Igrač iz Njemačke je prije nedelju dana zatražio povlačenje. Još nije primljeno. Prigovor igrača je uspješno riješen.
nažalost, ponovo je vrijeme da mi treba vaša podrška.
O činjenicama: Dana 05.03.2022. zatražio sam isplatu (br. transakcije: 8257a66e-32c3-442a-80aa-44da437bbd3f) na svoj Mifinity novčanik od GGBet-a oko 2 sata ujutro za 299 €.
Ovo još nije stiglo tamo. Svjestan sam da isplata ponekad može trajati 14 dana ili duže. Ali ovdje je slučaj malo drugačiji.
Redovno uplaćujem i podižem nekoliko puta na GGBet-u i tamo sam također potpuno verifikovan. Isplata ispod 100 € bila je na mom Mifinity računu za manje od 5 minuta. Isplata od 300€ traje 2 dana. Ali ovaj put je sve drugačije.
Kada sam dva puta pitao u chatu (snimci ekrana su u prilogu), oba puta mi je rečeno da je kazino u redu sa mojim zahtjevom za povlačenje i da je kašnjenje nastalo zbog provajdera plaćanja...
Ja pravim 90% svojih depozita i isplata u kazino putem Mifinityja. Nikada nisam imao nikakvih problema, osim jednom: prije otprilike 3 mjeseca, Vulkan Vegas je imao potpuno isti problem. Zanimljivo je da oba kazina pripadaju zajedno. I GGBet i Vulkan Vegas su u vlasništvu Invicta Networks NV.
Problem sa Vulkan Vegasom je na kraju riješen uz vašu pomoć. Nadam se da ćeš i meni pomoći danas.
Mnogo pozdrava
unfortunately it's about time again that I need your support.
About the facts: On 05/03/2022 I requested a payout (transaction no.: 8257a66e-32c3-442a-80aa-44da437bbd3f) to my Mifinity wallet from GGBet at around 2 a.m. for €299.
This hasn't arrived there yet. I am aware that a payout can sometimes take 14 days or longer. But the case here is a little different.
I regularly deposit and withdraw a few times at GGBet and am also fully verified there. Withdrawals under €100 were on my Mifinity account in less than 5 minutes. A €300 withdrawal takes 2 days. But this time everything is different.
When I asked twice in the chat (screenshots are attached), I was told both times that the casino was ok with my withdrawal request and that the delay was due to the payment provider...
I make 90% of my casino deposits and withdrawals through Mifinity. Never had any problems, except for one time: About 3 months ago, Vulkan Vegas had the exact same problem. The interesting thing is that both casinos belong together. Both GGBet and Vulkan Vegas are owned by Invicta Networks NV.
The problem with Vulkan Vegas was eventually solved with your help. I hope you can help me today too.
Many greetings
leider ist es wieder an der Zeit, dass ich eure Unterstützung benötige.
Zum Sachverhalt: Am 03.05.2022 habe ich gegen 2 Uhr morgens bei GGBet eine Auszahlung (Transaktionsnr.: 8257a66e-32c3-442a-80aa-44da437bbd3f) auf mein Mifinity-Wallet über 299 € beantragt.
Diese ist bist jetzt nicht dort angekommen. Dass eine Auszahlung auch mal 14 Tage oder länger dauern kann, ist mir bewusst. Hier liegt der Fall aber ein wenig anders.
Ich zahle bei GGBet regelmäßig ein und auch einige Male aus und bin dort auch vollständig verifiziert. Auszahlungen unter 100 € waren bisher in unter 5 Minuten auf meinem Mifinity-Account. Eine 300 € Auszahlung dauert 2 Tage. Dieses Mal ist aber alles anders.
Auf zweimalige Nachfrage im Chat (Screenshots sind beigefügt) wurde mir beide Male gesagt dass von Seiten des Casinos mit meinem Auszahlungsantrag alles ok wäre und die Verzögerung am Zahlungsanbieter liegen würde...
90% meiner Casino Ein- und Auszahlungen führe ich über Mifinity aus. Es gab nie Probleme, bis auf ein einziges Mal: Vor etwa 3 Monaten gab es exakt das identische Problem mit Vulkan Vegas. Das interessante daran ist, dass beide Casino zusammengehören. Sowohl GGBet als auch Vulkan Vegas gehören zur Invicta Networks N.V..
