Igrač iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s provjerom svog računa.
Dobavljač ne želi izvršiti moju provjeru i zahtijeva dokumente koje niko ne može pružiti.
Nakon uplate nekoliko puta, izvršio sam prvo povlačenje putem bankovne doznake i stiglo je istog dana. Ono što je bilo pomalo iznenađujuće je da su isplate uglavnom ograničene na 200 eura. Ali vjerojatno postoji neograničen broj mogućih opcija.
Nažalost, verifikacija već danima stvara probleme jer davatelj usluga uvijek izmišlja nove stvari koje bih trebao isporučiti jer sam očito imao previše sreće s ruletom.
Izvod na računu u jasnom obliku, lična karta (prednja i zadnja), potvrda adrese, bankovna kartica (prednja i zadnja) i selfi već su predani i ovjereni. Sada, prema dobavljaču, još uvijek nedostaje sljedeće:
"Fotografija vašeg dokumenta (dokument mora biti otvoren) i vaše bankovne kartice u rukama blizu vašeg lica. Prekrili ste previše podataka. Naglasili smo koje se informacije mogu sakriti radi vaše zaštite. Treba nam snimak zaslona na cijeloj stranici s vašim puno ime, broj vašeg novčanika i e-adresu vlasnika računa. Fotografija mora biti kvalitetnija i svi podaci moraju biti čitljivi. "
Kad me pitaju, ne kažu mi više. Logističko je postignuće držati osobne i bankovne kartice u najboljem kvalitetu ispred svog lica, ali to sam čak i uspio. Za mene je tajna kako bih trebao dobiti snimak ekrana na cijeloj stranici s e-adresom na vrhu fotografije. Možete li mi pomoći i kontaktirati dobavljača? To ne zvuči ozbiljno, pogotovo ne jer sam već dostavio brojne dokumente. Naravno, dobavljač je dobio i snimak zaslona da sam ja primio njihovu posljednju isplatu. Imam e-mailove i rado ih prosljeđujem. hvala
The provider does not want to carry out my verification and requires documents that no one can provide.
After depositing a few times, I made the first withdrawal, via bank transfer, and it arrived the same day. What was a bit surprising is that withdrawals are generally limited to € 200. But there are probably an unlimited number of possible options.
Unfortunately, the verification has been causing problems for many days, as the provider is always inventing new things that I should deliver because I was apparently too lucky with roulette.
An account statement in clear form, identity card (front and back), address confirmation, bank card (front and back) and a selfie have already been submitted and verified. Now, according to the provider, the following is still missing:
"Photo of your document (document must be open) and your bank card in your hands near your face. You have covered too much information. We pointed out what information could be hidden for your protection. We need a full-page screenshot with your full name, your wallet number and the account holder's email address. The photo must be of better quality and all information must be legible. "
When asked, I am not told more. It is logistically an achievement to hold personal and bank cards in the best quality in front of my face, but I even managed that. How I should get a full-page screenshot with an email address on top of the photo is a mystery to me. Can you help me and contact the provider? That doesn't sound serious, especially not since I've already delivered a number of documents. Of course, the provider also received a screenshot that I received their last payout. I have emails and I am happy to forward them. thanks
Der Anbieter will nicht meine Verifizierung durchzuführen und verlangt Dokumente, die keiner so liefern kann.
Nachdem ich einige Male eingezahlt habe, habe ich die erste Auszahlung getätigt, via Banküberweisung, und diese ist noch am gleichen Tag eingetroffen. Was etwas wunderte ist, dass grundsätzlich Auszahlungen auf 200 € begrenzt sind. Dafür sind aber wohl unbegrenzt viele möglich.
Leider bereitet die Verifizierung bereits viele Tage Probleme, da der Anbieter immer neue Dinge erfindet, die ich anliefern soll, da ich beim Roulette anscheinend zu viel Glück hatte.
Eingereicht und verifiziert sind bereits ein Kontoauszug in Klarform, Personalausweis (Vor- und Rückseite), Adressbestätigung, Bankkarte (Vor- und Rückseite) und ein Selfie. Nun fehlt lt. Anbieter noch folgendes:
"Foto, auf dem Sie Ihr Dokument (das Dokument muss aufgeklappt sein) und Ihre Bankkarte in der Nähe Ihres Gesichts in den Händen halten. Sie haben zu viele Informationen verdeckt. Wir haben Sie darauf hingewiesen, welche Informationen zu Ihrem Schutz verdeckt werden können. Wir benötigen einen ganzseitigen Screenshot mit Ihrem vollständigen Namen, der Nummer Ihrer Wallet und der E-Mail-Adresse des Kontoinhabers. Das Foto muss in besserer Qualität vorliegen und alle Informationen müssen lesbar sein.".
