Dragi CasinoGuru timu za podršku,
Nadam se da će vas ova poruka dobro naći. Pišem da bih zvanično podneo žalbu u vezi sa Cosmobet kazinom, koji je uskratio moj dobitak od 7.000 CAD, navodeći navodno kršenje njihove politike protiv prevara. Želeo bih da pružim potrebne detalje i tražim vašu pomoć u rešavanju ovog pitanja.
Cosmobet kazino me je optužio da sam prekršio njihovu politiku borbe protiv prevara, posebno pozivajući se na odeljak 10, u kojem se pominje „igranje igara sa bonus novcem da bi se povećala vrednost u igri, izgubila bonus sredstva i unovčila prikupljena vrednost tokom stvarnog - igranje novca, koristeći strategije koje iskorištavaju bilo kakvu grešku ili neuspeh u softveru." Odlučno poričem ove optužbe, pošto sam igrao slot igre samo pošteno i u skladu sa odredbama i uslovima kazina.
Jednostavno sam igrao slotove, osvojio novac i očekivao da ću povući svoje legitimne dobitke. Nisam koristio nikakve strategije ili iskorišćavao greške kao što je opisano u kazinu. Uprkos višestrukim pokušajima da tražim pojašnjenje od Cosmobeta, nisam dobio nikakvo konkretno objašnjenje šta sam tačno pogrešio, a moj nalog je ograničen bez mogućnosti žalbe.
zašto nisam plaćen
12:29:21 popodne
Alo, Aemond je ovde. Možete li biti konkretniji u vezi sa svojim zahtevom?
12:29:24 popodne
šta radiš pogrešno??
12:29:28 popodne
nema ništa u terminima
12:29:30 popodne
taj ibreak
12:31:46 popodne
AA kao što sam proverio, prekršili ste odredbe i uslove naše kompanije što je razlog odbijanja povlačenja.
12:34:10 popodne
A U slučaju da nemate drugih pitanja, zatvoriću razgovor sa vama. ugodan dan!
12:34:16 popodne
reci mi
12:34:19 popodne
12:34:21 popodne
i šta
12:34:25 popodne
nema generičkog odgovora
12:34:28 popodne
ovo nije prihvaćeno
12:34:30 popodne
šta sam prekršio
12:34:38 popodne
ne prihvatate ljude iz moje zemlje?
12:35:14 popodne
Igranje igara sa bonus novcem da biste povećali vrednost u igri, izgubili bonus sredstva i unovčili prikupljenu vrednost tokom igranja sa pravim novcem, koristeći strategije koje iskorištavaju bilo kakvu grešku ili grešku u softveru.
12:35:29 popodne
A nisam to uradio?
12:35:34 popodne
koju igru sam igrao?
12:37:03 popodne
Upravo sam osvojio novac
12:39:06 popodne
ARezultat je konačan i ne može se promeniti kompanija ima pravila i nakon njihovog kršenja nemamo drugu opciju osim da vas ograničimo, ne možemo ništa da uradimo u ovoj situaciji, ljubazno vas molimo da razumete.
12:40:08 popodne
Moram da znam zašto
12:40:13 popodne
nisam pogrešio
12:41:54 popodne
zašto ?
12:41:57 popodne
molim vas šta radim pogrešno
12:42:00 popodne
samo kliknem na slotove
12:42:33 popodne
Prekršili ste 10. POLITIKA ZA BORBU PROTIV PREVARA koja je: igranje igara sa bonus novcem da bi se povećala vrednost u igri, izgubila bonus sredstva i unovčila prikupljenu vrednost tokom igre sa pravim novcem, koristeći strategije koje koriste prednosti bilo kakve greške ili greške u softveru.
