Zdravo, Mauri181,
Žao mi je što čujem za vašu nevolju. Od sada ću vam pomagati oko slučaja.
Pre nego što pozovem kazino u temu, želeo bih da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih razjasnio situaciju i objasnio šta ovde mogu da vidim jer, da budem iskren, izgleda da neću morati da pozivam predstavnika kazina ovde uopšte.
Da li ste sigurni da ste koristili samo jedan bonus bez depozita pre svog prvog depozita za pravi novac?
Ovo je snimak ekrana koji ste dali prilikom podnošenja žalbe:
Veoma je lošeg kvaliteta, nejasno i nije u potpunosti čitljivo, ali tu vidim nekoliko bitnih stvari, što u osnovi potvrđuje da ste igrali sa više od 1 bonusa bez depozita zaredom bez uplate depozita. Nema depozita pre bonusa bez depozita zahvaljujući kojem ste akumulirali svoje sporne dobitke. Mogu da vidim još jedan bonus bez depozita (bonus kod).
U ovoj vrsti kazina, postoji samo jedan red u istoriji transakcija u slučaju da koristite bonus kod („otkupio" ili „odbijen") i 2 reda kada postoji operacija „Free Spin Deposit" („Zahtevan" i drugi red sa rezultatom) - oba slučaja znače besplatan novac, bonus bez depozita.
Sa dna vašeg snimka ekrana, iako su bila 2 odbijena bonus koda, vidim da je treći bonus kod iskorišćen, tako da je uspešno iskorišćen. Tek tada ste zatražili bonus bez depozita („Free Spin Deposit") koji ste uspeli da pretvorite u sporni dobitak.
Ovo je pravilo iz Uslova i odredbi kazina (dostupno OVDE , odeljak PRAVILA - BONUS NA DEPOZIT (BESPLATNI ČIPOVI, BESPLATNI SPINS)):
" 15. Igrač ima pravo na samo jedan besplatni čip između depozita; svi dobici koji proizlaze iz više besplatnih žetona će biti nevažeći. Na primer, ako igrač iskoristi dva besplatna čipa zaredom, on/ona neće moći da se povuče bilo koji dobitak generisan igranjem na pomenutom čipu. "
Zamolio bih vas za bolji snimak ekrana, ali mislim da nije potreban jer se suštinske informacije mogu videti tamo.
Da budem iskren, iz datog snimka ekrana vaše istorije transakcija, vidim da se niste pridržavali bonus pravila kazina koja regulišu bonuse bez depozita, a naš stav je da prihvatamo takva pravila i njihovu primenu ako govorimo o ne- depozitni bonusi. Pored toga, kao što ste sami potvrdili iznad, vaš depozit je vraćen na vaš način plaćanja - standardni proces u ovim kazinima ako ste to učinili samo da biste verifikovali način plaćanja i podigli (nevažeći) dobitak iz kazina. Kazino je zaplenio samo vaše nelegitimne dobitke i vratio vam depozit, tako da nema nikakvih obaveza prema vama, i ja zaista ne vidim nikakav problem ovde.
Dakle, možete li, molim vas, potvrditi gore navedeno, i mogu zatvoriti slučaj, ili biste ipak želeli da pitam kazino za detalje?
Imajte na umu da ako ste zaista koristili drugi bonus kod pre uspešnog bonusa bez depozita, jedino što bih zamolio kazino je da mi pruži detaljniju istoriju transakcija, koja bi to potvrdila (više detalja o igranju sa njim), i to bi bilo gubljenje vremena za sve uključene strane.
Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Hello, Mauri181,
I am sorry to hear about your trouble. From now on, I will assist you with the case.
Before I invite the casino to the thread, I would like to ask you a few questions to clarify the situation and explain to you what I can see here because, to be honest, it looks like I will not have to invite the casino representative here at all.
Are you sure that you used only one no-deposit bonus before your first real money deposit?
This is the screenshot you provided upon submitting the complaint:
It is of very bad quality, unclear and not fully readable, but I can see a few important things there, which basically confirms that you played with more than 1 no-deposit bonus in a row without making a deposit. There is no deposit before the no-deposit bonus thanks to which you accumulated your disputed winnings. I can see another no-deposit bonus (bonus code) there.
In this type of casino, there is only one row in the transaction history in case you use a bonus code ("redeemed" or "denied"), and 2 rows when there is a "Free Spin Deposit" operation ("Requested" and the second row with a result) - both cases mean free money, no-deposit bonus.
From the bottom of your screenshot, although there were 2 denied bonus codes, I can see the third bonus code was redeemed, so it was successfully used. Only then you claimed the no-deposit bonus ("Free Spin Deposit") that you managed to turn into the disputed winnings.
This is the rule from the casino's Terms and Conditions (available HERE, section RULES - NO DEPOSIT BONUSES (FREE CHIPS, FREE SPINS)):
"15. The player is entitled to only one free chip in between deposits; any winnings resulting from multiple free chips will be void. For example, should a player redeem two free chips in a row, he/she will not be able to withdraw any winnings generated by playing on said chip."
I would ask you for a better screenshot, but I think it is not necessary since the essential information is possible to see there.
To be honest, from the provided screenshot of your transaction history, I can see you did not comply with the casino's bonus rules governing no-deposit bonuses, and our attitude is that we accept such rules and their applying if we are talking about no-deposit bonuses. In addition, as you yourself confirmed above, your deposit was returned to your payment method - a standard process in these casinos if you made it only to verify your payment method and withdraw (invalid) winnings from the casino. The casino confiscated only your illegitimate winnings and refunded your deposit, so there are no obligations towards you, and I really cannot see any issue here.
So, can you please confirm the above-stated, and I can close the case, or would you like me to ask the casino for the details anyway?
Please note if you really used another bonus code before your successful no-deposit bonus, the only thing I would ask the casino for is to provide me with a more detailed transaction history, which would confirm it (more details of playing with it), and it would be a waste of time for all parties involved.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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