Auf Nachfrage teilt man mir mehr nicht mit. Es ist logistisch eine Leistung Perso und Bankkarte in bester Qualität vor das Gesicht zu halten, aber ich habe sogar das geschafft. Wie ich aber dazu noch einen ganzseitigen Screenshot mit E-Mail Adresse zusätzlich auf das Foto kriegen soll, ist mir ein Rätsel. Können Sie mir helfen und den Anbieter kontaktieren? Das klingt nicht seriös, vor allem nicht, da ich schon etliche Dokumente geliefert habe. Selbstverständlich hat der Anbieter auch einen Screenshot erhalten, dass mich seine letzte Auszahlung erreicht hat. E-Mails liegen mir vor und leite ich gerne weiter. Danke
Dragi Stefane,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema.
Molimo vas da shvatite da je KYC vrlo važan i bitan proces, tokom kojeg se kasino pobrine da novac bude poslan pravom vlasniku. Kako nemaju luksuz da mogu fizički vidjeti sve igrače i provjeriti njihovu identifikaciju i dokumente, ovo je jedini način na koji kockarske ustanove mogu izvršiti postupke provjere. Nijedna ozbiljna i licencirana kazina ne doživljava KYC olako i možda će trebati nekoliko radnih dana da dovrši ovaj temeljni postupak.
Ako ste zatražili selfi s ličnim dokumentima ili ekranom iza sebe, slijedite ove važne smjernice:
- Ne uređujte sliku ni na koji način
- Fotografija mora sadržavati vaše cijelo lice, frontalno, bez izobličenja, sjena ili odsjaja svjetlosti. Ako netko fotografira za vas, pobrinite se da je fotografira izbliza i uključi što manje pozadine (sjetite se, nije dozvoljeno obrezivanje)
- Kada fotografirate svoj dokument, pobrinite se da je fotografija jasna i dovoljno blizu za čitanje bez obrezivanja ili uređivanja
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da što prije riješite ovaj problem. Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Stefan,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the serious and licensed casinos takes KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
If you have been asked for a selfie with ID documents or a screen behind you, please follow these important guidelines:
- Do not edit the image in any way
- The photo needs to include your full face, head-on, with no distortions, shadows or reflections of light. If someone takes the photo for you, make sure they take it from up close and include as little background as possible (remember, no cropping is permitted)
- When you take the photo of your ID, make sure the photo is clear and close enough to read without cropping or editing
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dobar dan Petronela,
mi smo različitih mišljenja ggbet je prihvatio selfie, ali tek nakon što sam ga poslao u gotovo 10 MB. Naravno, tada ste smislili sljedeću ideju i zatražili brojne bankovne izvode, kao i uplatnice, koje sam i ja poslao.
Nakon što je moj račun konačno potvrđen, obavješten sam da mi je postavljeno ograničenje od 200 eura po povlačenju. Tada isplata može trajati do 14 dana. Kad sam tražio da tako dugo zatvorim račun, odgovorili su mi informacijom da to nije moguće. Izvršio sam oko 20 podizanja po 200 € i niti jednom nisam uzeo 200 € sa bilance!
Čak i na moje podatke da biste trebali trajno zatvoriti ili ograničiti račun dok ne primim novac, ne odgovarate ili sa informacijama da to nije moguće. Razgovori koje sam sebi htio poslati kao dokaz za to stižu bez sadržaja. Takođe indikativno. Nakon mojih informacija, e-poštom sam obaviješten da račun treba zatvoriti zbog ovisnosti o kockanju, da su moja tražena povlačenja sada otkazana. Postoje problemi s bankom. Tajno, očito žele da nastavim igrati, jer sam svoju ovisnost otvorio.
Prema mom iskustvu, pružatelji usluga s tako intenzivnim postupkom provjere obično čine sve što mogu kako bi namjerno odgodili plaćanja. To je takođe slučaj ovdje. Ali dobrodošli ste da pokrijete dobavljača koji vam plaća novac preko povezanih društava.
Sad sam stvarno umoran od pružatelja ove vrste i više se neću registrirati kod njih putem veza na vašoj web stranici. S njima postoje samo problemi.
Hello Petronela,
we are of different opinions. ggbet accepted the selfie, but only after I sent it in almost 10MB. Of course, you then came up with the next idea and asked for a number of bank statements as well as pay slips, which I also sent.
