Prvo, izdvajam vaše vreme gledajući moj dugi pisani esej (izvinite) i zaista se divim sjajnom poslu koji je Casino Guru postigao ne samo donoseći mir i rešavajući stvari već i deleći i ažurirajući toliko korisnih informacija, sada razumem zašto su moji prijatelji zadržali Podseća me da se obratim vama momci, hvala vam puno!!
Već neko vreme igram sa Luckistar Casino-om, skoro svakodnevno.
Prošle nedelje tokom jedne od mojih dnevnih sesija odlučio sam da igram igru pod nazivom "Evil Elf Escape from Elfatraz". Igra mi je zabavna zbog raznih funkcija koje mogu da biram.
Jedna od karakteristika igre je nasumični množilac (osnovna igra ili besplatne igre) koji se daje NAKON vaše pobede, igra bira jedan množilac od k2, k3, k5 ili k10.
U to vreme sam se kladio na $2 AUD i na kraju sam dobio lepu pobedu od $800. Funkcija množenja se onda nasumično pojavila i odlučila da mi dodeli k10 i osvojio sam 8.000 dolara. Pobeda je bila jasno vidljiva na mom ekranu od 8.000 dolara. Tada sam primetio da pobeda nije dodata mom bilansu. Igra takođe ima opciju istorije u svom meniju, ali nažalost bila mi je blokirana za gledanje, što mi je bilo čudno. Odmah sam kontaktirao podršku putem ćaskanja i objasnio situaciju. Predstavnik podrške je prilično nov i napomenuo je da će oni napraviti izveštaj.
Iskusnija osoba za podršku upala je u razgovor i izjavila da predstavnik mora da ide kući, što je prvi put viđeno tokom ćaskanja uživo. Predstavnik je ponovo nastavio sa prijavljivanjem stvari.
Nekoliko sati kasnije vratio sam se na istu igru u nadi da ću videti da li će se ponovo desiti kako bih mogao da je snimim i srećom, video sam snimio pobedu koja je imala isti problem, ali ovaj put je to bila pobeda od 160 dolara sa nasumičnom funkcijom ( frostberries nasumična karakteristika) pomnoženo sa k5. U prilogu ćete jasno videti dobitak od 800 dolara i kada zbunjeno čekam da vidim šta će se sledeće desiti, jednostavno nastavljam da igram i to nije pripisano na moj račun, samo početni dobitak od 160 dolara.
Odmah sam stupio u kontakt sa podrškom, razgovarajući sa istim predstavnikom podrške.
Predstavnik je izgledao šokiran nakon gledanja videa i rekao je da je provajder igre možda napravio grešku i da će sačekati da čuje od njih. Nekoliko dana kasnije, nakon nekoliko pitanja, konačno dobijete ažuriranje sa dobrim starim "Vizuelnim greškom".
Budući da sam u industriji igara preko 25+, čuo sam za ovaj termin mnogo puta i svestan sam da se dešavaju kvarovi/greške itd., ali verujem da se termin generalno prekomerno koristi od strane kazina i provajdera, a ne za njegovu ispravnu svrhu, to je brza i laka stvar za reći da se igrači ugase.
Tražio sam e-poštu poslatu dobavljaču ili bilo koji relevantan dokaz, e-pošta koja mi je poslata od trećeg predstavnika podrške je veoma ograničena i nema odgovarajućih dokaza, u stvari glavni dobitak od 8.000 dolara nije čak ni pomenut, samo donji dobitak od 800 je. Osoba za kontakt odjednom izgleda frustrirano ponavljajući da je to toliko puta objasnila i verujem da njegov profesionalizam slabi i kao da radi za provajdera (baš ono što sam osetio tokom ćaskanja)
Problem koji uzrokuje navodni „propust" koji mi je rečeno je zbog funkcije množenja frostberriesa koja se množi nakon pobede, a ne pre.
Iz mog iskustva u industriji, nasumično množenje, kao što je ova, ne bi imalo smisla da se unapred množi jer poništava celu svrhu. E-mail koji mi kazino šalje zapravo pominje ovo što je naveo provajder. Takođe pominju da je igra sada popravljena i tako će se nasumična funkcija sada pojaviti pre pobede umesto posle pobede.
Želim da verujem u ovo pa odem da igram igru i uverim se u to, međutim igra se neće učitati i jednostavno sam suočen sa praznim ekranom. Ostale igre Arcadems dobro rade, i tražim podršku u vezi s tim da je igra popravljena, ali se ne otvara. Mora da to popravljaju, rečeno mi je što mi je komunikacija prilično čudna, jer ako je provajder rešio problem zašto se i dalje ne bi učitao. Posle 2 dana igra još uvek nije dostupna.
