Dakle, prvo sam napravio račun pre nekoliko meseci i onda sam odlučio da imam dovoljno i zabranio sam ga, zatim sam nekako uspeo da napravim drugi nalog, ali ovo krši uslove mistakes i mogao sam da uplatim oko 5000 funti, samo dok nisam zatražio da zabranim ovaj nalog kao i posle 10 mejlova! Da li su odgovorili, kako nisu shvatili da je ovo drugi račun i dozvolili mi da uplatim, ali da sam pobedio i pokušao da podignem, to ne bi uspelo?
So i first made an account months back and then decided I had enough and got it banned, then I somehow managed to make a 2nd account but this breaches mystakes conditions and was able to deposit around £5000, only until I asked to ban this account as well after 10 emails! Have they responded, how haven’t they realized this is a 2nd account and let me deposit but if I had won and tried to withdraw it wouldn’t work?
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