After my account has finally been verified, I am informed that a limit of € 200 per withdrawal has been set for me. The payout can then take up to 14 days. When I asked to close the account for so long, they responded with the information that this was not possible. I have made about 20 withdrawals of 200 € each and not once have the 200 € been taken from the balance!
Even to my information that you should permanently close or restrict the account until I receive the money, you do not respond or with the information that this is not possible. The chats that I wanted to send myself as evidence of this all arrive without content. Also indicative. After my information, I was informed by e-mail that the account should be closed due to gambling addiction, that my requested withdrawals have now been canceled. There are problems with the bank. Secretly, they obviously want me to just keep playing because I've made my addiction open.
In my experience, providers with such an intensive verification procedure usually do everything they can to deliberately delay payments. That is also the case here. But you are welcome to cover the provider who pays you money through affiliates.
I am now really tired of providers of this type and will no longer register with them via links on your website. There are only problems with them.
Hallo Petronela,
da sind wir verschiedener Meinungen. ggbet hat das Selfie akzeptiert, allerdings erst, nachdem ich es in fast 10 MB gesendet habe. Selbstverständlich kam man dann auf die nächste Idee und verlangte neben etlichen Kontoauszügen auch noch Gehaltsabrechnungen, die ich ebenfalls gesendet habe.
Nachdem mein Konto dann endlich verifiziert wurde, teilt man mir mit, dass man für mich ein Limit von 200 € pro Auszahlung eingerichtet hat. Die Auszahlung kann dann bis zu 14 Tage dauern. Auf meinen Wunsch, das Konto so lange zu schließen, reagierte man mit der Info, dies sei nicht möglich. Ich habe ca. 20 Auszahlungen a 200 € getätigt und nicht ein Mal sind die 200 € von der balance genommen worden!
Selbst auf meine Info, man solle das Konto dauerhaft schließen oder restricten, bis ich das Geld erhalte, reagiert man nicht oder mit der Info, dass dies nicht möglich sei. Die Chats, die ich mir dazu als Beleg zusenden wollte, kommen alle ohne Inhalt an. Auch bezeichnend. Per E-Mail teilt man mir nach meiner Info, das Konto solle aus Spielsucht geschlossen werden mit, dass man nun meine beantragten Auszahlungen storniert habe. Es gibt Probleme mit der Bank. Insgeheim will man offensichtlich, dass ich bloß weiter spiele, da ich meine Sucht offen gemacht habe.
Meine Erfahrung ist, dass Anbieter mit einer solch intensiven Verifizierungsprozedur in der Regel alles tun, um auch Auszahlungen gezielt zu verzörgern. Das ist hier auch der Fall. Aber ihr könnt den Anbieter, der euch über affiliates Geld zahlt, gerne decken.
Ich bin Anbieter dieser Art inzwischen wirklich leid und werde mich nicht mehr über Links auf euer Website bei diesen registrieren. Es gibt ja doch nur Probleme mit denen.
Potpuno se slažem s tobom, Stefane, da nije u redu voditi račun igrača koji otvoreno tvrdi da je njegova ovisnost o kockanju aktivna. Da li dobro razumijem da vam je prioritet trajno zatvoriti račun? Provjerio sam opće uvjete i našao sam https://gg.bet/en/rules :
"Možete ukinuti svoj račun (uključujući korisničko ime i lozinku) tako što ćete nam poslati e-poštu na support@gg.bet
Sve dok od nas ne dobijete potvrdu da smo zatvorili vaš račun, ostat ćete odgovorni za bilo kakve aktivnosti na vašem računu između vremena kada nam pošaljete e-poštu i trenutka kada vam kompanija ukida račun. "
Iz transkripta chata uživo shvatio sam da vam je to savjetovano tek nakon što se povuku sva vaša sredstva, ali ako vam kasino odluči platiti na rate u iznosu od 200 eura, to će potrajati zauvijek i to je apsolutno protiv bilo kakvih pravila odgovornog kockanja.
Možete li vas molim vas posavjetovati ako vas je kasino obavijestio zašto se vaša isplata dijeli? Radujem se vašem javljanju.
I absolutely agree with you, Stefan, that it is not right to keep an account of a player who openly claims their gambling addiction active. Do I understand correctly that your priority is to have the account closed permanently? I have checked the general terms and conditions, and this is what I found https://gg.bet/en/rules:
"You may terminate your account (including your username and password) by sending an email to us at support@gg.bet
Until you have received a confirmation from us stating that we have closed Your Account, you shall remain responsible for any activity on Your Account between the time when you send us an email and the time when your account is terminated by the Company."
I understood from the live chat transcript that you’ve been advised to do so only after all your funds will be withdrawn but if the casino decided to pay you in €200 installments it would take forever and that’s absolutely against any Responsible Gambling rules.
