Igrač iz Njemačke se bori da prođe postupak provjere.
Osvojio sam 145 eura prije otprilike tjedan dana i kao što sam bio svjestan, želio sam se i potvrditi. Otpremio sam i poslao sve potrebne dokumente putem e-pošte i na samoj stranici kasina, ništa se ne događa, baš ništa. U chatu uživo rečeno mi je da se moram potvrditi, što sam već učinio petnaest puta. Svi dokumenti su ažurirani. Možete li mi pomoći? Lijep pozdrav Melanie S ***
I won € 145 about a week ago and as I was aware, I also wanted to verify myself. I uploaded and sent all the necessary documents via email and on the casino site itself, nothing happens, nothing at all. In the live chat I was told that I should verify myself, which I have already done umpteen times. All documents are up to date. Can you please help me? Kind regards Melanie S ***
Ich habe vor ca einer Woche 145€ gewonnen und wie mir bewusst war , habe ich mich auch verifizieren wollen. Alle notwendigen Dokumente habe ich via E-Mail und auf der Casino Seite selbst hochgeladen und zugesendet,es passiert nichts überhaupt nichts. Im live Chat wurde mir dann mitgeteilt das ich mich verifizieren sollte was ich aber schon zig Mal getan habe . Alle Dokumente sind auf dem aktuellen Stand. Können sie mir bitte weiter helfen? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Melanie S***
Dobar dan Melanie,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg negativnog iskustva. Molimo vas da shvatite da je KYC vrlo važan i bitan proces, tijekom kojeg se kasino osigurava da novac bude poslan pravnom vlasniku i može potrajati neko vrijeme da u potpunosti pregleda sve dokumente.
Da li biste bili ljubazni i poslali mi svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kasina, kako bismo mogli prikupiti što više informacija? Moja adresa e-pošte je kristina.s@casino.guru .
Nadam se da ćemo vam pomoći da što prije riješite ovaj problem. Radujem se vašem javljanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello Melanie,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience. Please understand KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner and it can take some time to fully review all documents.
Would you be so kind and send me all the relevant communication between you and the casino, so we can gather as much information as possible? My email address is kristina.s@casino.guru.
I hope, we will help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Pozdrav Kristina, vrlo sam, jako zahvalna na vašoj podršci. Nažalost, ovo mogu poslati samo putem e-pošte, učinit ću to odmah, veliko hvala na pomoći 🤗
Hello Kristina, I am very, very grateful for your support. Unfortunately, I can only send this via e-mail, I will do that immediately, thank you very much for the help 🤗
Hallo Kristina, ich bin sehr sehr dankbar für eure Unterstützung. Ich kann das leider nur über E-Mail senden, daß werde ich auch gleich sofort machen, vielen Dank für die Hilfe 🤗
Najljepša hvala Melanie na odgovoru. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete uskoro vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much Melanie for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Zdravo Melanie,
Pregledao sam vašu e-poštu i primijetio sam da vas je kasino pitao za bankovni izvod na kojem su prikazani "vaše ime, adresa, IBAN i datum izdavanja". Tu je bila i napomena - "sve informacije moraju biti na jednoj stranici. Snimke zaslona se ne prihvaćaju. Dokument mora biti fotografija fizičkog izvještaja ili PDF verzija digitalnog."
Ako se ne varam, s telefona ste prenijeli snimke zaslona internetskog bankarstva. To je razlog zašto vaši dokumenti nisu prihvaćeni. Predlažem da preuzmete bankovni izvod iz aplikacije za internetsko bankarstvo (ako je ova funkcija dostupna) ili da odete u banku i tamo zatražite bankovni izvod.
Hi Melanie,
I looked at your emails and have noticed that the casino asked you for a bank statement displaying "your name, address, IBAN, and date of issue." There was also a note - "all information has to be on one page. Screenshots are not accepted. The document has to be a photo of a physical statement or a PDF version of a digital one."
