Nalog japanskog igrača je blokiran zbog optužbi za iskorišćavanje tehničke propuste, što on negira. Kazino tek treba da pruži jasno objašnjenje ili dokaze koji bi podržali svoju tvrdnju.
The Japanese player's account has been blocked due to allegations of exploiting a technical vulnerability, which he denies. The casino has yet to provide a clear explanation or evidence to support their claim.
Nalog japanskog igrača je blokiran zbog optužbi za iskorišćavanje tehničke propuste, što on negira. Kazino tek treba da pruži jasno objašnjenje ili dokaze koji bi podržali svoju tvrdnju.
Kazino je blokirao moj nalog jer sam iskoristio tehničku ranjivost.
'Šta je tehnička ranjivost?'
Kako je neobavešten korisnik kazina mogao da utvrdi da je reč o ranjivosti?
Kazino nije mogao da odgovori na ova pitanja i nastavlja da iznosi tvrdnje kao da sam hakovao kazino.
Ne sećam se da sam to uradio,
Želeo bih da kazino pruži odgovarajuće dokaze o mom hakovanju.
The casino blocked my account because I had exploited a technical vulnerability.
'What is a technical vulnerability?'
How could an uninformed user of the casino determine that it was a vulnerability?
The casino has not been able to answer these questions, and continues to make claims as if I had hacked into the casino.
I don't remember doing it,
I would like the casino to provide proper evidence of my hacking.
Dragi andandjonnik,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih se uverio da potpuno razumem situaciju.
Koliko dugo igrate u ovom kazinu?
Možete li potvrditi da li ste prošli KIC verifikaciju?
Koje vrste igrica ste igrali?
Molimo vas da prosledite svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina u vezi sa blokiranjem vašeg naloga na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk .
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear andandjonnyx,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I'm sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions to make sure I understand the situation completely.
How long have you been playing at this casino?
Could you please confirm if you passed the KYC verification?
What types of games have you played?
Please forward any relevant communication between you and the casino regarding the blocking of your account to
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Best regards
Tim platforme za igre bi želeo da učestvuje u toj žalbi i da doda neke detalje ovoj žalbi.
Želeli bismo da odmah pređemo na tačku žalbe - nalog ovog bivšeg člana platforme za igre je blokiran.
Razlog za blokiranje - korišćenje tehničke ranjivosti.
Pomenuta tehnička ranjivost je iskorišćena za sticanje profita.
Sve transakcije sa iznosima sredstava koje su osvojene na pošten način u igricama i sa tehničkom ranjivosti pre nego što ih otkrijemo poslate su bivšem članu platforme za igre putem transakcija koje su kreirane na računu.
Razlog blokiranja je otkriven kao rezultat standardne procedure bezbednosne provere nakon poslednjeg uspešnog povlačenja ovog bivšeg člana platforme za igre.
Odeljenje bezbednosti potvrđuje da je tehnička ranjivost redovno korišćena.
Prema „Uslovima i odredbama" takvoj aktivnosti nema mesta na korisničkom nalogu.
Uvek brinemo o najboljem iskustvu za svakog člana platforme za igre, ali to je moguće samo ako sledite „Uslove i odredbe" sa kojima se svaki novi član slaže prilikom registracije.
Ukoliko su Vam potrebni dodatni detalji ili želite da navedete neku vrstu informacija za rad sa tom reklamacijom - uvek smo spremni za saradnju!
S poštovanjem,
The gaming platform team would like to take part in that complaint and add some details to this complaint.
We would like to be straight to the point of complaint - the account of this former member of the gaming platform is blocked.
Reason for blocking - using technical vulnerability.
Mentioned technical vulnerability has been used for gaining profit.
All transactions with amounts of funds that have been won in fair way in games and with technical vulnerability before we detect it have been sent to former member of the gaming platform through transactions that have been created on the account.
Reason of blocking has been detected as a result of the standard procedure of the security check after the last successful withdrawal of this former member of the gaming platform.
The Security Department confirms that technical vulnerability has been used regularly.
According to the "Terms and Conditions" such activity has no place on the member account.
We always care about the best experience for every member of the gaming platform but that is possible only by following "Terms and Conditions" with which every new member agrees upon the registration.
If you require any additional details or want to specify some type of information for work with that complaint - we are always ready to cooperate!
Za početak, ne znam koje su tehničke propuste ovde.
Kazino je odgovoran za tehničku ranjivost, čak i ako je korisnik koji je igrao igru imao koristi od toga.
Na primer, samo zato što je kazino postavio RTP pogrešno visok i prihod je bio manji od očekivanog,
Nerazumno je tvrditi da je kazino počinio prevaru protiv korisnika koji ne poznaje originalna podešavanja.
Šta je uopšte tehnička ranjivost?
„Da li je kazino o tome obavešten putem e-pošte, itd.?"
(npr. govoreći ljudima da ne igraju određene igre koje imaju greške, itd.)
„Koje dokaze imate da sam dobio neovlašćeni pristup kazinu i dobio i koristio informacije o tehničkoj ranjivosti?"
Odgovorite na ova pitanja.
To begin with, I do not know what the technical vulnerabilities are here.
The casino is responsible for the technical vulnerability, even if the user who happened to be playing the game benefited from it.
For example, just because the casino set the RTP incorrectly high and the revenue was lower than expected,
It is unreasonable to claim that the casino committed fraud against a user who does not know the original settings.
What is a technical vulnerability anyway?
'Was the casino notified of it via email, etc.?'
(e.g., telling people not to play certain games that have glitches, etc.)
'What evidence do you have that I gained unauthorized access to the casino and obtained and used information about the technical vulnerability?'
Please answer these questions.
Poštovani predstavnike Fairspin kazina,
možete li nam dati više detalja u vezi sa slučajem igrača? Molimo Vas da sve relevantne informacije prosledite na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk . Hvala vam.
Dear Fairspin Casino representative,
could you please provide us with more details regarding the player's case? Kindly forward any relevant information to Thank you.
Kazino može reći samo ono što im odgovara u prenosu informacija.
Prvo, dozvolite mi da tačno odgovorim na ovo pitanje.
(1) Detalji tehničke ranjivosti
(2) Kako je kazino strana obaveštena o tome
(Barem još uvek ne znam detalje)
(3) Ako nije saopšteno, kako bi se iskoristila tehnička ranjivost,
Moram da znam da je to ranjivost na neki neovlašćeni način.
(npr. hakovanje, neformalna komunikacija sa službenicima kazina)
Molimo da dostavite dokaze o istoriji pristupa i prepisci sa uključenim stranama.
The casino may only say what is convenient for them in the transfer of information.
First, let me answer this question properly here.
(1) Details of the technical vulnerability
(2) How the casino side was informed about it
(At least I still don't know the details)
(3) If not made known, in order to take advantage of the technical vulnerability,
I need to know it is a vulnerability in some unauthorized way.
(e.g., hacking, informal communication with casino officials)
Please provide evidence of access history and correspondence with the parties involved.
Želimo da obavestimo da smo predstavniku platforme dali sve relevantne detalje o ovom pitanju putem e-pošte.
Bićemo spremni da sarađujemo kako bismo pružili sve dodatne detalje ako to bude potrebno, pa vas molimo, ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate u svakom trenutku!
S poštovanjem,
Hello there!
We would like to inform that we have provided the platform representative with all the relevant details on the matter via email.
We will be ready to cooperate in order to provide any additional details if requested, so please, do not hesitate to contact us at all times!
Odgovorite na moje pitanje.
Zašto odbijate da razgovarate sa dotičnom osobom?
Nije fer komunicirati samo sa trećom stranom, jer ne znam detalje.
Please answer my question.
Why do you refuse to talk to the person in question?
It is not fair to communicate only with a third party, as I do not know the details.
Žao nam je što imate utisak da odbijamo da odgovorimo.
U ovom trenutku želimo da preciziramo da je na vaša pitanja već odgovoreno u privatnom imejl razgovoru, pružajući vam sve detalje koji su dostupni za vas kao bivšeg člana platforme za igre.
Pošto ste vi bili prvi koji je podneo žalbu, mi dostavljamo samo relevantne detalje kazino analitičaru i stručnjaku za žalbe iz CasinoGuru-a, pošto ste ovoj platformi poverili da se bavi takvom situacijom.
Takođe verujemo u CasinoGuru i uvek rado sarađujemo sa njima.
Dakle, da bismo pomogli predstavniku platforme, bićemo voljni da pružimo samo suštinske informacije o celoj situaciji kako bismo pomogli da pružimo što više razjašnjenja.
S poštovanjem,
We are sorry that you have the impression that we refuse to respond.
At this moment, we would like to specify that your questions had already been answered in the private email conversation, providing you with all details that are available for you as the former member of the gaming platform.
As you were the one to file a complaint in the first place, we are providing only the relevant details to the Casino Analyst & Complaint Specialist from CasinoGuru, as you entrusted this platform with handling such a situation.
We also trust CasinoGuru and are always happy to cooperate with them.
Thus, in order to assist the platform representative, we will be willing to provide only the essential information on the whole situation in order to help to provide as much clearance as we can.
Proverio sam svoju e-poštu i nisu odgovorili ni na jedno naše pitanje.
Nema detalja o tehničkoj ranjivosti (pominjalo se da se poeni nenormalno broje, ali ništa konkretno), nema naznaka kada je kazino o tome obavešten putem e-pošte, itd., i nema dokaza da sam nezakonito dobio ove informacije.
Ovde navedite jasan snimak ekrana koji deo vaše e-pošte je odgovor.
I checked my email and they did not answer any of our questions.
No details of the technical vulnerability (there was some mention that points were being counted abnormally, but nothing specific), no indication of when the casino was notified of it via email, etc., and no evidence that I had illegally obtained this information.
Please provide a clear screenshot here of what part of your email is the answer.
Dragi andandjonnik,
trenutno istražujemo vaš slučaj u razmeni e-pošte sa predstavnicima kazina. Prikupljamo sve potrebne dokaze. Molim vas budite strpljivi, javiću vam se uskoro.
U međuvremenu, da li biste mogli da mi pošaljete e-poštu koju ste dobili od kazina o „pomeni da se poeni nenormalno broje"? Moja adresa e-pošte je _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk . Hvala vam.
Dear andandjonnyx,
we are currently investigating your case in an email exchange with the casino representatives. We are collecting all the necessary evidence. Please be patient, I will get back to you soon.
In the meantime, could you please send me the email you received from the casino about the "mention that points were being counted abnormally"? My email address is Thank you.
Želeo bih da se zahvalim obema stranama na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Poštovani andandjonnik, sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Mateju ( _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
I would like to thank both parties for providing all the necessary information. Dear andandjonnyx, I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Matej ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo andandjonnik i Fairspin kazino predstavnik,
Želeo bih da se izvinim za incident koji se dogodio. Nije neuobičajeno da se greške ili ljudske greške dešavaju s vremena na vreme.
Nakon pregleda svih dokaza koje su pružili i kazino i igrač, jasno je da je došlo do greške u izračunavanju rejkova koje bi igrač mogao dobiti u određenim igrama.
Kazino tvrdi da je igrač obavešten o ovoj grešci, ali nisam mogao da pronađem nikakav dokaz o takvom obaveštenju u komunikaciji, samo mejl u kome se navodi da će nalog igrača biti ugašen.
U ovoj situaciji, ako kazino može da dokaže da je objasnio igraču šta ne treba da radi, a on je to nastavio da radi, onda verujem da je kazino postupio kako treba i da ima pravo.
Međutim, ako igrač nije bio obavešten o tome šta je pogrešio i samo je dobio opšta pravila od kazina, ne bi znao šta je pogrešio. Stoga bi kazino trebalo da ispravi situaciju tako što će zadržati samo 10% akumuliranih rakija od igranja pomenute igre/igara na računu igrača. Nakon toga, kazino može odlučiti da li andandjonnik može da nastavi da igra ili da li njegov račun treba da bude zatvoren (pri čemu će obezbediti da se pomenutih 10% isplati ako već nije povukao više od ovog iznosa).
Hello andandjonnyx and the Fairspin casino representative,
I would like to apologize for the incident that occurred. It is not uncommon for bugs or human errors to happen from time to time.
After reviewing all the evidence provided by both the casino and the player, it is clear that there was an error in the calculation of the rakes that the player could receive in certain games.
The casino claims that the player was notified about this error, but I could not find any evidence of such notification in the communication, only an email stating that the player's account would be terminated.
In this situation, if the casino can prove that they explained to the player what he should not do and he continued to do it, then I believe that the casino acted appropriately and has the right.
However, if the player was not informed about what he did wrong and only received general rules from the casino, he would not know what he did wrong. Therefore, the casino should rectify the situation by keeping only 10% of the accumulated rakes from playing the mentioned game/games in the player's account. After that, the casino can decide whether andandjonnyx can continue playing or if his account should be closed (while ensuring that the mentioned 10% is paid out if he has not already withdrawn more than this amount).
Da li to znači da je moj rake bio 10 puta veći nego što je trebalo?
(Postojala je i greška koja je odjednom pomnožila bodove svih igrača za desetine, i o tome mi je rečeno od uprave, ali to je druga greška od ove priče, zar ne?)
Kazino takođe ne isplaćuje dobitke na turnirima.
Kladio sam se puno novca na turnir jer sam mislio da je rake normalan i ako bih se trudio, mogao bih da osvojim nagradu..
Da se grabulja od početka pravilno odrazila, ne bi tako.
Turnir na kome sam učestvovao je takođe bio kratak za mene samo zato što mi je kazino zamrznuo račun usred turnira.
Toliko je strašno da je rezultat da se račun iznenada ugasi, a rake kasnije zaplene.
Does that mean that my rake was 10 times higher than it should have been?
(There was also a bug that suddenly multiplied the points of all players by dozens, and I was told about this by the management, but that's a different bug from this story, right?)
The casino also does not pay tournament winnings.
I bet a lot of money on the tournament because I thought the rake was normal and if I worked hard, I could win a prize..
If the rake had reflected correctly from the beginning, it would not have done so.
