Hvala vam, iskreno cenim vaše vreme i trud.
Registrovao sam svoj nalog 1./23.
Poslao sam svu traženu dokumentaciju na proveru.
Igrao sam puno slotova u Kuickfire igricama.
Verujem da sam imao stanje od 0 dolara??
Tokom godine imam ih preko 80000 dolara.
Imao sam puno poštovanja i razumevanja prema agentima u vezi sa situacijom nakon što sam pokušao da je zamotam. Rekli su mi da kontaktiram Vip menadžera mesec dana nakon čega će biti oko 1/24. januara, a ja sam to uradio danas, 6/24. januara i rekli su mi da više ne mogu da dobijem Vip menadžera. Otišao sam da pronađem imejlove svih razgovora koje sam vodio od njih i svi su nestali iz mojih fajlova. Dakle, izgleda da su me možda blokirali ili hakovali. Pošto su svi zapisi koje sam sačuvao nestali iz mog fajla??
Konstantno sam kontaktirao 2 nedelje pre nego što su mi zatvorili nalog u vezi sa nekim stvarima sa kojima nisam bio zadovoljan i kao što se većina ljudi osećala nečuveno i loše tretirano jer sam ponovo verovao ovoj kompaniji godinu dana. Nisam dobio odgovor za te 2 nedelje. Jednog jutra probudio sam se od e-pošte od njih 1) da sam dočekan u novom VIP programu koji su napravili jer sam već bio VIP, ali ovo je bila novija verzija 2) da sam dobio nagradu na lutriji 3) da sam nalog je zatvoren bez dalje diskusije.🤯 S poštovanjem sam im rekao da ne radim ovo je u redu. Odgovorili su da pokušavam da ih ucenim da ponovo otvore nalog tako što sam im iskreno rekao da ću možda morati da podnesem žalbu protiv njih zbog nepravednog zatvaranja naloga. Pokušavao sam da komuniciram sa njima iznova i iznova, a oni su me samo ignorisali, a onda su se ponašali kao kukavice i umesto da sa poštovanjem i zrelo komuniciraju sa njima, zatvorili su moj nalog. Uvek sam govorio agentima za ćaskanje koliko ih cenim i uvek sam bio potpuno otvorena knjiga o svim stvarima. Zauzvrat su mi pokazali vrlo malo poštovanja. Kao što sam rekao ranije, sačuvao sam mejlove, ali sada su misteriozno svi nestali??? Spasao sam ih iz ovog razloga. S poštovanjem sam čekao mesec da ne napišem negativne kritike ili uložim žalbu, kao što sam rekao, Vip menadžer mi je rekao da možemo da razgovaramo za mesec dana. Sada mi ne daju da razgovaram sa menadžerom i da me tretiraju kao da sam ništa. Ovo nije u redu. Ovim kompanijama verujemo sa mnogo novca i samo za tren oka one se gase i da budu toliko manipulativne me čudi. Oni moraju da shvate da smo ljudi i ponekad moraju da progovore ako se osećamo kao da se prema nama nepravedno postupa. Tako su me napalili gasom. Osjećao sam se kao da nemam pravo ništa reći i da im izazivam stres. Kada sam samo pokušavao da dobijem poštovanje i zdravu komunikaciju o svom nalogu. Zaista gubim poverenje u ovu industriju i mislim da je ceo posao sa onlajn kazinom potpuno sumnjiv posao. Nekada sam voleo da bezumno igram svoje slotove radi zabave. Kada kompanije povlače ovakve stvari, nemam poverenja. Oni ne tretiraju ljude kao ljude. Ne znam da li mi pomažete da se osećam bolje zbog svega ovoga ili uradim ono što je ispravno, ne znam 🤷🏼♀. Samo sam mislio da ću pokušati da uradim ono što je dobro za nas igrače. Pošto se ove stvari previše dešavaju svakodnevnim ljudima koji samo pokušavaju da steknu malo sreće, da budu tretirani pošteno i da se zabave. Ove kompanije povertrip uzimaju novac ljudi i bacaju ga čim bilo ko od nas ima glas. Opet, zaista izuzetno cenim vaše vreme i trud. ✌❣Javite mi ako vam treba još nešto od mene. Nemam mejlove od njih iako sam ih sačuvao. Pa to je nekako sumnjivo 🤨 zar ne?? Nije iznenađeno, jer izgleda da ovi momci ovako rade. 🥸
Thank you I genuinely appreciate your time and efforts.
I registered my account Jan1./23.
I sent all required documents for verification.
I played slots lots of Quickfire games.
I had a $0 balance I believe??
Over the year I have them over $80000.
I was really respectful and understanding to agents about situation after trying to wrap my head around it. They told me to contact Vip manager a month after which would be about Jan.1/24 and I did today Jan.6/24 and they told me I can’t get Vip manager anymore. I went to find emails of all the conversations I had had kept from them and they were all gone from my files. So it appears maybe they blocked me or hacked me. As all the records I saved are gone from my file??
I reached out 2 weeks continually prior to them closing my account about some things I did not feel happy with and like most humans felt unheard and treated poorly as again I trusted this company for a year. I got no response for that 2 weeks. In one morning I woke up to emails from them 1)That I was being welcomed into new VIP program they had created as I was already a VIP but this was a newer version 2) that I had won a prize on lottery 3)That my account was being closed no further discussion.🤯 I respectfully told them I don’t this this is right. They responded that I was trying to black mail them to reopen account by telling them honestly I may have to file a complaint against them for closing my account unfairly. I tried communicating with them over and over and they Just ignored me then acted like cowards and instead of respectfully and maturely communicating with them they closed my account. I always told the chat agents how much I appreciated them and always was a total open book about all things. They showed me very little respect in return. As like I stated before I had saved emails but now mysteriously they all gone??? I saved them for this reason. I respectfully waited the month to not write any negative reviews or file a complaint as like I said the Vip manager told me we can talk in a month. Now they won’t let me talk to manager and treating me like I’m nothing. This is not right. We trust these companies with lots of money and just in a blink of an eye they gaslight and be so manipulative is mind blowing to me. They need to understand we are human and sometimes need to speak up if we are feeling like we are being treated unfairly. They gaslighted me so bad. Made me feel like I did not have a right to say anything and that I was causing stress on them. When all I was trying to do was get some respect and healthy communication about my account. I am really losing trust in this industry and thinking that the whole online casino business is a total shady business. I used to love just playing my slots mindlessly for entertainment. When companies pull things like this it makes me have no trust. They don’t treat people like humans. I don’t know if you help me feel better about all this or do what is right , I don’t know 🤷🏼♀️. I just thought I would try to do what is right for us players. As this stuff happens too much to everyday people who are just trying to get a little luck , be treated fairly and have some fun. These companies powertrip take peoples money and drop them as soon as any of us have a voice. Again I really appreciate your time and efforts immensely. ✌️❣️Let me know if you need anything else from me. I don’t have emails from them even though I saved them. So that’s kind of suspicious 🤨 isn’t it?? Not surprised though as this is how these guys seem to operate. 🥸
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