NaslovnaForumKazinaVulkan Vegas Casino - opšta diskusija

Vulkan Vegas Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 10)

 od Jonas23111
126.510 pregleda 474 odgovora |
1...9 10 11...24

I have already made an complaint. I attached a print with the withdrawal confirmationfile


So you already know that we allow casinos 14 full days to proceed with the KYC and the withdrawal.

I hope that the casino will be swift.


Yes, but this is not normal. Anyway, i have made an complaint, we'll wait 4 more days or how much do we need, and then we'll see


Can I message you privately on WhatsApp? I have similar issues to your complaints. I would like to see my rights as a customer.



I wonder why you have not submitted any complaint yet. What has happened?


Looking through complaints on your website it seems like a waste of time. I prefer to go directly to the legal bodies.


You got problems on the same site?

Looking through complaints on your website it seems like a waste of time. I prefer to go directly to the legal bodies.

Are you talking about the licensing authority? Well, why not, I hope they will help you.

May I know what exactly is wrong with our complaint section? Any suggestions, please?


The problem isn't on, te main problem are the casinos that don't respect the players. Once i've badly reviewed an live support person and i've got a mail after two days with them asking me what was wrong, but the withdrawal problem already has at least 10 days and no answer


You basically do what the player can do themselves on live chat. Casino Guru cannot take any action on the casino. For the complaints raised such as excluded account refunds etc casino guru cannot do anything. The casino will never give in simply out of good will. They either comply or not comply. There is no in-between. Only legal consultants approving licences to these casinos can force the casino into a decision. All casino guru is an affiliate.

No I'm talking about legal consultants in which I have direct contact with.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Zdravo, ako želite, možete mi pisati ovde, ali ne znam kako bih vam mogao pomoći. Iskreno sam mislio da više nemam aktivan nalog na kazino guruu jer sam tražio da se poništi s obzirom na to kako su se ponašali prema meni. Od 12 žalbi koje su uglavnom odbijene ili nerešene, 8 sam uspeo da rešim samostalno iako je u većini slučajeva bilo potrebno neko vreme.

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Have you had much luck in getting refunded from Bellona NV? I am self excluded due to problem gambling but was able to set up accounts on 3 of their websites. I have message Emoore. Do you think I will successfully be refunded deposits?

I see you got refunded from Thrillsy for the same matter. Thrillsy are under Belona NV

Ažurirano od strane autora

Da, ta žalba je bila iskušenje.

Thrillsi kazino pod Belloninim kriminalnim upravljanjem mesecima ignoriše moje zahteve za povraćaj novca poslate e-poštom. Na kraju, ćaskanje je blokirano.

U tom trenutku sam nekoliko puta nedeljama pokušavao da kontaktiram davaoca licence Antilefona, ali bezuspešno. Na kraju su odgovorili na sramotan način koji me je naterao da razumem dosluh koji postoji između davaoca licence i kazina na Kurasau.

U tom trenutku sam uspeo da dobijem pomoć od Sindi Drommond preko adrese e-pošte

U roku od deset dana dobio sam povraćaj novca. Kazino je u početku pokušao da mi ponudi manje nego što sam imao pravo, ali nakon što su to ukazali Sindi Drommond, sve su platili.

Ako ste kao ja podneli zahtev za trajno samoisključivanje u svim Bellona kazinom, videćete da će vam platiti. Ali trebate pomoć od Emoorea, zaboravite na Casino gurua ili Antilephone.

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Da, ta žalba je bila iskušenje.

Thrillsi kazino pod Belloninim kriminalnim upravljanjem mesecima ignoriše moje zahteve za povraćaj novca poslate e-poštom. Na kraju, ćaskanje je blokirano.

U tom trenutku sam nekoliko puta nedeljama pokušavao da kontaktiram davaoca licence Antilefona, ali bezuspešno. Na kraju su odgovorili na sramotan način koji me je naterao da razumem dosluh koji postoji između davaoca licence i kazina na Kurasau.

U tom trenutku sam uspeo da dobijem pomoć od Sindi Drommond preko adrese e-pošte

U roku od deset dana dobio sam povraćaj novca. Kazino je u početku pokušao da mi ponudi manje nego što sam imao pravo, ali nakon što su to ukazali Sindi Drommond, sve su platili.