If I'm not mistaken, you uploaded screenshots of your internet banking from your phone. That's the reason why your documents weren't accepted. I suggest you either download a bank statement from your internet banking app (if this feature is available) or go to the bank and request a bank statement there.
Pozdrav Peter, hvala, pobrinut ću se za to, jedini problem je što nisam primio nikakve izjave otkad radim internetsko bankarstvo .... ostali dokumenti su fotografirani, ali u redu su, zar ne? Ljubazan pozdrav Melanie Schreiber
Hello Peter, thank you, I'll take care of it, the only problem is that I haven't received any statements since I've been doing online banking .... the other documents are photographed, but they're okay, aren't they? Kind regards Melanie Schreiber
Hallo Peter, danke schön ich werde mich darum kümmern das Problem ist nur das ich seit dem ich online Banking mache keine Auszüge bekomme ....die anderen Dokumente sind abfotografiert, die sind aber doch in Ordnung so , oder nicht? Liebe Grüße Melanie Schreiber
Ne mogu im ništa poslati 🙈 obrađuje se više od tjedan dana, ne razumijem da sam uplatio putem internetskog bankarstva koje je također prihvaćeno
I can't send anything to them 🙈 it has been in processing for over a week, what I don't understand is that I paid in via online banking that was also accepted
ich kann denen nichts mehr senden 🙈 das steht seit über einer Woche das es in Bearbeitung ist,was ich nicht verstehe ist das ich über online Banking eingezahlt habe das wurde ja auch akzeptiert
Zdravo Melanie,
Vjerujem da je jedini problem bio izvod iz banke. Ako ne možete prenijeti dokumente, vjerojatno će biti bolje kontaktirati kasino. Želio bih pozvati Big5 Casino na razgovor i zatražiti pomoć u vezi s tim problemom.
Hi Melanie,
I believe the only problem was with the bank statement. If you can't upload the documents, it will probably be better to contact the casino. I would like to invite Big5 Casino to the conversation and ask for help with the issue.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Poštovani kupče,
Provjerili smo vaš slučaj i dopustite mi da vas obavijestim da posljednji bankovni izvod koji ste nam poslali nije bankovni izvod već detalj transakcije koji ne možemo prihvatiti kao valjani dokument.
Molimo vas da nam pošaljete svoj izvod iz banke slijedeći ove zahtjeve:
- vidljivo Puno ime, adresa, datum izdavanja ne stariji od 2 mjeseca
- pdf verzija ili fotografija izjave
Imajte na umu da ako imate internetsko bankarstvo, trebali biste imati mogućnost da preuzmete svoj bankovni izvod sa svim potrebnim informacijama kao pdf dokument, ili možete kontaktirati svoju banku da vam ga dostavi.
Kad ga dobijete, možete nam ga poslati e-poštom na support@big5casino.com
Srdačni pozdravi,
Big5Casino tim za prigovore
Dear Customer,
We have checked your case and please allow me to inform you that the last bank statement you have sent us is not a bank statement but a transaction detail which we can not accept as a valid document.
We would kinldy ask you to send us your bank statement following these requirements:
- visible Full name, address, date of issue not older than 2 months
- pdf version or a photo of physical statement
Please note that if you have online banking you should have the possibility to download your bank statement with all necessary info as a pdf document, or you can contact your bank to provide you with such document.
Once you have it, you can send it to us over email on support@big5casino.com
Kind regards,
Big5Casino Complaints Team
Poslao sam vam izvadak u PDF datoteci, ništa slično ne dobivam! Dobili su fotografiju moje osobne iskaznice, moje bankovne kartice, računa za telefon itd., Polako je to jednostavno mukotrpno i nerazumljivo ..... moja adresa je na mojoj ličnoj karti, kao i na telefonskom računu, mojoj bankovnoj kartici i onda PDF datoteka 🤦. ... nikada prije nisam imao ovakav cirkus! Tačno znate da sam ga stvarno uplatio i tražim isplatu! Zašto u svijetu na stranici kasina piše da se obrađuje ako stalno tražite dokumente ???
