Početak je da imam nalog na sajtu Bitsler
Deponovao sam iznos DGB valute i dostigao je približno 856.000 iste valute
Bio sam iznenađen 5. novembra 2023. da je moj novac povučen sa mog računa bez mog znanja
Gore pomenuti novac iu istoj valuti
Rekli su mi na početku da je problem vezan za blokčejn mrežu valute
I kontaktirao sam podršku više puta tog datuma
A oni su odgovorili da će vam za dan-dva novac biti poslat i žao nam je zbog toga
I vaš novac će biti poslat u ekvivalentu ustd valute
Od tada do sada su rekli da ćemo vam nadoknaditi ovo kašnjenje
I ta dva dana su postala deset dana i posle deset dana su rekli da ćemo vam nadoknaditi ovo kašnjenje i ovu štetu tako što ćemo povećati vašu odštetu na milion DGB a ne 856.000
I čekao sam kako su rekli i deset dana se povećalo na mesec i po
I dali su mi drugi termin desetog decembra i nisu se obavezali, a onda dvadesetog istog meseca
A onda dvadeset i peti istog meseca, decembra 2023, i nisu se obavezali ni na jednu reč od onoga što su mi obećali
I rekli su mi da će prvog dana nove godine, januara 2024, zaista povećati odštetu na otprilike milion i 150 hiljada
I nisu našli ništa što bi opravdalo ono što su uradili da mi ukradu novac. Tražili su od mene da dokumentujem svoj račun jer nije dokumentovan
Znajući da sam na ovom sajtu već tri godine pre ovog problema i normalno uplaćujem i podižem, a iznosi su bili mali u poređenju sa onim što sam položio prošli put jer sam im mnogo verovao i nisam našao ništa što bi me zabrinjavalo deponujući kod njih ovaj veliki iznos
I tražili su da im pošaljem sva dokumenta koja ukazuju na dokumentaciju mog računa i kada sam podigao nacionalnu kartu, odbili su je i tražili da napravim novi pasoš i zaista se to desilo i tražili su dokaz o prebivalištu preveden i zaista sam to preveo kako su me tražili I kada sam ispunio sve što su tražili umesto jednom, dvaput i tri puta
I predao sam sve što su tražili od mene nakon muke da ih nateram da pristanu na to, pravdali su se da će svi službenici podrške koji će raditi na dokumentovanju mog naloga biti na božićnom raspustu, a sve to su samo želeli da dobiju više vreme
Dvadeset šestog januara 2024. rekli su mi da će povećati vrednost obeštećenja sa milion i 150 hiljada na milion i 600 hiljada i tražili su od mene da otvorim novi nalog jer su tvrdili i pravdali se da moj stari nalog je hakovan i to nije problem blokčejna za valutu kao što su mi ranije rekli i mnogo puta su me lagali o tome, a sa ovim novim nalogom garantuju da je nov i da nije hakovan, a ovo je naravno jedna njihova laž i uobičajeno odugovlačenje sa njihove strane prema meni od početka problema, a pošto sam im verovao i imao novac kod njih, imao sam dobre misli o njima da su vredni poverenja koje sam im dao, posebno njihov menadžer je zvao nvo, i dali su mi još jedan termin do petnaestog februara od onog koji sam zvao, do te mere da sam mu rekao da ovaj novac koji sam položio na svoj račun nije samo moj, već imam partnere u njemu, do te mere da su pretili da će mi uzeti auto kao garanciju za njihov novac koji je opljačkan na ovom sajtu. Kada sam to objasnio takozvanom NVO-u, on mi je rekao da će mi pomoći da rešim svoje nerešene probleme, a ako ih ne reši njihov radni tim, poslaće mi taj novac sa svog računa ako oni ne završite sa rešavanjem ovog problema do prethodno navedenog datuma, a to je petnaesti februar, a ja imam sve snimke ekrana na kojima se vidi svaka reč koju sam vam rekao. On je samo lagao i odugovlačio sa mnom i obmanjivao me rečima i nije rekao istinu. Rekao je: „Čekaj sa mnom do dvadesetog istog meseca, i ja ću ti ga udvostručiti sa 1.600.000 na 3.200.000. Verovao sam mu jer je on menadžer i administrator koji nadgleda ovaj sjajan sajt. Kada je došao očekivani datum, a to je bio dvadeseti februar, koji je on sam odredio, nije se pridržavao datuma kao i obično, i poslao mi je poruku da je obavezan na nadoknadu koju sam vam rekao, a to je 3200000 DGB ali će vas vlasnik kontaktirati dvadeset petog istog meseca
treba nastaviti
The beginning is that I have an account on the Bitsler website
I deposited an amount of DGB currency and it reached approximately 856,000 of the same currency
I was surprised on November 5, 2023 that my money was withdrawn from my account without my knowledge
The money mentioned above and in the same currency
