Dobar dan Peter.
Hvala vam puno što ste produžili rok za odgovor za još 7 dana.
Bili smo u kontaktu sa CSC timom kao i sa timom za finansije. Komunikacije između igrača i raznih agenata su bile brojne. Stanje kazina u ovom trenutku je sledeće:
Plaćanje je obrađeno i prema procesoru plaćeno 2022. Prema igraču ova sredstva nikada nisu primljena. Pre nego što tim za finansije i/ili CSC tim mogu da preduzmu bilo šta dalje, zahtevaju izjave tokom ovog vremena da potvrde da uplata nije primljena kako bi mogli da nastave sa ovim. Bez ove dokumentacije svim stranama ovo pitanje se ne može rešiti.
U poslednjem poruci prošle nedelje, agent CSC-a je još jednom zatražio izjave koje objašnjavaju zašto su one potrebne. Nažalost, iz onoga što se može videti, ove izjave još nisu primljene.
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Good Day Peter.
Thank you so much for extending the date to respond by another 7 days.
We have been in touch with the CSC Team as well as the Finance team. The comms between the player and various agents have been many. Where the casino stands at the moment is the following:
Payment was processed and according to the processor paid in 2022. According to the player these funds were never received. Before the Finance team and/or the CSC Team can action anything further they require statements during this time to confirm that payment was not received so that they can take this further. Without this documentation all parties this issue cannot be resolved.
The most recent comms of last week the CSC Agent requested yet again the statements explaining why these are needed. Unfortunately from what can be seen these statements have not yet been received.
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