The tournament I was participating in this time was also short for me only because the casino froze my account in the middle of the tournament.
It is so terrible that the result is that the account is suddenly closed and the rake is later confiscated.
Na slici iznad bio sam drugi na turniru, ali kazino nije isplatio novčanu nagradu.
Kada sam pitao zašto, tvrdili su da sam prevario, ali se ispostavilo da je to bio nesporazum od strane kazina i dobio sam izvinjenje.
(Ovo je bilo zbog kvara zbog kojeg su poeni svih igrača bili van snage.)
Kazino je tada tvrdio da su namjestili bodove, a ja sam i dalje bio na drugom mjestu.
Kazino je rekao da će istražiti i to je to.
Još uvek sam učestvovao na turniru kada mi je račun bio zamrznut i sva moja igra na tom turniru bila je uzaludna.
I ja sam dva puta optužen da sam prevario kazino i čak sam bio zamrznut, što ne mogu tolerisati uz polovičnu nadoknadu.
Izgubio sam novac, vreme i dostojanstvo.
Voleo bih da vidim kaznu za prebacivanje odgovornosti za grešku, koju je trebalo da snosi kazino, na korisnika i za nastavak okrivljavanja korisnika bez jasnih dokaza.
In the image above I came in second in the tournament, but the casino did not pay the prize money.
When I asked why, they claimed that I had cheated, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding on the part of the casino, and I received an apology.
(This was due to a glitch that caused all players' points to be out of whack.)
The casino then claimed that they had fixed the points and I was still in second place.
The casino said they would investigate and that was it.
I was still participating in the tournament when my account was frozen and all my play in that tournament was for naught.
I too have been accused twice of cheating the casino and have even been frozen, which I cannot tolerate with half-hearted compensation.
I have lost money, time and dignity.
I would like to see a penalty for shifting the responsibility for the glitch, which should have been borne by the casino, to the user, and for continuing to blame the user without clear evidence.
Napominjemo da smo prosledili neophodne dokaze o tome kako je korisnik obavešten o tome da je zloupotrebio pomenutu tehničku ranjivost.
Želimo da napomenemo da razumemo zašto bi igrač mogao biti uznemiren rezultatom ove situacije, međutim, sa strane platforme za igre, sve radnje su preduzete prema standardnim procedurama koje su navedene u Odredbama i uslovima našeg veb sajt.
Igrač snosi punu odgovornost za posledice koje nastanu usled zloupotrebe tehničke greške, koje uključuju moguće gašenje naloga i oduzimanje svih dobitaka, ako se potvrdi da se takva aktivnost zaista dogodila.
Nastavićemo da sarađujemo sa predstavnicima platforme, kako bismo im pomogli da ovaj slučaj reše na što korektniji način.
S poštovanjem,
We would like to specify that we have forwarded the necessary evidence of how the user was notified about the fact that he had abused the mentioned technical vulnerability.
We want to mention that we understand why the player might be upset at the result of this situation, however, as per the side of the gaming platform, all the actions were taken under the standard procedures that are stated in the Terms & Conditions of our website.
The player bears the full responsibility of the consequences that follow the abuse of a technical bug, which include the possible account termination and the forfeiture of all the winnings, if it was confirmed that such activity indeed had taken place.
We will continue to cooperate with the platform representatives, in order to assist them in resolving this case in the most correct way possible.
Tek nakon što je moj nalog zamrznut, saznao sam da postoji tehnička ranjivost.
Ako tvrdite drugačije, pojasnite kada ste poslali e-poštu kako bih mogao da proverim e-poštu.
Dakle, kazino će tvrditi da sam koristio vremensku mašinu da bih se vratio u prošlost i iskoristio tehničku ranjivost za koju sam saznao nakon što je moj nalog zamrznut?
Dragi kazino guru
Čini se da ovaj kazino ne razume šta govorim ili šta kazino guru govori.
Nema smisla više nastaviti razmenu.
Voleo bih da ih kažnjava ili zameni neka druga odgovorna osoba.
It was only after my account was frozen that I learned that a technical vulnerability existed.
If you claim otherwise, please clarify when you sent the email so I can check the email.
So the casino is going to claim that I used a time machine to go back in time and exploit a technical vulnerability that I learned about after my account was frozen?
Dear Casino Guru
This casino does not seem to understand what I am saying or what the casino guru is saying.
There is no point in continuing the exchange any longer.
I would like to see them penalized or replaced by another person in charge.
Dragi andandjonnik i Fairspin kazino predstavnici,
U mejlu poslatom 7. juna, kazino je naveo da je andandjonnik prekršio pravila. Iz njegovog odgovora je jasno da on nije svestan svoje greške i da bi želeo da razume šta je pogrešio.
Ne doživljavam ovu e-poštu kao upozorenje. Poštovani predstavnici kazina, molimo vas da podelite pomenutu e-poštu ovde kako bi svi mogli da je pregledaju. (ako se andandjonnik slaže)
Hvala vam.
Dear andandjonnyx and Fairspin casino representative,
In the email sent on June 7th, the casino stated that andandjonnyx had violated the rules. It is clear from his response that he is unaware of any mistake on his part and would like to understand what he did wrong.
I do not perceive this email as a warning. Dear casino representative, please share the mentioned email here so that everyone can review it. (if andandjonnyx agrees)
Thank you.
Za početak, e-mail od 6. jula trebalo je da se odnosi na nešto sasvim drugačije od ovog.
(Nisam dobio takvu e-poštu 7. juna; mora da se varate u vezi sa 6. julom.)
Kazino je 6. jula tvrdio da sam iskoristio grešku i da neću isplatiti turnirske pobede.
Međutim, otkriveno je da je u pitanju greška koja je pala na pamet svim korisnicima kazina, a stiglo je i izvinjenje zbog nesporazuma.
Trebalo bi da postoji rečenica u mejlu koja kaže da „greška nije bila vaša".
(To je greška koja množi turnirske poene svih igrača sa desetinama, i trebalo bi da bude drugačija priča od one o tome da je moj rake pomnožen sa 10.)
Kazino ne može da isplati novčanu nagradu jer je moj plasman smanjen zbog tačnih rezultata turnira, što je ispravilo grešku.
Međutim, čak i sa revidiranim rezultatima turnira i dalje sam bio na drugom mestu, pa sam se raspitao i kazino me je ignorisao.
Nismo bili obavešteni o tehničkoj ranjivosti u ovom sporu do 2. avgusta, nakon što je naš račun zamrznut.
Mislim da ovaj kazino zbunjuje previše grešaka koje postoje na njihovom sajtu.
To begin with, the July 6 e-mail should have been about something completely different from this one.
(I didn't receive such an email on June 7; you must be mistaken about July 6.)
On July 6 the casino claimed I had exploited a bug and would not pay tournament winnings.
However, it was discovered that it was a bug that occurred to all users of the casino, and an apology was received for the misunderstanding.
There should be a sentence in the email that says 'the fault was not yours'.
(It's a bug that multiplies all players' tournament points by dozens, and should be a different story than the one about my rake being multiplied by 10.)
The casino cannot pay the prize money because my placement was lowered by the correct tournament results, which fixed the bug.
However, even with the revised tournament results I was still in second place, so I inquired and the casino ignored me.
We were not informed of the technical vulnerability at issue in this dispute until August 2, after our account was frozen.
I think this casino is confusing too many glitches that exist on their site.
Podsećamo sve da se i dalje aktivno bavimo temom ove žalbe, kao i celokupnom situacijom.
Međutim, želeli bismo da se fokusiramo samo na specifičnosti ove situacije, a da ne odstupimo previše od tačke diskusije.
Kao takvi, želeli smo da objavimo da smo predstavniku CasinoGuru-a dostavili sve potrebne detalje putem privatnog e-mail razgovora, kako bi se celokupna situacija mogla što jasnije sagledati.
Uvek rado sarađujemo i spremni smo da pružimo neophodnu pomoć!
S poštovanjem,
We would like to remind everyone that we are still actively engaged in the topic of this complaint, as well as the overall situation.
However, we would like to only focus on the specifics of this situation, without straying too far from the point of the discussion.
As such, we wanted to announce that we have provided all the necessary details to the CasinoGuru representative via the private email conversation, so that the overall situation could be seen as clearly as possible.
We are always happy to cooperate and are ready to provide the necessary assistance!
U kazino
Promenite sporni iznos na 2600 USD.
Sa 1000 dolara dobitaka na turnirima koje nije platio kazino,
500 dobitaka na turnirima u vreme kada je vaš nalog zamrznut.
Kazino i dalje nastavlja da se pravda i ne pokazuje nameru da se kaje.
Ni ja to više ne mogu da trpim.
Ako kazino ne može da dokaže da sam prethodno znao za informacije i da sam ih zloupotrebio,
Zahtevam veliku količinu crnih poena i punu garanciju.
To the Casino
Please change the disputed amount to $2600.
With $1000 in tournament winnings not paid by the casino,
500 in tournament winnings at the time your account was frozen.
The casino still continues to justify itself and shows no intention of remorse.
I can no longer tolerate it either.
If the casino cannot prove that I had prior knowledge of the information and misused it,
I demand a large amount of black points and a full guarantee.
Dragi andandjonnik i Fairspin kazino predstavnici,
Uspeo sam da razjasnim neke detalje sa kazinom i verujem da mogu da dam objašnjenje za celu situaciju.
Andandjonnik je igrao utakmice i učestvovao na turniru. Međutim, zbog tehničke greške, jedna od utakmica je imala rejk doprinos koji je bio 10 puta veći nego što je trebalo.
Kazino je poslao e-mail upozorenje Andandjonnik-u kada su shvatili grešku. Međutim, upozorenje je napisano na tako uopšten način da bi Andandjonnik-u bilo teško da razume šta radi pogrešno da nije bio svestan greške. Uprkos tome, Andandjonnik je nastavio da se fokusira na igru sa greškama i iskoristio je povećan doprinos rejka.
Kao rezultat njegovih akcija, kazino je odlučio da zabrani Andandjonnik.
Želeo bih da pojasnim da je Andandjonnik nenamerno stekao nepravednu prednost i stoga nema pravo da traži bilo kakvu nagradu sa turnira. (Kazino je napomenuo da ga njegova stvarna pozicija nakon korekcije rejka ne kvalifikuje za nagradu) Pored toga, zamenio je povećani rejk za novac, čime je profitirao od greške.
Razumem, Andandjonnik, da nisi namerno uradio ništa loše. Međutim, osnovno je pravilo u svakom kazinu ili lutriji da u slučaju tehničke greške, kazino zadržava pravo da poništi opklade ili ispravi situaciju. A ovo je upravo ovaj slučaj.
Poštovani predstavnici kazina, predlažem da se ubuduće obraćate upozorenjima sa više pažnje na detalje i dajete jasnije objašnjenje situacije.
Dear andandjonnyx and Fairspin casino representative,
I have managed to clarify some details with the casino, and I believe I can provide an explanation for the entire situation.
Andandjonnyx played games and participated in the tournament. However, due to a technical error, one of the games had a rake contribution that was 10 times higher than it should have been.
The casino sent an email warning to Andandjonnyx when they realized the mistake. However, the warning was written in such a general manner that it would have been difficult for Andandjonnyx to understand what he was doing wrong if he was not aware of the bug. Despite this, Andandjonnyx continued to focus on the bugged game and took advantage of the increased rake contribution.
As a result of his actions, the casino decided to ban Andandjonnyx.
I would like to clarify that Andandjonnyx unintentionally gained an unfair advantage and, therefore, does not have the right to claim any prizes from the tournament. (Casino nentioned that his actual position after rake correction not qualify him for prize) Additionally, he exchanged the increased rake for money, thereby profiting from the bug.
I understand, Andandjonnyx, that you did not intentionally do anything wrong. However, it is a fundamental rule in every casino or lottery that in the event of a technical error, the casino reserves the right to void bets or correct the situation. And this is exactly this case.
Dear casino representative, I would suggest that in the future, you address warnings with more attention to detail and provide a clearer explanation of the situation.
Ovaj uopšte nije dobio opomenu.
E-mail od 6. jula govori o potpuno drugačijoj grešci od ove.
Takođe imamo razgovore o prvoj grešci ne samo putem e-pošte već i putem ćaskanja.
(Izgleda da je kazino poslao samo jedan deo e-poruke, ali to možete videti u celoj e-poruci)
U prilogu su moje primedbe iz naše prepiske od 6. jula.
„Imao sam neobičnu situaciju sa svojim poenima usred igre, ali mi je takođe objašnjeno da je to problem sa strane kazina.
navedeno, a jasno je da se ne govori o raku.
(Proverio sam sa podrškom u ćaskanju kada se pojavila ova greška i rečeno mi je da je to opšta greška i da će poenta biti popravljena)
Kazino nije demantovao ovu izjavu.
(Ako bi u ovom trenutku govorili o tehničkoj ranjivosti vezanoj za rake, rekli bi da je to druga greška)
Čak i ako kazino namerava da pomene ovu tehničku ranjivost u ovom trenutku,
Kazino je u mejlu rekao da su poeni već ispravljeni.
I sa tom ispravkom bio sam na drugom mestu, tako da tvrdnja kazina ne važi.
Kao dokaz, pošaljite URL rezultata turnira gde kazino tvrdi da su poeni već fiksirani.
Kazino je 2. avgusta jednostrano zamrznuo moj račun i izneo optužbe da sam iskoristio tehničku ranjivost.
Do danas nisam obavešten koja igra i kada je rak pomnožen sa 10.
Kazino može imati pravo da onemogući opklade u slučaju tehničke greške.
Ali tretirati korisnika koji je igrao ne znajući ništa o tome kao da je kriminalac je kleveta.
Niti bi trebalo da imaju pravo da konfiskuju moj depozit ili dobitak iz igre.
Kazino ima pravo da konfiskuje samo 90% skupa igara u kojima se javlja tehnička ranjivost
Da sam dobio 500$ u raku, bilo bi mi dozvoljeno da izgubim samo 450$ pošto je prvobitno bilo 50$. Jesam li u pravu?
Ili, ima smisla poništiti sve opklade na relevantnu igru i nadoknaditi gubitke izazvane tom igrom.
