Igraču iz Njemačke je poništen dobitak zbog pravila koje zabranjuje isplatu više uzastopnih bonusa na depozit. Na kraju smo zaključili žalbu kao "neriješenu" jer je kazino prestao da odgovara i smatramo da je njegova odluka protiv poštenog kockanja.
The player from Germany had his winnings cancelled due to a rule forbidding a redemption of multiple consecutive Deposit Bonuses. We ended up closing the complaint as "unresolved" because the casino stopped responding and we find its decision to be against fair gambling.
Igraču iz Njemačke je poništen dobitak zbog pravila koje zabranjuje isplatu više uzastopnih bonusa na depozit. Na kraju smo zaključili žalbu kao "neriješenu" jer je kazino prestao da odgovara i smatramo da je njegova odluka protiv poštenog kockanja.
Kazino nepravedno drži sredstva! Bonus je ispravno okladen. Nema zabrana Igrao igrice itd. Postojala je aplikacija za isplatu od 300 eura putem ezeewallet-a. Otkazano je i vraćeno 20 eura!
Još to nisam iskusio ni u jednom kasinu, ovo pokazuje da je više nego što je potrebno upozoriti. Ovdje više niko ne smije igrati, morate biti na crnoj listi! Želim nazad svoj novac itd. Svi moji cjelokupni depoziti.
Nude bonus!
Finansijska služba Hotline Casino je odbila vaš zahtjev za povlačenje
Razlog: Zloupotrebljavate politiku kazino bonusa i prekršili ste pravilo 6.16.
6.16 Ako uplaćujete bonuse 4 puta zaredom i više,
rizikujete da izgubite svoj dobitak i zadržite samo iznos depozita
napravljen za primanje bonusa. Da biste iskoristili bonuse i uživali u
dobitak, uplatite depozit (preko prosječnog iznosa prethodnih depozita)
bez bonusa barem jednom nakon korištenja 3 bonusa zaredom.
Vaše stanje je jednako sumi posljednjeg depozita plus preostali iznos
prije vašeg posljednjeg depozita, ukupno 20,02 EUR
Uslovi i odredbe:
S poštovanjem,
Casino Hotline
The casino is holding funds unjustly! Bonus wagered correctly. No bans Played games etc. There was an application for a payout of 300 euros via ezeewallet. It was canceled and 20 euros credited back!
Haven't experienced it in any casino yet, this shows that more than needs to be warned. No one is allowed to play here anymore, you have to be on the blacklist! I would like my money back, etc. All my entire deposits.
They offer a bonus!
Hotline Casino financial service rejected your request to withdraw
Reason: You abuse the Casino Bonus Policy and have violated rule 6.16.
6.16 If you are making deposits with bonuses 4 times in a row and more,
you are risking to lose your winnings and keep only the deposit sum, you
made to receive the bonus. To benefit from the bonuses and enjoy the
winnings, make a deposit (over the average sum of the previous deposits)
without bonuses at least once after using 3 bonuses in a row.
Your balance is equal to the last deposit sum plus the remaining sum
before your last deposit, in total 20.02 EUR
Terms and Conditions:
Casino Hotline
Das Casino behält Gelder ein ungerechtfertigt! Bonus wurde ordnungsgemäß gewagert. Keine Verbote Spiele gespielt etc. Es kam Beantragung zur Auszahlung in Höhe von 300 Euro über ezeewallet. Die wurde storniert und 20 Euro wieder gutgeschrieben!
Habe ich noch in keinem Casino erlebt zeigt das hier mehr als gewarnt werden muss. Hier darf niemand mehr spielen musst auf Blacklist! Mein Geld hätte ich gerne wieder usw. Alles meine ganzen Einzahlungen.
Man bietet ja Bonus an!
Hotline Casino financial service rejected your request to withdraw
Reason: You abuse the Casino Bonus Policy and have violated rule 6.16.
6.16 If you are making deposits with bonuses 4 times in a row and more,
you are risking to lose your winnings and keep only the deposit sum, you
made to receive the bonus. To benefit from the bonuses and enjoy the
winnings, make a deposit (over the average sum of the previous deposits)
without bonuses at least once after using 3 bonuses in a row.
Your balance is equal to the last deposit sum plus the remaining sum
before your last deposit, in total 20.02 EUR
Terms and Conditions:
Hotline Casino
Dragi marciistamstart,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Provjerio sam opšte uslove i evo šta sam našao ( ovde) :
"6.16 Ako uplaćujete bonuse 4 puta zaredom i više, rizikujete da izgubite svoj dobitak i zadržite samo iznos depozita koji ste napravili da biste primili bonus. Da biste imali koristi od bonusa i uživali u dobicima, napravite depozit (preko prosječne sume prethodnih depozita) bez bonusa barem jednom nakon korištenja 3 bonusa zaredom."
