Od igrača iz Njemačke zatraženo je da dostavi dodatne dokumente. Nakon što ih je osigurala, primila je svoj dobitak.
nažalost, moram ponovo koristiti vašu pomoć. Imam 28.05. traži povlačenje 900 €. Do sada sam zatražio i primio 4 povlačenja u ovom kasinu. Prva isplata 9. jula. bilo je teško, ali uz vašu pomoć je uspjelo. Ostala povlačenja obavljena su bez ikakvih problema. Kao odgovor na moj jučerašnji zahtjev, obaviješten sam o sljedećem: Provjerivši ovo kod našeg nadležnog odjela, imajte na umu da možemo vidjeti polog koji je dat Skrill-u 9. februara 2021. godine.
Zbog toga je naše nadležno odjeljenje zatražilo sljedeće dokumente kako bi se potvrda vašeg računa mogla dovršiti:
- dokaz o depozitu za Skrill: snimak zaslona transakcije Condor Gamingu, koji prikazuje podatke o računu (svi detalji trebaju biti predstavljeni na istoj stranici) Pogledajte primjer u prilogu ove e-pošte.
Takođe, budući da su depoziti položeni sa računa druge osobe Skrill, dostavite nam sljedeće dokumente za Juergen E ***:
1. Lični identifikacioni dokument (prednji i zadnji); po mogućnosti kopiju vašeg pasoša;
2. Nedavni (ne stariji od 2 mjeseca) bankovni izvod na kojem se na vidljiv način vide puno ime, adresa, IBAN i datum vlasnika računa;
3. Adresa dokumenta za verifikaciju, tj. Kopija računa za komunalne usluge. Dokument za potvrdu adrese mora se izdati u posljednja 2 mjeseca i mora vidljivo prikazivati vaše ime, adresu i datum izdavanja. (To može biti bilo koja vrsta fakture, tj. Telefonski račun, račun za osiguranje, porezni dokument, dokument o uplati itd.)
4. Pisana i potpisana potvrda i od vas, i od gospodina E ***, da vam je dozvolio da uplatite sredstva na njegov račun u našem kasinu.
Imajte na umu da štitimo vaše podatke i ne morate se brinuti ni o čemu. Proces može ići prilično brzo kada od vas dobijemo prave dokumente. A dobra vijest je: čim vaš račun bude potvrđen, budući zahtjevi za isplatu mogu se obraditi mnogo brže!
To uopće ne razumijem! Moj suprug Jürgen E *** nema Skrill račun. Ne mogu odatle položiti depozit. Takođe, nisam uplatio depozit koristeći Skrill u proteklih nekoliko godina.
Kao dokaz za to poslana mi je kopija. Na njemu se ništa ne vidi. Rado ću vam ovo učiniti dostupnim.
Ne znam o čemu se radi i zašto sada postavljate takav zahtjev.
Molim te pomozi mi. Hvala unaprijed.
unfortunately I have to use your help again. I have on 05/28. requests a withdrawal of € 900. So far I have requested and received 4 withdrawals at this casino. The first payout on July 9th. was difficult but with your help it worked. The other withdrawals were handled without any problems. In response to my request yesterday, I was informed of the following: Having rechecked this with our relevant department please note that we can see deposit that was made with Skrill on 9th of February 2021.
Due to this, our relevant department requested the following documents so your account verification can be completed:
- proof of deposit for Skrill: a screenshot of the transaction to Condor Gaming, showing the account information (All details should be presented on the same page) Please see the example in the attachment of this email.
Also, since deposits were made from another person Skrill account, please provide us with the following documents for Juergen E ***:
1. Personal identification document (front and back); preferably a copy of your passport;
2. Recent (not older than 2 months) bank statement visibly displaying account holder full name, address, IBAN, and date;
3. Address verification document ie a copy of a utility bill. The address verification document must be issued within the last 2 months and has to visibly show your name, address, and issue date. (This can be any sort of invoice letter ie phone bill, insurance bill, tax document, payslip document, etc.)