Das Problem mit Vulkan Vegas wurde damals unter eurer Mithilfe irgendwann gelöst. Ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir auch heute behilflich sein.
Viele Grüße
Draga hottemanne,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše odloženo povlačenje. Sasvim je uobičajeno da isplatama treba nekoliko dana ili čak sedmica da se u potpunosti obrađuju. To znači da može proći neko vrijeme prije nego što se novac pojavi na vašem računu. Zato savjetujemo igračima da budu strpljivi i sačekaju najmanje 14 dana nakon zahtjeva za povlačenje prije nego što podnesu žalbu.
Pod pretpostavkom da ste uspješno završili KYC verifikaciju i da je kasino odobrio vaše povlačenje, ipak, ako do tada ne primite svoje dobitke, molimo vas da nas obavijestite i mi ćemo pokušati da vam pomognemo.
Hvala unaprijed na strpljenju i razumijevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear hottemanne,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your delayed withdrawal. It’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. That’s why we advise players to be patient and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before they submit a complaint.
Assuming that you have completed KYC verification successfully and had your withdrawal approved by the casino, still, if you don’t receive your winnings by then, please, let us know and we will try to help you.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Pozdrav svima,
Draga hottemanne
Žao nam je što ste se suočili sa kašnjenjem s povlačenjem. Možemo potvrditi da se vaš zahtjev obrađuje od strane provajdera plaćanja, a nažalost ne možemo utjecati na brzinu isplate novca, jer je ggbet blagovremeno odobrio zahtjev, novac je "otišao" s vašeg računa za igre. Poslije - to je van naše nadležnosti (
Molimo vas da sačekate da vaš novac stigne na vaš Mifinity račun, slažemo se da je prilično netipično da Mifinity traje toliko dugo.
Ispričavamo se zbog nastalih neugodnosti.
Srdačni pozdravi
Hello all,
Dear hottemanne
Sorry you've faced delay with the withdrawal. We can confirm that your request is being processed by the payment provider, and unfortunately we cannot influence the speed of money clearance, since ggbet approved the request in the timely manner, money "left" your gaming account. Afterwards - that is beyond our competence (
We kindly ask you to wait for your money to arrive onto your Mifinity account, we do agree it's quite atypical for Mifinity to take so long.
Sorry for the inconveniences caused.
Kind regards
Pozdrav GGBet predstavnici,
zar ne bi bila njihova odgovornost da se pobrinu za rješavanje problema? Na kraju krajeva, to se vraća na njihov kazino.
Ako vam pošaljem novac, a ne stigne, to je moja odgovornost i ja ću riješiti problem sa svojom bankom ili bilo kim.
Ako mi pošaljete novac, a on ne stigne, vaša je odgovornost da brzo riješite postojeći problem ili barem ponudite alternativni način plaćanja.
Smatram da je cijeli proces vrlo nesrećan, pogotovo jer sam uživao često i do sada svirajući na GGBet-u.
Mnogo pozdrava
Hello GGBet representatives,
wouldn't it be their responsibility to take care of solving the problem? After all, it falls back on their casino.
If I send you money and it doesn't arrive, it's my responsibility and I'll solve the problem with my bank or whoever.
If you send me money and it doesn't arrive, it is your responsibility to solve the existing problem promptly or at least to offer an alternative payment method.
I find the whole process very unfortunate, especially since I have enjoyed playing at GGBet often and up until now.
Many greetings
Hallo GGBet Vertreter,
wäre es nicht in ihrer Verantwortung, sich um die Lösung des Problems zu kümmern? Denn letztendlich fällt es ja auf ihr Casino zurück.
Wenn ich Ihnen Geld schicke und es kommt nicht an, liegt es in meiner Verantwortung und ich löse das Problem bei meiner Bank oder wem auch immer.
Wenn Sie mir Geld schicken und es kommt nicht an, liegt es doch in Ihrer Verantwortung das bestehende Problem zeitnah zu lösen oder zumindest eine alternative Auszahlungsmethode anzubieten.