Možete li, molim vas, obavijestiti da li su svi iskorišteni bonusi aktivirani depozitom ili ste također iskoristili bilo koju besplatnu promotivnu ponudu? U idealnom slučaju, proslijedite svoju istoriju blagajnika i bonusa na petronela.k@casino.guru ?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear marciistamstart,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I have checked general terms and conditions, and this is what I found (here):
"6.16 If you are making deposits with bonuses 4 times in a row and more, you are risking to lose your winnings and keep only the deposit sum, you made to receive the bonus. To benefit from the bonuses and enjoy the winnings, make a deposit (over the average sum of the previous deposits) without bonuses at least once after using 3 bonuses in a row."
Could you please advise if all the redeemed bonuses were activated by a deposit or if you redeemed any free promotional offers as well? Ideally, forward your cashier and bonus histories to petronela.k@casino.guru?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Proslijeđeno putem e-pošte. Problem je zapravo u bonusima koje ste preplavljeni besplatnim okretajima, bilo da se radi o podizanju nivoa, plasmanu na turniru ili samo između i kao i bonus ponudama. Po mom mišljenju, činjenica da su ovakvi propisi sadržani u uslovima poslovanja je neprihvatljiva za kupce i namerava da otkaže plaćanja ili da traži razlog. Tada je očigledno da će kupci migrirati u kazina prilagođena korisnicima.
Forwarded it via email. The problem is actually with the bonuses you get overwhelmed with free spins be it through level up, tournament placement or just in between and as well as bonus offers. In my opinion, the fact that such regulations are included in the terms and conditions is customer-unfriendly and intends to cancel payments or to look for a reason. It is then obvious that customers will migrate to customer-friendly casinos.
Habe es per E-Mail weitergeleitet. Das Problem ist tatsächlich mit den Bonis man wird zugeschüttet mit Freespins sei es durch Level Aufstieg,Tournament Platzierung oder einfach so zwischendurch und sowie Bonus Angebote. Das man solche Regelungen rein setzt in die AGBs ist in meinen Augen Kundenunfreundlich und beabsichtigt Auszahlungen zu stornieren bzw. ein Grund zu suchen. Das dadurch Kunden abwandern zu Kundenfreundlichen Casinos liegt dann auf der Hand.
Hvala vam puno, marciistamstart, na proslijeđenim snimcima ekrana. Da li sam dobro shvatio da status "oprošteno" sugeriše da bonus klađenje nije završeno, pa stoga nisu akumulirani dobici?
Thank you very much, marciistamstart, for the forwarded screenshots. Do I understand correctly that the status "forgiven" suggests that the bonus wagering has not been completed, hence no winnings were accumulated from it?
To je tačno. Bilo je samo jedno podizanje od 30 eura i podizanje od 300 eura koje je poništeno. Gde sam dobio 20 evra nazad. To je sve
That's correct. There was only 1 withdrawal of 30 euros and the withdrawal of 300 euros which was cancelled. Where I got the 20 euros back. That's all
Das ist so korrekt. Es gab nur 1 Auszahlung in Höhe von 30 Euro sowie die Auszahlung in Höhe von 300 Euro die storniert wurde. Wo ich die 20 Euro zurück bekam. Das war alles
Da li sam dobro razumio da je 20 € vraćeno jer je to bio vaš minimalni depozit potreban za provjeru načina plaćanja i za povlačenje dobitaka iz besplatnih okretaja?
Do I understand correctly that €20 has been refunded since that was your minimum deposit required to verify the payment method and to withdraw your Free Spins winnings?
U redu. Depozit 20 eura + 50% ezeewallet specijalni bonus. Dakle 30 eura. Ulog x35 = ulog 1050 eura. Konačni rezultat je bio preko 700 eura. Na kraju sam htela da isplatim 300 evra što je kao što je poznato poništeno. Vratio sam samo 20 depozita. Da, kako izgleda, tražio sam 4x bonus za redom, što vjerovatno krši pravila i uslove. Što je neugodno jer su postojale samo 2 isplate koje su sada otkazane. 300 eura bi bilo super, bio sam sretan. Razočaran sam. Mogli ste ovo isplatiti jer su neki depoziti već bili uplaćeni u kazinu. Osim toga, osvajate i besplatne okrete na turniru, što se također smatra bonusom, smatram da je to nepošteno jer je tako nastao bonus 4x, znate li na šta mislim?