Pošto je fairspin i dalje smetao meni i kazino guruima sa toliko nesporazuma, želeo bih da izaberu onaj koji prima najveći iznos novca koji ja dobijem.
Zahtevam iskreno izvinjenje i obeštećenje od kazina.
This one did not receive a warning in the first place.
The July 6 email talks about a completely different bug than this one.
We also have conversations about the first bug not only by email but also by chat.
(The casino only seems to have sent one part of the email, but you can see it in the entire email)
Attached are my remarks from our correspondence since July 6.
"I had an unusual situation with my points in the middle of the game, but it was also explained to me that this was a problem on the casino's part."
stated, and it is clear that they are not talking about rake.
(I checked with support in chat when this bug occurred and was told it was an overall bug and the point would be fixed)
The casino has not denied this statement.
(If they were talking about a technical vulnerability related to rake at this point, they would say it was a different bug)
Even if the casino intends to mention this technical vulnerability at this time,
The casino said in the email that the points had already been corrected.
Even with that correction, I was in second place, so the casino's claim is not valid.
As proof, send the URL of the tournament results where the casino claims the points have already been fixed.
On August 2, the casino unilaterally froze my account and made accusations that I had exploited a technical vulnerability.
To this day I am still not informed which game and when the rake was multiplied by 10.
The casino may have the right to disable bets in the event of a technical error.
But to treat a user who played without knowing anything about it as if he were a criminal is defamation.
Nor should they have the right to confiscate my deposit or winnings from the game.
The casino is only entitled to confiscate 90% of the rake of games in which the technical vulnerability occurr
If I had received $500 in rake, I would only be allowed to forfeit $450 since it was originally $50. Am I right?
Or, it makes sense to void all bets on the relevant game and compensate for the losses caused by that game.
Since the fairspin has continued to inconvenience me and the casino gurus with so many misunderstandings, I would like them to choose the one that receives the most amount of money I receive.
I demand a sincere apology and compensation from the casino.
Dragi andandjonnik,
Želeo bih da se raspitam o lokaciji informacija u vezi sa korekcijom grabulja. Posetio sam datu vezu (, ali nisam mogao da pronađem pomenutu informaciju.
Štaviše, slažem se sa vašim predlogom i verujem da bi bilo prikladno da se kazino izvini.
Pored toga, bilo bi od pomoći ako bi mogli da daju objašnjenje učinjenih ispravki i razjasne iznos novca koji treba da se primi ili je stečen.
Dear andandjonnyx,
I would like to inquire about the location of the information regarding the correction of rakes. I have visited the provided link (, but I couldn't find the mentioned information.
Furthermore, I agree with your proposal, and I believe it would be appropriate for the casino to offer an apology.
Additionally, it would be helpful if they could provide an explanation of the corrections made and clarify the amount of money that should be received or has been gained.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Cenimo tačke pomenute u ovoj temi, međutim, pošto je ovo žalba na CasinoGuru platformi, želeli bismo da se zadržimo na specifičnostima situacija takve vrste.
Kao platforma za igre, preduzeli smo radnje na osnovu specifičnih procedura koje su navedene u našim Uslovima i odredbama, i još više, pružajući sveobuhvatno objašnjenje bivšem članu platforme za igre.
Na osnovu toga, rado smo sarađivali sa predstavnikom CasinoGuru-a kako bismo im pružili sve relevantne informacije o ovom pitanju.
Nakon toga, na osnovu dostavljenih detalja, presuda stručnjaka za žalbe je zatim objavljena u ovoj temi.
Želimo da kažemo da se slažemo sa odlukom CasinoGuru-a.
Kao takvi, cenimo navedene preporuke i da ćemo ih svakako uzeti u obzir u slučaju sličnih situacija u budućnosti.
Ukoliko imate bilo kakvih pitanja, ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate u bilo kom trenutku, jer smo uvek dostupni i spremni za saradnju!
S poštovanjem,
We appreciate the points mentioned in this thread, however, as this is a complaint on the CasinoGuru platform, we would like to stick to the specifics of situations of such a kind.
As a gaming platform, we took actions based on the specific procedures that are stated in our Terms & Conditions, and more so, while providing a comprehensive explanation to the former member of the gaming platform.
Based on that, we were happy to cooperate with the CasinoGuru representative in order to provide them with all the relevant information on the matter.
Subsequently, based on the provided details, the complaint specialist's verdict was then published in this thread.
We would like to state that we agree with the CasinoGuru's decision.
As such, we appreciate the recommendations that were mentioned, and that we will definitely take them into consideration in case of similar situations in the future.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time, as we are always available and ready to cooperate!
Nemojte samo pratiti zgodan deo „Biću pažljiv od sada.
Kazino Guru kaže: 'Priznajte svoje greške i izvinite se' i 'Razjasnite podatke o predmetnoj igri.
Zar nije razumno da mi se izvinite i navedete kada ćete razjasniti podatke?
Pošto nema razloga za zamrzavanje mog naloga, kazino je u poziciji da vrati moj nalog, zar ne?
Uporno ne odgovaraš kako treba na moja pitanja, a tvoje stalno pravdanje o sebi je krajnje neukusno.
Moram da dopunim ovo jer kazino samo pruža kazino guruu zgodne delove o imejlu.
Da li ste svesni činjenice da je sve ove nevolje izazvano nesporazumom od strane kazina?
Don't just follow the convenient part of "I'll be careful from now on.
The Casino Guru says, 'Admit your mistakes and apologize,' and 'Clarify the data on the subject game.
Isn't it reasonable for you to apologize to me and state when you will clarify the data?
Since there is no cause to freeze my account, the casino is in a position to restore my account, right?
You consistently do not answer my questions properly, and your constant justification of yourself is extremely distasteful.
I have to supplement this because the casino only provides the casino guru with the convenient parts about the email as well.
Are you aware of the fact that all of this trouble was caused by a misunderstanding on the part of the casino?
Žao nam je što imate takav utisak.
Međutim, želimo da priznamo da ste otvorili ovu žalbu na platformi „CasinoGuru" i da već imate rezultat naše saradnje.
Prema rezultatu istražnog procesa šefa Odeljenja za podatke i žalbe – imamo presudu o toj situaciji.
Toplo vam preporučujemo da još jednom obratite pažnju na to.
Verujemo „CasinoGuru"-u i slažemo se sa rezultatom.
Sve radnje koje platforma za igre preduzima samo uz stvarne „Uslove i odredbe".
Slažete se sa tim prilikom registracije.
Sve stvarne informacije koje su vam dostupne kao za bivšeg člana platforme za igre su dostavljene putem e-pošte odmah nakon blokiranja vašeg naloga i kao odgovor na vaše zahteve.
S poštovanjem,
We are sorry that you have that type of impression.
However, we would like to admit that you open this complaint on the platform "CasinoGuru" and you have the result of our cooperation already.
According to the result of the investigation process of the Head of Data & Complaints - we have a verdict on that situation.
We highly recommend you to pay attention to that one more time.
We trust "CasinoGuru" and agree with the result.
All actions that gaming platform takes going only with actual "Terms and Conditions".
You agree with it upon registration.
All actual information that is available for you as for former member of the gaming platform has been provided through email right after blocking your account and in response to your requests.
Uslovi korišćenja nisu relevantni.
To je pre svega zbog greške kazina.
Kazino je zamrznuo moj nalog prema Uslovima korišćenja usluge na osnovu „mojeg korišćenja tehničke ranjivosti".
Međutim, kazino nikada nije pomenuo tehničku ranjivost pre zamrzavanja mog naloga.
(Ono što je kazino pominjao 6. jula bila je sasvim druga greška koja je odjednom pomnožila svačije poene za desetine.)
Drugim rečima, činjenica da sam to „iskoristio" je lažna, a da sam „slučajno profitirao od toga" je istina.
Pošto je dokazano da je kazino pogrešio da sam „iskoristio tehničku ranjivost", nemoguće je primeniti njegove uslove.
Ili kazino i dalje veruje da sam ga iskoristio?
Ja sam stalno tražio dokaze ovde od početka, zar ne?
Za kazino gurua
Navodeći da ovaj kazino veruje kazino guruu i da se slaže sa rezultatima,
Trude se da prate samo deo koji im odgovara.
Takođe nisu voljni da daju bilo kakve podatke o raku.
Ignorišu i činjenicu da sam posle nameštenih bodova bio na drugom mestu na turniru.
Čak i ako im se naloži da plate i žure sa istragom, trebalo bi da budu kažnjeni za svoje nepoštenje.
Sve dok ne mogu da proizvedu podatke, kazino nema pravo da konfiskuje veći deo rejka.
Naravno, reč je i o turnirskim rezultatima.
Molimo vas da u potpunosti prihvatite naš argument.
Drugim rečima, naredite kazinu da plati, a ako odbiju, ogromne crne tačke!
1100€ ostataka
1000€ neisplaćenih turnirskih pobeda
Dobici na turnirima u kojima ste učestvovali u vreme zamrzavanja (moj dobitak u poslednjem trenutku je bio 500€)
Povrat novca koji biste dobili da niste bili zamrznuti
(Mislim da sam izgubio oko 2000€ te nedelje)
Ukupno mislim da je 2500€ prikladno.
Terms of use are not relevant.
It is because of the casino's mistake in the first place.
The casino froze my account under the Terms of Service based on 'my exploitation of a technical vulnerability.
However, the casino never mentioned the technical vulnerability before freezing my account.
(What casino mentioned on July 6 was a completely different bug that suddenly multiplied everyone's points by dozens.)
In other words, the fact that I 'exploited it' is false, and that I 'accidentally profited from it' is true.
Since it has been proven that the casino was mistaken that I 'exploited a technical vulnerability', it is impossible to apply its terms and conditions.
Or does the casino still believe that I exploited it?
I have consistently asked for proof here from the beginning, haven't you?
To the casino guru
While stating that this casino trusts the casino guru and agrees with the results,
They are trying to follow only the part that is convenient for them.
They are also not willing to provide any data on the rake.
They also ignore the fact that I was in second place in the tournament after the points were fixed.
Even if they are ordered to pay and are in a hurry to investigate, they should be penalized for their dishonesty.
As long as they can't produce the data, the casino has no right to confiscate most of the rake.
Naturally, it is also about tournament results.
Please fully acknowledge our argument.
In other words, order the casino to pay, and if they refuse, huge black points!
1100€ of the balance
1000€ of unpaid tournament winnings
Tournament winnings you were participating in at the time of the freeze (my winnings at the last minute were 500€)
Cash back you would have received had you not been frozen
(I think I lost about 2000€ that week)
In total, I think 2500€ is appropriate.
Dragi andandjonnik i Fairspin kazino predstavnici,
Kao prvo, želeo bih da priznam da je do situacije došlo zbog tehničke greške kazina, koja se povremeno može desiti. Ipak, bilo bi zahvalno ako bi kazino ponudio izvinjenje za ovu grešku.
Drugo, važno je napomenuti da je zbog igre koju je igrao andjonnik dobio deset puta više rakova, što je rezultiralo dodatnim pogodnostima za njega. Međutim, treba imati na umu da su sve druge beneficije dobijene na osnovu iznosa zarađenih rejkova, kao što je povraćaj novca, takođe pogođene. Iako je vaše razmišljanje o iznosima od 500 i 450 tačno, vredi napomenuti da ako biste ovaj novac koristili za igranje i dobijanje narednih dobitaka, 90% utrošenog novca ne bi imalo nikakvu novčanu vrednost.
Kazino me je obavestio da ste već premašili vrednost koja vam je trebalo da bude isplaćena, a kazino mi je napisao da nakon korekcije rejkova niste bili na vrhu liste i da stoga ne ispunjavate uslove za nagradu .
Ljubazno tražim od predstavnika kazina da ovde pruži pojašnjenje i potvrdu o ovom pitanju.
Dear andandjonnyx and Fairspin casino representative,
Firstly, I would like to acknowledge that the situation arose due to a technical error on the casino's part, which can occur occasionally. Nevertheless, it would be appreciated if the casino could offer an apology for this mistake.
Secondly, it is important to note that due to the game that andandjonnyx played, he received ten times more rakes, resulting in additional benefits for him. However, it should be understood that any other benefits received based on the amount of rakes earned, such as cashback, have also been affected. While your reasoning regarding the amounts of 500 and 450 is correct, it is worth mentioning that if you were to use this money for playing and gain subsequent winnings, 90% of money used would hold no monetary value.
I have been informed by the casino that you have already surpassed the value that should have been paid to you, and casino wrote to me that after the correction of rakes, you were not on the top of the leaderboard and therefore not eligible for a prize.
I kindly request the casino representative to provide clarification and confirmation on this matter here.
Kazino nema pravo da konfiskuje moje depozite ili dobitke od igranja.
Nisam igrao samo sa rakom.
Arogantno je pripisivati sve moje depozite i dobitke rakeu.
Moji poslednji rezultati na turniru dokazuju da sam i posle korekcije rake i dalje na drugom mestu.
Očigledno je ako pogledate modifikovanu listu lidera.
Takođe, povraćaj novca se zasniva na iznosu gubitka i nema nikakve veze sa rakom.
Ako kazino otkaže rake, turnir ili povraćaj novca zbog tehničke greške, ima smisla da pokrije i gubitak iz moje igre.
Zato što samu predstavu čini nepostojećom.
Otkazivanje nije dozvoljeno samo za pogodan deo.
Kazino strana tvrdi samo zgodne stvari bez davanja jasnih podataka.
(Postoji i činjenica da je kazino lagao da mi je poslao mejl)
u kazino
Molimo vas da napišete ovde ukupan iznos opklade i ukupan saldo moje primenljive igre ispravno (±).
Takođe, molim vas dajte odgovarajuće izvinjenje, a ne šablon kao što je napravio AI.
za Casino Guru
Iznos rake-a koji sam dobio može se pronaći kada se prijavim na svoj nalog.
Sada kada se zloupotreba ispostavila kao nesporazum, nema opravdanja za zabranu naloga zbog toga.