I have sent you an excerpt as a PDF file, I do not get anything more like that! They got a photo of my ID, my bank card, my phone bill, etc., slowly it's just laborious and incomprehensible ..... my address is on my ID, as well as on the phone bill, my bank card and then the PDF file 🤦. ... I had never had a circus like this before! You know exactly that I actually paid it in and I ask for a payout! Why in the world does it say on the casino page that it is being processed if you keep asking for documents ???
Ich habe ihnen einen Auszug per PDF Datei zukommen lassen, mehr wie das bekomme ich nicht! Sie haben meinen Ausweis ,meine Bankkarte,meine Telefonrechnung etc abfotografiert bekommen, langsam ist es nur noch mühsam und unverständlich ..... auf meinem Ausweis steht meine Adresse drauf,wie auch auf der Telefonrechnung, meine Bankkarte und dann die PDF Datei 🤦....ich hatte noch nie so einen Zirkus gehabt wie hier! Sie wissen ganz genau das ich das tatsächlich eingezahlt habe und ich um Auszahlung bitte! Warum in aller Welt steht bitte auf der Casino Seite denn das es in Bearbeitung ist, wenn sie immer wieder Dokumente Fordern???
Zdravo svima,
Hvala na odgovorima. Iskreno, čini mi se malo nategnuto. Međutim, PDF dokument je zaista detalj transakcije.
Draga Melanie,
Znam koliko ovo mora biti frustrirajuće, ali preporučujem vam da odete u svoju banku i zatražite ispravan bankovni izvod ako ga nije moguće preuzeti iz aplikacije. Ako ovo pružite kasinu, nema razloga da kasino više ne odgađa vaše povlačenje.
Hi all,
Thanks for your replies. It does seem like a little bit of a stretch, to be honest. However, the PDF document is really a transaction detail.
Dear Melanie,
I know how frustrating this must be, but I recommend you to go to your bank and ask for a proper bank statement if it's not possible to download it from the app. If you provide this to the casino, there is no reason for the casino to delay your withdrawal any longer.
Pozdrav Peter, to nažalost nije moguće, jer smo teško pogođeni poplavom, čak je i štedionica bila potpuno poplavljena i proći će neko vrijeme dok se ne vrati normalna svakodnevica ... nažalost to više ne mogu razumjeti, jako sam frustrirana trenutno nam treba svaki peni, koliko god glupo zvučalo, jer za mnoge to iznosi samo 145 € ... ali trenutno puno novca a
Hello Peter, this is unfortunately not possible because we are severely affected by the flood, even the savings bank was completely flooded and it will take a while until normal everyday life has returned ... unfortunately I can no longer understand that, am very frustrated we need every penny at the moment, as stupid as it sounds, because for many it is only 145 € ... but currently a lot of money 😢
Hallo Peter,dies ist leider nicht möglich da wir sehr heftig vom Hochwasser betroffen sind , selbst die Sparkasse ist komplett überflutet gewesen und das wird noch eine Weile dauern bis hier der normale Alltag wieder eingekehrt ist...ich kann das leider nicht mehr nachvollziehen,bin sehr frustriert wir benötigen momentan jeden Cent so blöd sich das anhört,da es für viele nur 145€ sind... aber momentan eine Menge Geld 😢
Samo sam htio dodati da mi na računu u kasinu više ništa nije ostalo ... Je li novac upravo sada nestao ???? Evo fotografije dokaza, na nas smo stvarno utjecali i ništa ovdje trenutno nije samo čišćenje
Just wanted to add that I have nothing left on my account at the casino ... Has the money just disappeared now ???? Here a photo of evidence, we are really affected and nothing here at the moment is just cleanup have begun
Wollte nur noch hinzufügen,das ich auf meinem Konto im Casino nichts mehr drauf habe ... Ist das Geld jetzt einfach verschwunden???? Hier auch ein Beweis Foto, wir sind wirklich davon betroffen und hier ist nichts momentan , gerade haben erst Aufräumarbeiten begonnen
Zdravo Melanie,
Žao mi je što čujem o poplavama i vašoj situaciji. Banka bi vam trebala moći poslati izvod putem e-pošte. Međutim, to može potrajati.
