Zdravo casino.guru, bettilt je zamrznuo moj nalog iz veoma glupog razloga, koristeći strategiju martingela.. Odbijaju da mi isplate dobitak, ovo je potpuno nepošteno i trebalo bi da isplate moj dobitak pošto je moj depozit (42k inr) napravljen oko 94k sa all in opkladom, a ne martingel strategija, upravo sam igrao dalje koristeći martingejl strat, , da bi bio 105k da mi bude srećan broj i povući se
ali pre toga moja prva opklada je bila all in opklada koja je donela veliki deo mog novca
Molim vas, nadam se da ima smisla, trebalo bi da daju i moj dobitak, trenutno su voljni da vrate moj depozit.
Ni ja nisam posebno koristio martingejl, moji dupli porasti su bili oko 1,7k
Hello casino.guru, bettilt has frozen my account for a very stupid reason, using the martingale strategy.. They refuse to pay me winnings, this is completely unfair and they should pay my winnnings as My deposit (42k inr) was made into around 94k by a all in bet, not a martingale strategy, I had just played further using martingale strat, , to make it 105k to make it my lucky number and withdraw
but before that my first bet was a all in bet which made major of my money
Please I hope it makes sense, they should give my winnings aswell, right now they are willing to give my deposit back..
I didn't specifically use martingale either, my double ups were around 1.7x
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