Ako ste kao ja podneli zahtev za trajno samoisključivanje u svim Bellona kazinom, videćete da će vam platiti. Ali trebate pomoć od Emoorea, zaboravite na Casino gurua ili Antilephone.

Automatski prevedeno:

Exactly I will not be wasting my time on guru.

I ask for self exclusion and account closed indefinitely due to being a compulsive gambler on Thrillsy. Are they obliged to close on all sister sites? I didn't specifically ask to close on all sister websites but I exclusively said it was because I'm a compulsive gambler

You basically do what the player can do themselves on live chat. Casino Guru cannot take any action on the casino. For the complaints raised such as excluded account refunds etc casino guru cannot do anything. The casino will never give in simply out of good will. They either comply or not comply. There is no in-between. Only legal consultants approving licences to these casinos can force the casino into a decision. All casino guru is an affiliate.

No I'm talking about legal consultants in which I have direct contact with.

Well, I can understand your point, but there is another part to consider.🙂 Tons of casinos wish their rating to get better and we always push them to reopen closed - unresolved cases, or explain that helping players is a great way to do that.

Just check this complaint: Amount: Ł1,496 🙂


Ne mogu vam dati siguran odgovor na ovo. Da li ste mogli da otvorite druge dvostruke kazino račune ili su računi već bili otvoreni u vreme zahteva za samoisključivanje? U oba slučaja, međutim, kazino bi trebalo da preduzme sve neophodne mere da spreči igrač da izgubi više novca i stoga se pobrine da zatvori sve račune drugih sestrinskih kazina i da ne dozvoli otvaranje novih naloga za igru u sestrinskim kazinima.

U italijanskim kockarnicama sa Adm licencom, ako se odmah i poprečno isključite iz kazina, sami ste isključeni iz svih kazina sa Adm licencom.

U slučaju kazina Curacao, davalac licence bi trebao biti taj koji daje smernice, ali ako odete na sajt Antilephone, nema ništa od ovoga niti odeljka za podnošenje žalbi. Ima ga samo Curacao gaming. Zbog toga skoro sva kazina imaju Antilefonsku licencu, jer se osećaju zaštićeno.

Ali Emoore koji ti je odgovorio? Kada ste im poslali žalbu?

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

I raised it 10 days ago. Investigation still ongoing by Emoore.

Did you specifically asked to be self excluded by all of their sister websites?

No I opened these accounts after self excluding on their sister casino.

I have found this curacao egaming term and condition:

Article 3 section 9 in relation to responsible gaming principles: 

9. Upon request of the End User, as well as if health issues of the End User deem such action necessary, the Operator must ensure that the End User shall for a limited or unlimited amount of time not be able to make use of any services offered on any of the Websites of the Operator

Ažurirano od strane autora

U to vreme sam tražio da se Betonic kazino zabrani u svim kockarnicama kojima upravlja Bellona NV jer je to kriminalna kompanija. Ali posle mesec dana su mi dozvolili da otvorim novi račun za igre na Thrillsi.

Čak i da nisam precizirao da samoisključivanje mora da važi za sva Bellona kazina, oni bi i dalje morali da ne ovlaste otvaranje novog naloga za igre na svom kazinu. Ovo je praksa koju treba da poštuju svi kazina.

Dakle, po mom mišljenju, imate pravo na povraćaj novca.

Automatski prevedeno:

Ovaj kazino Vulkan Vegas je loš kazino za igranje!! Pokušavam da podignem novac koji sam osvojio, ali ne uplaćuju!!! Uvek kažu da postoji vreme da analitičari obave potrebne provere, samo ne razumem da je u drugim kazinom proces plaćanja veoma brz, oko 1 sat nakon traženja povlačenja!! Ne preporučujem igranje na ovom sajtu jer ćete pobediti, a nećete dobiti!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Looking through complaints on your website it seems like a waste of time. I prefer to go directly to the legal bodies.

You see sometimes, I felt so....the casino guru, only have the right to increase or decrease a casino reputation on this website.

Sometimes the casino could tend not to reply to the guru's, and then the case will be closed as unresolved, sometimes deducting the casino's reputation with adding blackpoints to the casino which ofcourse some casinos doesn't care!

Contacting the authorities, sometimes gets the case complex and it's time consuming.

I contacted the authorities while ago(over a month), I could only get a single response from them, on thier response they tagged me to 2 other players together with the casino.

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