Could you please advise if you’ve been informed by the casino why your payout is being split? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Navodno, divizija ima tehničke razloge. S moje točke gledišta, kazinu je jasno da nemam kontrolu nad svojim igračkim ponašanjem. S moje tačke gledišta, užasan pružatelj usluga. Nije nam uzalud tako otežano provjeravanje.
Allegedly, the division has technical reasons. From my point of view, it is clear to the casino that I have no control over my gaming behavior. A terrible provider from my point of view. It is not for nothing that verification has been made so difficult.
Angeblich hat die Aufteilung technische Gründe. Dem Casino ist aus meiner Sicht klar, dass ich mein Spielverhalten nicht unter Kontrolle habe. Ein schrecklicher Anbieter aus meiner Sicht. Nicht umsonst hat man die Verifizierung so schwierig gestaltet.
Hvala puno, Stefane, što si pružio sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Mateja koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Stefan, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Matej who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Stefane.
Žao mi je zbog vaših nevolja.
Želio bih pozvati predstavnika casina u slučaj.
Objasnite nam gdje je problem sa Stefanovom verifikacijom? Zašto to traje toliko dugo?
Hello Stefan.
I am sorry to hear about your troubles.
I would like to invite the casino representative into the case.
Please explain to us where the problem with Stefan's verification is? Why it takes so long?
Hvala što ste nas kontaktirali. Koliko vidim 25. aprila, vaš račun je uspješno potvrđen. Verifikacija je trajala samo 2 dana, što je dozvoljeno, jer je maksimalni rok provjere računa 14 dana.
Shodno tome, stvar je pravovremeno riješena.
Takođe, vidim da ste tražili da privremeno blokirate svoj račun, tako da je vaš račun sada neaktivan. Imate li kakvih trenutnih pitanja ili poteškoća s našim kasinom?
Thank you for contacting us. As far as I can see on April 25th, your account was successfully verified. Verification lasted only 2 days, which is permissible, since the maximum term of account verification is 14 days.
Accordingly, the matter was resolved in a timely manner.
Also, I see that you have asked to temporarily block your account, so your account is now inactive. Do you have any current questions or difficulties with our casino?
Nekoliko puta sam rekao da želim da moj račun kod vas bude blokiran. Vaš odgovor je bio da ste ograničili sva povlačenja na 200 € dnevno kako bih mogao izgubiti što više. Prema vašoj izjavi, moj račun je morao ostati otvoren, inače se ne može isplatiti. Vaš plan je uspio, izgubio sam gotovo sve. Zaštita igrača odvija se s vama nula.
Račun je zatvoren tek nakon što sam sve izgubio. Pružio sam dovoljno dokaza za casinoguru.
I've said a number of times that I want my account with you to be blocked. Your answer was that you limited all withdrawals to € 200 per day so that I could lose as much as possible. According to your statement, my account had to remain open, otherwise it cannot be paid out. Your plan worked, I lost almost everything. Player protection takes place with you zero.
The account was only closed after I lost everything. I have provided enough evidence to casinoguru.
Ich habe etliche Male gesagt, dass ich mein Konto bei euch sperren lassen will. Eure Antwort war, dass ihr dadurch alle Auszahlungen auf 200 € pro Tag limitiert habt, damit ich möglichst viel verliere. Mein Konto musste lt. eurer Aussage offen bleiben, da ansonsten nicht ausgezahlt werden kann. Euer Plan ist aufgegangen, ich habe fast alles verloren. Spielerschutz findet bei euch null statt.
Das Konto wurde erst geschlossen, nachdem ich alles verloren habe. Beweise habe ich casinoguru genug zur Verfügung gestellt.
Dragi predstavniče kasina.
Možete li, molim vas, potvrditi da ste od igrača dobili e-poštu kada spominje svoju ovisnost o kocki?
Zašto njegov račun nije odmah zatvoren?
Dear casino representative.
Could you please confirm that you received an email from the player when he mentions his gambling addiction?
Why his account was not closed immediately?
I opet kazino koji namjerno ne odgovara točno na ovo pitanje jer je moja ovisnost o kockanju posebno iskorištena. Ovim putem tražim od gg.bet-a da nadoknadi najmanje 1.000 €, jer sam izgubio još više nakon proglašenja ovisnosti o kockanju. Možete li prihvatiti ovaj sporazumni sporazum? Inače, Casinoguru može zatvoriti postupak i popraviti rejting prema dolje. Nadamo se da ćemo tada spasiti druge igrače od sličnih iskustava s ovim kasinom.
