. koji je dobro funkcionirao. Deponirao sam samo kod Cardano-a (ADA). 20. februara zatražio sam novu uplatu koja je nakon jednog dana SMS-om odbijena. Zatražio sam ukupno 11 povlačenja, od kojih su sva pojedinačno odbijena. Nastavio sam igrati narednih nekoliko dana i danas sam odlučio da neću igrati dok ne uspijem uspješno odustati. Do sada imam 25.000 eura na svom Casinoin računu. Od 20. veljače kontaktiram chat uživo gotovo svaki dan. U prvih nekoliko dana osoblje chata uživo obavijestilo me da je proslijedilo moj slučaj drugom odjelu kako bi provjerilo zašto ne mogu izvršiti povlačenje novca. Nakon nekoliko upita, zaposlenik chata uživo rekao mi je da moram obaviti provjeru. Moram napomenuti da mi to niko od Casinoina nije rekao. Tek nakon što sam nekoliko puta pitao, obaviješten sam o tome. Dokumente koje sam zatražio poslao sam u ponedjeljak i od tada čekam. Prve dvije kolege s kojima sam pisao rekli su da će trebati 3-14 radnih dana, 14 dana u posebnim slučajevima, što mi se očito čini predugo. Zbog toga sam danas ponovo kontaktirao zaposlenika u chatu uživo. Sad me obavijestio da u posebnim slučajevima to može potrajati i više od 14 dana. Na moje pitanje koliko će to trajati, može li potrajati mjesec ili nekoliko mjeseci, samo mi je rekao da to obično traje 14 dana. Nema daljeg odgovora. Osjećam se suzdržano od ovog kasina, a nakon čitanja ostalih žalbi, primijetio sam da ima mnogo drugih igrača osim mene koji nisu učinili ništa ni nakon 14 dana. Prije nego što mi se to dogodi i prije nego što uložim toliko vremena u ovaj problem, molim za pomoć. Mislim da je ovaj kazino u osnovi vrlo, jako dobar jer je podrška vrlo ljubazna i vrlo brzo odgovara. Uz to, ovaj kasino ima nevjerojatan raspon metoda kripto depozita što je za mene najvažniji faktor. Nažalost, postupno gubim povjerenje u ovaj kazino i želim nastaviti igrati tek nakon što uspijem podići svoj iznos. Da je povlačenje proteklo bez problema, ovaj bi casino definitivno bio jedan od najboljih za mene.
Nadam se da se ovaj problem može brzo riješiti uz vašu pomoć, jer mi ovi neprecizni odgovori i problemi koji se ovdje javljaju nisu prihvatljivi.
Mali zahtjev timu u Casino-Guruu: Ako bi to bilo moguće, zamolio bih vas da moje ime ili telefonski broj ne učinite neprepoznatljivim kako to ime ne bi bilo javno vidljivo kad neko pogleda pritužbe.
U ovom sam casinu registriran samo sa svojim brojem telefona i nisam poslao nijednu e-poštu. Međutim, poslao sam e-poštu u kasino zbog postupka verifikacije.
Puno hvala.
Good afternoon, dear casino guru team,
I was looking for a good casino on your website that supports cryptocurrencies as payment methods and I also came across Casinoin.io. I started playing on 02/18 and made a withdrawal on 02/19 that worked fine. I only deposited with Cardano (ADA). On February 20th, I requested another payment, which was rejected after a day by SMS. I requested a total of 11 withdrawals, all of which were individually rejected. I continued to play for the next few days and decided today that I would not continue to play until I can make a successful withdrawal. As of now, I have 25,000 euros in my Casinoin account. I've contacted the live chat almost every day since February 20th. In the first few days, the live chat staff informed me that they had forwarded my case to another department to check why I could not make withdrawals. After asking several times, an employee of the live chat told me that I had to do a verification. I have to mention that none of Casinoin told me that themselves. Only after I asked several times was I informed of this. I sent the documents I requested on Monday and have been waiting ever since. The first two colleagues I wrote with said it would take 3-14 working days, 14 days in special cases, which clearly seems far too long to me. That's why I contacted a live chat employee again today. He now informed me that in special cases it can take more than 14 days. When I asked how long this would take, whether it could take a month or several months, he just told me that it usually takes 14 days. No further answer. I feel held back by this casino, and after reading the other complaints, I noticed that there are many other players besides me who haven't done anything even after 14 days. Before that happens to me and before I invest so much time in this problem, I ask for your help. I think this casino is basically very, very good because the support is very friendly and answers very quickly. In addition, this casino has an incredible range of crypto deposit methods which is the most important factor for me. Unfortunately, I am gradually losing confidence in this casino and only want to continue playing after I have been able to withdraw my amount. If the withdrawal went smoothly this casino would definitely be one of the best for me to play.
