dobro veče,
Moja stranica je onemogućila pristup povlačenju sa mog naloga. 24.07.2024. pokušao sam da podignem novac sa svog računa i otkrio sam da opcija više nije dostupna. U prošlosti sam tražio povlačenje 50 evra, što je obrađeno bez ikakvih problema. Međutim, kada sam pokušao da podignem 200 evra nakon što sam prikupio više sredstava na svom računu, otkrio sam da ta opcija nije dostupna. Kontaktirao sam podršku i oni su pokrenuli proces dizajniran da obeshrabri igrače da traže svoj novac. Iako sam već poslao svoja dokumenta i moj nalog je verifikovan, nastavili su da traže nove dokumente svaki put kada sam poslao prethodni, nadajući se da ću na kraju ostati bez dokumenata za slanje, kako bi mogli da odbiju povlačenje.
Nakon što su mi poslali ličnu kartu, pasoš, bankovni izvod, dokaz o adresi i još jedan dokaz o adresi - uprkos tome što su svi oni pokazivali istu adresu - nastavili su da traže još više dokumenata kako bi dokazali moju adresu. Ovo se dešavalo svaki put kada sam poslao ono što su tražili. To je praksa koju oni slede da vas obeshrabre od nastavka procesa tako da na kraju izgubite novac koji ste osvojili. Poslednji dokument koji su tražili bila je fotografija na kojoj držim ličnu kartu i parče papira sa ispisanim konkretnim podacima. Posle toga, rekli su mi da će to u proseku trajati 1-3 dana, ali može potrajati i do 30 dana za verifikaciju!!!!!! Neprihvatljiv vremenski okvir!!
Novac je uglavnom iz kazina. Skoro svakodnevno sam u kontaktu sa podrškom, koja mi stalno govori istu stvar: da imaju nekoliko dana grejs perioda da odgovore. Međutim, brine me što pokušavaju da iscrpe vreme iz nekih razloga da mi ne daju novac.
Good evening,
My page has disabled access to withdrawals from my account. On 24/07/2024, I tried to withdraw money from my account and discovered that the option is no longer available. In the past, I had requested a withdrawal of 50 euros, which was processed without any issues. However, when I tried to withdraw 200 euros after accumulating more funds in my account, I found that the option was not available. I contacted support, and they initiated the process designed to discourage players from requesting their money. Although I had already sent in my documents and my account was verified, they continued to ask for new documents each time I sent the previous one, hoping that I would eventually run out of documents to send, so they could deny the withdrawal.
After sending my ID, passport, bank statement, proof of address, and another proof of address—despite all of these showing the same address—they kept asking for even more documents to prove my address. This happened every time I sent what they requested. It’s a practice they follow to discourage you from continuing the process so that you eventually lose the money you have won. The last document they requested was a photo of me holding my ID and a piece of paper with specific information written on it. After that, they told me it would take 1-3 days on average but could take up to 30 days for verification!!!!!! Unacceptable time frame!!
The money is mostly from the casino. I am in almost daily contact with support, who keep telling me the same thing: that they have a few days' grace period to respond. However, I am worried that they are trying to exhaust the time for some reasons in order to not give me my money.
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