And again a casino that deliberately does not answer exactly this question because my gambling addiction was specifically exploited. I hereby ask gg.bet to reimburse at least € 1,000, as I lost even more after the gambling addiction was declared. Can you accept this amicable settlement proposal? Otherwise, Casinoguru can close the process and correct the rating downwards. Hopefully we will then save other players from having similar experiences with this casino.
Und wieder ein Casino, dass bewusst auf genau diese Frage nicht antwortet, da meine Spielsucht ganz gezielt ausgenutzt wurde. Ich fordere gg.bet hiermit auf, zumindest noch 1.000 € zu erstatten, da ich nach der Erklärung der Spielsucht sogar noch weit mehr verloren habe. Können Sie sich auf auf diesen Vorschlag zur gütlichen Einigung einlassen? Ansonsten kann Casinoguru den Vorgang gerne schließen und die Bewertung nach unten korrigieren. Hoffentlich bewahren wir dann andere Spieler vor ähnlichen Erfahrungen mit diesem Casino.
Željeli bismo pitati GG. BET Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produljujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kasino ne odgovori u zadanom vremenskom roku, prigovor ćemo zatvoriti kao „neriješen".
We would like to ask the GG. BET Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Pozdrav svima!
Žao nam je zbog kasnog odgovora, provodili smo internu istragu vaše žalbe. Od 23. aprila vaš račun je na provjeri, 24. aprila zatražili ste od nas da ograničimo vaše klađenje i dopunu računa dok ne obradimo zahtjeve za povlačenje i obavijestili da nakon uspješnog povlačenja sredstava namjeravate nastaviti igru.
Takođe 25. aprila, naveli ste da li je moguće zatvoriti svoj račun dok se ne obrade transferi novca, nije bilo riječi o ovisnosti o kockanju. Spomenuli ste svoju ovisnost o kockanju 26. aprila, nakon što je vaš račun potvrđen. Istog dana vaš račun je blokiran.
Nedavno ste nas kontaktirali u vezi s deblokadom vašeg računa. Vaš račun je trajno blokiran vašim zahtjevom. Ne može se ponovo otvoriti. Ne možete više koristiti našu web stranicu. Molimo ne stvarajte nove račune jer će i oni biti otkriveni i blokirani.
Hello there, everyone!
Sorry for the late response, we were conducting an internal investigation into your complaint. Since 23d April, your account has been under verification, on 24th April you have asked us to limit your betting and account replenishment until we have processed the withdrawal requests, and informed that after successfully withdrawing the funds you intend to continue the game.
Also on April 25th, you specified whether it was possible to close your account until money transfers were processed, there was no question of gambling addiction. You mentioned your gambling addiction on April 26th, after your account was verified. On the same day, your account was blocked.
Recently you have contacted us regarding your account unblocked. Your account has been blocked permanently by your request. It can't be opened again. You can't use our website anymore. Please do not create any new accounts as they will be detected and blocked as well.
Nažalost, to je hrabra laž. Više puta sam naglasio da ne kontroliram svoje igračko ponašanje. Što je svakako takođe očigledno jer sam osvojio 7.000 €. Tada ste drastično smanjili ograničenje povlačenja na 200 €, a ja sam i dalje izgubio gotovo sve jer ste isplatili puževim tempom. Kad god je to moguće, naglasio sam da gubim sve ako ne mogu / ne mogu postaviti ograničenja. Ali to mi nije bilo dozvoljeno, inače se moje isplate ne mogu obraditi. Namjerno me nisi zaštitio. Pružio sam dokaze kazinu guruu.
Molimo vas da vratite naknadu od najmanje 1.000 € u znak dobre volje. Inače, nadam se da sam mnoge zaštitio od vaših metoda kako se ne bi registrirali kod vas. S jedne strane kažete da niste prepoznali moju ovisnost. S druge strane, tada se namjerno postavlja ograničenje isplate od 200 €, koje se ne odnosi na bilo kojeg drugog igrača. S moje tačke gledišta više nego zabrinjavajuće
Unfortunately, that is a bold lie. I have repeatedly emphasized that I am not in control of my gaming behavior. Which is certainly also obvious since I won € 7,000. Then you immediately reduced the withdrawal limit drastically to € 200 and I still lost almost everything because you paid out at a snail's pace. Whenever possible, I have emphasized that I lose everything if I cannot / may not set limits. But I was not allowed to do that, otherwise my payouts cannot be processed. You purposely did not protect me. I have provided evidence to casino guru.