I hope that this problem can be resolved quickly with your help, as these imprecise answers and problems that arise here are not acceptable to me.
A small request to the team at Casino-Guru: If it should be possible, I would ask you not to make my name or the phone number unrecognizable so that the name is not publicly visible when someone looks at the complaints.
I am only registered with my phone number in this casino and have not submitted any email. However, I sent an email to the casino due to the verification process.
Many Thanks.
Guten Tag liebes Casino-Guru Team,
Ich habe auf eurer Seite nach einem guten Casino gesucht, dass Kryptowährungen als Zahlungsmethoden unterstützt und bin auch Casinoin.io gestoßen. Ich habe am 18.02 begonnen zu spielen und habe am 19.02 eine Auszahlung getätigt, die problemlos funktioniert hat. Eingezahlt habe ich ausschließlich mit Cardano (ADA). Am 20.02 habe ich erneut eine Auszahlung beantragt, die nach einem Tag per SMS abgelehnt wurde. Insgesamt 11 Auszahlungen habe ich beantragt die alle einzeln abgelehnt wurden. Ich habe die darauffolgenden Tage bis zum heutigen Tag weitergespielt und habe heute entschieden, dass ich nicht mehr weiterspiele, bis ich eine erfolgreiche Auszahlung tätigen kann. Mit aktuellem Stand habe ich 25000 Euro auf meinem Casinoin Konto. Ich habe seit 20.02 den Live Chat fast täglich kontaktiert. In den ersten Tagen haben mir die Live Chat Mitarbeiter mitgeteilt, dass sie meinen Fall an eine weitere Abteilung weitergeleitet haben um zu überprüfen warum ich keine Auszahlungen tätigen kann. Nach mehrmaligem Nachfragen hat mir ein Mitarbeiter des Live Chats mitgeteilt, dass ich eine Verifizierung machen müsse. Ich muss erwähnen, dass mir keiner von Casinoin das selbst mitgeteilt hat. Erst nach dem ich mehrmals nachgefragt habe wurde mir dies mitgeteilt. Ich habe die von mir verlangten Unterlagen am Montag versendet und warte seitdem. Die ersten beiden Kollegen mit denen ich geschrieben habe, meinten es dauert 3-14 Werktage, 14 Tage in speziellen Fällen, was mir eindeutig viel zu lange erscheint. Deshalb habe ich heute erneut einen Mitarbeiter des Live Chats kontaktiert. Dieser teilte mir nun mit, dass es in speziellen Fällen auch mehr als 14 Tage dauern kann. Auf meine Frage wie lange dies dauert, ob es ein Monat oder mehrere Monate dauern kann, teilte er mir nur mit, dass es in der Regel 14 Tage dauert. Keine weiter Antwort. Ich fühle mich von diesem Casino hingehalten, und nachdem ich die anderen Beschwerden gelesen habe, ist mir aufgefallen, dass es ausser mir viele andere Spieler gibt bei denen selbst nach 14 Tagen nichts passiert ist. Bevor mir das passiert und ich so viel Zeit in dieses Problem investiere, bitte ich euch um eure Hilfe. Ich finde dieses Casino grundsätzlich sehr sehr gut, da der Support sehr freundlich ist und sehr schnell antwortet. Ausserdem hat dieses Casino eine unglaubliche Auswahl an Krypto Einzahlungsmethoden was für mich der wichtigste Faktor ist. Leider verliere ich aber allmählich das Vertrauen in dieses Casino und möchte erst wieder weiterspielen, nachdem ich meinen Betrag abheben konnte. Wenn die Auszahlung problemlos funktionieren würde, wäre dieses Casino für mich auf jeden Fall eines der besten zum Spielen.
