Igraču iz Njemačke blokiran je račun i zaplijenjena sredstva zbog neuspješne verifikacije Skype poziva. Na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer nije bila opravdana.
The player from Germany had their account blocked and funds confiscated due to unsuccessful Skype call verification. We ended up rejecting the complaint because it was not justified.
Igraču iz Njemačke blokiran je račun i zaplijenjena sredstva zbog neuspješne verifikacije Skype poziva. Na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer nije bila opravdana.
Otvorio račun na fezbetu 31.10.21. i uplatio 55eura.
Moj bonus je bio 125% ili 68,75
Dobijeno sa 7 Eura kombinovanom opkladom sa 5 utakmica... Dobit 3148 €
Otključao sam svoj bonus sa 10 puta većim prometom.
Prvu uplatu sam pokrenuo 1. novembra za 300 €
Zatim još 300 i zadnji preko 500.
Poslao sam dokumente na fezbet ličnu kartu..vozačka dozvola ...dokaz adrese i screenshot bankovnog računa poslao fezbetu na provjeru.
Agent kompanije uživo mi je napisao da su 3 datuma isplate nakon 17 dana, sve što se pokazalo kao laž.
Onda prosle nedelje sledeci hamer....fezbet zeli verifikaciju Skype poziva.. Zakazala sam termin za danas 22.11.2021 kod njih..
Pricao sam sa njom 10 minuta...nisam je razumeo jer je imala cudan naglasak...odgovarao sam na sva pitanja do sada...Nakon poziva mi je blokiran racun sa obrazlozenjem da nisam prosao test ....
Ali od pocetka mi je bilo jasno da nece da plate.....trazili su razlog....nesto sumnjivo
Molim vas pomozite
Pozdrav Angie
Opened an account at fezbet on October 31, 21 and deposited 55euro.
My bonus was 125% or 68.75
Won with 7 Euro combined bet with 5 games ... Profit 3148 €
I unlocked my bonus with 10 times the turnover.
I initiated the first payment on November 1st for € 300
Then another 300 and the last over 500.
I sent documents to fezbet ID card..driver license ... proof of address and screenshot of the bank account sent to fezbet for verification.
The company's live agent wrote to me that the 3 payout dates are after 17 days, everything that turned out to be a lie.
Then last week the next hammer .... fezbet wants a Skype call verification .. I made an appointment for today, November 22nd, 2021 with them ..
I talked to her for 10 minutes ... I didn't understand her because she had a strange accent ... I answered all questions so far ... After the call, my account was blocked on the grounds that I did not pass the test ....
But it was clear to me from the start that they didn't want to pay ..... were looking for a reason .... something dubious
Please help
Greetings Angie
Habe ein Konto bei fezbet eröffnet am 31.10.21 habe 55euro eingezahlt.
Mein bonus Betrug 125% also 68.75
Habe mit 7 Euro kombinierte wette mit 5 spielen gewonnen...Gewinn 3148€
Habe mein bonus freigespielt mit 10fachen Umsatz.
Habe die erste Auszahlung am 1.11 veranlasst über 300 €
Dann nochmal 300 und die letzte über 500.
Habe Unterlagen an fezbet gesendet ID Card..Führerschein...adressnachweis und Screenshot vom Bankkonto an fezbet zur Verifikation geschickt.
Der Live Agent der Firma schrieb mir das die 3 Auszahlungstermine stehen nach 17Tagen alles eine Lüge was sich heraus stellte.
Letzte Woche dann der nächste Hammer....fezbet will eine Skype-Anrufverifizierung..habe eine Termin für heute den 22.11.2021 mit denen abgemacht..
Habe 10 Minuten mit ihr geredet...hab sie schlecht verstanden da sie einen komischen Akzent hatte...habe soweit alle Fragen beantwortet...Nachdem anruf ist mein Konto gesperrt worden mit der Begründung ich habe den test nicht bestanden....
Aber mir war von Anfang an klar das die nicht zahlen wollen.....haben nach einem Grund gesucht ....sowas unseriöses
Bitte um Hilfe
Gruss Angie
Draga Angie,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem.
Imajte na umu da je KYC veoma važan i suštinski proces, tokom kojeg kazino osigurava da se novac pošalje pravom vlasniku. Kako nemaju luksuz da fizički vide sve igrače i provjere njihove identifikacijske i dokumente, to je jedini način na koji kockarske ustanove mogu završiti procedure verifikacije. Nijedno od ozbiljnih i licenciranih kockarnica ne uzima KYC olako i može potrajati nekoliko radnih dana da se završi ovaj temeljni proces.
Da li sam dobro shvatio da se čini da je neuspešan Skype poziv jedina prepreka koja stoji između vas i vašeg dobitka? Jeste li ga slučajno snimili? Ako da, proslijedite ga na petronela.k@casino.guru .