Please pay back a compensation of at least € 1,000 as a token of goodwill. Otherwise I have hopefully protected many from your methods so that they do not register with you. On the one hand you say you have not recognized my addiction. On the other hand, a € 200 limit on payout is then deliberately set that does not apply to any other player. More than worrying from my point of view
Das ist leider dreist gelogen. Ich habe immer wieder betont, dass ich mein Spielverhalten nicht unter Kontrolle habe. Was sicherlich auch offensichtlich ist, da ich 7.000€ gewonnen habe. Danach habt ihr sofort das Auszahlungslimit drastisch auf 200€ reduziert und ich habe trotzdem fast alles verloren, da ihr im Schneckentempo ausgezahlt habt. Ich habe wann immer es ging betont, dass ich alles verliere, wenn ich keine Limits setzen kann/darf. Das durfte ich aber nicht, da ansonsten meine Auszahlungen nicht bearbeitet werden können. Ihr habt mich absichtlich nicht geschützt. Casinoguru habe ich Beweise geliefert.
Zahlt bitte eine Entschädigung von zumindest 1.000€ als Zeichen des guten Willens zurück. Ansonsten habe ich hierdurch hoffentlich viele vor euren Methoden geschützt, so dass diese sich nicht bei euch anmelden. Einerseits sagt ihr ihr hättet meine sucht nicht erkannt. Andererseits wird dann aber ganz bewusst ein 200€ Limit an Auszahlung gesetzt, das für keinen anderen Spieler gilt. Mehr als bedenklich aus meiner Sicht
Provjerili smo svu historiju dopisivanja i nismo spomenuli da ste patili od ovisnosti o kockanju do 26. aprila. Prema tome, nismo mogli predvidjeti takvu situaciju dok niste prijavili bolest.
Što se tiče vremena prijenosa novca i ograničenja iznosa povlačenja, sve je to određeno pravilima za koja ste se složili prilikom registracije i možete ih ponovo pročitati u bilo kojem trenutku kada su u javnom vlasništvu:
8.14. Iznos za isplatu do 300 USD bit će uplaćen na račun kupca za sljedeći dan od datuma zahtjeva, osim za vikende i praznike.
8.15. Iznos za podizanje novca od 300 do 2.000 USD bit će uplaćen na račun kupca u roku od 5 dana od datuma zahtjeva, osim za vikende i praznike.
8.16. Iznos povlačenja od 2.000 do 20.000 USD bit će uplaćen na račun klijenta u roku od 14 dana od datuma zahtjeva, osim za vikende i praznike.
8.17. Iznos povlačenja sa 20.000 USD bit će uplaćen na račun kupca u roku od 30 dana od datuma zahtjeva, a najviše 20.000 USD u roku od 30 dana od datuma zahtjeva.
Povlačenje se može obustaviti u trenutku verifikacije, ali to ne odgađa. Ovo je neophodna mjera za osiguranje računa igrača dok ne potvrdimo njegov identitet i načine plaćanja.
We checked all the correspondence history and there was no mention of you suffering from gambling addiction until April 26. Accordingly, we could not anticipate such a situation until you reported the disease.
As for the timing of the transfer of money and the limits on the amount of the withdrawal, all of this is stipulated in the rules you agreed to at the registration and can read them again at any time as they are in the public domain:
8.14. A withdrawal amount up to USD 300 will be paid to the customer’s account for the next day from the date of request, except for weekends and holidays.
8.15. The withdrawal amount of USD 300 to USD 2,000 will be paid to the customer’s account within 5 days from the date of request, except for weekends and holidays.
8.16. The withdrawal amount of USD 2,000 to USD 20,000 will be paid to the client’s account within 14 days from the date of request, except for weekends and holidays.
8.17. The withdrawal amount from USD 20,000 will be paid to the customer’s account within 30 days from the date of request and no more than USD 20,000 within 30 days from the date of request.
Withdrawal may be suspended at the time of verification, but this is not a delay. This is a necessary measure to secure the player’s account until we confirm his identity and payment methods.
Volio bih da isplaćujem u koracima od 2000 €. Međutim, odmah ste otkazali isplatu i obavijestili me da iznos mogu isplatiti samo u koracima od 200 eura. A niste prepoznali nijednu ovisnost? Molimo vas da isplatite 1000 € prema mom prijedlogu i barem ste se malo pomaknuli
I would have liked to have paid out in € 2000 increments. However, you immediately canceled the payout and informed me that I can only pay out the sum in steps of € 200. And you have not recognized any addiction? Please pay out 1000 € according to my suggestion and you have at least moved a little
Ich hätte gerne in 2000€ Schritten ausgezahlt. Ihr habt die Auszahlung jedoch sofort storniert und mitgeteilt, dass für mich bei der Summe nur Auszahlungen in 200€ Schritten möglich ist. Und ihr habt keine sucht erkannt? Bitte zahlt 1000€ nach meinem Vorschlag aus und damit habt ihr euch zumindest etwas bewegt
Od Stefana smo dobili transkript chata u kojem je spomenuo ovisnost o kocki 26. aprila.