Ich hoffe, dass dieses Problem mit eurer Hilfe schnell gelöst werden kann, da diese ungenauen Antworten und Probleme die hier auftreten für mich nicht akzeptabel sind.
Kleine Bitte am Rande an das Team von Casino-Guru: Wenn es möglich sein sollte, würde ich euch bitten meinen Namen nicht oder die Telefonnummer unkenntlich zu machen, damit der Name nicht öffentlich einsehbar ist wenn sich jemand die Beschwerden ansieht.
Ich bin in diesem Casino ausschließlich mit meiner Telefonnummer angemeldet und habe keine Mail hinterlegt. Allerdings habe ich aufgrund des Verifikationsprozesses eine Mail an das Casino geschickt.
Vielen Dank.
Poštovani FEB210,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Molimo vas da shvatite da je KYC vrlo važan i bitan proces, tokom kojeg se kasino pobrine da novac bude poslan pravom vlasniku. Nijedna ozbiljna i licencirana kockarnica ne shvata KYC olako i bojim se da ćete morati proći kroz ovaj postupak ako želite dobiti svoj dobitak.
Ako su svi podaci tačni, kazino ne bi trebao imati razloga da odgađa vaše povlačenje. Budući da provjera dokumenata može biti dugotrajan proces, preporučio bih vam da pričekate još nekoliko radnih dana.
Ako se razvoj ne dogodi u roku od jedne sedmice, mi ćemo intervenirati. U međuvremenu, molim vas, obavještavajte nas i obavijestite nas ako postoji nešto novo.
I na kraju, ne morate brinuti o svojim ličnim podacima, već samo casino, vi i mi ih možemo vidjeti.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear FEB210,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your problem. Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. None of the serious and licensed casinos takes KYC lightly, and I am afraid you will have to go through this process if you want to get your winnings.
If all the data is correct, there should be no reason for the casino to delay your withdrawal. Because document verification can be a very time-consuming process, I would recommend you waiting for a few more business days.
If there is no development within one week, we will intervene. In the meantime, please keep us updated and let us know if there is anything new.
Lastly, you don’t have to worry about your personal information, only the casino, you, and we can see them.
Best regards,
Pozdrav draga Kristina,
Puno vam hvala na brzom odgovoru. Obavještavat ću vas i biti strpljiv.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello dear Kristina,
Thank you very much for the quick reply. I will keep you up to date and will be patient.
best regards
Hallo liebe Kristina,
Vielen lieben Dank für die schnelle Antwort. Ich halte dich auf dem laufenden und werde mich noch gedulden.
Liebe Grüße
Draga Kristina,
Još nekoliko puta kontaktirao sam Casinoinovu podršku uživo. Nažalost, još uvijek nisam dobio nove informacije. Sve što čujem je da se obrađuje i da bih trebao biti strpljiv.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Kristina,
I contacted Casinoin's Live Support several more times. Unfortunately I still haven't received any new information. All I hear is that it is being processed and that I should be patient.
best regards
Liebe Kristina,
Ich habe den Live Support von Casinoin noch mehrere Male kontaktiert. Leider noch immer keine neuen Informationen bekommen. Ich höre immer nur, dass es in Bearbeitung ist und ich mich Gedulden sollte.
Liebe Grüße
Hvala vam puno FEB210 na dosadašnjoj saradnji. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti kolegi Viliamu koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete uskoro vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much FEB210 for your cooperation so far. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Dobar dan FEB210,
Pogledao sam vašu žalbu i potrudit ću se da vam pomognem. Želio bih pozvati Casinoina u ovaj razgovor. Casino, možete li navesti koji je problem u procesu provjere igrača i povlačenju?
Hello FEB210,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite Casinoin into this conversation. Casino, can you please specify what is the problem with the player’s verification process and with the withdrawal?
Željeli bismo zamoliti Casinoin da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produljujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kasino ne odgovori u zadanom vremenskom roku, prigovor ćemo zatvoriti kao „neriješen".
We would like to ask the Casinoin to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Jučer sam dobio poruku da je provjera bila uspješna. Pokušat ću izvršiti isplate, a ako bude uspješno, obavijestit ću vas. Molimo da prigovor ostavite privremeno otvorenim.