Right. Deposited 20 euros + 50% ezeewallet special bonus. So 30 euros. Wager x35 = wager 1050 euros. The final score was over 700 euros. In the end I wanted to pay out 300 euros which was canceled as is known. I only got the 20 deposit back. Yes, as it looks, I claimed 4x bonus in a row, which probably violates the terms and conditions. Which is annoying because there was only 2 payouts that have now been cancelled. The 300 euros would have been great, I was happy. Got disappointed. You could have paid this out as some deposits had already been made in the casino. In addition, you also win free spins in the tournament, which is also considered a bonus, I find that unfair because that's how the 4x bonus came about, do you know what I mean?
Richtig. Habe 20 Euro eingezahlt + 50 % ezeewallet Sonder Bonus. Somit 30 Euro. Wager x35 = 1050 Euro umsetzen. Endstand war über 700 Euro Guthaben. Zum Schluss wollte ich 300 Euro auszahlen was storniert wurde wie bekannt ist. Ich nur die 20 Einzahlung zurück bekam. Ja sowie es aussieht habe ich 4x Bonus am Stück in Anspruch genommen was wohl gegen die AGB verstößt. Was ärgerlich ist da nur 2x es eine Auszahlung gab diese nun storniert wurde. Die 300 Euro wären toll gewesen hatte mich gefreut. Wurde enttäuscht. Man hätte dies auch auszahlen können da bereits einige Einzahlungen in dem Casino vorgenommen wurde. Zudem gewinnt man auch im Tournament Freespins was ebenfalls als Bonus gilt das finde ich unfair denn dadurch kamen die 4x Bonus zustande verstehen Sie was ich meine?
Evo sledećeg.
Ako sam zaradio povrat novca od 1,20 eura od toga više od 300 eura, tada sam htio isplatiti.
Takođe je otkazan i cashback bonus gde je x5 Max povlačenje.
Prema pravilima "Cashback" promocije
Maksimalni iznos povlačenja je x5 od sume povrata novca.
Maksimalni iznos za povlačenje iz vaše aplikacije je 6 €, ovo
iznos je podignut na vaš bankovni račun."
Dakle u mom slučaju umjesto 300 isplata tačno 6 eura 😅
Kazino otkazao ukupno 580 eura!
Here the next.
If I had earned a cashback of 1.20 euros from it over 300 euros, I then wanted to pay out.
Was also canceled also cashback is bonus where x5 Max Withdraw is.
According to the rules of "Cashback" promotion
Maximum withdrawal sum is x5 from the cashback sum.
The maximum amount of withdrawal from your application is €6, this
amount was withdrawn to your bank account."
So in my case instead of 300 payout exactly 6 euros 😅
A total of 580 euros canceled by the casino!
Hier das nächste.
Hatte Cashback 1,20 Euro daraus über 300 Euro erspielt,wollte ich dann auch auszahlen.
Wurde ebenfalls storniert auch Cashback ist Bonus bei denen x5 Max Withdraw ist.
According to the rules of "Cashback" promotion
Maximal withdrawal sum is x5 from the cashback sum.
The maximum amount of withdrawal from your application is €6, this
amount was withdrawn to your bank account."
Also in meinem Fall statt 300 Auszahlung genau 6 Euro 😅
Insgesamt damit 580 Euro storniert seitens dem Casino!
Hvala, marciistamstart, na odgovoru. Što se tiče vašeg cashback bonusa, želio bih da naglasim da prema našem Kodeksu poštenog kockanja smatramo da je nametnuto ograničenje dobitka nepošteno i grabežljivo, samo kada se primjenjuje na igru sa pravim novcem, međutim, prihvatamo uslove i odredbe o bonusima koji ograničavaju maksimalni keš iz bonus igre.
Međutim, vaš početni problem sa otkazanim dobicima zbog isplate višestrukih uzastopnih bonusa na depozit ne izgleda nimalo fer.
Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru ( peter.m@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you, marciistamstart, for your reply. In regard to your cashback bonus, I would like to emphasize, that according to our Fair Gambling Codex, we consider imposed win limit to be unfair and predatory, only when it’s applied to a real money game, however, we accept bonus T&Cs that restrict the maximum cash out from a bonus play.
However, your initial issue with cancelled winnings due to redemption of multiple consecutive Deposit bonuses doesn't seem to be fair at all.
I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.m@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo marciistamstart,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Kontaktirat ću kazino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Pozivam Hotline Casino na razgovor da učestvujem u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi marciistamstart,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Hotline Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Svi igračevi depoziti su napravljeni pomoću promo kodova.