Nadam se da ćemo moći da Vam pomognemo da rešite Vaš problem što je pre moguće. Jedva čekamo čuti od vas.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Angie,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the serious and licensed casinos takes KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
Do I understand correctly that the unsuccessful Skype call seems to be the only obstacle standing between you and your winnings? Have you recorded it by any chance? If yes, please forward it to petronela.k@casino.guru.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve your problem as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Naravno da nisam bio siguran jer nikada ranije nisam uradio ništa slično ... nijedan provajder klađenja nikada nije želeo verifikaciju skype poziva ...... osećao sam se kao da sam uradio nešto pogrešno i sedeo na optuženičkoj klupi i morao sam da opravdam zašto Osecao sam da sam pobedio .... razumes to ??? Jer moj osjećaj je posumnjao da nešto loše dolazi .... zastrašivati i prijetiti zatvaranjem računa ....... nešto se zove kriminalno i sumnjivo
Of course i was unsure because i had never done anything like that before ... no betting provider ever wanted a skype call verification ...... i felt like i had done something wrong and sat in a dock and had to justify why I felt I won .... you understand that ??? Because my feeling has suspected that something bad is coming .... intimidate and threaten to close an account ....... something is called a criminal and dubious
Natürlich war ich mir unsicher weil ich sowas noch nie gemacht habe...noch nie wollte irgendein wettanbieter eine Skype-Anrufverifizierung......ich habe mich wie als ob ich irgendwas verbrochen habe und auf einer Anklagebank sitze und mich rechtfertigen muss wieso ich gewonnen habe gefühlt....versteht ihr das??? Weil mein Gefühl vermutet hat das irgendwas böses kommt....einschüchtern und drohen Konto zu schließen.......sowas nennt man Verbrecher und unseriös
Draga Angie,
Dozvolite mi da vas pitam da li sam dobro razumio da je ova žalba povezana sa sportskim klađenjem?
Kao što možda znate, naš forum Casino.Guru se bavi samo pritužbama u vezi sa online kockarnicama. Razumijem da vam mora biti teško, ali nažalost, nemamo dovoljno uvida da se pozabavimo ovom vrstom problema vezanog za sportsko klađenje. Mogu kontaktirati kazino u vaše ime i pokušati dobiti više informacija, ali ću u isto vrijeme biti primoran odbiti vašu žalbu. Ako Vama odgovara, možemo nastaviti našu komunikaciju putem e-pošte. Moja adresa e-pošte je petronela.k@casino.guru . Javite mi kako želite da postupite.
Dear Angie,
Please allow me to ask you if I understand correctly that this complaint is sports betting related?
As you might know, our forum Casino.Guru, deals with the complaints regarding online casinos only. I understand it must be difficult for you, but unfortunately, we don’t have enough insight to take on this kind of issue, related to a sports betting. I can contact the casino on your behalf and try to get some more information, but at the same time, I will be forced to reject your complaint. If it is convenient for you, we can continue our communication through emails. My email address is petronela.k@casino.guru. Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
Igrao sam sportsko klađenje kao i kazino slotove ...pa sam dosta koristio kazino ponudu ... igrao igru netent twin spin može vam poslati i screenshotove mojih dobitaka.....što je opet bilo čudno da ova igra više nije bilo dostupno na stranici nakon dvije sedmice .....
Na sportskom klađenju dobio sam ograničenje od 1 eura u kazinu i lako sam mogao igrati sa većim ulozima... zar vam se to ne čini čudnim? Već sam... da li to miriše na prevaru? Da!
I played sports betting as well as casino slots ... so I used the casino offer a lot ... played the game of netent twin spin can also send you screenshots of my winnings ..... which was strange again that this game was no longer available on the site after two weeks .....
On sports betting I was given a limit of 1 Euro in the casino I could easily play with larger stakes ... doesn't that seem strange to you? I already ... does that smell like fraud? I do!
Ich habe sowohl sportwetten als auch im Casino slots gespielt...somit habe ich das Casino Angebot auch sehr viel genutzt.. habe das Spiel von netent twin spin gespielt kann ihnen auch Screenshots von meinen Gewinn zuschicken.....das merkwürdige wiederum war das dieses Spiel nach zwei Wochen nicht mehr auf der Seite zur Verfügung war.....
Auf Sportwetten bekam ich ein Limit von 1 Euro im Casino konnte ich ohne weiteres mit größeren Einsätzen spielen...kommt euch das nicht komisch vor? Mir schon....riecht das nach Betrug?? Mir schon!
Hvala puno, Gio75, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Gio75, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
zdravo Angie,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Kontaktirat ću kazino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Pozivam FEZbet Casino na razgovor da učestvujem u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Angie,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite FEZbet Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Zdravo Peter
Fezbet se poziva na činjenicu da sam se oglušio o uslove...
Koliko vidim, vaš nalog je trajno zatvoren u skladu sa odjeljkom 5 naših Odredbi i uslova. Prijateljski podsjetnik na link za pristup: https://fezbet.com/de/rules
Molimo pogledajte naše Opšte odredbe i uslove, tačku 3.4, u kojoj se navodi da kazino račun treba da bude samo u vašem vlasništvu, tako da je ovo konačna odluka uprave i o njoj se ne može pregovarati.
