The player from Kansas had had a bonus added to his deposit, despite his request to customer service to avoid any additions. This had led to limitations on his bets, with the casino suggesting he either played with the bonus or canceled it, which would have been deducted from his initial deposit. We asked the player for specific details about the bonuses and his communication with the casino support. However, due to the player's lack of response to our queries, we have been unable to proceed with the investigation. Consequently, the complaint was rejected.
Igraču iz Kanzasa je na depozit dodat bonus, uprkos njegovom zahtevu korisničkoj službi da izbegne bilo kakve dodatke. Ovo je dovelo do ograničenja njegovih opklada, pri čemu je kazino sugerisao da je ili igrao sa bonusom ili ga je otkazao, što bi bilo oduzeto od njegovog početnog depozita. Pitali smo igrača za konkretne detalje o bonusima i njegovoj komunikaciji sa podrškom kazina. Međutim, zbog nedostatka odgovora igrača na naše upite, nismo u mogućnosti da nastavimo sa istragom. Shodno tome, žalba je odbijena.
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