Prema paragrafu 6.16 (Ako uplaćujete bonuse 4 puta zaredom ili više, rizikujete da izgubite svoj dobitak i zadržite samo iznos depozita koji ste napravili da biste primili bonus. Da biste iskoristili bonuse i uživali u dobicima , napravite depozit (preko prosječne sume prethodnih depozita) bez bonusa barem jednom nakon korištenja 3 bonusa zaredom.
Takođe, ako igrač uplati depozit bez promotivnog koda, prema stavu 6.16, može koristiti i cashback, koji ne potpada pod ova pravila!
Što se tiče povrata novca, maksimalna isplata je određena pravilima promocije, koja se mogu naći na web stranici https://hotlinecasino.com/promotions/cashback, gdje su precizirani svi uslovi i odredbe ove promocije. Imajte na umu da se vrijednost x5 odnosi na povlačenje iz ove promocije, a ne na vrijeme klađenja opklade.
All of the player's deposits were made using promo codes.
According to paragraph 6.16 (If you are making deposits with bonuses 4 times in a row or more, you are risking to lose your winnings and keep only the deposit sum, you made to receive the bonus. To benefit from the bonuses and enjoy the winnings, make a deposit (over the average sum of the previous deposits) without bonuses at least once after using 3 bonuses in a row.
Also, if a player makes a deposit without a promotion code, according to paragraph 6.16, and can use the cashback, which does not fall under these rules!
Regarding the cashback, the maximum payout is set by the rules of the promotion, which can be found on the site https://hotlinecasino.com/promotions/cashback, where all the terms and conditions of this promotion are spelled out. Please note that the value of x5 applies to the withdrawal from this promo, and not at the time of wagering the wager.
Dragi Hotline Casino tim,
Hvala na odgovoru. Međutim, smatramo da su takva pravila nepravedna ili čak grabežljiva. Ako ne želite da igrači uzmu više od 4 bonusa, zašto im dopuštate? Ako želite da primenite ovo pravilo, to bi trebalo da se uradi na nivou softvera. Problem sa ovim pravilom je u tome što kazina vole da šalju mejlove sa bonus ponudama igračima čak i ako igrači ne ispunjavaju uslove za bonuse. Igrači u dobroj namjeri uplaćuju depozite i žele igrati sa bonusima, to je, naravno, dozvoljeno, ali čim žele da podignu svoj dobitak, novac im se oduzima. Ako izgube, ništa se ne dogodi, depoziti neće biti vraćeni. Uvjereni smo da bi igrač trebao dobiti punu platu.
Dear Hotline Casino team,
Thank you for your reply. However, we find such rules to be unfair or even predatory. If you don't want players to take more than 4 bonuses, why do you let them? If you want to enforce this rule, it should be done on the software level. The problem with this rule is that casinos like to send emails with bonus offers to players even if the players aren't eligible for the bonuses. The players make deposits in good faith and want to play with bonuses, this is, of course, allowed, but as soon as they want to withdraw their winnings, the money gets confiscated. If they lose, nothing happens, the deposits won't be refunded. We are convinced that the player should get paid in full.
Poštovani zaposlenici Hotline Casina,
ne želite odgovoriti ili ne možete odgovoriti? Vaš kazino je negativno ocijenjen na svakoj platformi, tako da se trebate pobrinuti za to. I opet, želio bih svoj novac kao što je Casino Guru već napisao, imam pravo na njega.
Još jednom, pošaljite mi moj novac na dobro poznati e-novčanik!
Dear Hotline Casino employees,
don't want to answer or can't answer? Your casino is negatively rated on every platform so you should take care of it. And again, I would like my money as Casino Guru has already written, I am entitled to it.
Again, please send me my money to the well-known e-wallet!
Sehr geehrte Mitarbeiter von Hotline Casino,
wollen Sie nicht Antworten oder können Sie nicht Antworten? Ihr Casino ist auf jeder Plattform negativ bewertet dem sollten Sie sich mal annehmen. Und nochmals ich hätte gerne mein Geld wie auch Casino Guru es schon geschrieben hat steht es mir zu.
Nochmal bitte schicken Sie mir mein Geld an die bekannte E-Wallet!
Pošto ne reagujete, dajem vam 72 sata da uplatite 280 evra u moj dobro poznati novčanik. Ako to nije slučaj, moj advokat će preuzeti slučaj. Ovo ima značajne posljedice za vas i također je skupo!
Osim toga, sredstva koja vam ne pripadaju zadržavate od provajdera što bi bila prevara!
