Zdravo, Nik.
Proces verifikacije je počeo juče.
Nažalost, ne znam koji su dokumenti prihvaćeni, a koji nisu, jer to nigde nije prikazano. Jedino što znam je da nisam verifikovan zbog godina, kao što mi je napisano na kraju verifikacije u aplikaciji treće strane (gde se odvija KIC).
Juče sam razgovarao sa timom za podršku i rekli su da ne znaju zašto nisam verifikovan i da treba da im se javim kasnije, za 24 sata – što sam i uradio.
Danas sam dobio potpuno isti odgovor kao juče:
„Proveravamo sa našim KIC timom o statusu vašeg KIC-a. U međuvremenu, budite strpljivi. Javićemo vam se što je pre moguće.
Ako nema ažuriranja u roku od 24 sata, možete nas ponovo kontaktirati u vezi sa ažuriranjem. Hvala vam na strpljenju i razumevanju."
Od mene se ne traže nikakvi dodatni dokumenti. Ni meni ne daju da ponovo proverim. Samo pišu – čekaj. Status moje verifikacije NIJE prošao.
Poslednje pismo iz pošte: „Sa žaljenjem vas obaveštavamo da nakon pregleda vaša KIC verifikacija nije odobrena. Nažalost, ponovno podnošenje u ovom trenutku nije opcija."
Hello, Nick.
The verification process started yesterday.
Unfortunately, I don't know which documents were accepted and which were not, as it is not displayed anywhere. The only thing I know is that I was not verified because of my age, as it was written to me at the end of the verification in a third party application (where KYC takes place).
Just yesterday I talked to the support team and they said that they don't know why I was not verified and that I should contact them later, in 24 hours - which I did.
Today I got exactly the same answer as yesterday:
"We are checking with our KYC team about the status of your KYC. In the meantime, please be patient. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
If there is no update within 24 hours, you can contact us again about the update. Thank you for your patience and understanding."
No additional documents are requested from me. They don't let me re-verify either. They only write - wait. The status of my verification is NOT Passed.
The last letter from the mail: "We regret to inform you that after reviewing, your KYC verification has not been approved. Unfortunately, resubmission is not an option at this time."
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