Stefane, ako imate snimke zaslona / transkripte sa prethodnih datuma, pošaljite ih na matej@casino.guru
Predstavnik GG Bet Casina: Koji je razlog što Stefan nije mogao povući 2000 € i bio prisiljen na višestruka mala povlačenja?
From Stefan, we received a chat transcript where he mentioned gambling addiction on April 26th.
Stefan, if you have some screenshot/transcripts from previous dates please send them to matej@casino.guru
GG Bet Casino representative: What was the reason that Stefan was unable to withdrew the €2000 and was forced to made a multiple small withdrawals?
Matej, tražimo da povlačenje podijelimo na nekoliko dijelova zbog tehničkih specifikacija platnog sistema, vrijeme obrade ne ovisi o iznosu jedne transakcije, već ovisi o ukupnom iznosu kreiranih.
Matej, we ask to split the withdrawal in several parts because of technical specifies of the payment system, the processing time doesn't depend on the amount of one transaction, but depends on the total amount of created ones.
To je problem. 26. ću vam reći da sam ovisan. I odjednom više nije moguće podizanje novca iznad 200 €, tako da izgubim što više. Plan je uspio. Vratite mi najmanje 1000 € u znak dobre volje. Sad sam nekoliko puta dao prijedlog. Opet sam izgubio 6.000 € jer namjerno niste htjeli ograničiti moj račun. Slažem se?
That's the problem. On the 26th I'll tell you I'm addicted. And suddenly no more withdrawals over € 200 are possible so that I lose as much as possible. The plan worked. Refund me at least € 1000 as a token of goodwill. I have now made the suggestion several times. I lost € 6,000 again because you deliberately did not want to limit my account. I Agree?
Genau das ist ja das Problem. Am 26 teile ich euch mit, dass ich süchtig bin. Und plötzlich sind keine Auszahlungen über 200€ mehr möglich, damit ich möglichst viel verliere. Der Plan ist aufgegangen. Erstattet mir zumindest 1000€ als Zeichen des guten Willens. Den Vorschlag habe ich nun mehrfach platziert. Ich habe 6.000€ wieder verloren, da ihr mein Konto bewusst nicht einschränken wolltet. Einverstanden?
Poštovani predstavniče kasina.
Vjerujemo da biste ga od trenutka kada vam je Stefan rekao o svom problemu s kockanjem (26. aprila) trebali zaštititi ograničavajući mu pristup klađenju ili njegovom računu i pronaći način kako da mu platite preostali saldo na računu.
Dear casino representative.
We believe that from the moment when Stefan told you about his gambling problem (April 26th) you should protect him by restricting his access to make bets or to his account and find a way how to pay him the remaining balance on his account.
S moje točke gledišta, kasino namjerno ne odgovara, jer je isplata namjerno odgođena jer su obaviješteni o mojoj ovisnosti. Nažalost, čini se da nije prihvaćen ni moj prijedlog za povrat najmanje 1000 eura. Stoga sam sretan kada upozorim druge igrače na ovog dobavljača i nadam se da ćete znatno smanjiti rejting. Ovo je jedini način da zaštitite druge igrače od sličnih iskustava s ovim kasinom.
From my point of view, the casino deliberately does not answer, as the payout was deliberately delayed because they were informed about my addiction. Unfortunately, even my suggestion to reimburse at least € 1000 does not seem to be accepted. I am therefore happy when I warn other players about this provider and hope that you will significantly lower the rating. This is the only way to protect other players from similar experiences with this casino.
Das Casino antwortet aus meiner Sicht bewusst nicht, da absichtlich die Auszahlung verzögert wurde, da man über meine Sucht informiert war. Leider scheint man selbst auf meinen Vorschlag, zumindest 1000€ zu erstatten, nicht einzugehen. Ich freue mich daher, wenn ich andere Spieler vor diesem Anbieter warne und hoffe, dass ihr die Bewertung deutlich senkt. Nur so werden andere Spieler vor ähnlichen Erfahrungen mit diesem Casino geschützt.
Zdravo svima!
Razgovaramo s odjelom za borbu protiv prijevara o vašoj situaciji. Konačnu ćemo odluku obavijestiti čim bude donesena. Hvala vam na saradnji.
Hi everyone!