Dragi tim za pritužbe Big5Casino,
Da li bi bilo moguće uzeti u obzir Melanijinu tešku situaciju i napraviti neku vrstu kompromisa?
Hi Melanie,
I'm sorry to hear about the floods and your situation. The bank should be able to send you a bank statement by email. However, it may take a while.
Dear Big5Casino Complaints Team,
Would it be possible to take into consideration Melanie's difficult situation and make some sort of a compromise?
Poslao sam vam isti e-mail kao i veliki 5, s izvodom na računu da sam dobio još jedan grad ... do sada pretpostavljam da su pronevjerili novac iz kasina!
I sent you the same e-mail as big 5, with an account statement that I received one town further ... by now I assume that they embezzled the money from the casino!
Ich habe euch die gleiche E-Mail zukommen lassen wie big 5 , mit einem Kontoauszug den ich eine Ortschaft weiter erhalten habe.... mittlerweile gehe ich davon aus das die vom Casino das Geld unterschlagen haben!
Pozdrav Peter, da, igrao sam se s besplatnim bonusom, ali i konvertirao promet! Koliko razumijem, odobrava se samo 50 € .... što ne razumijem, jer je bilo 145 € za podizanje sa mog računa u kasinu, a promet je u potpunosti proveden .... ali hvala vam, lako sjajno i mislite da je sjajno što ste već pomogli mnogim ljudima
Hello Peter, yes, I played with the free game bonus, but also converted the turnover! As I understand it, only 50 € are granted .... which I don't understand because there were 145 € to withdraw from my account in the casino and the turnover was fully implemented .... but I thank you, you are easy great and think it's great that you have already helped many people
Hallo Peter,ja ich habe mit Freispiel Bonus gespielt, allerdings den Umsatz auch umgesetzt! So wie ich das verstanden habe werden nur 50€ bewilligt....was ich nicht verstehe da auf meinem Konto im Casino 145 € zum abheben waren und der Umsatz vollständig umgesetzt war .... aber ich bedanke mich bei euch,ihr seid einfach super und finde es große Klasse das ihr vielen Leuten schon geholfen habt
Zdravo Melanie, hvala ti. Stvar je u tome što većina (ako ne i svi) besplatnih bonusa obično dolazi sa setom pravila i uslova. Maksimalni limit dobitka je jedan od njih. Pitao sam za bonus jer sam želio vidjeti jesu li vaši dobici ispravno ograničeni. Pogledao sam Bonus Uvjete u kasinu i pronašao ova dva pravila:
"U slučaju da ste dobili besplatni bonus (bonus bez depozita), isplata je ograničena na 10x iznos bonusa.
Isplata besplatnih okretaja ograničena je na najviše 25 € po kampanji besplatnih okretaja kada se izdaju kao bonus bez depozita. Kada se Besplatni okreti daju kao polog za depozit, maksimum je ograničen na 50 € po besplatnim okretajima. "
Hi Melanie, thank you. The thing is, most (if not all) of free bonuses usually come with a set of rules and conditions. The maximum win limit is one of them. I asked about the bonus because I wanted to see if your winnings were limited correctly. I looked at the casino's Bonus T&Cs and found these two rules:
" In the event that you have received a free bonus (a no deposit bonus), the payout is limited to 10x the bonus amount.
The payout for Free Spins is limited to a maximum of €25 per Free Spins campaign when issued as a No Deposit Bonus. When the Free Spins are given as a deposit incentive, the maximum is limited to €50 per Free Spins campaign."
Dobro jutro Peter, da, znam to, naravno da razumijem da moraš ispitati obje strane da vidiš gdje je greška.