Da biste potvrdili da li su podaci koje je kazino predstavio tačni, molimo vas da naredite da se račun odmrzne.
The casino has no right to confiscate my deposits or winnings from playing.
I didn't play only with rake.
It is arrogant to attribute all of my deposits and winnings to rake.
My latest tournament results prove that I'm still in second place even after the rake correction.
It's obvious if you look at the modified leaderboard.
Also, cashback is based on loss amount and has nothing to do with rake.
If a casino cancels a rake or tournament or cashback because of a technical glitch, it makes sense to cover the loss from my game as well.
Because it makes the play itself non-existent.
Cancellation is not allowed only for convenient part.
The casino side claims only convenient things without giving any clear data.
(There is also a fact that the casino lied that it sent me an email)
to the casino
Please write here the total bet amount and total balance of my applicable game properly(±).
Also, please give a proper apology, not a boilerplate like the one made by AI.
to Casino Guru
The amount of rake I received can be found when I log into my account.
Now that the abuse has turned out to be a misunderstanding, there is no justification for banning the account because of it.
In order to confirm whether the data presented by the casino is true, please order the account to be unfrozen.
Poštovani bivši član naše platforme, pre svega, želeli bismo da bude jasno da su vam sve relevantne informacije o tom pitanju koje vam mogu biti otkrivene dostavljene u privatnoj e-poruci, gde možete pronaći sve neophodni detalji.
Zbog kršenja Uslova i odredbi platforme za igre, vaš nalog je naknadno blokiran bez prava na oporavak i jednostavno ne može biti deblokiran zbog toga ni pod kojim uslovima.
Dodatno, želimo da istaknemo da je bivši član platforme za igre pristao da poštuje pravila našeg sajta nakon završetka procedure registracije (Uslovi korišćenja, tačka 1.3.3.)
Razumljivo je da igrač prvo možda nije primetio tehničku ranjivost, pa je, kao mera lojalnosti, obaveštenje o tome poslato korisniku putem mejla, kako bi se izbeglo dalje kršenje pravila platforme za igre u Budućnost.
Međutim, naknadno korišćenje iste tehničke ranjivosti nakon prvobitnog obaveštenja može se smatrati ništa drugo do namerna zloupotreba te iste tehničke ranjivosti (koja krši Odredbe i uslove, tačka 12.16) i ne može se tolerisati ni na koji način, što kasnije rezultiralo je ukidanjem računa igrača uz konfiskaciju svih njegovih dobitaka (prema Računu, Isplatama i bonusima, tačka 5.8.)
Time je igraču ukinuto i pravo na dobijanje turnirskih dobitaka, zbog navedenog kršenja pravila naše platforme (prema Uslovima, tačka 12.20.)
Dakle, želimo da istaknemo da se pravila naše platforme za igre moraju striktno poštovati, a njeno kršenje u bilo kom obliku bi rezultiralo teškim posledicama.
Smatramo da su mere lojalnosti koje je platforma preduzela kao rezultat gore opisanih radnji, kao što je početno upozorenje igrača putem e-pošte i povlačenje sredstava koje je igrač akumulirao na pošten način, bile dovoljne.
Kao što se jasno vidi, platforma za igre je samo striktno pratila set radnji u skladu sa situacijom koja se desila, a uzimajući u obzir sve mere lojalnosti, smatramo da je izvinjenje u ovom slučaju neprikladno.
Takođe, molimo da uzmete u obzir samo dokazane, konkretne činjenice sa kojima platforma za igre radi, jer smatramo da puke pretpostavke ne mogu imati nikakvu težinu u takvoj situaciji. Uzimajući to u obzir, činjenice koje smo ranije dali nemaju mogućnost kritike zbog dokaza koji su prethodno dati u privatnom razgovoru putem e-pošte.
Takođe želimo da napomenemo da su preporuke CasinoGuru-a u vezi sa preciznijim načinom obaveštavanja naših korisnika u slučajevima sličnih situacija uzete u obzir i u skladu sa tim obrađene od strane relevantnog odeljenja kako bi se izbegla mogućnost nesporazuma u budućnosti.
Pomenutim tačkama iz pravila naše platforme može se pristupiti direktno preko naše veb stranice, ili se mogu dostaviti u punom, pisanom obliku kao posebna poruka u ovoj temi ili putem e-pošte, ako se to zahteva.
U slučaju da postoji nešto što zahteva više pojašnjenja, bićemo voljni da pomognemo da pružimo sve specifične detalje CasinoGuru specijalisti za žalbe u privatnom obliku.
S poštovanjem,
Dear former member of our platform, first of all, we would like for it to be clear that all the relevant information on the matter that may be disclosed to you had been provided to you in a private email conversation, where you may find all the necessary details.
Due to the violation of the Terms & Conditions of the gaming platform, your account has subsequently been blocked without the right to recover and simply cannot be unblocked due to that under any condition.
Additionally, we want to point out that the former member of the gaming platform had agreed to follow the rules of our website upon completing the registration procedure (Terms & Conditions, point 1.3.3.)
It is understandable that the player firstly might not have noticed the technical vulnerability, that's why, as the loyalty measure, the notification of it had been sent to the user via email, in order to avoid further violation of the rules of the gaming platform in the future.
However, the subequent usage of that same technical vulnerability after the initial notification may be deemed none other than the deliberate abuse of that same technical vulnerability (which violates the Terms & Conditions, point 12.16) and could not be tolerated in any way, which subsequently resulted in the player's account termination with the confiscation of all of his winnings (as per Account, Pay-Outs and Bonuses, point 5.8.)
With that, the player's right for obtaining the tournament winnings has been revoked as well, due to the said violation of the rules of our platform (as per Terms & Conditions, point 12.20.)
Thus, we want to point out that the rules of our gaming platform are to be strictly followed, and its violation in any form would result in severe consequences.
We beleive that the loyalty measures the platform took as a result of the above-described actions, such as the initial warning notification of the player via email and the withdrawal of the funds accumulated by the player in a fair way were sufficient enough.
As can be clearly seen, the gaming platform only strictly followed the set of actions in accordance with the situation that took place, and taking all of the loyalty measures into account, we beleive for the apology to be inappropriate in this case.
As well, we ask to only take notice of the proven, concrete facts that the gaming platform operates with, as we beleive that mere assumptions cannot have any weight in such a situation. That being said, the facts provided earlier bear no possibility for criticism due to the evidence previously provided in the private email conversation.
We also want to note that the CasinoGuru's recommendations regarding the more precise way of notifying our users in cases of similar situations were taken into account and were processed accordingly by the relevant department in order to avoid any possibility for misunderstandings in the future.
The mentioned points from the rules of our platform may be accessed directly via our website, or may be provided in a full, written form as a separate message in this thread or via email, if requested.
In case if there is anything that requires more clarification, we will be willing to help providing all the specific details to the CasinoGuru complaint specialist in the private form.
Što je dosta - dosta je.
Kazino gurui ne smatraju e-poštu koju ste mi prvobitno poslali obaveštenjem ili upozorenjem.
(Naravno, ni ja nisam tako mislio, zbog čega upućujem ovaj apel.)
Već sam dokazao da je sadržaj moje e-pošte od 6. jula bio greška u drugoj stvari koja nije povezana sa rakeom.
Ili stvarno mislite da sam koristio vremensku mašinu?
Dragi kazino guru
Nema smisla nastaviti ovu razmenu.
Kazino pokušava da mi kupi vreme dok ne odustanem.
Ovaj kazino je i dalje nepoštovan ne samo prema meni već i prema kazino guruima.
Nemojte davati ovom kazinu više od jedne šanse.
Sve dok kazino ne može da pruži nikakav dokaz i neće se izviniti,
Logično je da se naš zahtev udovolji.
plz naručite kazino plaćanje od 2.500 evra.
kazino će možda morati da plati više od toga ako onemogućim svoju igru,
ali ne želim više da budem povezan sa ovim kazinom.
Izgubio sam mnogo vremena i truda tokom prošlog meseca, a kazino me je stalno nazivao lošom osobom.
Čak želim da tužim za klevetu.
Enough is enough.
Casino gurus do not consider the email you initially sent to me as a notifications or warnings.
(Of course, I didn't think so either, which is why I'm making this appeal.)
I have already proven that the content of my email on July 6 was a bug in another matter unrelated to the rake.
Or do you really think I used a time machine?
Dear Casino Guru
There is no point in continuing this exchange.
The casino is trying to buy me time until I give up.
This casino continues to be disrespectful not only to me but to the casino gurus.
Please do not give this casino more than one chance.
As long as the casino cannot provide any evidence and will not apologize,
It is only logical to grant our request.
plz order to casino payment of 2,500 euros.
casino may have to pay more than that if I disable my game play,
but I don't want to be associated with this casino anymore.
I wasted a lot of time and effort over the past month and the casino kept calling me a bad person.
I even want to sue for defamation.
Imajte na umu da sa strane platforme za igre nisu korišćeni termini koji vas označavaju kao osobu ili bivšeg člana „Fairspina"!
Kao što vidite iz ove žalbe i svih postova ovde - bilo je samo jednostavnih i jasnih diskusija sa objašnjenjima o situaciji koja se dogodila.
Molimo Vas Matej da obratite pažnju na takve stvari u objavama kupaca.
Nema „laži" ili ličnih uvreda sa strane „Fairspina", ali je to više puta pomenuo andandjonnik.
Uvek smo spremni na saradnju, ali nismo tolerantni prema stvarima koje smo pominjali.
S poštovanjem,
Please, pay attention that from side of the gaming platform no terms have been used to refer to you as a person or to a former member of the "Fairspin"!
As you can see from this complaint and all posts here - there were only simple and clear discussions with explanations about the situation that took place.
We kindly ask you Matej to pay attention to such things in the posts of customer.
There are no "lies" or personal insults from the side of the "Fairspin" but it has been mentioned by andandjonnyx several times.
We are always ready to cooperate but we are not tolerant with things that have been mentioned.
Da li razumete da je moj i kazino guru stav da je odgovor i objašnjenje kazina posledica nesporazuma i nedostatka komunikacije i bez opravdanja?
Kazino Guru je prihvatio moju tvrdnju i dao kazinu šansu tako što je i njih naveo da dostave podatke.
Ali mnogo puta ste to ignorisali.
Takođe osramotite Casino Gurua.
Do you understand that it is my and the casino guru's view that the casino's response and explanation is due to a misunderstanding and lack of communication and no justification?
Casino Guru acknowledged my claim and gave the casino a chance by having them submit data as well.
But you ignored it many times.
You also disagrace Casino Guru.
Dragi andandjonnik i Fairspin kazino predstavnici,
Želeo bih da izrazim da sam u svom odgovoru od 27.8. pojasnio da podržavamo kazino na osnovu pruženih dokaza.
U ovoj situaciji, pretpostavili smo da je početno upozorenje o tehničkoj ranjivosti igre moglo biti pogrešno shvaćeno zbog nejasne komunikacije kazina.
Međutim, ova pretpostavka važi samo ako je andandjonnik povremeni igrač. Održali smo interni sastanak u vezi sa ovom žalbom i ispitali dodatne dokaze iz kazina.
Nakon pregleda 16 žalbi koje je andandjonnik već podneo na našoj veb stranici (sve sam ih pregledao), uvereni smo da je andandjonnik vešt igrač koji je svestan svojih postupaka. Dokazi iz kazina jasno ukazuju na to da je nakon upozorenja, neko vreme prestala da igra igru sa tehničkom ranjivošću, ali je kasnije nastavila da igra i zaradila 10 puta više rejkova nego što je trebalo.
Takođe sam predložio da kazino poboljša svoju komunikaciju sa igračima, pružajući jasna objašnjenja šta su pogrešili i zašto.
Bilo bi dobro da kazino preuzme odgovornost za tehničku ranjivost i izvini se igračima zbog toga (bez ponude bilo kakve finansijske kompenzacije).
Dobrota je besplatna i veoma je nagrađena.
Međutim, naša prvobitna presuda i dalje stoji i verujemo da andandjonnik nema pravo na bilo kakvu finansijsku nadoknadu.
Dear andandjonnyx and Fairspin casino representative,
I would like to express that in my response from 27.8., I clarified that we support the casino based on the evidence provided.
In this situation, we assumed that the initial warning about the technical vulnerability of the game could have been misunderstood due to the casino's unclear communication.
However, this assumption only applies if andandjonnyx is a casual player. We conducted an internal meeting regarding this complaint and examined additional evidence from the casino.
Upon reviewing the 16 complaints already submitted by andandjonnyx on our website (I have reviewed all of them), we are confident that andandjonnyx is a skilled player who is aware of her actions. The evidence from the casino clearly indicates that after being warned, she ceased playing the game with the technical vulnerability for a while, but later resumed playing and earned 10 times more rakes than she should have.
I also suggested that the casino improve their communication with players, providing clear explanations of what they did wrong and why.
It would be appreciated if the casino takes responsibility for the technical vulnerability and apologizes to the players for it (without offering any financial compensation).
Kindness is free and greatly rewarded.
However our original verdict still stands and we belive that andandjonnyx has no right for any financial compensation.
Kao što je ranije objašnjeno,
Kazino me je kontaktirao u vezi tehničke ranjivosti tek nakon što je moj račun zamrznut.
Da li Casino Guru razume da je e-poruka od 6. jula bila još jedna greška?
Pod pretpostavkom da sam vešt igrač, kako da znam da je rake porastao deset puta ako ne znam originalne informacije?
(Tražio sam informacije o rake-u u Uslovima korišćenja, ali nisam mogao da ih pronađem.
Dakle, hoćete da kažete da je guru kazina takođe dobio insajderske informacije putem mog hakovanja?)
Dozvolite mi da predam svoju tadašnju istoriju ćaskanja kazinu.
Tu jasno govorim o još jednoj grešci.
(Za razliku od imejlova, istoriju ćaskanja ne možemo da pregledamo, tako da samo kazino može da je pošalje.)
Razlog zašto sam prestao da igram igru je takođe bio taj drugi kvar.
(Morali smo da se uzdržimo od igranja igre zbog greške koja je pomnožila poene svih igrača na turniru (ne rake) za desetine.)
