Registrovao sam se koristeći svoju e-poštu, ali sam koristio velika i mala slova, agent Brianna je bio veoma nepristojan 1. Nakon toga se svađala sa mnom oko mog imejla, rekla je da mi je nalog blokiran jer sam registrovan pod 2 naloga e-pošte, pa sam joj poslao svoju adresu e-pošte koja je bila ista adresa e-pošte koju je imala u evidenciji, jedina razlika je kada sam sačuvao moja lozinka i imejl tako da će me automatski prijaviti imala je velika slova u mom imejlu, pokušao sam da joj objasnim da ako je stavila sva velika slova, sporija ili mala slova i velika, to je i dalje isti email, pa je kaže mi da nije kada znam da koristim istu e-poštu svaki dan, Google ne bi dozvolio 2 e-poruke koja su isti broj ili će nešto morati da bude drugačije, ukratko, oni su izničili moj dobitak, ali sam ipak mogao da prijavi se koristeći moj e-mail na bilo koji način, tako da pretpostavljam da je nakon što sam dokazao da nije u pravu ona nastavila i blokirala mi nalog, Big Dollar Casino je tako pun BS, zadovoljan sam igrama koje sam igrao bilo koga, boljim bonusima i veće isplate po danu, Iskreno Big Dollar Casino zaista treba da radi bolje i nauči pravila e-mail adrese, Takođe obuče svoje agente da nauče veštine korisničke podrške, Zove se Služba za korisnike sa razlogom, Sa U momcima to je više kao PAkao SERVIS!!!!!!!!, stvarno popizdan bivši igrač kazina velikog dolara
I registered using my email but I used capital & lower case letters, The agent Brianna was very rude 1st. Off then she argued with me about my email, she said that my account was blocked because I was registered up under 2 email accounts , so I submitted my email address to her which was the same email she had on file only difference is when I saved my password and email so that it will log me In automatically it had capital letters in my email, I tried to explain to her that if she put it in all caps, slower case or lower case and caps it’s still the same email, So she tells me no it’s not when I know I use this same email everyday, Google wouldn’t allow 2 emails that are the same a number or something will have to be different well long story short they Zeroed out my winnings but I was still able to login using my email either way so I guess after I proved her wrong she went ahead and blocked me out my account, Big Dollar Casino is so full of BS, I’m happy with the games I’ve been playing anywho, Better bonuses and higher payouts per day, Honestly Big Dollar Casino really needs to do better and learn the rules of an e-mail address, Also train their agents to learn Customer Service skills, It’s called Customer Service for a reason, With U guys it’s more like HELL SERVICE!!!!!!!, Really Pissed Ex Big Dollar Casino Player
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