Posjedovala sam 100 posto računa ... samo sam se igrala s tim ... ali moj muž je davao savjete i razgovarali smo o puno sportskih klađenja i na kraju je bila moja odluka da li da se kladim na to ili ne.
Da li je i moj muž trebao otvoriti račun kod Fezbeta? Takođe je u suprotnosti sa uslovima jer samo jednom domaćinstvu je dozvoljeno da ima račun kod Fezbeta .... tako da ste u škripcu i šta god da radite .... vi ste izgubljeni ... uslovi i odredbe su lažni
Mislim da je legitimno komunicirati sa svojim partnerom o događajima klađenja...
Obično i kod svakog kladioničara da su svi potrebni dokumenti dovoljni za verifikaciju....Imam preko 15 godina iskustva sa provajderima ali to ide predaleko i nikada nisam doživeo tako nešto.
Voleo bih da me podržavate
Hvala puno
Hi Peter
Fezbet refers to the fact that I disregarded the terms and conditions ...
As far as I can see, your account has been permanently closed in accordance with section 5 of our Terms and Conditions.A friendly reminder of the link to access it: https://fezbet.com/de/rules
Please refer to our General Terms and Conditions point 3.4, which states that the casino account should only be in your possession, so this is the final decision of management and is non-negotiable.
I owned 100 percent of the account ... I just played with it ... but my husband gave tips and we talked about a lot of sports bets and in the end it was my decision whether to bet on it or not.
Should my husband have opened an account with Fezbet too? Also contradicts the terms and conditions because only one household is allowed to have an account with Fezbet .... so you are in a bind and no matter what you do .... you are the lost one ... the terms and conditions are fraudulent
I think it is legitimate to communicate with your partner about betting events ...
Usually and with every betting provider that all the necessary documents are sufficient for verification .... I have over 15 years of experience with providers but that goes too far and I've never experienced anything like that.
I wish that you support me
Thanks very much
Hallo Peter
Fezbet bezieht sich darauf das ich die AGB missachtet habe...
As far as I can see, your account has been permanently closed in accordance with section 5 of our Terms and Conditions.A friendly reminder of the link to access it: https://fezbet.com/de/rules
Bitte beachten Sie unsere Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen Punkt 3.4, wo es heißt, dass das Casino-Konto nur in ihrem Besitz sein sollte, daher ist dies die endgültige Entscheidung des Managements und nicht verhandelbar.
Das Konto war zu 100 Prozent in meinem Besitz...ich habe damit nur gespielt...aber mein Mann hat mit Tips gegeben und wir haben über viele sportliche Wetten gesprochen und letztendlich war es meine Entscheidung on ich darauf wette oder nicht.
Hätte meine Mann auch ein Konto bei Fezbet eröffnen sollen? Widerspricht auch den AGB da nur ein Haushalt ein Konto bei Fezbet haben darf....also ist man in der Zwickmühle und egal was man macht ....man ist der verlorene...die AGBs haben eine betrügerische Handlung
Ich denke es ist legitim über wettereignisse mit seinem Partner zu kommunizieren....
Normalerweise und bei jeden wettanbieter üblich das alle erforderlichen Dokumente zur Verifikation reichen....habe über 15jahre Erfahrungen mit Anbieter aber sowas geht zu weit und habe sowas noch nie erlebt.
Wünsche mir das sie mich unterstützen
Poštovani kupci i CasinoGuru,
Hvala vam što ste nam se obratili.
Uzimajući u obzir da je kupac imao problema da odgovara na pitanja operatera o igricama bez čitanja nekih bilješki i nije mogao čak ni objasniti košarkaška pravila za događaje na koje je ulagala sve vrijeme, s pravom smo smatrali Skype poziv provjera kao neuspješna na osnovu svih neslaganja.
Nakon toga je račun za igre zatvoren, a depozit uplaćen na web stranici je vraćen u skladu sa Uvjetima i odredbama koji su prihvaćeni prilikom registracije:
3.4 Ne smijete prodati ili prenijeti svoj račun bilo kojoj drugoj osobi i ne smijete kupovati ili stjecati račune drugih osoba. Slažete se da će svaki pokušaj da to učinite biti ništav i predstavlja kršenje ovih Opštih uslova. Ovo ograničenje uključuje, međutim, nije ograničeno na potpunu zabranu prijenosa bilo koje vrijednosti imovine bilo koje vrste, kao što je, ali ne ograničavajući se na, vlasništvo nad računima, dobici, depoziti, opklade, prava i/ili potraživanja u vezi sa ovom imovinom, legalnom, komercijalnom ili drugom.
9.4 Ako dođemo do razumne sumnje da ste se uključili u prevaru, bilo koju nezakonitu ili neprikladnu aktivnost ili ste na drugi način prekršili Uslove, zadržavamo pravo da preduzmemo bilo koji broj sljedećih radnji, prema vlastitom i apsolutnom nahođenju, s ili bez najave:
- odmah blokirajte svoj račun i obustavite pristup web stranici i/ili njenim uslugama, obustavite sve zahtjeve za povlačenje na čekanju i druga plaćanja koja su vam naplaćena za period istrage;
- trajno zatvorite svoj račun na web stranici i svim drugim partnerskim web stranicama na našoj platformi i uskratite bilo kakvu buduću upotrebu web stranice i partnerskih web stranica;
- poništite sve dobijene dobitke, poništite sva povlačenja na čekanju i vratite zadnji depozit uplaćen na račun;
- poništite sve dobijene dobitke, otkažite sva povlačenja na čekanju i konfiskujte saldo stvarnog novca na vašem računu.