We’re in talks with the anti-fraud department about your situation. We’ll let you know the final decision as soon as it’s made. Thank you for your cooperation.
@Casinoguru: Budući da već znam taktiku kazina, možete zatvoriti kartu nakon što istekne odbrojavanje. S moje tačke gledišta, pružatelj usluga se ponašao sve osim pošteno. Srećom, ovo je razumljivo svima ovdje, tako da se nadamo da novi potencijalni korisnici neće imati slične probleme. Vidjet ćemo hoće li navodno odjeljenje ikada odgovoriti. Prilagođavanje ocjene prema dolje je korisno za ostale moguće korisnike.
@Casinoguru: Since I already know this tactic of the casino, you are welcome to close the ticket after the countdown has expired. From my point of view, the provider acted anything but fair. Fortunately, this is understandable for everyone here, so that hopefully new potential users will not get similar problems. We'll see if the alleged department ever answers. Adjusting the rating downwards is of course helpful for other possible users.
@Casinoguru: Da ich diese Taktik des Casinos schon kenne, könnt ihr gerne nach Ablauf des Countdown das Ticket schliessen. Aus meiner Sicht hat der Anbieter alles andere als fair gehandelt. Das ist zum Glück hier für jeden nachvollziehbar, so dass hoffentlich neue potentielle Nutzer nicht ähnliche Probleme bekommen. Ob die angebliche Abteilung je antwortet werden wir ja sehen. Eine Anpassung der Bewertung nach unten ist da für mögliche andere Nutzer natürlich hilfreich.
Spremni smo vratiti novac i trajno blokirati račun. Ako, dok je račun aktivan za povlačenje sredstava, igrač odluči napraviti okladu ili uplatiti depozit, ne možemo preuzeti odgovornost za njegove odluke, u skladu sa stavkom pravila "6.1.3. Potpuno ste svjesni da postoji rizik gubitka novca prilikom kockanja putem usluga i u potpunosti ste odgovorni za svaki takav gubitak. Slažete se da je vaša upotreba usluga vaša isključiva odluka, diskrecija i rizik. U odnosu na svoje gubitke nećete imati potraživanja šta god protiv Kompanije; " i daljnje žalbe od njega nećemo prihvatiti.
Stefane, obratite se našoj podršci kako bismo mogli pružiti privremeni pristup vašem računu za isplate.
Imajte na umu da ćete, dok od nas ne dobijete potvrdu da smo zatvorili Vaš račun, i dalje biti odgovorni za sve aktivnosti na Vašem računu između vremena kada nam pošaljete e-poštu i trenutka kada vaš račun ukida kompanija.
Zahvaljujemo svima na saradnji!
We’re willing to refund the money and block the account permanently. If, while the account is active for withdrawing funds, the player decides to make a bet or make a deposit, we cannot take responsibility for his decisions, according to the paragraph of the rules "6.1.3. You are fully aware that there is a risk of losing money when gambling by means of the services and you are fully responsible for any such loss. You agree that your use of the services is at your sole option, discretion and risk. In relation to your losses you shall have no claims whatsoever against the Company;" and further complaints from him we will not accept.
Stefan, please contact our support so that we can provide temporary access to your account for withdrawals.
Please, be aware, that until you have received a confirmation from us stating that we have closed Your Account, you shall remain responsible for any activity on Your Account between the time when you send us an email and the time when your account is terminated by the Company.
We thank everyone for their cooperation!
Poslao sam e-mail tražeći da otvorite račun. Prema podršci, račun sada iznosi najmanje 1400 € za nadoknadu
I sent the email asking you to open the account. According to support, the account is now at least 1400 € for reimbursement
Die E-Mail mit der bitte das Konto zu öffnen habe ich gesendet. Lt Support sind auf dem Konto nun immerhin 1400€ zur Erstattung vorgesehen
Sada je nadoknađeno 1400 €. Ipak, sasvim fer sa moje tačke gledišta. Hvala @casinoguru na pomoći. Mogu živjeti s pravilima kazina
1400 € have now been reimbursed. Still, quite fair from my point of view. Thanks @casinoguru for the help. I can live with the rules of the casino
Es sind nun 1400€ erstattet worden. Immerhin, aus meiner Sicht recht fair. Danke @casinoguru für die Hilfe. Mit der Regelung des Casinos kann ich so leben
Dragi Stefane,
Hvala vam što koristite Casino Guru centar za rješavanje žalbi. Drago nam je čuti da je vaš problem riješen. Sada ćemo ga označiti kao "riješen" u našem sustavu.
Dear Stefan,
Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. We are glad to hear that your issue got resolved. We will now mark it as 'resolved' in our system.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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