Također, njihovi opći uvjeti su nevažeći za zemlje poput Njemačke, Austrije, Francuske! Ili tamo imate važeću dozvolu? Provajder plaćanja u slučaju da su Skrill i ezeewallet saučesnici i odmah će vratiti sve depozite koje vam obećavam. Provajderi plaćanja su od 1.7 u obavezi da vrate sve depozite u nelicenciranim kockarnicama jer im prijeti krivični postupak. Zato ću vam dati nekoliko savjeta prije nego što se advokat uključi i kockarska uprava odmah isplati novac na koji imam pravo!!
Ni ja nisam dobio 40 dolara na lutriji.
Kazina poput vas su sramota za cijelu industriju i uništavaju svaku reputaciju.
Since you don't react, I'll give you 72 hours to pay out the 280 euros to my well-known wallet. If this is not the case, my lawyer will take over the case. This has significant consequences for you and is also expensive!
In addition, you keep funds that do not belong to you from the provider that would be fraud!
Also, their general terms and conditions are invalid for countries like Germany, Austria, France! Or do you have a valid license there? The payment provider in the case Skrill and ezeewallet are complicit and will promptly refund all deposits I promise you. Payment providers have been obliged to refund all deposits in unlicensed casinos since 1.7 because they are threatened with criminal proceedings. So I'll give you some advice before the lawyer gets involved and the gambling authority pay the money I'm entitled to immediately!!
I didn't get the $40 from the lottery either.
Casinos like you are a disgrace to the whole industry and ruin any reputation.
Da Sie nicht reagieren gebe ich Ihnen 72 Stunden Zeit die 280 Euro auszuzahlen auf meine bekannte Wallet. Sollte das nicht der Fall sein übernimmt mein Anwalt den Fall. Das hat erhebliche Konsequenzen für Sie wird zudem kostspielig!
Zudem behalten Sie Gelder ein die Ihnen nicht gehören vom Provider das wäre Betrug!
Außerdem sind ihre Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Länder wie Deutschland, Österreich, Frankreich ungültig! Oder besitzen Sie dort eine gültige Lizenz? Der Zahlungsanbieter in dem Fall Skrill und ezeewallet machen sich mit schuldig und werden alle Einzahlungen umgehend erstatten das Verspreche ich Ihnen. Zahlungsanbieter sind verpflichtet seit 1.7 in unlizenzierten Casinos alle Einzahlungen zu erstatten da Ihnen ein Strafverfahren droht. Daher gebe ich Ihnen einen Rat bevor sich der Anwalt einschaltet sowie die Glücksspiel Behörde zahlen Sie das mir zustehende Geld umgehend aus!!
Die 40 USD von der Lottery habe ich ebenfalls nicht erhalten.
Solche Casinos wie Sie es sind sind eine Schande für die ganze Branche und ruinieren jeglichen Ruf.
Zamolili bismo Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, žalbu ćemo zatvoriti kao 'neriješenu'.
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Zdravo marciistamstart,
Nažalost, čini se da je kazino u potpunosti prestao da odgovara. Bojim se da se ne može mnogo toga uraditi bez saradnje sa njegove strane. Označit ću žalbu "neriješenom" u našem sistemu. Razumijem da ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rješenje za vaš problem. Međutim, smanjenje rejtinga uzrokovano neriješenim žalbama moglo bi pomoći da se promijeni pristup kazina. Ako kazino odluči da reaguje, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i bićete obavešteni putem e-pošte. U međuvremenu, preporučujem vam da kontaktirate Curacao Gaming Authority i podnesete žalbu (https://verification.curacao-egaming.com/validateview.aspx?domain=hotlinecasino.com). Nisam siguran da li će vam Agencija za igre na sreću moći pomoći u ovom konkretnom slučaju, ali vrijedi pokušati. Obavijestite me ako vam je potrebna pomoć oko popunjavanja obrasca ili kako je nadležni reagovao ako to možete učiniti sami (peter.m@casino.guru). Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi marciistamstart,
Unfortunately, it seems that the casino stopped responding entirely. I’m afraid, there is not much that can be done without cooperation from its side. I will mark the complaint "unresolved" in our system. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in rating caused by unresolved complaints could help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint and you will be notified by email. In the meantime, I recommend you to contact the Curacao Gaming Authority and submit a complaint (https://verification.curacao-egaming.com/validateview.aspx?domain=hotlinecasino.com). I'm not sure if the Gaming Authority will be able to help you with this specific case but it's worth a try. Please let me know if you need help with filling the form or how the authority responded if you can manage to do this on your own (peter.m@casino.guru). I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.