Zahvaljujemo vam na vašem vremenu i trudu.
Dear Customer and CasinoGuru,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Taking into consideration that the customer had struggles with responding to the operator’s questions about the gaming activity without reading some notes and could not even explain the basketball rules for the events on which she was placing stakes during the whole time, we rightfully considered the Skype Call verification as failed based on all discrepancies.
Thereafter the gaming account has been closed and the deposit made on the website was returned in accordance with Terms and Conditions which were accepted upon registration:
3.4 You must not sell or transfer your account to any other person and you must not buy or acquire accounts of other persons. You agree that any attempt to do so shall be null and void and shall constitute a breach of these General Terms and Conditions. This restriction includes, however is not limited to, a full prohibition on the transfer of any assets of value of any kind, such as, however not limited to, ownership of accounts, winnings, deposits, bets, rights and/or claims in connection with these assets, legal, commercial or otherwise.
9.4 Should we arrive at a reasonable suspicion that you have engaged in a fraud, any illegal or improper activity, or have otherwise breached the Terms, we reserve the right to take any number of the following action, at our sole and absolute discretion, with or without notice:
- immediately block your account and suspend your access to the Website and/or its services, suspend all pending withdrawal requests and other payments to you for the period of investigation;
- permanently close your account with the Website and all other partner websites on our platform and deny any future use of the Website and the partner websites;
- void any winnings obtained, cancel any pending withdrawals and refund the last deposit made into the account;
- void any winnings obtained, cancel any pending withdrawals and confiscate the real money balance of your account.
We thank you for your time and your effort.
Zdravo fezbet
Ovo nisu argumenti, ali želite da nađete nestvarne razloge da ne isplatite moj novac. Želiš me prevariti.
Odgovorio sam na tvoje pitanje o košarkaškim pravilima...postoje dvije trojke i faulovi...šta još želiš?
I da li je u vašim uslovima i odredbama da ako ne poznajete pravila sportske igre ne smijete se kladiti na nju? Tako si smiješan. Sportsko klađenje je igra na sreću i imao sam sreće!
I da, imao sam poteškoća jer nisam dobro razumio vašeg kolegu
Bio sam zastrašivan i pretio si me i da, vodio sam beleške jer nisam znao šta želiš od mene...
To nisu razlozi
Moji razlozi su.....da sam Vam stavio na raspolaganje sve svoje dokumente a to je cinjenica da sam i kod Vas otvorio racun..
Ja sam ja i to ne možeš poreći..
Vi namerno niste hteli da mi isplatite novac... jer niste ozbiljni.
Dobrodosli ste da mi zatvorite racun ako ne onda bih to uradio nakon isplate....u mojim ocima niste strucni vec trazite samo zrtve koje uvijek lijepo uplate a vi se obogatite..
Pretnjama i lažima se u životu ne stiže daleko...zato imaš loše kritike svuda
Mora da ima nešto u tome kada se toliko kupaca žali... ili
Srdacan pozdrav
Hello fezbet
These are not arguments but you want to find unreal reasons not to pay out my money. You want to deceive me.
I answered your question about the basketball rules ... there are two threesomes and fouls ... what else do you want?
And is it also in your terms and conditions that if you don't know the rules of a sports game you are not allowed to place bets on it? You're so ridiculous. Sports betting is a game of chance and I was lucky!
And yes, I had difficulties because I didn't understand your colleague well
I was intimidated and threatened by you and yes I took notes because I didn't know what you wanted from me ...
These are not reasons
My reasons are ..... that I made all my documents available to you and that is the fact that I also opened the account with you ..
I am me and you can't deny that ..
You deliberately did not want to pay out my money ... because you are not serious.
You are welcome to close my account if not then I would have done it after the payout .... in my eyes you are not professional but are only looking for victims who always pay in nicely and you enrich yourself ..
You don't get very far in life with threats and lies ... that's why you have bad reviews everywhere
There must be something to it when so many customers complain ... or
Warm greetings
Hallo fezbet
Das sind keine Argumente sondern ihr wollt unreale Gründe finden um mein Geld nicht auszuzahlen. Ihr wollt mich betrügen.
Ich habe euch auf die Frage zu den basketballregeln geantwortet...es gibt zweier dreier und Fouls....was wollt ihr noch?
Und steht auch in euren AGB das wenn man die Regeln eines sportspiels nicht kennt keine wetten darauf abgeben darf? Ihr seit so lächerlich. Sportwetten sind ein Glücksspiel und ich hatte Glück!
Und ja ich hatte Schwierigkeiten weil ich eure Mitarbeiterin nicht gut verstanden habe
Ich eingeschüchtert war und von euch bedroht wurde und ja ich habe mir Notizen gemacht weil ich ka nicht wusste was ihr von mir wollt....
