Dragi Tapan,
Izvinjavamo se zbog mogućih neugodnosti.
Molimo vas imajte na umu da smo svjesni da je u to vrijeme postojao problem s tom određenom igrom na strani pružatelja usluga. Željeli bismo vas obavijestiti da, budući da je zadovoljstvo kupaca za nas uvijek prioritet broj jedan, pomno istražujemo ovo pitanje.
Ali kako je bilo više od nekoliko rundi krivnje, htjeli bismo biti sigurni da dajemo najbolje objašnjenje svakog kruga i cijeli dan smo istraživali sve u vezi s tom igrom.
Kako je bilo puno rundi igre za provjeru, ova istraga oduzima malo više vremena nego ako je bila samo 1 runda. Molimo vas da imate malo više strpljenja da dođemo do točnih odgovora i točnog iznosa koji je potrebno dodati na vaš JungleRaja račun zbog ovih problema sa igrom. Zbog toga što vam je ovo pitanje oduzelo toliko vremena za našu istragu, jučer smo dodali bonus od 500 INR za ovu neugodnost.
Možemo vas srdačno uvjeriti da JungleRaja najbolje zanima kupce, a mi ćemo ubrzo doći s točnim odgovorom na pitanje.
Najljepše želje,
Casino Team JungleRaja
Dear Tapan,
We apologize for any inconveniences caused.
Please kindly note that we are aware that at that time there was a problem with that specific game on the game provider's side. And we would like to let you know, that as the customer's satisfaction is always a number one priority for us, we are closely investigating this issue.
But as there were more than a few rounds at fault we would like to make sure that we are giving the best explanation of each and every round and we were investigating everything regarding that game for the entire day.
As there were a lot of game rounds to check this investigation is taking a little more time then if it was only 1 round. Please have a little bit more patience for us to come with the exact answers and exact amount that needs to be added to your JungleRaja account due to these troubles with the game. Due to this issue taking so much of your time for our investigation, yesterday we have added a bonus of 500 INR for this inconvenience.
We may kindly assure you that JungleRaja is having the customers best interest and we will come shortly with the exact answer for the issue.
Kindest regards,
JungleRaja Casino Team
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