Ako ste dobro pročitali e-poštu, trebalo bi da znate da uopšte nismo razgovarali o raku pre nego što je nalog zamrznut.
Zatim sam nastavio sa igrom kada je kazino odgovorio da je greška već otklonjena.
Razlog zašto sam igrao igru takođe nije bio da dobijem rake, već da učestvujem na turniru.
Dokazi su sve na sudu.
Tražimo da pružite odgovarajuće dokaze, a ne spekulacije ili predrasude.
Čini se da je kazino guru zbunjen jer se ovog puta usred diskusije pojavila još jedna greška za koju je mislio da nije povezana.
Hajde da pričamo o "drugom problemu" ovde.
As explained earlier,
I was contacted by the casino about the technical vulnerability only after my account was frozen.
Does Casino Guru understand that the July 6 email was another glitch?
Assuming I am a skilled player, How do I know the rake has increased tenfold if I don't know the original information?
(I looked for information on rake in the Terms of Use but could not find it.
So are you saying that the casino guru also got inside information through my hacking?)
Let me submit my chat history at the time to the casino.
There I am clearly talking about another glitch.
(Unlike emails, chat history cannot be reviewed by us, so only the casino can submit it.)
The reason I stopped playing the game in the first place was also due to that other glitch.
(We had to refrain from playing the game because of a glitch that multiplied all players' tournament points(Not a rake) by dozens.)
If you read the email properly, you should know that we did not discuss rakes at all before the account was frozen.
I then resumed play when the casino replied that the glitch had already been fixed.
The reason I was playing the game was also not to receive a rake, but to participate in a tournament.
Evidence is everything in a court of law.
We ask that you provide proper evidence, not speculation or prejudice.
The casino guru seems to be confused because in the middle of the discussion this time, another glitch that he thought was unrelated came up.
Let's talk about the "other glitch" here.
Nisam još obavešten kada je rak pomnožen sa 10, ali pretpostavimo da je bilo od početka.
Pre 6. jula
Primećujem prvi kvar, 'desetine puta više turnirskih poena za sve igrače', i razgovaram sa njima u ćaskanju uživo.
(Primetio sam da je rast bodova za sve igrače bio nenormalno brz u odnosu na prethodni
Međutim, rak nije bio desetine puta veći nego što je bio, tako da nisam mislio da je došlo do greške.)
6. jul
Kazino me obaveštava da ne mogu da isplate novčanu nagradu zbog promene na tabeli turnira kao posledica greške.
(Ali ja sam i dalje na drugom mestu po korigovanim rezultatima, pa se raspitujem o tome.)
Tada sam bio svestan da govorimo o prvom kvaru.
Prestao sam da igram na neko vreme, ali nastavio sam da igram kada mi kažu da je kvar popravljen.
2. avgusta.
Račun je zamrznut.
Kazino tvrdi da sam iskoristio tehničku ranjivost.
Konsultovao sam se sa kazino guruom, jer sam znao da je kvar otklonjen u e-poruci od 9. jula.
Kasnije je otkriveno da je došlo do greške „rake se povećava 10 puta".
Kazino je tvrdio da su o ovoj grešci pričali od početka.
Prvi kvar sam primetio jer
'Odjednom je to bilo neobično u poređenju sa onim što sam radio.'
Da je to bilo nenormalno od početka, ne bih to mogao da primetim, čak i da sam bio vešt u tome.
(Član sam ovog kazina samo kratko vreme)
Ovaj kazino rake se plaća u TSF, virtuelnoj valuti.
Stopa rejka za igre je ono što nije navedeno u odredbama i uslovima, a verujem da kazino individualno postavlja stopu rejka.
Da li sam u pravu kada sam shvatio da je kazino prosledio te insajderske informacije kazino guruu?
Verujem da su pravila za turnire zasnovana na broju osvojenih TSF-a.
Ranije 1 TSF = 1 bod, ali odjednom 1 TSF = desetine poena.
Pošto sam bio registrovan u kazinu samo kratko vreme, pitao sam se da li je došlo do povećanja poena u određenim trenucima i kontaktirao sam ćaskanje uživo.
Kao rezultat toga, otkrili smo da je to očigledno bio kvar.
I have not yet been informed when the rake was multiplied by 10, but let's assume it was from the beginning.
Before July 6
I notice the first glitch, 'dozens of times more tournament points for all players', and talk to them in live chat.
(I noticed that the growth of points for all players was abnormally fast compared to the previous
However, the rake was not dozens of times higher than it had been, so I didn't think there was a glitch.)
July 6
The casino informs me that they cannot pay out any prize money due to a change in the tournament standings as a result of the glitch.
(But I am still in second place in the corrected results, so I inquire about it.)
At this time I was aware that we were talking about the first glitch.
I quit playing for a while, but resume playing when I am told that the glitch has been fixed.
August 2.
Account is frozen.
Casino claims I took advantage of a technical vulnerability.
I consulted with the casino guru, because I was aware that the glitch had been fixed in the July 9 e-mail.
Later, it was discovered that the "rake increases 10 times" glitch had also occurred.
The casino claimed that they had been talking about this glitch from the beginning.
I noticed the first glitch because
'Suddenly it was an unusual point compared to what I'd been doing.'
If it had been abnormal from the beginning, I would not have been able to notice it, even if I had been proficient at it.
(I have only been a member of this casino for a short period of time)
This casino rake is paid in TSF, a virtual currency.
The rake rate for which games is what is not stated in the terms and conditions, and I believe the casino sets the rake rate individually.
Am I correct in understanding that the casino forwarded that inside information to the casino guru?
I believe the rules for tournaments were based on the number of TSF won.
Previously 1 TSF = 1 point, but suddenly 1 TSF = dozens of points.
Since I had only been registered with the casino for a short period of time, I wondered if there was a boost in points at certain times and contacted the live chat.
As a result, we found that it was apparently a glitch.
U kazino
6. jula tvrdite da ste me upozorili na "grešku sa rake".
Međutim, malo pre toga, razgovarao sam sa vama u live chat-u o „problemama sa tačkom",
Pretpostavio sam da govorite o ovom drugom.
Obe greške odnose se na to da brojevi nisu u redu u oba slučaja,
Zbog toga smo se i ja i kazino pogrešno razumeli.
Čini se da je Guru kazina takođe pobrkao njih dvoje.
Dakle, želeo bih odgovarajuće objašnjenje za obe greške.
(Kada je došlo do greške i kada je popravljeno)
① Ks Evro opklade ITSF osvojio I Osvojeni poeni turnira
② Ks Evro opklade 10 ITSF osvojenih 10I osvojenih turnirskih poena
③ Ks Evro opklade ITSF osvaja decenijama I Osvojeni poeni turnira
④ Ks Evro opklade 10 ITSF je osvojio nekoliko stotina I turnirskih poena
Još uvek ne znam tačnu stopu rake, pa ću je izraziti u terminima Ks i I,
Ako su se dva kvara pojavila u isto vreme,
ova četiri uslova bi nastupila.
Od trenutka kada sam registrovao svoj nalog do trenutka kada je zamrznut,
Možete li pojasniti koji su uslovi bili prisutni u kom vremenskom periodu?
Takođe, 9. jula ste mi poslali e-poštu u kojoj ste rekli da je kvar popravljen.
Verovao sam u to i nastavio da igram,
Da li to znači da greška nije zaista otklonjena?
To the Casino
On July 6 you claim to have warned me about the "rake glitch".
However, shortly before that, I had a conversation with you in live chat about the "points glitch",
I assumed you were talking about the latter.
Both glitches are about the numbers being out of whack in both cases,
This caused both me and the casino to misunderstand each other.
Casino Guru seems to have confused the two as well.
So, I would like a proper explanation of both glitches.
(When did the glitch occur and when was it fixed)
① X Euro bets YTSF won Y Tournament points won
② X Euro bets 10 YTSF won 10Y Tournament points won
③ X Euro bets YTSF won decades Y Tournament points won
④ X Euro bets 10 YTSF won several hundreds Y Tournament points won
I still don't know the correct rake rate, so I will express it in terms of X and Y,
If the two defects were occurring at the same time,
these four conditions would have occurred.
From the time I registered my account to the time it was frozen,
Can you clarify which conditions were present during which time period?
Also, on July 9 you guys sent me an email saying that the glitch was fixed.
I trusted that and continued to play,
Does that mean that the glitch was not really fixed?
Poštovani Andandjonnik, želeli bismo da bude poznato da je celokupna situacija već razjašnjena uz dostavljanje neophodnih dokaza predstavniku CasinoGuru-a.
Platforma za igre je delovala samo u granicama radnji koje su navedene u Uslovima i odredbama naše platforme za situacije te vrste.
Iskreno se izvinjavamo sa naše strane što je do toga došlo, jer se s vremena na vreme, nažalost, mogu pojaviti tehničke greške, i činimo sve da njihov iznos ograničimo na apsolutnu nulu.
Dragi Matej, solidarni smo sa vašim stavom i cenimo vašu pažnju na ovu situaciju.
Žao nam je ako je prvobitno obaveštenje koje smo poslali možda zbunjujuće ili nejasno na bilo koji način, i želimo da istaknemo da je vaša preporuka već prosleđena relevantnom odeljenju u svim sličnim slučajevima kako bi se izbegli svi mogući nesporazumi .
S poštovanjem,
Dear Andandjonnyx, we would like for it to be known the overall situation had already been made clear with the necessary evidence being provided to the CasinoGuru representative.
The gaming platform had only acted within the limits of actions that are stated in the Terms & Conditions of our platform for the situations of that kind.
We sincerely apologize from our side that it had taken place, as technical bugs may unfortunately occur from time to time, and we do our best to limit their amount to the absolute zero.
Dear Matej, we are solidary with your point of view and appreciate your attention to this situation.
We are sorry if the initial notification sent by us may be confusing or unclear by any means, and we'd like to point out that your recommendation had already been forwarded to the relevant department in any similar cases in order to avoid all the possible misunderstandings.
Šaljete neophodne dokaze kazino guruu, ali ne stavljate ih ovde dostupnim da ih pregledam.
Moguće je da dokazi koje ste dostavili možda nisu dovoljni, pa bih želeo da ih uredno objavite ovde.
(U stvari, Casino Guru je pobrkao ove dve greške.
Štaviše, kazino guru je propustio deo o tome da sam nastavio igru 9. jula ili približno tog datuma jer sam dobio e-poruku da je greška popravljena, i deo o tome da igram igru na vreme da se turnir održi.
Jasno je da kazino guru nije svestan celokupne situacije,
i To ukazuje da su neophodni dokazi nedovoljni.
(U suprotnom bi kazino gurui bili gomila amatera, u šta nisam sklon da verujem.))
Mogu da objasnim neke delove problema na osnovu informacija koje ste dali, tako da je neophodno da informacije budu javno objavljene kako bi se ovaj problem rešio.
Takođe, molimo vas da istražite iznos rejka koji ste trebali da dobijete i iznos gubitaka u predmetnoj igri.
(Gubio bih svoje vreme istražujući ovo kada znam da je potrebno za razmenu koja sledi, zar ne?)
You are sending the necessary evidence to the casino guru, but not making it available here for me to review.
It is possible that the evidence you have submitted may not be sufficient, so I would like you to properly publish it here.
(In fact, Casino Guru did confuse the two glitches.
Furthermore, the casino guru missed the part about me resuming the game on or about July 9 because I had received an email that the glitch had been fixed, and the part about me playing the game in time for the tournament to take place.
It is clear that the casino guru is not aware of the overall situation,
and It indicates that the necessary evidence is insufficient.
(Otherwise, the casino gurus would be a bunch of amateurs, which I am not inclined to believe.))
I can explain some parts of the problem according to the information you have provided, so it is essential that the information be made public in order to resolve this problem.
Also, please research the amount of rake you should have received and the amount of losses in the subject game.
(I would be wasting my time researching this once I know it's needed for the exchange that follows, wouldn't I?)
Dragi Andandjonnik, imajte na umu da su sve informacije koje su vam dostupne kao bivšem članu platforme za igre već dostavljene.
Kao platforma za igre na sreću, dati konkretni dokazi su bili namenjeni stručnjacima za žalbe CasinoGuru-a kako bi im pružili razjašnjenje stvarne situacije koja se dogodila i koja je relevantna za ovu konkretnu žalbu.
Na osnovu toga, želimo da napomenemo da je konačna presuda CainoGuru-a već bila jasna u ovoj temi.
Poštujemo donetu odluku i posle toga se ponašamo, jer smo uvek spremni za saradnju.
S poštovanjem,
Dear Andandjonnyx, please be advised that all the information that is available to you as the former member of the gaming platform had alreadt been provided.
As the gaming platform, the specific evidence provided was intended for the CasinoGuru complaint specialist in order to provide them with the clearance of the actual situation that occured and is relevant for this specific complaint.
Based on that, we would like to mention that the CainoGuru's final verdict has already been made clear in this very thread.
We respect the decision that has been made and acted accordingly afterwards, as we are always ready for cooperation.
Dragi kazino guru
Ovaj kazino može pretpostaviti da je previše nejasna e-pošta upozorenje,
mogao da odgovori samo standardizovanom izjavom,
njihove komunikacijske veštine nisu na nivou.
Ne verujem 'svim dokazima' koje takva kazina kažu da imaju
Ne znamo koje ste informacije dobili od kazina.
Međutim, mogu pretpostaviti iz izjava Casino Gurua da nisu dobili informacije koje imam.
Za mene je misterija zašto ni kazino ni kazino guru ne govore o drugom kvaru (onom za koji sam svestan i koji je razlog zašto sam suspendovao i nastavio igru).
Ako kazino guru ima sve informacije,
Mogu da odgovorim na pitanje koje sam postavio kazinu, zar ne?
Molimo vas da objasnite dve greške.
Na osnovu toga mogu odgovoriti na pitanja kazino gurua.
(Govorim o tome zašto sam suspendovao igru, zašto sam je nastavio, itd.)
Žalosno je reći, ali ako kazino guru donosi špekulativnu procenu da sam ja vešt igrač i da stoga nije mogao biti nesvestan kvara, onda moram da iznesem ovo pitanje na licencu, itd.