Das sind keine Gründe
Meine Gründe sind .....das ich euch alle meine Dokumente zur Verfügung gestellt habe und das ist die Tatsache das ich auch das Konto bei euch eröffnet habe..
Ich bin ich und das könnt ihr nicht leugnen..
Ihr wolltet bewusst mein Geld nicht auszahlen...weil ihr nicht seriös seit.
Ihr könnt gerne mein Konto schließen wenn nicht dann hätte ich es getan nach der Auszahlung....in meinen Augen seit ihr nicht professionell sondern sucht nur Opfer die immer schön einzahlen und ihr euch bereichert..
Mit Drohungen und Lügen kommt man im Leben nicht weit....deswegen habe ihr ja auch überall schlechte Bewertungen
Das muss doch was dran sein wenn sich so viele Kunden beschweren....oder
Liebe Grüße
Imajte na umu da kazino zadržava pravo da poništi sve dobitke i trajno zatvori račun ako korisnik ne prođe verifikaciju Skype poziva na kraju navedenog vremena.
Ovako se zastrašite i pretnjama budite strah...
A ako ne znate košarkaška pravila, ne moram da odgovaram na njih ... dostupna su na internetu na www.basketballrechte.de
Sportsko klađenje je igra na sreću
Nemate nikakvih dokaza... ništa
Please note that the casino reserves the right to void all winnings and permanently close the account if the customer fails Skype call verification at the end of the specified time.
This is how you become intimidated and stir up fear with threats ...
And if you don't know the basketball rules, I don't have to answer them ... they are available on the internet at www.basketballrechte.de
Sports betting is a game of chance
You have no evidence at all ... nothing
Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich das Casino das Recht vorbehält, alle Gewinne zu stornieren und das Konto dauerhaft zu schließen, wenn der Kunde die Skype-Anrufverifizierung am Ende der angegebenen Zeit nicht besteht.
So wird man eingeschüchtert und schürt Angst mit Drohungen ...
Und wenn ihr die Basketballregeln nicht kennt muss ich sie nicht beantworten...die gibt es im internet unter www.basketballregeln.de
Sportwetten sind Glücksspiel
Ihr habt garkeine Beweise .....nichts
I još jedan dodatak
S obzirom da sam i ja dosta igrao Twin Spin slot od Netenta u kazinu, optužbe su također nezakonite... ili vam treba i kupac po pravilu u kazinu?
ja tako ne mislim
And one more addition
Since I also played the Twin Spin slot from Netent a lot in the casino, the allegations are also illegal ... or do you also need a rule customer in the casino?
I do not think so
Und noch eine Ergänzung
Da ich auch sehr viel im Casino den Slot Twin Spin von Netent gespielt habe sind die Beschuldigungen auch rechtswidrig....oder brauch man im Casino auch eine Regelkunde?
Ich denke nicht
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
Poštovani FEZbet Casino tim,
Želio bih da Vam postavim neka dodatna pitanja u vezi sa žalbom. Koji je bio prvobitni razlog upućivanja poziva za verifikaciju? Možete li podijeliti snimak razgovora s nama? Možemo natjerati igrača da potpiše punomoćje. Također, možete li detaljnije objasniti zašto poziv za verifikaciju nije uspio? Ako ne želite da objavite ovu informaciju ovdje, možete je poslati e-poštom na moju email adresu: peter.m@casino.guru
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies.
Dear FEZbet Casino team,
I'd like to ask you some additional questions regarding the complaint. What was the original reason for making the verification call? Could you share the recording of the call with us? We can get the player to sign a Power of Attorney. Also, could you explain in more detail why the verification call failed? If you don't want to post this information here, you can send it by email to my email address: peter.m@casino.guru
Šta mi je još palo na pamet:
Nakon što sam igrao na fezbetu oko 2 sedmice i moj račun je imao stanje između 6000 i 7000 EUR i koristio sam sve moguće kanale na Fezbetu da unaprijedim svoje isplate i verifikaciju, izbrisali su sve moje aktivnosti klađenja i moje aktivnosti u kazinu... Mogao sam, na primjer, moje nagradne dobitke sa preko 3000 eura više se ne mogu naći u mojoj istoriji! dobio limit klađenja od 1eur i u kasinu sam mogao da igram slotove sa većim ulozima....onda sam igrao oko nedelju dana dok nisam pao na 5100eura.....i u poslednjoj nedelji nisam igrao ništa jer sam htela svojih 5100eura .....i onda je stigla verifikacija Skype poziva ...dobio sam i mail od korisničke podrške u kojem su mi data 3 datuma plaćanja ....koji nikad nisu sačuvani ...još imam dovoljno dokaza ... jer sam sve sačuvao ...