12:43:18 popodne
12:43:24 popodne
objasni mi šta sam pogrešio
12:43:27 popodne
pa razumem
12:48:40 popodne
Kada ste se registrovali na našoj veb stranici mogli ste da proverite naše odredbe i uslove u ovom slučaju odluka kompanije je konačna i ne može se promeniti, prekršili ste ovo posebno pravilo našeg sajta koje glasi 10. POLITIKA BORBE PROTIV PREVARA: igranje igara sa bonus novcem za izgradnju povećajte vrednost u igri, izgubite bonus sredstva i unovčite prikupljenu vrednost tokom igre za pravi novac, koristeći strategije koje iskorištavaju bilo kakvu grešku ili grešku u softveru. ako želite da vidite dodatne informacije o tome, pogledajte ovu vezu naših uslova i uslova ovde: https: //cosmobet.com/en/static/terms/generalterms
12:48:57 popodne
Ovo je sva komunikacija koju imam
Dear CasinoGuru Support Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally file a complaint regarding Cosmobet Casino, which has withheld my winnings of 7,000 CAD, citing an alleged violation of their anti-fraud policy. I would like to provide the necessary details and request your assistance in resolving this matter.
Cosmobet Casino has accused me of violating their anti-fraud policy, specifically referencing section 10, which mentions "playing games with bonus money to build up in-game value, lose the bonus funds, and cash out on the built-up value during real-money play, using strategies that take advantage of any software bug or failure." I firmly deny these allegations, as I have only played slot games fairly and within the casino's terms and conditions.
I simply played slots, won money, and expected to withdraw my legitimate winnings. I did not use any strategies or exploit bugs as described by the casino. Despite multiple attempts to seek clarification from Cosmobet, I have not received any specific explanation as to what exactly I did wrong, and my account has been restricted with no option for appeal.
why haven't I been paid
12:29:21 PM
AHello, Aemond is here. Could you please be more specific about your request?
12:29:24 PM
what have been doing wrong??
12:29:28 PM
there is nothing in the terms
12:29:30 PM
that ibreak
12:31:46 PM
AAs i have checked you have violated our company's terms and conditions that is the reason of withdrawal rejection.
12:34:10 PM
AIn case you do not have any other questions, I will close the chat with you. Have a nice day!
12:34:16 PM
tell me
12:34:19 PM
which one
12:34:21 PM
and what
12:34:25 PM
no generic reply
12:34:28 PM
this is not accepted
12:34:30 PM
what do I violated
12:34:38 PM
you not acept people from my country?
12:35:14 PM
Aplaying games with bonus money to build up in-game value, lose the bonus funds, and cash out on the built-up value during real-money play, using strategies that take advantage of any software bug or failure.
12:35:29 PM
Huh I didn't do that?
12:35:34 PM
what game did I play?
12:37:03 PM
I just won money
12:39:06 PM
AResult is final and can not be changed company has there rules and after violating them we do not have any other option but to restrict you there's nothing that can be done in this situation we kindly ask you to understand.
12:40:08 PM
I need to know why
12:40:13 PM
i did nothign wrong
12:41:54 PM
why ?
12:41:57 PM
what I do wrong please
12:42:00 PM
i just click slots
12:42:33 PM
Ayou have violated 10. ANTI-FRAUD POLICY witch is :playing games with bonus money to build up in-game value, lose the bonus funds, and cash out on the built-up value during real-money play, using strategies that take advantage of any software bug or failure.
12:43:18 PM
12:43:24 PM
explain me what I did wrong
12:43:27 PM
so I understand
12:48:40 PM
Awhen you registered on our website you could checked our terms and conditions in this case Companys decision is final and can not be changed you have violated this particular rule of our site witch is 10. ANTI-FRAUD POLICY: playing games with bonus money to build up in-game value, lose the bonus funds, and cash out on the built-up value during real-money play, using strategies that take advantage of any software bug or failure. if you want to see any further information about it please check out this link of our terms and condition here: https://cosmobet.com/en/static/terms/generalterms
12:48:57 PM
This all the communication I have
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