Puno hvala
I got the message yesterday that the verification was successful. I will try to make withdrawals and if it is successful I will let you know. Please leave the complaint temporarily open.
Many Thanks
Ich habe gestern die Nachricht bekommen, dass die Verifizierung erfolgreich war. Ich werde versuchen Abhebungen durchzuführen und wenn es erfolgreich sein wird informiere ich euch darüber. Bitte lassen wir die Beschwerde vorrübergehend offen.
Vielen Dank
Dobar dan Viliam,
Prvi pokušaji povlačenja bili su neuspješni zbog tehničkih problema.
Nastavit ću pokušavati.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello Viliam,
The first withdrawal attempts were unsuccessful due to technical problems.
I will keep trying.
best regards
Hallo Viliam,
Die ersten Auszahlungsversuche waren aufgrund von technischen Problemen nicht erfolgreich.
Ich werde es weiterhin versuchen.
Liebe Grüße
Do sada je 27 pokušaja povlačenja propalo, a samo 3 su bila uspješna. Mogao sam podići 700 eura. Navedeni razlozi su mi tehnički problemi, kao i kod mnogih drugih žalbi.
So far, 27 withdrawal attempts have failed and only 3 have been successful. I was able to withdraw € 700. The reasons given to me are technical problems, as they do with many other complaints.
Bis jetzt ist es so, dass 27 Auszahlungsversuche fehlgeschlagen sind und nur 3 erfolgreich waren. 700€ konnte ich abheben. Als Grund werden mir technische Probleme genannt so wie bei vielen anderen Beschwerden.
Dodatni komentar igrača:
"Moja žalbena karta se može zatvoriti. Zatražio sam oko 170 povlačenja i potvrđeno je 8 od njih. Ukupno sam plaćen oko 2500 €, a ostatak sam umanjio, jer je cijela stvar bila previše iscrpljujuća za mene. Stoga je karta Ipak, smatram da je ocjena 8,5 vrlo neopravdana i jasno je da ovaj kazino namjerno pokušava dobiti vrijeme otkazivanjem povlačenja. Ne može biti da su mjesecima bili tehnički problemi s povlačenjem. U slučaju druge žalbe, Casinoin je napisao da trenutno nema tehničkih poteškoća. Rekli su mi da postoje tehničke poteškoće. Sve u svemu, ovaj je casino vrlo sumnjiv i nepravedan. Moje poslovanje s kasinom je gotovo, ali molim vas da smanjite rejting od kasina, tako da budući igrači na to ne nasjedaju. S moja dva prijatelja radili su isto dok nisu odustali. A ako pogledate ostale pritužbe na ovaj kazino, vidjet ćete da to rade za svakoga. Ne zanima me novac, niti mi treba, ali stvarno želim da budući igrači budu upozoreni na to.
Puno vam hvala na pomoći i želim vam sve najbolje. "
Additional comment from the player:
"My complaint ticket can be closed. I've requested about 170 withdrawals and 8 of them have been confirmed. In total I was paid about 2500 € and I played the rest down because the whole thing was too exhausting for me. Therefore the ticket is done. Still, I find that the rating of 8.5 is very unjustified and it is clear that this casino is intentionally trying to gain time by canceling withdrawals. It cannot be that there have been technical problems with the withdrawal for months. In the case of another complaint, Casinoin wrote that there are currently no technical difficulties. They told me there were technical difficulties. All in all, this casino is very dubious and unfair. My business with the casino is over, but I ask you to reduce the rating of the casino very much so that future players don't fall for it. With 2 friends of mine they did the same thing until they gave up too. And if you look at the other complaints about this casino you will see that they do that for everyone. I don't care about the money and I don't need it either, but I really want future players to be warned about it.
Thank you very much for your help and I wish you all the best."
Poštovani FEB210,
Kako je žalba uspješno riješena, sada ćemo je zatvoriti kao "riješenu" u našem sustavu. Hvala na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakav problem s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom. Ovdje smo da pomognemo.
Viliam Casino.Guru
Dear FEB210,
As the complaint has been successfully resolved, we will now close it as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thanks for cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Viliam Casino.Guru
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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