NaslovnaPritužbeCBet Casino - Igrač se bori sa eskalirajućim zahtevima za povlačenje novca na CBet-u.
CBet Casino - Igrač se bori sa eskalirajućim zahtevima za povlačenje novca na CBet-u.
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Crni bodovi: 182
$307.463 ARS
CBet Casino
Index sigurnosti:Vrlo nizak
Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Argentina was struggling with increasing withdrawal requirements at CBet. Despite having turned an 8000 ARS deposit into 48000 ARS, the amount needed for withdrawal had increased due to the casino's turnover rules. The player found communication and assistance from the casino's support to be lacking. Despite our team's efforts to contact the casino and mediate the issue, the casino did not respond. Therefore, we marked the complaint as 'unresolved', which could have negatively affected the casino's rating. We advised the player to file a complaint with the gaming authority that regulates the casino - Gaming Curacao.
Igrač iz Argentine se borio sa sve većim zahtevima za povlačenje na CBet-u. Uprkos tome što smo depozit od 8000 ARS pretvorili u 48000 ARS, iznos potreban za povlačenje se povećao zbog pravila prometa kazina. Igrač je otkrio da nedostaje komunikacija i pomoć od podrške kazina. Uprkos naporima našeg tima da kontaktira kazino i posreduje u problemu, kazino nije odgovorio. Zbog toga smo žalbu označili kao „nerešenu“, što je moglo negativno da utiče na rejting kazina. Savetovali smo igrača da podnese žalbu organu za igre na sreću koji reguliše kazino - Gaming Curacao.
Zdravo, imam problema sa prometom u CBet-u. Prvo sam dao depozit od 8000 ARS za zabavu i obično igram na ruletu. Kada sam uspeo da pretvorim tih 8000 ARS u 24000 ARS, pokušao sam da ih povučem da vidim kako sistem funkcioniše. Primetio sam da mi još uvek nedostaje oko 17000 ARS da izvršim povlačenje. Nastavio sam da igram rulet, i moj ukupni iznos je otišao sa 24000 ARS na 48000 ARS nakon što sam ušao u all-in. Iznos potreban za povlačenje porastao je sa 17000 ARS na približno 54000 ARS. Kontaktirao sam podršku da pitam zašto se iznos povećao i rekli su mi da je to zbog njihovih pravila prometa. Nakon čitanja pravila, naznačili su da će se iznos smanjiti ako igram Ks broj puta, bez obzira na rizik.
Tada sam odlučio da rizikujem sve kako bih smanjio ukupan iznos (loša sreća ako sam izgubio) i promet se povećao više nego duplo od onoga što sam osvojio (oko 200000 ARS).
Priložio sam snimke ekrana koji pokazuju povećanje prometa.
Takođe uključujem video mog all-ina od 150.000 ARS, gde je promet bio 273.000 ARS, a nakon pobede je porastao na 723.000 ARS.
Bio sam u kontaktu sa podrškom i posle izvesnog truda uspeo sam da dobijem kartu. Kažu da ću dobiti odgovor u roku od 72 radna sata. Međutim, nikada nisam dobio nikakav mejl koji potvrđuje kreiranje karte. Štaviše, ne mogu da pristupim razgovoru tehničke podrške, koji je navodno dostupan 24/7.
Takođe bih želeo da napomenem da je moj početni depozit bio 8000 ARS bez korišćenja ikakvog bonusa. Stoga, ne razumem zašto se promet stalno povećava kada koristim rulet.
Prilažem snimak ekrana jedinog depozita koji sam napravio.
Na kraju, priložio bih razgovor koji sam vodio sa tehničkom podrškom, ali ne mogu da mu pristupim jer je u mom slučaju onemogućen.
Nadam se da ova žalba može bar da reši moj problem ili da pomogne drugima da budu svesni nepoštene prakse CBet-a. Mnogi drugi su upali u ovu "prevaru" zahteva za promet.
Uključujem snimak ekrana nekih pojedinaca koji se žale na CBet ćaskanje da ne mogu da povuku svoja sredstva zbog istog problema.
Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru,
Hello, I'm having issues with the turnover at CBet. I initially made a deposit of 8000 ARS for entertainment and usually play on roulette. When I was able to turn those 8000 ARS into 24000 ARS, I tried to withdraw it to see how the system works. I noticed that I was still short of about 17000 ARS to make the withdrawal. I continued playing roulette, and my total went from 24000 ARS to 48000 ARS after going all-in. The amount needed for withdrawal increased from 17000 ARS to approximately 54000 ARS. I contacted support to ask why the amount had increased and they told me it was due to their turnover rules. After reading the rules, they indicated that the amount would decrease if I played X number of times, regardless of the risk.
I then decided to risk it all to lower the total (bad luck if I lost) and the turnover increased more than double what I won (around 200000 ARS).
I have attached screenshots showing the turnover increasing.
I also include a video of my 150k ARS all-in, where the turnover was at 273k ARS, and after winning, went up to 723k ARS.
I have been in contact with support and after some effort, I was able to get a ticket issued. They say I will get a response within 72 business hours. However, I never received any email confirming the creation of the ticket. Moreover, I can't access the technical support chat, which is supposedly available 24/7.
I would also like to mention that my initial deposit was 8000 ARS without the use of any bonus. Therefore, I don't understand why the turnover keeps increasing when I use roulette.
I'm attaching a screenshot of the only deposit I made.
Lastly, I would attach the conversation I had with technical support but I can't access it as it's disabled in my case.
I hope this complaint can at least resolve my problem or helped others be aware of CBet's unfair practices. Many others have fallen into this "scam" of turnover requirements.
I'm including a screenshot of some individuals complaining on the CBet chat about not being able to withdraw their funds due to the same issue.
Looking forward to your response,
Buenas, tengo problemas con el turnover de CBet, inicialmente hice un deposito de 8000 ARS para entretenerme y normalmente suelo jugar en la ruleta y cuando pude convertir esos 8000 ARS en 24000 ARS intente retirarlo para ver como era el sistema y me di cuenta que me faltaba unos 17000 ARS para poder hacer el retiro lo cual segui jugando en la ruleta y paso de 24000 ARS a 48000 ARS haciendo all-in y ese monto para retirar paso de 17000 ARS a 54000 ARS aproximadamente, contacte con el soporte para preguntar el motivo por el cual el monto habia aumentado y me dijieron que era debido al turnover y me mandaron las regla del turnover lo cual leyendolo explicaba que el monto iba a bajar si jugaba X cantidad de veces independientemente del riesgo, a lo cual decidi hacer un all-in para bajarlo (si perdia bueno, mala suerte) y el turnover subio mas del doble de lo que gane (mas o menos 200000 ARS)
Adjunto capturas del turnover aumentando
Adjunto video del all-in de 150k ARS en donde el turnover era 273k ARS y dsp de ganar paso a 723k ARS
La conversacion que tuve con el soporte a duras penas pude lograr que me hicieran un ticket en donde tendre respuestas dentro de 72 horas habiles, en el cual nunca me llego ningun mail de que el ticket se creo y segundo no puedo acceder al chat del soporte tecnico (supuestamente 24/7)
Cabe recalcar que mi deposito inicial de fue 8000 ARS sin ninguna utilizacion de bono asi que no entiendo porque el turnover es cada vez mas alto cuando uso la ruleta.
Adjunto imagen del unico deposito que he hecho
Por ultimo, adjuntaria la conversacion que tuve con el soporte tecnico pero no puedo acceder a el ya que en mi caso se encuenta deshabilitado.
Espero que esta queja pueda al menos resolver mi problema o dar a conocer que Cbet tiene una politca muy estafadora y hay muchos otros que han caido en esta "estafa" de turnover.
Adjunto imagen de algunos quejandose en el chat de Cbet por la misma situacion de no poder retirar sus fondos.
Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Nažalost, naišli smo na brojne slične žalbe u proteklih nekoliko dana. Ostajemo optimisti da će se kazino odmah pozabaviti ovim pitanjem, iako se trenutno čini da su odlučili da usvoje Politiku bez reakcije.
Nažalost, video snimci ne mogu da se otpreme direktno u nit žalbe, pošaljite mi video na moju e-poštu na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk
Možete li, molim vas, pojasniti koliko ste novca do sada kladili?
Da li ste pokušali da kladite svoja sredstva u igricama koje nisu rulet na veb lokaciji? Sa kakvim rezultatom?
Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Natsuori,
I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Regrettably, we've encountered numerous comparable complaints over the past few days. We remain optimistic that the casino will promptly attend to this matter, though, at present, it appears they have chosen to adopt a No Reaction Policy.
Unfortunately, the videos can't be uploaded directly in the complaint thread, kindly send me the video to my email at
Could you please clarify how much money you wagered so far?
Have you tried wagering your funds in games other than roulette on the website? With what result?
-Dosadašnji iznos uloženog novca premašuje 300.000 ARS (uključujući slotove i rulet), što je 38 puta više od početnog depozita, problem je što bot smatra rulet prevarama i zato se promet povećava. Pored toga, postoji pravilo koje me traži da ako igram rulet moram da uložim 3 puta više od onoga što sam deponovao (to jest, od 8000ARS do 24000 ARS), ali ja već kladim 38 puta više od onoga što sam deponovao (kao što je gore pomenuto ) Prilažem sliku pravila.
-Igrao sam u slotovima, s tim sam počeo da igram na stranici i ukupno sam do sada zaradio više od 150.000 ARS ili čak i više profita od slotova. U slotovima iznosi prometa opadaju, ali mi se ne čini fer da moram da potrošim skoro sve svoje dobitke na slotove (igre koje me ne zanimaju) da bih smanjio promet od 751000 ARS koji imam kada je početno stanje je 8000 ARS, u bilo kom servisu za klađenje uživo promet pada samo ako izgubim, ali ako pobedim povećava se više od 5 puta od profita, to je suludo (ne samo rulet, već bilo koja od usluga, uključujući plinko). U prilogu je snimak ekrana mojih dobitaka na slotovima (možete videti kako sam već osvojio nekoliko puta veći iznos od potrebnog za povlačenje)
Pojašnjenje: moj trenutni bilans od 0,03 ARS je zato što sam konvertovao svoj ARS u USDT
-E-mail sent.
-The amount of money bet so far exceeds 300,000 ARS (including slots and roulette), being 38 times more than the initial deposit, the problem is that the bot considers roulette a scam and that is why the turnover increases. In addition, there is a rule that asks me that if it is playing roulette I have to bet 3 times more than what I deposited (that is, from 8000ARS to 24000 ARS) but I already bet 38 times what I deposited (as mentioned above) I attach an image of the rule.
-I have played in the slots, with that I started playing on the page and in total until now I have made a total of more than 150,000 ARS or even more in profit from slots. In slots the turnover amounts go down but it does not seem fair to me that it has I have to spend almost all my winnings on slots (games that do not interest me) to lower the turnover of 751000 ARS that I have when the initial balance is 8000 ARS, in any live betting service the turnover only goes down if I lose but if I win it increases more than 5 times the profit, it's crazy (not only roulette, but any of the services, including plinko). Attached is a screenshot of my winnings playing slots (you can see how I already won several times the amount needed to withdraw)
Clarification: my current balance of 0.03 ARS is because I converted my ARS to USDT
-Email enviado.
-la cantidad de dinero apostado hasta ahora supera los 300000 ARS (incluyendo slots y ruletas) siendo 38 veces más del deposito inicio, el problema es que el bot considera a la ruleta como estafa y es por ello que aumenta el turnover.Ademas hay una regla que me pide que si es jugando a la ruleta tengo que apostar 3 veces mas de lo que deposite (osea de 8000ARS a 24000 ARS) pero ya aposte 38 veces lo que deposite (como antes mencionado) adjunto imagen de la regla.