U ovoj fazi sam želeo da prestanem da razmišljam o celom scenariju, ali to je bilo teško izvodljivo, pa sam pronašao istu igru u drugom kazinu verujući da je slučajni množilac isti kao što bi trebalo da bude u moje 2 pobede. Izgubio sam mnogo novca igrajući sve dok se funkcija nasumično nije pojavila i na kraju sam je snimio i bio sam u pravu. Ovo je bio mnogo manji iznos, ali spin je isplatio dobitak sa dodatim pomnoženim iznosom nakon pobede.
Mislim da vidite stvarnu pobedu pred sopstvenim očima onda se ovo dešava, iskreno se osećam kao da nešto nije otkriveno. Ne bih sumnjao da će kazino uraditi nešto slično, ali opet nije provajder koji bi morao da mi isplati, već kazino, tako da razmišljam posebno nakon čudne promene komunikacije iz kazina. Nisam razgovarao sa kazinom već nekoliko dana, tako da oni ne znaju za moj poslednji video dokaz. Mislio sam da je igra popravljena, očigledno je laž.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi There,
Firstly I apricate your time at looking at my long written essay (sorry) and I truly admire the great work Casino Guru has achieved not only bringing peace and resolving matters but also sharing and updating so much useful information, now I understand why my friends kept reminding me to reach out to you guys, thanks heaps!!
Ive been playing with Luckystar Casino for quite some time now, almost daily.
Last week during one of my daily sessions I decided to play a game called "Evil Elf Escape from Elfatraz". The game is entertaining for me due to variety of features to choose from.
One of the features of the game is a random multiplier (Base game or free games) which is given AFTER your win, the game picks one multiplier from x2, x3, x5 or x10.
At the time I was betting $2 AUD and ended up getting a nice $800 win. The multiplier feature then randomly popped up and chose to award me x10 and I won $8,000. The win was clearly visible on my screen of $8,000. I then noticed the win not added to my balance. The game has also got a history option in its menu but unfortunately it was blocked for me to view, which i found strange. I immediately contacted support via chat and explained the situation. The support rep is fairly new and he mentioned that they will generate a report.
A more experienced support person barged into the conversation and stated that the rep had to go home, which was a first ive seen during a live chat. The rep again continued with reporting the matter.
Several hours later I went back on the same game hoping to see if it occurs again so i can capture it and luckily enough i video recorded a win that had the same exact issue, yet this time it was a $160 win with the random feature (frostberries random feature) multiplied by x5. Attached you will see the $800 win clearly and when waiting puzzled to see what happens next I simply continue playing and its not credited to my account balance , only the $160 initial win is.
I immediately got in contact with support , chatting to the same support rep.
The rep seemed in shock after watching the video, and said that the game provider may have made a mistake and will wait to hear from them. Few days later after enquiring a few times finally get an update with the good old "Visual glitch".
Being in the gaming industry for over 25+ I've heard the term many times and aware glitches / bugs etc happen but i believe the term is generally overused by casinos & providers and not for its correct purpose, its a quick and easy thing to say to shut players down.
I asked for the email sent out to the provider or any relevant proof, the email sent to me from a 3rd support rep person is very limited and no proper evidence in-fact the main win of $8,000 not even mentioned , only the lower 800 win is. The contact person all of a sudden seems frustrated repeating that his explained it so many times and i believe his professionalism weakens and its as if his working for the provider (just what I felt during my chat)
The issue causing the supposed "glitch" i get told is due to the frostberries multiplier feature multiplying after the win and not before.
From my experience in the industry a random multiplying feature such as this one would not make sense multiplying beforehand as it defeats the whole purpose. The email the casino sends me actually mentions this stated by the provider. They also mention that the game is now fixed and so the random feature will now appear before the win instead of after the win.
I want to believe this so i go to play the game and see it for myself however the game wont load and I am simply faced with a blank screen. Arcadems other games are fine working , and I ask support about the game been fixed but not opening. They must be fixing it i get told which i find the communication quite strange because if a provider has fixed the issue why would it still not load up. After 2 days the game is still not accessible.
At this stage I wanted to stop thinking about the whole scenario but it was difficult to do, so I hunted down the same game on a different casino believing that the random multiplier is the same way it should be like in my 2 wins. I lost a lot of money playing until the feature randomly popped up and finally I recorded it and I was right. This was a much smaller amount but the spin paid out the win with the added multiplied amount after the win.
I mean seeing the actual win in front of your own eyes then this happens, it honestly feels like there is something not being exposed. I wouldn't suspect the casino to do anything like this but then again its not the provider that would need to pay me out its the casino so I am having thoughts especially after the strange change of communication from the casino. I have not spoken to the casino for a few days now and so they are not aware of my last video of proof. I thought the game was fixed, its obviously a lie.
Kind Regards,
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