Dokumenti koje sam dao su tačni i u skladu sa njihovim smernicama, ali ih je BassBet više puta odbijao. Njihova korisnička podrška šalje automatizovane odgovore generisane veštačkom inteligencijom, tvrdeći da se moji dokumenti pregledaju, ali bez pružanja konkretnih ažuriranja.
Frustriran sam jer mi je više puta obećano da će problem biti rešen, ali nisam dobio jasne odgovore niti radnje. Umesto toga, jednostavno mi je rečeno da je povlačenje u redu, a oni nastavljaju da koriste verifikaciju kao izgovor za kašnjenja, posebno kada se bliži vikend. Čini se da su kašnjenja namerna, jer izbegavaju obradu isplata pre vikenda.
The documents I’ve provided are correct and comply with their guidelines, yet BassBet has repeatedly rejected them. Their customer support has been sending automated, AI-generated responses, claiming my documents are being reviewed but without providing any concrete updates.
I’m frustrated because I’ve been promised multiple times that the issue will be resolved, but I’ve received no clear answers or actions. Instead, I’m simply told that the withdrawal is in queue, and they keep using verification as an excuse for the delays, especially with the weekend approaching. It feels like the delays are intentional, as they avoid processing withdrawals before the weekend.