-He jugado en los slots, con eso inicie jugando a la pagina y en total hasta ahora habre hecho un total de mas de 150000 ARS o incluso mas en ganancia de slots.En slots los montos del turnover bajan pero no me parece justo que tenga que gastar casi todas mis ganancias en slots (juegos que no me interesan) para bajar el turnover de 751000 ARS que tengo cuando el saldo inicial es de 8000 ARS, en cualquier servicio en vivo de apuestas el turnover solo baja si pierdo pero si gano aumenta más de 5 veces la ganancia, es una locura (no solo ruleta, sino cualquiera de los servicios, incluido el plinko).Adjunto screenshot de mis ganancias jugando slots (se puede ver como ya gane varias veces mas el monto necesitado para retirar)
Aclaracion: mi balance actual de 0.03 ARS es porque pase mi ARS a USDT
Hvala vam puno, Natsuori, što ste dali potrebne informacije. Vašu žalbu ću sada preneti kolegi Stefanu ( _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Međutim, želeo bih da vas upozorim da je uobičajena praksa CBet kazina da nas potpuno ignoriše u našim pokušajima da posredujemo u bilo kakvom pitanju. Bez obzira na mnoge nerešene žalbe sa oznakom „Politika bez reagovanja", nastavljamo da pokušavamo.
Thank you very much, Natsuori, for providing the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Stefan ( who will be at your service. However, I would like to warn you that it seems to be a common practice of CBet Casino to ignore us completely in our attempts to mediate any kind of issue. Regardless of many unresolved complaints marked "No Reaction Policy", we keep on trying.
Voleli bi da zamolimo kazino da odgovori na ovu pritužbu. Produžujemo timer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u predviđenom roku, prigovo ćemo zatvoriti kao "nerešen", što može negativno uticati na rejting kazina.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Više puta sam pokušavao da kontaktiram kazino, ali nisam imao uspeha. Bojim se, ne može se mnogo toga uraditi bez saradnje sa kazinom. Označiću žalbu „nerešenom" u našem sistemu. Razumem da ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rešenje za vaš problem. Međutim, smanjenje rejtinga uzrokovano nerešenim žalbama moglo bi pomoći da se promeni pristup kazina. Ako kazino odluči da reaguje, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i bićete obavešteni putem e-pošte.
Postoji još jedan mogući način na koji možete pokušati da vratite svoj dobitak - da podnesete žalbu organu za igre na sreću koji reguliše kazino - Gaming Curacao. Moguće je uložiti žalbu preko zvanične veb stranice ( http: // ) koristeći dugme „Kontakt" ili slanjem žalbe na . Pre podnošenja žalbe, uverite se da ste dali sve potrebne informacije: svoje lične podatke, detalje o kazinu, podatke za prijavu u kazino, opis problema i prateće priloge ako su potrebni.
Ako postoji napredak u vezi sa vašim problemom ili vam je potrebna pomoć, obavestite me na .
Iskreno se nadam da se više nećete susresti sa ovakvim problemom.
Kazino može ponovo da otvori ovu žalbu u bilo kom trenutku.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Stefan, Kazino.Guru
Dear Natsuori,
I have tried to contact the casino repeatedly but had no success. I am afraid, there is not much that can be done without cooperation from the casino's side. I will mark the complaint "unresolved" in our system. I understand this is not a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in rating caused by unresolved complaints could help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint and you will be notified by email.
There is one more possible way how you can try to get your winnings back - to file a complaint with the gaming authority that regulates the casino - Gaming Curacao. It is possible to file a complaint via the official website ( using a "Contact" button or by sending your complaint to Before submitting the complaint, make sure you provide all the necessary information: your personal data, the casino details, your login details in the casino, the issue description, and supporting attachments if it is needed.
If there is any progress with your issue or you need help, please let me know at
I sincerely hope you will not come across a problem like this again.
The casino can reopen this complaint anytime.
Best regards,
Stefan, Casino.Guru
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