Iz tog razloga, želim da budem siguran da imamo prave informacije o ova dva defekta.
Dear Casino Guru
This casino can assume that an overly vague email is a warning,
could only respond with a standardized statement,
their communication skills are not up to par.
I do not trust 'all the evidence' that such casinos say they have
We do not know what information you received from the casino.
However, I can assume from Casino Guru's statements that they did not get the information I have.
It is a mystery to me why neither the casino nor the casino guru are talking about the other glitch (the one I am aware of and which is the reason I suspended and resumed the game).
If the casino guru has all the information,
I can answer the question I asked the casino, can't I?
Please explain the two glitches.
Based on that I can answer the casino guru's questions.
(I'm talking about why I suspended the game, why I resumed it, etc.)
Sad to say, but if the casino guru is making a speculative judgment that I am a skilled player and therefore cannot have been unaware of the glitch, then I must bring this issue to the license, etc.
For this reason, I want to make sure we have the right information on these two defects.
Dragi andandjonnik i Fairspin kazino predstavnici,
Nakon pažljivog pregleda vremenskih okvira, izgleda da je andandjonnik počeo da igra igru tek nakon što je od tima za podršku dobio potvrdu da je prva greška ispravljena.
U svetlu ove situacije, ljubazno tražim od predstavnika Fairspin kazina da pruži pojašnjenje o sledećim pitanjima:
a) Da li je andandjonnik osvojio nagradu sa turnira nakon ispravke?
b) Možete li da navedete iznos novca koji je andandjonnik dobio kao rezultat netačnog doprinosa za rake? (javno ovde)
Ako vrednost nagrade i preostalog bilansa na andandjonnik-ovom računu premašuje iznos dobijen od netačnog doprinosa za rake, očekuje se da će kazino platiti preostali iznos.
Hvala vam.
Dear andandjonnyx and Fairspin casino representative,
After carefully reviewing the time frames, it appears that andandjonnyx began playing the game only after receiving confirmation from the support team that the first bug had been fixed.
In light of this situation, I kindly request the Fairspin casino representative to provide clarification on the following matters:
a) Has andandjonnyx won a prize from the tournament following the correction?
b) Could you please specify the amount of money that andandjonnyx has gained as a result of the incorrect rake contribution? (publicly here)
If the value of the prize and the remaining balance in andandjonnyx's account exceeds the amount obtained from the incorrect rake contribution, it is expected that the casino will pay the remaining balance.
Thank you.
Moj razlog za prekid i nastavak igre,
Prvo sam bio na turniru.
Zbog toga sam promenio frekvenciju igranja itd, u zavisnosti od situacije na turniru.
može izgledati pomalo neprirodno pod pretpostavkom normalne igre.
Takođe, verujem da sam suspendovao na određeno vreme u julu kada sam dobio e-poštu od kazina.
To je zato što je e-mail upozorenja kazina bio toliko nejasan da se kazinu više nije moglo verovati.
Verujem da sam tada dobio izvinjenje od kazina i nastavio da igram nakon što su mi rekli da je greška ispravljena.
To je naknada za koju ne verujem da sam primila,
・Turnir održan krajem juna.
Naleteo sam na prvu grešku dok sam učestvovao u ovome.
(U jednom trenutku svi poeni igrača su bili van snage)
Kao rezultat ovog turnira novčana nagrada nije isplaćena i ja sam se raspitao o tome,
Kazino je poslao vrlo neodređenu e-poštu tvrdeći da je to upozorenje.
Kazino je 9. rekao da je već rešio problem,
Verujem da sam i nakon ispravke završio drugi i da imam pravo na novčanu nagradu.
・Turniri održani krajem jula
Zaboravio sam URL za ovu i moj nalog je zamrznut pa ne mogu da potvrdim.
Mislim da sam verovatno završio 4. ili 5. i novčana nagrada je bila 500 dolara.
Ne verujem verbalnim objašnjenjima kazina jer im ne verujem,
Molimo vas da postavite URL turnira na kojima sam učestvovao.
Ovaj kazino je vratio deo izgubljenog iznosa u gotovini.
Mislim da sam izgubio blizu 2000 dolara neposredno pre nego što su me zamrzli.
Dragi kazino guru
Za zapisnik, ne verujem ovoj izjavi o kazinu.
(Niti verujem da su sposobni da istraže tačan iznos rake)
Pošto je ovaj kazino rekao da će slediti naređenja kazino gurua,
Želim nalog da privremeno ukinem zamrzavanje.
Uveren sam da mogu da predstavim iznos dobijenog rejkbeka itd. sa odgovarajućim dokazima.
My reason for interrupting and resuming the game,
First I was in a tournament.
Therefore, I changed the frequency of play, etc., depending on the tournament situation.
may seem slightly unnatural assuming normal play.
Also, I believe I suspended for a period of time in July when I received an email from the casino.
This is because the casino's warning email was so vague that the casino could no longer be trusted.
I believe I then received an apology from the casino and resumed playing after they told me that the bug had been fixed.
It is a remuneration that I do not believe I have received,
・Tournament held in late June.
I ran into the first bug while participating in this.
(At one point all players' points were out of whack)
As a result of this tournament prize money was not paid and I inquired about it,
The casino sent a very vague email claiming it was a warning.
The casino said on the 9th that it had already fixed the problem,
I believe that even after the correction, I still finished second and am still entitled to my prize money.
・Tournaments held in late July
I forgot the URL for this one and my account has been frozen so I can't confirm it.
I think I probably finished 4th or 5th and the prize money was $500.
I don't trust the casino's verbal explanations because I don't trust them,
Please post the URL of the tournaments I have participated in.
Cash Back
This casino paid some of the losing amount in cash back.
I think I lost close to $2000 just before they froze me.
Dear Casino Guru
For the record, I do not trust this casino statement.
(Nor do I believe they are capable of investigating the correct rake amount)
Since this casino has said that it will follow the orders of the casino guru,
I would like an order to lift the freeze temporarily.
I am confident that I can present the amount of rakeback received, etc. with proper evidence.
Želeli bismo da bude jasno da u stvari, nisu se desile dve odvojene tehničke slabosti, već jedna, uprkos nepotvrđenim tvrdnjama bivšeg igrača.
Činjenica i dalje ostaje: Zloupotreba specifične tehničke ranjivosti, koja je rezultirala nepravednom prednosti zbog mnogo većeg ukupnog iznosa turnirskih poena (sa naknadnim obaveštenjem poslatim korisniku putem e-pošte), čiji su detalji već dati stručnjaku za žalbe CasinoGuru-a putem e-pošte.
Na osnovu ovog teškog kršenja pravila naše platforme, igraču je naknadno ukinuto pravo na nagradu na turniru koji je stekao nepravednu prednost, jer takve radnje neminovno rezultiraju našim preduzimanjem odgovarajućih mera, a igrač je o tome obavešten putem mejla. .
Još jednom, iznos koji je igrač osvojio na pošten način im je već isplaćen i nikakva dodatna uplata može ili neće biti izvršena.
Želimo da obratimo pažnju na činjenicu da su sve radnje koje je platforma za igre preduzela nakon višestrukih kršenja Uslova i odredbi bile samo prema pravilima našeg sajta, uz upućivanje na gore navedene konkretne tačke.
Kako je igrač pristao na njih, oni stoga moraju prihvatiti svaku našu akciju kao rezultat čitave situacije. Radi vaše udobnosti, možemo da podelimo primenljiva pravila u celosti u ovoj temi ili putem e-pošte.
Tačan iznos sredstava koji je igrač dobio, a to su interne informacije platforme za igre, nažalost, jednostavno ne može da se deli u privatnoj temi u skladu sa našom Politikom privatnosti, koja se mora striktno poštovati bez obzira na okolnosti.
S tim u vezi, želimo da istaknemo da je cela situacija objašnjena putem privatnog mejl razgovora i na osnovu svih relevantnih informacija za ovu žalbu doneta je konačna odluka. Dakle, svi dodatni detalji koji se zasnivaju samo na nepotvrđenim pretpostavkama bili bi irelevantni i ne bi trebalo da utiču na to na bilo koji način
Kao takvi, još jednom želimo da napomenemo da smo se složili sa presudom CasinoGuru-a i da smo već poštovali propisane preporuke kao što je potvrđeno gore.
S poštovanjem,
We would like for it to be clear that in fact, there were no two separate technical vulnerabilities that took place, but one, despite the former player’s unconfirmed claims.
The fact still remains: The abusage of the specific technical vulnerability, which resulted in an unfair advantage due to the much higher amount of tournament points accumulated overall (with a subsequent notification sent to the user via email), the details of which were already provided to the CasinoGuru complaint specialist via email.
Based on this severe violation of the rules of our platform, the player’s right for the prize in the tournament he gained an unfair advantage was subsequently revoked, as such actions inevitably result in us taking appropriate measures, and the player was notified of it via email.
Once again, the amount the player won in a fair way was already paid out to them, and no additional payment may or will be carried out.
We would like to pay attention to the fact that all the actions the gaming platform took after multiple violations of the Terms & Conditions were only as according to the rules of our website, with the reference to the specific points mentioned above.
As the player agreed to them, they therefore must accept each and every action we took as the result of the entire situation. For your convenience, we may share the applicable rules in full in this thread, or via the email.
The exact amount of funds the player had received, which is the gaming platform’s internal information, unfortunately, simply cannot be shared in the private thread as according to our Privacy Policy, which must be strictly followed no matter the circumstances.
That being said, we would like to point out that the entire situation was explained via the private email conversation, and based on all the relevant information for this complaint, the ultimate decision was made. Thus, any additional details that are only based on the unconfirmed assumptions would be irrelevant, and should not affect it in any way
As such, we would like to once again mention that we have agreed to the CasinoGuru’s verdict, and already followed the prescribed recommendations as confirmed above.
Sad je dosta.
Kazina menjaju presudu. Zašto jednostavno ne pratite pravo i usko?
Kazino ipak nije priznao prvi kvar,
Našao sam dokaze i predaću ih.
Tema je ovaj turnir koji sam održavao nekoliko puta
Ovo je tabela na turniru u vreme prve greške.
(Odjednom je stopa povećanja turnirskih poena za sve igrače bila desetine puta brža)
Vidite da su svi poeni neobično visoki u poređenju sa poenima na kraju sesije.
(Moja konačna tačka, koju možete videti na URL-u, je 35938,58, što očigledno nije tačno pošto je na ovoj slici preko 100.000)
U ovom trenutku nisam mogao da utvrdim da li je u pitanju greška ili je pravilo povećanje poena u određeno vreme, pa sam proverio sa podrškom putem ćaskanja uživo.
Molimo uporedite bodove „Luckino7", koji je na kraju na četvrtom mestu.
Kao i ja, bio je kvar i bodovi su bili 72372,68,
Vidite da su poeni sada 25017,93 nakon korekcije, zar ne?
Jasno je da su ostale tačke plejera, koje se mogu videti iz URL-a, imale ukupan nedostatak u poređenju sa prvim.
Nekoliko sati kasnije, verovatno u procesu ispravljanja poena, moji poeni su iznenada pali na 28.44, što sam potvrdio putem ćaskanja uživo.
Možda su preračunali bodove.
Druga slika jasno pokazuje da jasno ćaskam uživo, i jasno je da to nema nikakve veze sa rake-om jer se to dešava svim igračima.
(Vidim iz vremena da se razgovor uživo vodi odmah nakon greške i kada se moji poeni naglo smanje)
Pod pretpostavkom da sam ubrzo nakon ovoga dobio e-poruku od kazina da ne mogu da primim svoje dobitke zbog greške,
Kako bih onda bio svestan postojanja kvara u grabulji za koji ranije nisam znao?
Možda sam vešt igrač, ali nisam esper.
To znači da ovaj kazino nije ni svestan grešaka koje su se desile na njihovom sajtu.
Činilo se da je barem „Gabrijel Gr", partner za ćaskanje uživo, bio svestan toga, ali možda nije mogao da podeli informacije.
Koliko je kredibiliteta u izjavi takvog kazina?
Ako kazino tvrdi da je uopšte postojao samo jedan kvar, šta znači e-mail od 9. jula koji je kazino poslao u kojem se navodi da je „kvar otklonjen"? ne razumem.
That's enough.
Casinos are changing the ruling. Why don't you just follow the straight and narrow?
The casino has not acknowledged the first glitch, though,
I have found evidence and will submit it.
The subject is this tournament that I have put up several times
This is the tournament standings at the time of the first glitch.
(Suddenly the rate of increase in tournament points for all players was dozens of times faster)
You can see that everyone's points are unusually high compared to the points at the end of the session.
(My final point, which you can see at the URL, is 35938.58, which is obviously not right since it is over 100,000 in this image)
At this point I was unable to determine if it was a glitch or if the rule was a point boost at a specific time, so I checked with support via live chat.
Please compare the points of "Luckyno7", which is in fourth place in the end.
Like me, it was a glitch and the points were 72372.68,
You can see that the points are now 25017.93 after the correction, can't you?
It is clear that the other points of the player, which can be seen from the URL, had an overall defect if compared to the first one.
A few hours later, probably in the process of correcting my points, my points suddenly dropped to 28.44, which I confirmed via live chat.
Perhaps they recalculated the points.
The second image clearly shows that I am clearly live chatting, and it is clear that this has nothing to do with rake as this is occurring for all players.
(I can see from the time that the live chat is being conducted immediately after the glitch and when my points suddenly decrease)
Assuming that shortly after this I received an email from the casino saying that I could not receive my winnings due to a glitch,
So how would I be aware of the existence of a glitch in the rake that I didn't know about before?
I may be a skilled player, but I am no esper.
This means that this casino is not even aware of the glitches that have occurred at their site.
At least "Gabriel Gr", the live chat partner, seemed to be aware of it, but he may not have been able to share the information.
How much credibility is there in such a casino's statement?
If the casino claims that there was only one glitch in the first place, what does the July 9 e-mail sent by the casino stating that the "glitch has been fixed" mean? I don't understand.