4. Written and signed confirmation from both, you and Mr E ***, that he allowed you to deposit with his account on our casino.
Please be informed that we are securing your data, and you don't have to worry about anything. The process can go quite fast when we receive the right documents from you. And the good news is: as soon as your account is verified future payout requests can be processed much quicker!
I don't understand that at all! My husband Jürgen E *** does not have a Skrill account. I cannot have made a deposit from there. Also, I haven't made a deposit using Skrill in the past few years.
A copy was sent to me as proof of this. Nothing can be seen on it. I will be happy to make this available to you.
I don't know what that is about and why you are coming up with such a demand now.
Please help me. Thanks in advance.
leider muß ich wieder Ihre Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen. Ich habe am 28.05. eine Auszahlung von 900 € beantragt. Bis jetzt habe ich in diesem Casino 4 Auszahlungen beantragt und auch bekommen. Die erste Auszahlung am 09.07. war schwierig aber mit Ihrer Hilfe hat es dann geklappt. Die anderen Auszahlungen wurden problemlos erledigt. Auf meine Anfrage gestern wurde mir nun folgendes mitgeteilt: Having rechecked this with our relevant department please note that we can see deposit that was made with Skrill on 9th of February 2021.
Due to this, our relevant department requested the following documents so your account verification can be completed:
- proof of deposit for Skrill: a screenshot of the transaction to Condor Gaming, showing the account information (All details should be presented on the same page) Please see the example in the attachment of this email.
Also, since deposits were made from another person Skrill account, please provide us with the following documents for Juergen E***:
1. Personal identification document (front and back); preferably a copy of your passport;
2. Recent (not older than 2 months) bank statement visibly displaying account holder full name, address, IBAN, and date;
3. Address verification document i.e. a copy of a utility bill. The address verification document must be issued within the last 2 months and has to visibly show your name, address, and issue date. (This can be any sort of invoice letter i.e. phone bill, insurance bill, tax document, payslip document, etc.)
4. Written and signed confirmation from both, you and Mr E***, that he allowed you to deposit with his account on our casino.
Please be informed that we are securing your data, and you don’t have to worry about anything. The process can go quite fast when we receive the right documents from you. And the good news is: as soon as your account is verified future payout requests can be processed much quicker!
Das verstehe ich nun gar nicht!!! Mein Ehemann Jürgen E*** besitzt kein Konto bei Skrill. Ich kann von dort keine Einzahlung getätigt haben. Außerdem habe ich in den letzten Jahren keine Einzahlung mit Skrill getätigt.
Man hat mir als Nachweis eine Kopie geschickt darauf ist nichts zu erkennen. Ich stelle Ihnen das gerne zur Verfügung.
Ich weiß nicht was das soll und warum man jetzt mit solch einer Forderung kommt.
Bitte helfen Sie mir. Danke schon jetzt.
Draga Roswitha,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Molimo vas da shvatite da je KYC vrlo važan i bitan proces, tijekom kojeg se kasino pobrine da novac bude poslan pravom vlasniku.
Jeste li već dostavili sve potrebne dokumente, molim vas? Jeste li ikada položili bilo koji depozit koristeći način plaćanja vašeg supruga (ne mora nužno biti Skrill)?
Pored toga, ako postoji bilo koja druga relevantna komunikacija između vas i kasina, proslijedite je na kristina.s@casino.guru . Ili ga možete objaviti ovdje.
Unaprijed zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Roswitha,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please understand KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner.
Have you already provided all the required documents, please? Have you ever made any deposits using your husband’s payment method (doesn’t necessarily have to be Skrill)?
Additionally, if there is any other relevant communication between you and the casino, please forward it to kristina.s@casino.guru. Alternatively, you can post it here.
Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dobar dan Kristina,
Dugo sam čekao da vam odgovorim. Da bih to ispravio, moram vas obavijestiti da sam uplatio sredstva kod Skrill-a. Ali to je bilo s mog računa; moj muž nema Skrill račun. Takođe nikada nisam koristila račun svog supruga za bilo koji od svojih depozita. Nakon puno pismenih objašnjenja, sada ste, nadam se, prihvatili da je to moj Skrill račun. Od 4. juna već čekam odgovor ili uplatu. Tako da čekam od 28. maja. a to ne može biti.
