Želeo bih da se žalim na DAFABET. NIKAD više neću preporučiti i verovati ovoj platformi! LIAR!
Dobio sam e-poštu od Dafabeta, oni nude 100% ekskluzivni bonus na depozit za moj nalog. E-pošta mi pokazuje korake za uplatu u moj zajednički novčanik.
I napravio sam depozit od 450 RM od prošle subote (3. avgusta 2024.), međutim još uvek nisam dobio bonus kao što je navedeno u e-poruci do danas. Ali samo RM 12 arkadni bonus.
Poslao sam e-poštu njihovoj službi za korisnike i nekoliko puta ćaskao sa njihovim cs agentom uživo. Ali oni nisu korisni i iskreni da reše moju zabrinutost. Neki agent Dafabet CS kaže da je bonus dodat u moj račun da me zamoli da se ponovo prijavim ili osvežim, neki CS je rekao da će se bonus automatski dodavati svakog petka da me zamoli da sačekam i proverim svoj račun, a neki CS Joshna je rekao da moram da završim zahtevi za klađenje 9000 da biste zatražili ovaj bonus. *****, moram da ispunim uslove sa iznosom koji sam uplatio da bih dobio bonus? Njihovi uslovi i odredbe navode da nakon što sam dobio bonus, međutim, nisam dobio nikakav bonus. I sada su odbili da traže 100% ekskluzivni bonus na depozit i odbili su da otkažu ovu promociju za moj nalog. Svi DAFABET CS agenti su neodgovorni da pomognu svojim klijentima da reše vaš problem, samo su želeli da brzo napuste razgovor pre nego što ponovo pitate. Dafabet korisnička služba je užasna!
I would like to complaint about DAFABET. I will NEVER recommend and trust this platform anymore! LIAR!
I receive an email from Dafabet, they offer of 100% exclusive deposit bonus for my account. The email shows me steps to deposit into my common wallet.
And I have make a deposit of RM450 since last Saturday (3 Aug 2024), however I still didn't receive the bonus as per mentioned in the email until today. But only RM 12 arcade bonus.
I have email their customers service, and chat with their live cs agent for a few times. But they are not helpful and sincere to solve my concern. Some Dafabet CS agent says that the bonus has been added into my acc ask me to re-login or refresh, some CS said the bonus will automatically added every Friday ask me to wait and check my acc, and some CS Joshna said I must complete the wagering requirements 9000 in order to claim for this bonus. *****, I need to meet the requirements with the amount I deposit to get the bonus? Their terms and condition state that after received the bonus, however I didn't not receive any bonus. And now, they refused to claim the 100% exclusive deposit bonus and refused cancel this promotion for my account. All DAFABET CS agent are irresponsible to helping their customer solve your issue, they just wanted to quickly left the conversation before you ask again. Dafabet customer service just terrible!
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