1.Moj nalog je verifikovan
2. Igrao sam sa bonusom, ipak bi sve trebalo da bude u redu sa tim.
3. Razgovaram sa kazinom skoro svakodnevno, ali dobijam iste odgovore. Čini se kao da samo pokušavaju da odlože problem, odlažu ga i uvek govore da ga prosleđuju 'finansijskom odeljenju', ali izgleda da se ništa ne dešava.
1.My account is verified
2.I played with bonus, everything should be alright with that though.
3.I speak with the casino almost everyday, but get the same kind of answers. It seems like they're just trying to delay the problem, postponing it and always saying they're forwarding it to the 'financial department,' but nothing seems to happen.
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