Zdravo Audreyechene, Martin,
Hvala što ste se javili.
Nakon pregleda naloga i historije e-pošte za ovaj slučaj, možemo vidjeti da tim obavlja rutinski sigurnosni pregled računa. To obično traje do 72 sata, kao što je spomenuto u našim prvim odgovorima.
Međutim, vidimo da je tim za borbu protiv prijevara sada odgovorio putem e-pošte, izvinjavajući se zbog neugodnosti. Također su objasnili da pregled traje duže od očekivanog i dok se pregled ne završi, ne mogu razgovarati o specifičnostima slučaja, ali mogu kontaktirati Audreyechene za više informacija.
Imajte na umu da je tim za borbu protiv prijevara jedini koji može odgovoriti na vaša pitanja, iz Podrške, nismo u mogućnosti da vam pomognemo. Savjetujemo vam da budete strpljivi i sačekate njihov sljedeći email. Dok ne dobiju više informacija, možda neće odgovarati na vaše e-poruke, jer bi im to oduzelo vrijeme za pregled.
Srdačni pozdravi
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Hello Audreyechene, Martin,
Thank you for reaching out.
After reviewing the account and the email history for this case, we can see that the team is performing a routine security review of the account. These normally take up to 72hrs, as is mentioned in our first replies.
However, we see that the Anti-Fraud Team has now replied to via email, apologizing for the inconvenience. They also explained that the review is taking longer than expected and until the review is over, they are unable to discuss the specifics of the case but they may contact Audreyechene for more information.
Please understand, the Anti-Fraud Team are the only ones who can answer your questions, from Support, we are unable to help you. We kindly advise you to be patient and wait for their next email. Until they have more information , they may not reply to your emails, as that would take time away from their review.
Kind regards
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