Kupac: Zdravo, pitam se da li možete da mi pomognete. Tim za podršku je zaustavio moj dobitak i izrekao mi smešnu kaznu. Možete li pomoći? Ne odgovaraju mi.
Pon, 6. maj, 10:30
Menadžer Dendi: Tu odluku je donelo obezbeđenje. Nažalost, ne mogu da utičem na to. Imate još jedan nalog na našem sajtu, ali prema našim pravilima, ne možete imati više od 1 naloga. Mogli su da vam blokiraju nalog zbog ovog prekršaja, ali su vam dali još jednu priliku da uložite kaznu sa vrlo malom opkladom. Siguran sam da ćete moći da ga osvojite! Srećno!
Ned, 5. maj, 07:10
Kupac: Možete li ih naterati da odgovore? Koji drugi nalog? Ništa se nije promenilo od poslednje isplate. Nemam drugi nalog. Možete li ih zamoliti da mi daju više informacija? Da li možemo da rešimo ovu stvar?
Pon, 6. maj, 10:33
Kupac: Ako ponovo pobedim, nemam drugi nalog. Zašto gubim vreme igrajući se ako će opet biti ovaj bik? Samo vrati moj depozit. Ne želim više da igram sa ovim kazinom.
Pon, 6. maj, 11:31
Menadžer Dendi: Imate još jedan nalog kreiran 19.12.2023. Detalji ovog naloga su potpuno identični vašim. Ovaj nalog je napravljen ranije od trenutnog naloga koji koristite. Prema pravilima, igrač može imati samo jedan nalog. U takvim slučajevima uobičajeno je da se klijentov prvi nalog napusti, a drugi nalog se poništi. Ali pošto ste napravili celu igru sa drugog naloga - odlučeno je da se ostavi. Ovo je lojalna odluka. Međutim, ako odbijete da se pridržavate toga, onda možemo da preduzmemo standardnu akciju - da poništimo sve dobitke, vratimo poslednji depozit i potpuno blokiramo račun.
Pon, 6. maj, 11:38
Kupac: Hvala.
Pon, 6. maj, 11:44
Menadžer Dendi: Možda ćete razmisliti o tome? Možete povući mnogo više novca od 10 dolara! Siguran sam da nećete imati problema sa ulaganjem bonusa. I nakon povlačenja, možete blokirati svoj nalog.
Pon, 6. maj, 11:56
Mušterija: Ne osećam se dobro. Bio sam bolestan poslednje 2 nedelje, ali ovo me je psihički i finansijski slomilo. Kupio sam neke poklone za svoju porodicu misleći da ćete platiti, a sada se osećam tako glupo i zeznuo sam sebe. Psihički nisam u stanju da uradim ovo. Žao mi je .
Pon, 6. maj, 12:08
Menadžer Dendi: Znam da ste uznemireni i žao mi je. U svakom slučaju razmislite o tome, opklada je veoma mala i ništa ne gubite ako pokušate da je vratite. Molim vas pošaljite mi sutra svoju odluku.
Pon, 6. maj, 12:37
Kupac: Zar ne možete da smanjite, molim vas?
Pon, 6. maj, 12:45
Menadžer Dendi: Pokušaću da proverim da li je to moguće i kasnije ću vam dati informacije.
Pon, 6. maj, 23:40
Mušterija: To je previše, to je mučenje. Ja trpim gubitak dobitaka, sada gubitak svog vremena. Uništavaš me. Igrao sam satima i nisam ni blizu da završim opkladu. Moram da uradim još 9-10 DANA ovoga. Ne zaslužujem ovo. Zaista sam psihički umoran i sat otkucava. I mislim da sam jednom prešao granicu od 3 pa ćete me više kazniti. Nema smisla više igrati. Uopšte se ne osećam dobro jer znam koliko će se brzo okrenuti stolovi i nemam dovoljno vremena da igram ovo. A ako sat ne istekne to je preterano. Ko ima 2k bonusa još gore od 30k prometa? To je tako preterano. Tresem se. Znao sam da će me ovo slomiti. Zbog toga nisam hteo da počnem. Zašto mi daješ ovu 'milost' samo da bi me još više kaznio?
