Uplatio sam depozit bez bonusa u Joo kazino i slučajno sam osvojio nešto novca na ruletu i blekdžeku.
Posle sam bio proces kic verifikacije treće strane, gde sam fotografisao svoj pasoš, selfi i poslao izvod iz banke kao dokaz adrese. To je prošlo glatko.
Međutim, moje povlačenje nije prihvaćeno jer su tražili selfi sa pasošem i dokumentom o uplati. Selfi je brzo prihvaćen, ali to nije bio slučaj sa dokumentom o uplati.
Dokument je odbijen nekoliko puta. Pokušao sam da pošaljem bankovni izvod koji sadrži sve potrebne informacije o različitim depozitima. Takođe sam pokušao da pošaljem priznanicu o svom poslednjem depozitu, pošto bankovni izvod iz januara još nije dostupan. Dokumenti su i dalje odbijeni.
Kasnije mi je neko u live chat-u rekao da u dokumentu o uplati mora biti vidljiv svaki depozit, a ne samo jedan depozit kao obično.
Poslao sam e-poštu korisničkoj podršci 4.1. da to potvrdim, ali nisam dobio odgovor.
Čini se veoma čudnim da dokument sa dokazom o uplati sadrži informacije o svakom depozitu koji sam ikada napravio u kazinu. Pogotovo što sam uvek koristio isti metod depozita (Poverljivo) sa istim bankovnim računom. Srećom, nisam napravio više od tri depozita, jedan novembar, jedan decembar i jedan početkom januara. Depozit u januaru je bio jedini koji je doveo do pokušaja povlačenja.
Moja banka izdaje bankovne izvode na kraju meseca kao i svaka banka. Pošto sam uplatio depozit 2.1. Morao bih da čekam više od mesec dana samo da završim kic.
Ovo se čini potpuno nerazumnim i čini se da je jedini razlog za tako bizarnu proizvodnju kic-a odlaganje plaćanja. Da li je dozvoljeno raditi na ovaj način i da li kazino koji radi na ovaj način zaista ima ocenu 8,9?
I made a deposit without a bonus to Joo casino and happened to win some money on roulette and blackjack.
Afterwards I there was a third party kyc verification process, where I took a photo of my passport, a selfie and sent a bank statement as a proof of address. That went smoothly.
However, my withdrawal wasn't accepted since they requested a selfie with a passport and proof of payment document. The selfie was accepted quickly, but that was not the case with proof of payment document.
The document was rejected time after another. I tried sending a bank statement containing all the requirend information of different deposits. I also tried sending a receipt of my latest deposit, since the bank statement from January isn't yet available. The documents were still rejected.
Later someone in live chat told me that there must be every deposit visible in the proof of payment document, not only one of the deposits as usually.
I sent an email to the customer support on 4.1. to confirm that, but haven't had a response.
It seems very strange that a proof of payment document should contain information about every deposit that I have ever made to the casino. Especially since, I have always used the same deposit method (Trustly) with the same bank account. Luckily I haven't made more than three deposits, one November, one December and one at the beginning of January. The deposit in January was the only one that led to a withdrawal attempt.
My bank issues the bank statements at the end of the month as every bank does. Since I made the deposit on 2.1. I would have to wait over a month just the get the kyc done.
This feels totally unreasonable and it seems that the only reason for such bizarre kyc producedure is to delay the payment. Is it allowed to operate this way and should a casino that operates this way really have a rating of 8.9?
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