Zdravo. Hvala što ste prihvatili moju prijavu. Aktivirao sam bonus 20. juna 2024. u odeljku bonusa „dodatni novac 15 PLN", uslovi za oslobađanje bonusa su k1 promet na opkladama. Nigde nije pisalo o vremenu u kojem sam morao da vratim bonus. Nakon što sam napravio depozit od 42 PLN 27. juna 2024. godine, trgovao sam samo iznosom iz svog stvarnog stanja novca i bonus je bilo nemoguće osloboditi. Zatim sam ponovo kontaktirao podršku (nažalost, nemam zapis o ovom razgovoru, ali kazino verovatno ima pristup istoriji svih zapisa o razgovorima podrške sa igračima) u vezi sa zahtevima za bonus i oni su potvrdili „k1 promet na opkladama, tj. 15 PLN" i već sam igrao na ovaj iznos (mogu da pošaljem istoriju igre). 2. jula 2024. uspešno je naručeno podizanje 200 PLN, a od ove uplate sam izgubio bonus od 15 PLN sa svog stanja, dodatni novac... I nastavljam da se igram sa iznosom sa mog stvarnog novca do verifikacije je završen i moj dobitak je konfiskovan.
Mogu da pošaljem na vašu e-poštu ceo zapis 2 razgovora sa kazino podrškom nakon internog transfera od njih u iznosu od 1.383 PLN. Evidencija poziva je samo na poljskom, pa vas molimo da koristite prevodioca.
Hi. Thanks for accepting my application. I activated the bonus on June 20, 2024 in the bonuses section "additional money PLN 15", the requirements for releasing the bonus are x1 turnover on bets. Nothing was written anywhere about the time in which I had to turn over the bonus. After making a deposit of PLN 42 on June 27, 2024, I only traded the amount from my real money balance and the bonus was impossible to release. I then contacted the support again (unfortunately I don't have a record of this conversation, but the casino probably has access to the history of all records of support conversations with players) about the bonus requirements and they confirmed "x1 turnover on bets, i.e. PLN 15" and I had already played on this amount (I can send the game history). On July 2, 2024, a withdrawal of PLN 200 was successfully ordered, and from this payment I lost a bonus of PLN 15 from my balance, additional money... And I keep playing with the amount from my real money balance until the verification is completed and my winnings are confiscated.
I can send to your e-mail the entire record of 2 conversations with the casino support after making an internal transfer from them in the amount of PLN 1,383. Call records are only in Polish, so please use a translator.
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