Ako neko pokazuje jasne i nepogrešive znake da ima rak, kao i svi tipični simptomi, da li bismo ga pustili da pati ili umre samo zato što nije eksplicitno rekao: „Ja imam rak"? Ignorisanje svih znakova njihove bolesti samo zato što nisu verbalno izjavili da to ne bi imalo smisla.
Isto je i sa zavisnošću od kockanja. U mom slučaju, svi dokazi u mojoj žalbi ukazuju na ozbiljan problem kockanja. Tražio sam pomoć i više puta sam kontaktirao odgovornu podršku za igre, ali sve moje poruke su ignorisane. Oni su odgovorili rečima: „Izvinite, igrač nas nije obavestio o svojoj zavisnosti od kockanja do 16. septembra", što je neopravdano s obzirom na jasne znakove.
Poruke u kojima se traži bonus, plač u ćaskanju, ponovljeni zahtevi za bonusom i traženje pomoći od odgovorne podrške za kockanje, ali sajt odgovara samo frazom: „ Nažalost , ova opcija nije dostupna.





3. Igračima se mora dati mogućnost samoisključenja na najmanje šest meseci i da naznače granice svog kockarskog ponašanja u smislu:
a. maksimalno vreme u danu, nedelji ili mesecu kada igrač može da ima pristup interfejsu plejera;
b. maksimalni dnevni, nedeljni ili mesečni iznos novca koji se deponuje na račun igrača; i
c. maksimalni dnevni, nedeljni ili mesečni iznos novca koji se može potrošiti preko naloga igrača.
Imaoci licence moraju dozvoliti igračima da mogu da postave bruto ili neto maksimalne iznose i moraju naznačiti kako će se bonusi i besplatne opklade tretirati pri izračunavanju te sume.
3. Ako GCB veruje da postoje razlozi za suspenziju ili raskid, on će korisniku licence dati priliku da se sasluša pre nego što donese odluku o suspenziji ili raskidu, osim ako GCB nema zabrinutost da igrači ili druge zainteresovane strane rizikuju ozbiljnu štetu u slučaju da korisnik licence nastavi da funkcionišu ili je na drugi način u javnom interesu.
2. Vlasniku licence je zabranjeno da dodeljuje kredit igračima direktno ili indirektno, bilo preko posrednika ili ne.
3. Vlasnik licence ne može dozvoliti negativan bilans na igračevom računu igrača.
4. Vlasnik licence ne može dozvoliti igraču da učestvuje u igri na sreću ako stanje na računu igrača nije dovoljno da pokrije opkladu. Vlasnik licence može odstupiti od ovog zahteva samo uz prethodno odobrenje GCB-a.
Odgovorno kockanje nije u ponudi zatvaranja računa kada je prekasno. Radi se o obezbeđivanju neophodnih alata i podrške kako bi igrači mogli da zadrže kontrolu nad svojim navikama kockanja pre nego što stvari izmaknu kontroli. Moji ponovljeni pozivi za pomoć su ignorisani, uprkos jasnim znacima problema sa kockanjem. Niste uspeli da obezbedite zaštitu koju zahtevaju propisi o licenciranju, a ovaj nemar je doveo do potpunog kolapsa mog ličnog života. ROOBET snosi punu odgovornost za stanje u kojem se danas nalazim, izgubivši sve. Nedostatak adekvatne podrške ne ugrožava samo mene, već i hiljade drugih igrača koji se oslanjaju na ove mere zaštite.
If someone is showing clear and unmistakable signs of having cancer, like all the typical symptoms, would we let them suffer or die just because they didn’t explicitly say, "I have cancer"? Ignoring all the signs of their illness just because they didn’t verbally declare it wouldn’t make sense.
It’s the same with gambling addiction. In my case, all the evidence in my complaint points to a serious gambling problem. I asked for help, and I contacted the responsible gaming support multiple times, yet all my messages were ignored. They responded by saying, "Sorry, the player didn’t inform us of their gambling addiction until 9/16," which is unjustifiable considering the clear signs.
Messages asking for a bonus, crying in the chat, repeated requests for a bonus, and seeking help from responsible gambling support, yet the site only responds with the phrase, "Unfortunately, this option is not available."





3. Players must be given the opportunity for self-exclusion for a minimum of six months and to indicate the limits of their gambling behavior in terms of:
a. the maximum amount of time per day, week or month a player can be allowed access to the player interface;
b. the maximum daily, weekly or monthly amounts of money to be deposited into the player account; and
c. the maximum daily, weekly or monthly amounts of money to spend through the player account.
Licensees must allow players to be able to set gross or net maximum amounts and must indicate how bonuses and free bets will be treated in calculating that sum.
3. If the GCB believes that there are grounds for suspension or termination it will give the licensee the opportunity to be heard before deciding on suspension or termination, unless the GCB has concerns that players or other interested parties risk serious harm in the licensee continuing to operate or it is otherwise in the public interest.
2.The licensee is prohibited from granting credit to players directly or indirectly, whether or not via intermediary.
3.The licensee cannot allow a negative balance on the player’s player account.
4.The licensee cannot allow a player to participate in a game of chance if the balance on the player account is insufficient to cover the wager. The licensee may deviate from this requirement only with the prior approval of the GCB.
Responsible gambling isn't about offering account closure when it's too late. It’s about providing the necessary tools and support so players can maintain control over their gambling habits before things spiral out of control. My repeated calls for assistance were ignored, despite clear signs of a gambling problem. You have failed to provide the protections that the licensing regulations require, and this negligence has led to the total collapse of my personal life. ROOBET bears full responsibility for the state I find myself in today, having lost everything. The lack of adequate support not only endangers me but thousands of other players who rely on these safeguards.
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