They told me at the beginning that the problem was related to the blockchain network of the currency
And I contacted support more than once on that date
And they responded that within a day or two your money will be sent to you and we are sorry for that
And your money will be sent in the equivalent of ustd currency
From that time until now they said that we will compensate you for this delay
And the two days became ten days and after the ten days they said that we will compensate you for this delay and this damage by increasing your compensation to reach one million DGB and not 856,000
And I waited as they said and the ten days increased to A month and a half
And they gave me another appointment on the tenth of December and they did not commit, and then the twentieth of the same month
And then the twenty-fifth of the same month, December 2023, and they did not commit to a single word of what they promised me
And they told me that on the first day of the new year, January 2024, they will indeed increase the compensation to approximately one million and 150 thousand
And they did not find anything to justify what they were doing to steal my money. They asked me to document my account because it is not documented
Knowing that I have been on this site for three years before this problem and I deposit and withdraw normally and the amounts were small compared to what I deposited the last time because I trusted them a lot and I did not find anything that would worry me about depositing this large amount with them
And they asked me to send them all the documents indicating the documentation of my account and when I raised my national card, they rejected it and asked me to make a new passport and indeed this is what happened and they asked for proof of residence translated and indeed I translated it as they asked me And when I fulfilled everything they asked for instead of once, twice and three times
And I submitted everything they asked of me after suffering to get them to agree to it, they made excuses that all the support employees who will be working on documenting my account will be on Christmas vacation, and all of this they only wanted to gain more time
On the twenty-sixth of January 2024, they told me that they will increase the compensation value from one million and 150 thousand to one million and 600 thousand, and they asked me to create a new account because they claimed and also made excuses that my old account was hacked and it is not a blockchain problem for the currency as they told me before and they lied to me about this matter many times, and with this new account they guarantee that it is new and not hacked, and this is of course one of their lies and the usual procrastination on their part to me since the beginning of the problem, and because I trusted them and had money with them, I had good thoughts about them that they were worthy of the trust that I gave them, especially their manager called nwo, and they gave me another appointment until the fifteenth of February from the one called now, to the point that I told him that This money that I deposited in my account is not mine alone, but I have partners in it, to the point that they threatened to take my car as a guarantee for their money that was looted inside this site. When I explained this matter to the so-called nwo, he told me that he would help me solve my pending problems, and if they were not resolved by their work team, he would send me that money from his own account if they did not finish solving this problem by the previously specified date, which is the fifteenth of February, and I have with me all the screenshots indicating every word I told you. All he did was lie and procrastinate with me and deceive me with words and did not tell the truth. He said, "Wait with me until the twentieth of the same month, and I will double it for you from 1,600,000 to 3,200,000." I trusted him because he is the manager and admin supervising this great site. When the expected date came, which was the twentieth of February, which he himself had set, he did not adhere to the date as usual, and sent me a message saying that he was committed to the compensation that I told you, which is 3200000 DGB but the owner will contact you on the twenty-fifth of the same month
be to continued
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