Oni rade šta hoće sa mušterijama... nečuveno
Fezbet nepošteni kazino i kladioničarski provajder
What else occurred to me:
After playing on fezbet for about 2 weeks and my account had a balance between 6000 and 7000 EUR and I used all possible channels at Fezbet to advance my payouts and verification, they deleted all my betting activity and my casino activity ... I could, for example, mine Prize winnings with over 3000 euros can no longer be found in my history! got a betting limit of 1Eur and in the casino I could play slots with larger stakes .... then I played for about a week until I went down to 5100Euros ..... and in the last week I didn't play anything because I I wanted my 5100Euro ..... and then came the Skype call verification ... I also got an email from customer support in which 3 payment dates are given to me .... which have never been kept ... still have enough evidence .. ... because I saved everything ...
They do what they want with customers ... outrageous
Fezbet unfair casino and betting provider
Was mir noch eingefallen ist:
Nachdem ich ca 2Wochen auf fezbet gespielt habe und mein Account ca.ein Guthaben 6000 bis 7000Eur hatte und ich alle möglichen Kanäle bei Fezbet ausnutzte um meine Auszahlungen und Verifikation voranzutreiben haben sie meine ganze Wettaktivität und meine casinoaktivität gelöscht...ich konnte z.b. mir meinen wettscheingewinn mit über 3000Euro nicht mehr in meiner Historie finden!! bekam ein Wettlimit von 1Eur und im Casino konnte ich Slots mit größeren Einsatz spielen....habe ca. Dann noch eine Woche gespielt bis ich auf 5100Euro runtergegangen bin.....und in der letzten Woche habe ich nichts mehr gespielt weil ich meine 5100Euro haben wollte.....und dann kam die Skype-Anrufverifizierung...habe auch noch eine Email vom Kundensupport in der mir 3Auszahlungstermine genannt werden....die nie eingehalten worden sind...habe noch genug Beweise....weil ich alles gespeichert habe....
Die machen mit den Kunden was sie wollen...unverschämt
Fezbet unfairer casino und wettanbieter
Pogledajte samo mejl prepisku sa fezbetom
I to je došlo... Ja kažem da su pokušali na sve moguće načine da prekrše odredbe i uslove
Uzdržite se od korištenja usluga koje šifriraju vaše podatke, kao što su VPN ili slične veze, jer to krši naše opće uvjete i odredbe. Prijavite se na svoj račun za igru s drugom vezom i uređajem da potvrdite svoju IP adresu.
I ja sam to uradio i samim tim prošao test.....Morao sam na sve reagovati i sarađivati
Muka ti je... da ti život napravi pakao jer si htio imati malo sreće i zabave...
Just look at the email correspondence with fezbet
That also came ... I say yes they have tried all possible ways to violate the terms and conditions
Please refrain from using services that encrypt your data, such as VPN or similar connections, as this violates our general terms and conditions. Please log into your game account with a different connection and device to confirm your IP address.
I also did it and therefore passed the test ..... I had to react to everything and cooperate
It makes you feel sick ... make your life hell because you wanted to have some luck and fun ...
Gucke mir gerade den email Verkehr mit fezbet an
Das kam auch noch....ich sag ja die haben alle Möglichkeiten versucht um gegen die AGBs zu verstoßen und zwar
Bitte verzichten Sie auf die Nutzung von Diensten, die Ihre Daten verschlüsseln, wie VPN oder ähnliche Verbindungen, da dies gegen unsere Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen verstößt. Bitte melden Sie sich mit einer anderen Verbindung und einem anderen Gerät in Ihrem Spielkonto an, um bestätigen Sie Ihre IP-Adresse.
Habe ich auch gemacht und somit den Test auch bestanden.....habe auf alles reagieren und kooperieren müssen
Da wird einem schlecht....machen dein Leben zur Hölle weil man etwas Glück und Spass haben wollte ...
Da imam šta da krijem ne bih se tako borio za svoja prava .... više bih voleo da nikad nisam otvorio račun kod fezbeta .. uštedeo bih sebi dosta nerava i glavobolje .. verovatno bih imam 5 godina duzeg zivota...imam ponosnu porodicu i ne treba da se lecim....
If I had something to hide I wouldn't fight for my rights like that .... I would prefer if I had never opened an account with fezbet .. I would have saved myself a lot of nerves and headaches .. I would probably have 5 years longer live ... I have a proud family and I don't need to be treated ....
Hätte ich was zu verheimlichen würde ich nicht so um mein Recht kämpfen....am liebsten wäre es mir wenn ich nie bei fezbet ein Konto eröffnet hätte.. ich hätte mir eine Menge Nerven und Kopfzerbrechen erspart..wahrscheinlich würde ich 5 Jahre länger leben...ich habe habe eine stolze Familie und habe es nicht nötig zu behandelt zu werden....
Dragi svi,
Hvala vam što ste se obratili!
Obavještavamo vas da je kupac potpisao ugovor o dijeljenju video snimka sa Peterom i da smo vam poslali e-mail sa relevantnim informacijama na pregled.
Dear all,
Thank you for reaching out!
We would like to inform you that the customer has signed the agreement to share the video recording with Peter and we have sent the email with the relevant information for your review.