Uto, 7. maj, 0:40
Menadžer Dendi: Nažalost, ne mogu smanjiti vašu opkladu. Nastavite da igrate, odlično vam ide! Zamolio sam vas da ne budete kažnjeni zbog ove prevelike ponude. Ubuduće nemojte kladiti više od $3. Ako ne uspete za 5 dana, ja ću vam produžiti bonus.
Customer : Hi, I wonder if you can help me. The support team has stopped my winnings and gave me a ridiculous penalty. Can you assist? They are not replying to me.
Mon, 6 May, 10:30
Manager Dendy: That decision was made by security. Unfortunately, I can't influence it. You have another account on our site, but according to our rules, you can't have more than 1 account. They could have blocked your account for this offence, but they gave you another opportunity to wager the penalty with a very small wager. I am sure you will be able to win it back! Good luck!
Sun, 5 May, 07:10
Customer: Can you get them to reply? What other account? Nothing has changed since last payout. I have not got another account. Can you ask them to give me more information? So we can resolve this matter?
Mon, 6 May, 10:33
Customer: If I win again, I haven't got another account. Why waste my time playing if it's just gonna be this bull again? Just refund my deposit. I don’t want to play anymore with this casino.
Mon, 6 May, 11:31
Manager Dendy: You have another account created on 19.12.2023. The details of this account are completely identical to yours. This account was created earlier than the current account you are using. According to the rules, a player can only have one account. In such cases, it is customary to leave the client's first account, and the second account is cancelled. But since you made the whole game from the second account - it was decided to leave it. This is a loyal decision. However, if you refuse to comply with it, then we can take standard action - to cancel all winnings, return one last deposit, and block the account completely.
Mon, 6 May, 11:38
Customer: Thanks.
Mon, 6 May, 11:44
Manager Dendy: Maybe you'll think about it? You can withdraw a lot more money than $10! I'm sure you won't have any trouble wagering the bonus. And after the withdrawal, you can block your account.
Mon, 6 May, 11:56
Customer: I'm not feeling good. I’ve been sick the last 2 weeks but this mentally and financially crushed me. I bought some presents for my family thinking you guys were gonna pay out and now I feel so stupid and screwed myself up. I am not mentally able to do this. I’m sorry .
Mon, 6 May, 12:08
Manager Dendy: I know you're upset and I'm sorry. Think about it anyway, the wager is very small and you don't lose anything if you try to win it back. Please message me with your decision tomorrow.
Mon, 6 May, 12:37
Customer: Can't you reduce it please?
Mon, 6 May, 12:45
Manager Dendy: I'll try to check if it's possible and give you information later.
Mon, 6 May, 23:40
Customer: It’s too much, it’s torture. I suffer the loss of winnings, now the loss of my time. You're destroying me. I have been playing hours and I'm not even close to finishing the wager. I have to do another 9-10 DAYS of this. I don’t deserve this. I’m really tired mentally and the clock is ticking. And I think I went over the 3 limit once now so you guys will punish me more. There’s no point playing anymore. I don’t feel good at all because I know how quickly the tables will turn and I don’t have enough time to play this. And if the clock doesn’t run out it’s excessive. Who has a 2k bonus even worse 30k turnover ? It's so excessive. I’m shaking. I knew this would break me. This is why I didn’t want to start. Why give me this ‘grace’ just to punish me more?
Tue, 7 May, 0:40
Manager Dendy: Unfortunately, I can't reduce your wager. Keep playing, you're doing great! I asked that you not be penalised for this overbid. In the future, please do not bet more than $3. If you don't make it in 5 days, I will extend the bonus for you.
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