Dragi kazino guru.
Ne razumem zašto idete tako daleko da branite ovaj kazino.
Kao što vidite, ovaj kazino laže da ne zna za grešku koja se dogodila na njihovom sajtu i o kojoj se takođe govori u ćaskanju uživo.
Po izgledu, verovatno nisu dostavili nikakvu informaciju (istoriju ćaskanja uživo) kazino guruu o početnoj grešci.
Iako sam pružio opsežne dokaze i kazino guru priznaje da su moji postupci bili odgovarajući,
I dalje ponavljaju tvrdnju da sam 'zloupotrebio'.
Slučajno sam naišao na grešku za turnirske bodove i konsultovao se sa njima putem ćaskanja uživo.
Tada sam dobio mejl iz kazina, ali sam se bunio jer je to greška sa nepoznatim vremenom i uslovima, a izraz da sam ga zloupotrebio nije bio tačan.
Kazino se izvinio i rekao da je greška ispravljena.
Nakon što sam primio mejl, nastavio sam da igram.
Ima li šta da se krivi za ovaj niz mojih postupaka?
Nema potrebe za daljom diskusijom.
Već sam izgubio mesec i po vremena.
Ne mogu više da ih pratim.
Nemoguće je izračunati iznos naknade jer kazino neće sarađivati ni na koji način.
Naredite mi da platim 2500 evra.
Ako ste voljni da nametnete naknadu za nepristojno ponašanje ovog kazina, rado ću to prihvatiti.
Ako ne plate, dajte im velike crne tačke.
Uključujući i činjenicu da je kazino guru radio za posredovanje, ali kazino uopšte nije sarađivao,
Obavestiću vlasnika licence o tome šta se dogodilo.
Dear Casino Guru.
I don't understand why you go to such lengths to defend this casino.
As you can see, this casino is lying about not knowing about a glitch that occurred at their site and that is also being talked about in the live chat.
By the looks of it, they probably did not submit any information (live chat history) to the casino guru about the initial glitch.
Even though I have provided extensive evidence and the casino guru admits that my actions were appropriate,
They still keep repeating the claim that I 'abused' .
I happened to run into the tournament points bug and consulted with them via live chat.
I then received the email from the casino, but I protested because it was a bug with unknown timing and conditions, and the expression that I had abused it was not correct.
The casino apologized and said that the bug had been fixed.
After receiving the email, I resumed playing.
Is there anything to blame for this series of my actions?
No need for further discussion.
Already I have wasted a month and a half of my time.
I can't keep up with them any longer.
It is impossible to calculate the amount of compensation since the casino will not cooperate in any way.
Please order me to pay 2500 euros.
If you are willing to impose a fee for this casino's rude behavior, I will gladly accept it.
If they do not pay, give them oversized black points.
Including the fact that the casino guru worked for mediation but the casino did not cooperate at all,
I will inform the licensee of what happened.
Dragi andandjonnik i Fairspin kazino predstavnici,
Uzeli smo u obzir informacije koje je kazino dostavio u vezi sa tehničkom ranjivosti koja je omogućila andandjonnik-u da dobije prednost u TFS tokenima, koji su naknadno povučeni na njen balans. Kazino nas je uverio da je ovaj iznos veći od stanja na andandjonnik-ovom računu.
Želimo da istaknemo da bi svi dobici ostvareni iz ovih sredstava takođe trebalo da budu poništeni.
Stoga smo odlučili da podržimo kazino u ovoj tvrdnji.
Poštovani andandjonnik, ako smatrate da je naša odluka pogrešna, predlažemo da kontaktirate regulatora kazina po ovom pitanju.
Dear andandjonnyx and Fairspin casino representative,
We have taken into consideration the information provided by the casino regarding the technical vulnerability that allowed andandjonnyx to gain an advantage in TFS tokens, which were subsequently withdrawn into her balance. The casino has assured us that this amount is higher than the balance left on andandjonnyx's account.
We would like to emphasize that any winnings generated from these funds should also be voided.
Therefore, we have decided to support the casino in this claim.
Dear andandjonnyx, if you believe that our decision is incorrect, we suggest that you contact the casino's regulator in this matter.
Ne razumem zašto verujete informacijama kazina.
Ja i kazino guru smo trebali da kažemo kazinu da propisno otkrije dokaze.
Ovaj je prinuđen da pruža razne dokaze zbog laži kazina.
Moj bilans je bio najmanje 1100 evra, ali se ne sećam da sam dobio toliki rake.
(Uključujući neisplaćene pobede na turnirima, ukupan iznos je preko 2.000 evra.)
Uveravam vas da nisam igrao samo na rejkbeku.
Dobici sa turnira igranih sa mojim depozitnim novcem bi trebalo da budu validni.
Takođe, za turnire je dokazano da čak i ako se bodovi smanje, novčana nagrada će i dalje biti dodeljena.
Kazino bi trebalo da bude obavezan da dodeli dobitke na osnovu tačnih poena.
Više puta sam tražio dokaz ovde, a kazino guru ga ima, zar ne?
Molimo vas da mi pošaljete e-poštu ili opišite to ovde sa informacijama o tome koliko sam TSF-a dobio na određenim igrama koje kazino kaže.
Ovaj još uvek nije dobio nikakvo izvinjenje od kazina.
Zašto je kazino lagao da prvi kvar ne postoji?
Da li je kazino zaista nesposoban da deli informacije?
molim odgovorite.
Ako kazino guru ne može pravilno da istraži, molim vas da se pobrinem da ovo dovedem do licenciranja.
Sakupiću informacije i kazino guru bi trebalo da potpiše svoje ime kao istinito o ovome.
(1) Kazino je imao grešku u „turnirskim poenima" i „stopa rejka 10 puta veća za određene igre".
(2) Kao rezultat ova dva problema koja su se dogodila istovremeno, kazino je blokirao moj račun i konfiskovao moj balans zbog nesporazuma.
(3) Grešku je dokazao kazino guru i kazino je naredio da mi isplati iznos na osnovu tačne stope rejka i dobitaka na turnirima.
(uklanjam 90% rejka sa mog bilansa)
(4) Kazino je tvrdio da je 90% rejka više od mog bilansa,
Ne postoje objektivni dokazi.
Takođe, ostali faktori kao što su turniri i povraćaji novca nisu objašnjeni.
(5) Kazino je tvrdio da ne postoji „nedostatak turnirskih poena". Međutim, ispostavilo se da je to bila laž ili oni toga nisu bili svesni zbog nesposobnosti.
Kao što sam mnogo puta rekao, mogu izračunati rake koji sam dobio prijavljivanjem u kazino.
Kako se ispostavilo, ja nisam kriv u ovom slučaju,
Casino Guru bi trebalo da zatraži od kazina dozvolu da se prijavi da bi rešio problem.
I don't understand why you trust the casino's information.
I and the casino guru should have told to casino properly disclose the evidence.
This one is forced to provide various evidence because of the casino's lies.
My balance was at least 1100 euros, but I don't remember getting that much rake.
(Including unpaid tournament winnings, the total is over 2,000 euros.)
I can assure you that I was not playing solely on rakeback.
Winnings from tournaments played with my deposit money should be valid.
Also, for tournaments, it has been proven that even if points are reduced, the prize money will still be awarded.
The casino should be obligated to award winnings based on the correct points.
I have repeatedly asked for proof here, and the casino guru has it, right?
Please email me or describe it here with information on how much TSF I received on certain games the casino says.
This one has still not received any apology from the casino.
Why did the casino lie about the first glitch not existing?
Is the casino really incapable of sharing information?
please answer.
If the casino guru cannot properly investigate, please make arrangements for me to bring this to licensing.
I will compile the information and the casino guru should sign his name as being truthful about this.
(1) The casino had a "tournament points glitch" and a "rake rate 10 times higher for certain games" glitch.
(2) As a result of these two glitches occurring simultaneously, the casino blocked my account and confiscated my balance due to a misunderstanding.
(3) The mistake was proven by the casino guru and the casino ordered to pay me the amount based on the correct rake rate and tournament winnings.
(removing 90% of the rake from my balance)
(4) The casino claimed that 90% of the rake was more than my balance,
No objective evidence exists.
Also, other factors such as tournaments and cash backs are not explained.
(5) Casino claimed that there is no "tournament point glitch". However, this turned out to be a lie or they were not aware of it due to lack of ability.
As I have said many times, I can calculate the rake I have received by logging into the casino.
As it turns out I am not at fault in this case,
Casino Guru should ask the casino for permission to log in to resolve the issue.
U kazino
Konačno obaveštenje.
Ostalo mi je oko 2500 dolara uključujući moj bilans, neisplaćene dobitke itd.
Kazino tvrdi da sam primio više od 2800$ u rake-u i da ako je rake u dobrom stanju, plaćanje će biti izgubljeno.
(Tadašnja stopa je bila 180 TSF = 1 USD, što znači da sam dobio približno 500.000 TSF za određenu igru.)
Međutim, ne sećam se da sam primio toliko i kazino neće pružiti nikakav dokaz.
Ubuduće ću se prijaviti na svoj nalog,
Ili traženjem licence za istraživanje zarađenog TSF-a,
Ja ću znati zvaničnu količinu TSF-a.
Ako je 2.500 dolara više od 90% tog iznosa, kazinu će biti isplaćena razlika.
To bi bilo u redu, zar ne?
Dragi kazino guru
Nemate pritužbi na ovu politiku, zar ne?
Ako, kao rezultat istrage, kazino odluči da mi plati,
Molimo vas da priznate svoj nedostatak istraživačkih veština.
Utroba mi se grči jer sam lišen novca, vremena i dostojanstva.
To the Casino
Final Notice.
I have about $2500 left including my balance, unpaid winnings, etc.
The casino claims that I have received over about $2800 in rake and that if the rake is in good standing the payment will be lost.
(The rate at the time was 180 TSF = $1, which means I received approximately 500,000 TSF for a particular game.)
However, I do not recall receiving that much and the casino will not provide any proof.
In the future I will log into my account,
Or by asking the license to investigate the TSF earned,
I will know the official amount of TSF.
If $2,500 is more than 90% of that amount, casino will be paid the difference.
That would be fine, correct?
Dear Casino Guru
You have no complaints about this policy, do you?
If, as a result of the investigation, the casino decides to pay me,
Please recognize your lack of investigative skills.
My gut is churning because I have been deprived of money, time, and dignity.
Casino Guru možda ne razume vremensku liniju, ali nisam pretvorio svoj TSF u dolare mnogo kasnije.
(Na primer, u vreme turnira na kojem sam završio kao drugi, nisam izvršio konverziju i igrao sam samo sa iznosom svog depozita.)
Da li kazino guru tvrdi da su dobici koje sam dobio kao rezultat registracije, deponovanja i igranja u kazinu došao od rake-a koji sam kasnije unovčio?
Da li to znači da sam vešt igrač, esper i putnik kroz vreme?
Casino Guru may not understand the timeline, but I did not convert my TSF into dollars until much later.
(For example, at the time of the tournament in which I finished second, I had not converted, and was playing with only my deposit amount.)
Is the casino guru claiming that the winnings I received as a result of registering, depositing, and playing in the casino came from rake that I cashed in at a later date?
Does this mean I am a skilled player, an esper, and a time traveler?
Dragi andandjonnik,
Nažalost, nismo u mogućnosti da vam pružimo bilo kakve dokaze dobijene od kazina zbog politike naše kompanije. Iz perspektive kazina, njihovi postupci su opravdani. Važno je uzeti u obzir da prilikom izračunavanja TFS-a svaki naredni dobitak iz ovih sredstava takođe treba da bude poništen. Međutim, razumem da još uvek sumnjate u ovo pitanje i ohrabrujem vas da se obratite organu za izdavanje dozvola za dalju pomoć. Ako vam je potrebna moja pomoć, više sam nego voljan da vam pomognem.
Dear andandjonnyx,
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with any evidence obtained from the casino due to our company policy. From the casino's perspective, their actions are justified. It is important to consider that when calculating the TFS, any subsequent winnings from these funds should also be nullified. However, I understand that you still have doubts in this matter, and I encourage you to reach out to the licensing authority for further assistance. If you require my help, I am more than willing to assist you.
Kao što sam mnogo puta objasnio, otkupio sam svoj TSF neposredno pre nego što je moj nalog zamrznut.
Da li ozbiljno tvrdite da je moj dobitak od novca koji sam registrovao i deponovao u kazinu došao od TSF-a koji sam otkupio neposredno pre zamrzavanja?
Ako je tako, kako sam prošao pored sredstava koja su postojala u kazinu?
Na primer, recimo da imam 1000 dolara i otkupim svoj TSF i dobijem 100 dolara.
Većina od ovih 1.100 dolara su moja sopstvena sredstva,
Tumačenje da je sve to zbog TSF-a je previše netačno.
Ako zanemarite te okolnosti i potpuno poništite dobitke, onda morate poništiti i gubitke, zar ne?
Ne bi trebalo dozvoliti samo poništavanje pogodnog dela.
Prilikom kontaktiranja licence, potreban je potpis gurua kazina.
Da su moje prethodne tvrdnje (1) do (5) tačne (molim vas da dostavite konkretne dokaze, itd., ako želite da ih ispravite),
Isto važi i za opravdanje pravila da ako je TSF manji od 2.500 dolara, kazino plaća razliku.
Sve dok ne mogu da se prijavim u kazino, ne mogu da znam svoj tačan bilans, a kazino neće dati nikakve informacije.
Moraćemo da se zadovoljimo sa ovim na osnovu dokaza koje pružam.
Kao što znamo, kazino nastavlja da poriče njihov nesporazum i sam problem sa turnirskim bodom.
jer želim da vlasnici licenci istražuju samo TSF koje su zaradili,
Voleo bih da nas guru kazina na pravi način uverava da su o svemu ostalom već doneli zaključak.
As I have explained many times, I redeemed my TSF just before my account was frozen.
Are you seriously claiming that my winnings from the money I registered and deposited at the casino came from TSF that I redeemed just before the freeze?
If so, how did I get past the funds that existed within the casino?