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na vašim emailovima i odgovorima. Razgovarao sam o tom pitanju sa našim menadžmentom. Pogledali smo snimak video poziva i shvatili zašto verifikacioni poziv nije bio uspešan u vezi sa pitanjima o sportskom klađenju. Naš prijedlog je da otkažete dobitke iz sportskog klađenja, ali da isplatite dobitke iz slotova jer slotovi nemaju nikakve veze s bilo kakvim obrascima sportskog klađenja.
Hi all,
Thank you for your emails and replies. I discussed the issue with our management. We looked at the recording of the video call and understand why the verification call wasn't successful in reference to questions about sports betting. Our suggestion is to cancel winnings from sports betting but pay the winnings from slots since the slots have nothing to do with any sports betting patterns.
Da li je to obrazac klađenja....??? ili samo sreća?
To je kao na lutriji.....igraš 5 igara pa vidiš koliko ih TAKO kucaš....
Fezbet nadam se da si zadovoljan i sretan od sada .....sretan božić ti želim😉
Is that a betting pattern .... ??? or just luck?
It's like the lottery ..... you play 5 games and see how many of them you type CORRECTLY ....
Fezbet hope you are satisfied and happy since now ..... wish you a merry christmas😉
Ist das ein Wettmuster....???oder einfach nur Glück?
Das ist wie Lotto .....spielt ihr mal 5 Spiele und schaut wieviel ihr davon RICHTIG tippt....
Fezbet hoffe ihr seit jetzt zufrieden und glücklich .....wünsche euch frohe weihnachten😉
I hvala Petru i Casino Guruu na podršci radiš nevjerovatan posao... Nikad ne bih pomislio da toliko ljudi ima toliko problema i poteškoća sa provajderima... jer nikad nisam imao problema u 15 godina. .. Poštujem te.....
Znam i po sebi da mi je sve previse....Primijetio sam da koliko god da imate pravo, provajderi sjede na duzu polugu....koji traze i traze dok ne nadjes nesto sa cime mogu napadam te prije povlačenja ... vjerovatno pogotovo one sa licencom na Curacao ... tako da ću od sada izbjegavati ove dozvole ... to mi je bila lekcija od ovih ajkula ...
Trebalo bi da budeš POŠTEN u životu.... nikad ne možeš odustati i lomiti uvijek biti pobjednik ..... kao neki provajderi... meni je to odvratno!
Cijelom Guru timu....zelim vam sretan Božić i ostanite zdravi....
And thank you Peter and the Casino Guru for the support you are doing an amazing job ... I would never have thought that so many people have so many problems and difficulties with providers ... because I have never had problems in 15 years ... Respect you.....
I know for myself that everything is too much for me .... I have noticed that no matter how much right you have, the providers sit on the longer lever .... who search and search until you find something with which they can attack you before withdrawals ... probably especially those with a license in Curacao ... so from now on I will avoid these licenses ... It was a lesson to me from these sharks ...
You should be FAIR in life .... you can never give up and break always be a winner ..... like some providers ... I find that disgusting!
To the whole Guru team .... wish you a Merry Christmas and stay healthy ....
Und danke Peter und dem Casino Guru für die Unterstützung ihr macht einen Wahnsinnsjob...Hätte nie gedacht das so viele Menschen soviele Probleme und Schwierigkeiten mit Anbietern haben...denn ich , hatte noch nie Probleme in 15 Jahren....Respekt an euch.....
Ich weiß für mich das ,das alles zuviel für mich ist....habe gemerkt das egal wieviel Recht man hat, die Anbieter am längeren Hebel sitzen.... die suchen und suchen bis Sie was finden womit sie dich angreifen können um sich vor Auszahlungen zu drücken...wahrscheinlich vorallem die mit einer Lizenz in Curacao...deswegen mache ich ab jetzt einen Riesenbogen um diese Lizenzen...Es war mir eine Lehre vor diesen Haien...
Man sollte im Leben FAIR sein ....man kann nicht auf biegen und brechen immer Gewinner sein.....so wie einige Anbieter...ich finde sowas abscheulich!
An das ganze Guru Team....wünsche euch frohe Weihnachten und bleibt gesund....
Dragi Peter,
Hvala vam na doprinosu!
Željeli bismo izraziti našu zahvalnost na pokazivanju vašeg interesa za žalbu koju je podnio igrač. Prošli smo kroz Vašu primljenu sugestiju i želimo da Vas obavijestimo da je doprinos dobitku pretežno vršen korištenjem kladionice, iako su se slotovi igrali i između - to ne negira činjenicu da su Uslovi poslovanja prekršeni. Uzimajući u obzir gore navedeno i vodeći se pravilima, dobici su oduzeti i depozit je shodno tome vraćen kupcu.
Još jednom vam puno hvala što ste pokazali interesovanje i što ste odmah skrenuli pažnju na ovu žalbu.
Dear Peter,
Thank you for your input!
We would like to extend our gratitude towards showing your interest in the complaint raised by the player. We have gone through your received suggestion and want to inform you that the contribution to the winnings was predominantly made using a sportsbook, although the slots were also played between - it does not negate the fact that the Terms and Conditions were violated. Considering the above and guided by the rules, the winnings were deducted and the deposit was accordingly returned to the customer.