Den ganzen Vorgang finde ich sehr bedauerlich, zumal ich bis dato gerne und häufig bei GGBet gespielt habe.
Viele Grüße
U potpunosti razumijem tvoju frustraciju, hottemanne. Međutim, postavit ću tajmer za dodatnih 6 dana što će omogućiti pružatelju plaćanja dvije pune sedmice da obradi uplatu i ako ne bude razvoja do utorka, mi ćemo intervenirati. Ostanimo pozitivni i sačekajmo dobre vijesti o vašem povlačenju. Unaprijed zahvaljujemo na strpljenju.
I fully understand your frustration, hottemanne. However, I will set the timer for additional 6 days allowing to payment provider two full weeks to process the payment and if there’s no development by Tuesday, we will intervene. Let’s stay positive and wait for the good news regarding your withdrawal. Thank you in advance for your patience.
Onda cemo sacekati i videti. Iako ne razumijem značenje s obzirom na činjenice, draga Petronela.
Then we'll wait and see. Although I don't really understand the meaning given the facts, dear Petronela.
Dann warten wir mal ab. Obwohl ich den Sinn, bei den gegebenen Fakten, nicht wirklich verstehe, lieber Petronela.
Novac je stigao juče, rano uveče. Nakon 10 dana.
Tako da je radio manje-više isto kao prije otprilike 3 mjeseca u sestrinskom kasinu Vulkan Vegas. Time
Vulkan Vegas mi je barem dao bonus za neugodnost.
Ipak, Vulkan Vegas od ove akcije nije video ni peni od mene. Ovo se od sada odnosi i na GGBet.
Ne mogu odgovoriti da li je greška bila sa GGbet ili Mifinity. Ni to nije odlučujući kriterijum, greške se dešavaju. Za mene je odlučujuće kako se dva kazina nose sa problemom kupaca. Ni Vulkan ni GGBet nikada nisu odgovorili na moje imejlove za podršku. Ni nakon 10 dana! A ovo neznanje je konačno odlučujuća tačka za mene, dragi GGBet predstavnik.
Hvala, draga Petronela, na podršci.
The money arrived yesterday, early evening. After 10 days.
So it ran more or less the same as it did about 3 months ago at the sister casino Vulkan Vegas. Whereby
Vulkan Vegas at least gave me a bonus for the inconvenience.
Nevertheless, Vulkan Vegas has not seen a penny from me since this action. This also applies to GGBet from now on.
I can't answer whether the error was with GGbet or Mifinity. That's not the decisive criterion either, mistakes happen. What is decisive for me is how the two casinos deal with the problem of the customers. Neither Vulkan nor GGBet have ever responded to my emails to support. Not even after 10 days! And this ignorance is ultimately the decisive point for me, dear GGBet representative.
Thank you, dear Petronela, for your support.
Gestern, am frühen Abend, ist das Geld angekommen. Nach 10 Tagen.
Lief also mehr oder weniger identisch wie vor etwa 3 Monaten beim Schwestercasino Vulkan Vegas. Wobei
Vulkan Vegas mir für die Unannehmlichkeiten zumindest einen Bonus gutgeschrieben hat.
Nichtsdestotrotz hat Vulkan Vegas seit dieser Aktion keinen Cent mehr von mir gesehen. Für GGBet gilt das ab sofort auch.
Ob der Fehler nun bei GGbet oder Mifinity lag, kann ich nicht beantworten. Das ist auch nicht das entscheidende Kriterium, Fehler passieren halt. Entscheidend ist für mich wie die beiden Casinos mit dem Problem der Kunden umgehen. Weder Vulkan noch GGBet haben jemals auf meine Emails an den Support geantwortet. Auch nicht nach 10 Tagen! Und diese Ignoranz ist für mich dann letztendlich der entscheidende Punkt, werter GGBet- Vertreter.
Dir, lieber Petronela, danke ich für deine Unterstützung.
Kako je problem uspješno riješen, sada ćemo zatvoriti žalbu kao 'rešenu' u našem sistemu. Hvala vam puno, hottemanne, na potvrdi, i ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati naš centar za rješavanje žalbi ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme s bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
As the problem has been successfully resolved, we will now close the complaint as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thank you very much, hottemanne, for your confirmation, and please don’t hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues with any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
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