Sada tražim vašu pomoć.
Hvala unaprijed.
Hello Kristina,
I have now waited a long time to answer you. To correct this, I have to inform you that I made a deposit with Skrill. But it was from my account; my husband doesn't have a Skrill account. I also never used my husband's account for any of my deposits. After a lot of written explanations you have now hopefully accepted that it is my Skrill account. Since June 4th I am already waiting for an answer or the payment. So I've been waiting since May 28th. and that can't be.
I am now asking for your help.
Thanks in advance.
Hallo Kristina,
ich habe jetzt lange gewartet um Dir zu antworten. Zur Berichtigung muß ich Dir mitteilen das ich doch eine Einzahlung mit Skrill gemacht habe. Diese war aber von meinem Konto.Mein Mann hat kein Skrill Konto. Ich habe für alle meine Einzahlungen auch nie ein Konto meines Mannes benutzt. Nach vielen schriftlichen Erläuterungen hat man nun doch wohl hoffentlich akzeptiert das es mein Skrillkonto ist. Seit dem 04.06. warte ich nun schon wieder auf eine Anwort oder die Auszahlung. Also warte ich schon seit dem 28.05. und das kann nicht sein.
Ich bitte Euch nun um Hilfe.
Danke schon jetzt.
Freundliche Grüße
Puno vam hvala Roswitha na odgovoru. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti kolegi Viliamu koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete uskoro vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much Roswitha for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Dobar dan Roswitha,
Pogledao sam vašu žalbu i potrudit ću se da vam pomognem. Želio bih pozvati Big5 Casino u ovaj razgovor. Dragi Casino, možete li odrediti gdje je problem u procesu provjere igrača, molim vas?
Hello Roswitha,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite Big5 Casino into this conversation. Dear Casino, can you specify where is the problem with the player’s verification process, please?
Željeli bismo zamoliti Casino Big5 da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produljujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kasino ne odgovori u zadanom vremenskom roku, prigovor ćemo zatvoriti kao „neriješen".
We would like to ask the Big5 Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Poštovani kupče,
Provjerili smo vaš račun i rado ćemo vas obavijestiti da je vaš račun potpun i provjeren. Budući da je sada sve u redu, možemo potvrditi da je vaš zahtjev za isplatu od 900 € odobren i izvršen od današnjeg dana, 21. juna 2021. Dobitke biste trebali dobiti uskoro.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Big5Casino tim za prigovore
Dear Customer,
We have checked your account and we are happy to inform you that your account is complete and verified. Since everything is in order now, we can confirm that your payment request of €900 was approved and done from our end today, the 21st of June 2021. You should receive your winnings shortly.
Kind regards,
Big5Casino Complaints Team
Pozdrav Viliam, novac je na mom bankovnom računu. Sada je sve funkcionisalo u redu. Hvala vam na podršci. Takođe hvala BIG5.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello Viliam, the money is in my bank account. Everything worked fine now. Thank you for your support. Also a thank you to BIG5.
best regards
Hallo Viliam, das Geld ist auf meinem Bankkonto. Hat alles jetzt gut funktioniert. Danke für Ihre Unterstützung. Auch noch ein Dankeschön an BIG5.
Liebe Grüße
Draga Roswitha,
Hvala vam što koristite Casino Guru centar za rješavanje žalbi. Drago nam je čuti da je vaš problem riješen. Sada ćemo ga označiti kao "riješen" u našem sustavu. Molimo vas, nemojte se ustručavati kontaktirati nas u budućnosti, ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom. Ovdje smo da pomognemo, ali nadam se da više nećete naići na ovakav problem.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Viliam Casino.Guru
Dear Roswitha,
Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. We are glad to hear that your issue got resolved. We will now mark it as 'resolved' in our system. Please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help, but I hope you won’t come across a problem like this again.
Best regards,
Viliam Casino.Guru
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