Dragi Timon3270,
Kopali smo dublje u ovaj slučaj i sada smo dobili dodatne dokaze iz kazina. Još jednom ću sumirati naše nalaze.
Vidimo da ste 27.12.2023. zatražili da se blokiraju svi računi u svim povezanim kazinima iz specifičnog razloga „zavisnosti od kockanja", putem poruke podršci sestrinske platforme Sol kazina. Čineći to, naveli ste sva povezana korisnička imena i e-poruke koje se odnose na vaše naloge.
Čini se da niste dobili odgovor na ovaj zahtev, a iz kazina takođe navode da isključenje nije pravilno implementirano u njihovom sistemu, odnosno deo vaše adrese je pomešan sa vašim prezimenom.
Otvorili ste novi nalog u Sol kazinu 03.02.2024 bez otkrivanja. Prilikom registracije ovog naloga, koristili ste isto ime i datum rođenja kao i kod prethodnih naloga, ali imejl koji ste naveli ima jedno dodatno slovo od adrese u vašem zahtevu za isključenje („timon" umesto „timo" – najverovatnije greška u kucanju). Zbog pogrešno unetih podataka od strane kazina, zajedno sa neslaganjem u e-poruci koju ste vi dali, vaš novi nalog nije otkriven sve do trenutka kada ste zatražili povlačenje.
Međutim, što je najvažnije, sada imamo dokaze da je kazino implementirao blokadu koristeći sve podatke koje ste dali u svim kazinima 28.12.2023, dan nakon što je blokiranje zatraženo.
U ovom trenutku, treba reći da se u potpunosti ne slažemo sa načinom na koji je kazino pristupio ovom isključenju, kako u nedostatku odgovora na vas, tako i u unosu netačnih podataka.
Ali, kako je sada evidentno da blokada nije potpuno zanemarena kao što se činilo ranije, nažalost ne možemo da zaključimo da se dobitak mora isplatiti. Kazino u stvari sledi ispravnu proceduru u vraćanju svih depozita sa vašeg novootvorenog naloga.
Razumem da ovo nije ishod kojem ste se nadali, ali u svetlu ovih novih informacija bojim se da ne možemo ništa dalje da postignemo.
Veoma mi je žao što ovom prilikom nismo mogli biti od veće pomoći.
Ako možete da potvrdite da su vam vraćeni svi depoziti, ovaj slučaj će biti zatvoren.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Timon3270,
We have been digging deeper into this case and now received further evidence from the casino. I will once more summarize our findings.
We can see that you requested all accounts at all related casinos be blocked for the specific reason of a "gambling addiction" on 27.12.2023, via a message to the support of a sister platform of Sol Casino. In doing so, you have provided all associated usernames and emails pertaining to your accounts.
It seems that you have received no response to this request, and the casino also states that the exclusion was not implemented correctly in their system, namely part of your address was mixed up with your surname.
You have opened a new account at Sol Casino on 03.02.2024 without detection. When registering this account, you have used the same name and date of birth as with previous accounts, but the email you have provided has one extra letter than the address in your request for exclusion ('timon' instead of 'timo' - most likely a typing error). Due to the incorrectly entered data by the casino, coupled with the discrepancy in the email provided by yourself, your new account was not detected until the point you requested a withdrawal.
However, crucially, we also now have evidence that the casino has implemented the block using all of the data you provided across the casinos on 28.12.2023, the day after the block was requested.
At this point, it should be stated that we strongly disagree with the way the casino has approached this exclusion, both in the lack of response to you and in the entry of incorrect details.
But, as it is now evident that the block was not completely ignored as it seemed previously, we are unfortunately unable to conclude that the winnings must be paid. The casino is in fact following the correct procedure in returning all deposits from your newly created account.
I understand that this is not the outcome you have been hoping for, but in light of this new information I am afraid there is nothing further we can achieve.
I am very sorry that we could not be of more help on this occasion.
If you can confirm that you have been refunded all of your deposits, this case will then be closed.
Kind regards,
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