Za mene je promet bio u potpunosti realiziran, 145 € na raspolaganju za isplatu ..... Tamo sam uplaćivao mjesecima i onda jednom pobijedim i cirkus počinje ..... što sam odmah primijetio. cudno da se uvijek radilo o priznanici sa mojih bankovnih podataka, izvodu racuna itd. ..... a za 50 € rade takav cirkus skoro tri tjedna ??? To nije dovoljno, nikada ni u jednom e-mailu iz kazina nisam pročitao da sam osvojio samo 50 €, umjesto 145 € ...
Trebaju li to zadržati sada, ako bi radije izgubili igrače nego možda stekli nove !!!
Zaslužili ste puno pohvala, iskreno sjajno kako to radite!
Srećom, u drugom kasinu sam osvojio nešto više od 700 eura, kasino ne uzrokuje probleme prilikom povlačenja i mogu bez njega ...
Hvala Petru na svemu i svemu najboljem za tim .....
Jednostavno više ne želim casino karmu!
Srdačan pozdrav
Melanie Schreiber
Good morning Peter, yes I know that, of course I understand that you have to examine both sides to see where the error is.
For me, the turnover had been fully implemented, 145 € available to pay out ..... I kept paying in there for months and then I win there once and the circus begins ..... which I noticed immediately , It is strange that it was always about a receipt from my bank details, account statement etc. ..... and for 50 € they do a circus like this for almost three weeks ??? That’s not enough, I’ve never read in any email from the casino that I only won € 50 instead of € 145 ...
Should they keep that now, if they would rather lose players than maybe gain new ones !!!
You deserve a lot of praise, honestly great how you do this!
Fortunately, I won a little more than € 700 in another casino, the casino doesn't cause any problems when withdrawing and I can do without it ...
Thanks Peter for everything and all the best for the team .....
I just don't wish the casino karma anymore!
Best regards
Melanie Schreiber
Guten Morgen Peter,ja das ist mir bekannt , verstehe natürlich auch das ihr beide Seiten durchleuchten müsst um zu gucken wo der Fehler liegt .
Bei mir war der Umsatz vollständig umgesetzt gewesen,zum auszahlen 145€ zur Verfügung.....ich habe da monatelang immer wieder eingezahlt und dann Gewinn ich dort ein einziges Mal und der Zirkus fängt an.....was mir direkt aufgefallen ist, merkwürdig ist das es doch vorher immer um einen Beleg von meiner Bankverbindung Kontoauszug etc. ging.....und für 50€ machen die so einen Zirkus fast drei Wochen lang??? Dem ja nicht genug habe ich in keiner Email vom Casino vorher gelesen das ich nur 50€ statt 145€ gewonnen hätte...
Sollen die das jetzt behalten , wenn die lieber darauf Wert legen Spieler zu verlieren als vielleicht neue dazu zu gewinnen!!!
Ihr habt ein großes Lob verdient, ganz ehrlich toll wie ihr das hier macht !
Ich habe zu meinem Glück etwas mehr als 700€ in einem anderen Casino gewonnen, daß Casino macht keinen Ärger beim auszahlen und ich kann drauf verzichten....
Peter lieben Dank für alles und dem Team alles gute.....
Dem Casino wünsche ich nur Karma mehr nicht!
Herzliche Grüße
Melanie Schreiber
Zdravo Melanie,
Potpuno razumijem vašu frustraciju. Međutim, postupak provjere KYC, koliko god se čini strogim, prirodan je dio online igara. Preporučujem da završite provjeru prije nego što uplatite novac i počnete igrati. Pomaže u izbjegavanju takvih situacija. Hvala vam što koristite Casino Guru centar za rješavanje žalbi. Ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi Melanie,
I completely understand your frustration. However, the KYC verification process as strict as it may seem is a natural part of online gaming. I recommend finishing the verification before you deposit money and start playing. It helps to avoid such situations. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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