Thank you very much again for showing your interest and prompt attention to this complaint.
Nista drugo nisam ni ocekivao...
Poslovanje sa mušterijama smrdi do neba....bez obzira na gubitke...crna duša
Trazili su prekršaj 4 sedmice svim sredstvima ......
Toliko sam razocarana da ne mozes to da opišes rijecima...
Nadam se da je dobar kazino guru da to ne prihvatate samo..
Didn't expect anything else ...
Dealing with customers stinks to the sky .... regardless of losses ... black soul
They searched for a violation for 4 weeks by all means ......
I'm so disappointed that you can't put it into words ...
I hope good casino guru that you don't just accept that ..
Hab nichts anderes erwartet....
Der Umgang mit Kunden stinkt bis in den Himmel....ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste...schwarze Seele
Die haben ja 4 Wochen mit allen Mitteln nach einem Verstoß gesucht......
Bin sowas von enttäuscht das kann man nicht in Worte fassen....
Ich hoffe guter casino guru das ihr das nicht einfach so hinnehmen tut..
Poštovani Fezbet Casino tim,
Hvala na odgovoru. Da li znate koliko je tačno Angie zaradila igrajući isključivo slotove (bez dobitaka iz sportskog klađenja)? Čvrsto smo uvjereni da bi joj trebalo isplatiti dobitke iz slotova jer oni nemaju nikakve veze sa sportskim klađenjem općenito, sa bilo kakvim obrascima sportskog klađenja ili poznavanjem sportskih pravila.
Dear Fezbet Casino team,
Thank you for your reply. Do you know how much exactly Angie earned playing purely the slots (no derived winnings from sports betting)? We are strongly convinced that she should get paid the winnings from slots since they have nothing to do with sports betting in general, with any sports betting patterns or knowledge of sports rules.
Dragi Fezbet tim
Vaše ponašanje je jednostavno nemoguće...
Koja je vaša strategija...kako da što brže dođete do novca stranaca?
Dear Fezbet team
Your behavior is just impossible ...
What is your strategy ... how to get the money of strangers as quickly as possible?
Liebes Fezbet Team
Euer Benehmen ist einfach unmöglich....
Was ist eure Strategie.....wie man am schnellsten an das Geld fremder Menschen Kommt?
Dragi Peter,
Hvala vam na komentarima!
Stvar je u tome da su svi dobici u početku ostvareni u sportskom klađenju koristeći i sportski bonus; u nastavku kada je igrač počeo da igra kazino igre i primao dobitke u slotovima, svi su oni izvedeni iz dobitaka od sportskih uloga.
Unatoč tome, također smo vam na vašu e-poštu dostavili statistiku dobitaka koja pokazuje da je stanje zasnovano na sportskim dobicima, kao što ste tražili. Iako ovdje na forumu tvrdi da je dobio dobitak iz slotova, igračica time potvrđuje naše sumnje da je neko koristio njen račun za igranje i stavljao uloge, te time potvrđuje kršenje Uslova. Stoga ostajemo pri stavu da igrač nema pravo na dobitak.
Napominjemo da je naša odluka konačna i o kojoj se ne može pregovarati - nadamo se da će ovo razjasniti slučaj i za vas i želimo vam sve najbolje u budućnosti.
Dear Peter,
Thank you for your comments!
The thing is that all the winnings initially were achieved in the sports betting using the sports bonus likewise; hereafter when the player started playing casino games and was receiving the winnings in the slots, they all respectively were derived from the sports stakes winnings.
Despite this, we also provided you with the statistics of winnings to your email showing that the balance was based on sports winnings, as you requested. Although claiming the winning from slots here on forum the player thereby confirms our suspicions that somebody was using her gaming account and placing the stakes, and hence she confirms the breach of the Terms and Conditions. Therefore, we remain in the position that the player is not entitled to any winnings.
Kindly note that our decision is final and non-negotiable - we hope this clears the case for you too and wish you all the best for the future.
Poštovani Fezbet Casino tim,
Hvala vam na e-poruci i pruženim dokazima.
Draga Angie,
Pogledao sam vašu istoriju klađenja i bojim se da ništa ne možemo učiniti. Svi dobici su zaista izvedeni iz sportskih opklada i u početku ste uz depozit uzeli sportski bonus. Nadao sam se da ćete barem dobiti neke dobitke isključivo na slotovima. Međutim, to nije slučaj, tako da ne možemo tražiti dobitke od kazina. Nažalost, vaša žalba će biti odbijena. Ako se ne slažete s našom odlukom, preporučujem da se obratite vlastima za igre na sreću kazina (certria@gaminglicences.com). Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Fezbet Casino team,
Thank you for the email and provided evidence.
Dear Angie,
I looked at your betting history and I'm afraid there is nothing we can do. All the winnings were indeed derived from sports bets and you initially took a sports bonus with the deposit. I was hoping you would at least have some winnings made purely on slots. However, this is not the case so we can't request any winnings from the casino. Unfortunately, your complaint will be rejected. If you disagree with our decision, I recommend turning to the casino's gaming authority (certria@gaminglicences.com). I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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