For example, let's say I have $1000 and I redeem my TSF and get $100.
Most of this $1,100 is my own funds,
The interpretation that it is all due to TSF is too incorrect.
If you ignore those circumstances and completely void the winnings, then you need to void the losses as well, right?
Only invalidating the convenient part should not be allowed.
In contacting the license, the signature of the casino guru is required.
That my previous assertions (1) through (5) are correct (please provide specific evidence, etc., if you wish to correct them),
The same is true for the justification of the rule that if the TSF is less than $2,500, the casino pays the difference.
As long as I cannot log into the casino, I cannot know my exact balance, and the casino will not provide any information.
We will have to settle for this much based on the evidence I provide.
As we know, the casino continues to deny their misunderstanding and the tournament point glitch itself.
because I want the licensees to only investigate TSFs that they have earned,
I would like the casino guru to properly assure us that they have already come to a conclusion about everything else.
Dragi andandjonnik,
Nisam sugerisao da ste putovali kroz vreme. Već sam podelio formulu za koju smatramo da treba da se koristi za pravičnost. Nije bilo primedbi, a kazino nas je obavestio putem e-pošte da ste zapravo osvojili više novca nego što je trebalo (prema formuli). Vi i ja ne znamo preostali iznos na vašem računu, ali sredstva sa TFS tokena treba da se odbiju. Što se tiče turnirske nagrade, ona zavisi od vaše pozicije, a još uvek postoji sukob oko broja tehničkih grešaka na sajtu. Kazino je dao jasno objašnjenje situacije i takođe je pružio prateće dokaze. Međutim, pomenuli ste da biste želeli da eskalirate ovo pitanje nadležnom organu za licenciranje kazina, i ja vas podržavam u tome.
Nisam siguran kako drugačije možemo da vam pomognemo u ovoj situaciji. Na osnovu informacija koje je kazino pružio i njihovog objašnjenja situacije, skloni smo da podržimo njihovu stranu. Međutim, slažem se sa vama da nedostaju neki podaci koji bi potencijalno mogli da utiču na slučaj. Kazino je naveo da se određeni podaci ne mogu deliti sa nama i da se mogu deliti samo sa regulatorom. Stoga, ako verujete da ste u pravu u ovom slučaju, obratite se regulatoru. Žao mi je, ali bojim se da ne mogu učiniti više za vas.
Dear andandjonnyx,
I did not suggested that you were in time travel. I have already shared the formula that we believe should be used for fairness. No objections were raised, and the casino has informed us via email that you have actually won more money than you should have (according to the formula). You and I do not know the remaining balance in your account, but the funds from TFS tokens should be deducted. As for the tournament prize, it depends on your position, and there is still a conflict regarding the number of technical errors on the website. The casino has provided a clear explanation of the situation and has also provided supporting evidence. However, you mentioned that you would like to escalate this matter to the casino's licensing authority, and I support you in doing so.
I'm not sure how else we can assist you in this situation. Based on the information provided by the casino and their explanation of the situation, we are inclined to support their side. However, I agree with you that there is some missing data that could potentially influence the case. The casino has stated that certain data cannot be shared with us and can only be shared with the regulator. Therefore, if you believe you are in the right in this case, please contact the regulator. I am sorry but I am afraid I can't do more for you.
Pomozite mi da kontaktiram Licensing.
Konkretno, objašnjenje okolnosti koje će olakšati istragu TSF-a.
Molimo vas da snažno apelujete na kazina koji ne reaguju da se uvere u istragu i naknadnu nadoknadu od strane vlasnika licence.
I understand.
Please assist me in contacting Licensing.
Specifically, an explanation of the circumstances to facilitate the TSF investigation.
Please strongly urge non-responsive casinos to be convinced about the investigation and subsequent compensation by the licensee.
Podnesite žalbu ovde:
Morate to učiniti sami.
Ako vam je potrebna bilo kakva pomoć ili niste sigurni kako da je popunite, ne oklevajte da me kontaktirate.
Please submit your complaint here:
You need to do it on your own.
If you require any assistance or are unsure how to fill it out, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Dostavljeno sa sledećom formulacijom.
Ovaj slučaj će biti razvijen od kazino gurua.
Da ukratko rezimiramo,
(1) Kazino je iznenada blokirao moj nalog.
(2) Nakon istrage, ispostavilo se da je u pitanju nesporazum kazina.
(3) Potrebna mi je informacija o raku (TSF, virtuelna valuta) koju sam osvojio u određenoj igri za nadoknadu, ali kazino odbija da je podeli.
Zato bih želeo da istražite podatke u vezi sa licenciranjem.
Submitted with the following wording.
This case will be developed from a casino guru.
To summarize briefly,
(1) Casino suddenly blocked my account.
(2) Upon investigation, it turned out to be a misunderstanding by the casino.
(3) I need information on rake (TSF, a virtual currency) I won in a particular game for compensation, but the casino refuses to share it.
So I would like you to investigate the data related to licensing.
Dragi andandjonnik,
Nisam siguran da li će regulator prihvatiti vašu tvrdnju.
Regulator očekuje od vas da date kratko objašnjenje situacije. U ovom slučaju, treba da pomenete da je kazino zatvorio vaš račun dok je još uvek bilo stvarnog stanja. Ovo je ključni aspekt vaše priče. Nakon toga treba da opišete opravdanje za njihove postupke i da se sa tim ne slažete. Preporučujem da ponovo podnesete svoj zahtev i ovog puta pružite detaljniji prikaz slučaja. Pored toga, koristite svoj slučaj na našoj veb stranici kao referentnu tačku umesto da se oslanjate samo na njega kao na glavni izvor informacija. Bez obzira na to, regulator će sprovesti sopstvenu nezavisnu istragu.
Dear andandjonnyx,
I am uncertain if the regulator will accept your claim.
The regulator expects you to provide a brief explanation of the situation. In this instance, you should mention that the casino closed your account while there was still a real balance remaining. This is the crucial aspect of your story. Afterward, you should describe the justification for their actions and that you not agree with that. I recommend resubmitting your claim and this time providing a more detailed account of the case. Additionally, use your case on our website as a point of reference rather than relying solely on it as the main source of information. The regulator will conduct their own independent investigation regardless.
Žalba je prihvaćena i sada su date dodatne informacije.
Došlo je do greške u kazinu da se 'rakeback za određene igre množi sa 10'.
Kazino je tvrdio da sam iskoristio grešku i blokirao svoj nalog.
Međutim, do tada nisam bio svestan problema, pa sam zamolio Casino Gurua da ispita.
Kazino guru je pomno pregledao e-mail prepisku i druge detalje i zaključio da je u pitanju nesporazum kazina.
Zdrav razum je nalagao da se blok deblokira, ali u kazinu nisu priznali da su pogrešili.
Stoga je Casino Guru pokušao da odredi iznos nadoknade tako što je izračunao originalni rakeback.
Uključujući saldo koji bi ostao na računu i sve dobitke na turnirima koje kazino nije isplatio, postoji otprilike 2.500 dolara.
Od toga oduzimaju 90% rejkbeka koji sam osvojio na predmetnoj igri.
Rejkbek za ovaj kazino je TSF, virtuelna valuta, i približno 180 TSF = 1 $.
Na primer, recimo da je TSF koji sam zaradio u određenoj igri 180000.
U ovom slučaju, dobio sam $1000 u rejkbeku,
900 dolara od toga je zbog greške,
2500$ minus 900$, tako da bi moja kompenzacija bila 1600$.
Međutim, kazino odbija da pruži bilo kakve informacije u vezi sa ovim i tvrdi da iznos koji se duguje ne postoji.
Međutim, ne postoje dokazi koji podržavaju tvrdnje kazina, pa se nadam da ću uz pomoć licence razjasniti TSF koji sam dobio.
The complaint has been accepted and additional information has now been provided.
There was a glitch in the casino that 'rakeback for certain games is multiplied by 10'.
The casino claimed I had exploited the glitch and blocked my account.
However, I was not aware of the problem until then, so I asked Casino Guru to investigate.
The casino guru scrutinized the e-mail correspondence and other details and concluded that it was a misunderstanding by the casino.
Common sense dictated that the block should be unblocked, but the casino did not admit that they were mistaken.
Therefore, Casino Guru attempted to determine the amount of compensation by calculating the original rakeback.
Including the balance that would have remained in the account and any tournament winnings that the casino has not paid, there exists approximately $2,500.
From that, they subtract 90% of the rakeback I won on the subject game.
The rakeback for this casino is TSF, a virtual currency, and approximately 180 TSF = $1.
For example, let's say the TSF I have earned in a particular game is 180000.
In this case, I have received $1000 in rakeback,
$900 of that is due to a glitch,
$2500 minus $900, so my compensation would be $1600.
However, the casino refuses to provide any information regarding this and claims that the amount owed does not exist.
However, no evidence exists to support the casino's claims, so I am hoping that with the help of a license, clarify the TSF I have obtained.
Sada zatvaram ovu žalbu kao nerešenu sa statusom: čekam odluku regulatora.
Poštovani andandjonnik, molimo vas da ponovo otvorite žalbu kada dobijete konačan odgovor od regulatora i mi ćemo u skladu sa tim zatvoriti ovaj slučaj.
I am now closing this complaint as unresolved with a status: waiting for the regulator's decision.
Dear andandjonnyx, please reopen the complaint when you receive the final answer from the regulator, and we will close this case accordingly.
Ponovo smo otvorili ovu žalbu na zahtev Fairspin kazina.
Kazino nas je obavestio da je regulator istražio slučaj i odlučio u korist kazina.
Stoga ćemo zatvoriti ovaj slučaj u skladu sa tim.
Dragi andandjonnik,
Možete li potvrditi da ste dobili konačan odgovor od regulatora, koji je odlučio protiv vas?
We have reopened this complaint as per the request of Fairspin Casino.
The casino has informed us that the regulator has investigated the case and has decided in favor of the casino.
Therefore, we will close this case accordingly.
Dear andandjonnyx,
Could you please confirm that you have received the final answer from the regulator, which has decided against you?
Kazino nije uredno dostavio sve dokaze i slučaj je trenutno u toku.
(Kao što je često bio slučaj sa ovom tvrdnjom, istraga je bila teška jer kazino ne pruža nikakve podatke koji bi bili nezgodni za njih.)
Takođe se ispostavilo da kazino još uvek nije priznao da su pogrešili i da nisu istražili nikakve podatke u vezi sa TSF.
(Tvrdnja da je kazino već platio iznos koji mi duguje bila je laž.)
Kazino guru je nastavio da komunicira sa mnom pod pretpostavkom da je kazino zamrznuo moj račun zbog greške.
Podneo sam žalbu Službi za licenciranje da istraži podatke u vezi sa TSF-om, koje kazino ne može da dostavi Casino Guru-u.
Međutim, kazino to i dalje ignoriše, tako da nije bilo nikakvog pomaka.
Ako je moguće, želeo bih da predstavnik kazino gurua komunicira sa osobom koja izdaje licencu da pomogne u istrazi.
(Želim garancije da je kazino zamrznuo moj račun zbog nesporazuma)
Slučaj će biti dodatno osporen, uključujući ADR.
Što se tužbe tiče, bolje je završiti slučaj rekavši da kazino nije priznao grešku.
The casino has not properly submitted all the evidence and the case is currently pending.
(As has often been the case with this claim, the investigation has been difficult because the casino does not provide any data that is inconvenient for them.)
It also turned out that the casino still did not admit that they were mistaken and had not investigated any data regarding TSF.
(The claim that the casino had already paid the amount owed to me was a lie.)
The casino guru kept on communicating with me under the assumption that the casino had frozen my account due to a mistake.
I brought the complaint to Licensing to investigate the data regarding TSF, which the casino cannot submit to Casino Guru.
However, the casino is still ignoring this, so there has been no progress at all.
If possible, I would like a casino guru representative to communicate with a licensing person to assist in the investigation.
(I want assurances that the casino froze my account due to a misunderstanding)
The case will be further disputed, including ADR.
As for the claim, it is better to end the case by saying that the casino did not admit to the mistake.
Želeli bismo da učestvujemo u raspravi nakon ponovnog otvaranja žalbe.
U ovom trenutku želimo da obratimo pažnju na činjenice.
Prema savetu CasinoGuru šefa za podatke i žalbe - klijent (andandjonnik) je poslao žalbu regulatoru.
Žalbe klijenata su obrađene od strane regulatora.
Istraga obuhvata sve detalje u vezi sa ovim slučajem.
Trenutno imamo rezultate istrage.
Rezultat je dostavljen šefu odeljenja za podatke i žalbe CasinoGuru-a, a regulator ga je dostavio klijentu.
Sa tim činjenicama smatramo da nije prihvatljiva svaka izjava o netačnoj obradi i datim informacijama.
Predstavnici CasinoGuru-a znaju da bilo koja žalba koja je pod istragom regulatora ne može biti obrađena ako je bilo koji deo podataka nepotpun ili netačan.
Glavna stvar sada kada imamo rezultat ove žalbe koju je potvrdio regulator.
Molimo da se na to obrati pažnja i da se to shvati ozbiljno.
S poštovanjem,
We would like to take part in the discussion after reopening the complaint.
At this moment we want to pay attention to facts.
According to the advice of the CasinoGuru Head of Data & Complaints - client(andandjonnyx) sent a complaint to the regulator.
Client complaint have been processed by the regulator.
The investigation includes all details related to this case.
Right now we have the results of the investigation.
Result has been provided to the CasinoGuru Head of Data & Complaints and has been provided to the client by the regulator.
With those facts we consider any statement about incorrect processing and provided information - not acceptable.
CasinoGuru representatives know that any complaint that is under regulator investigation can not be processed if any part of data is incomplete or incorrect.
Main point now that we have the result of this complaint that was confirmed by the regulator.
We ask to pay attention to that and take it seriously.
U toku razmene kazino je dostavio samo nekoliko mejlova, a očigledno je da nisu dostavili sve detalje.
Da li ste zaboravili da je bilo problema iu ovoj žalbi, kao što su nedostajući dokumenti koje je dostavio kazino i ja sam morao da ih predam u njihovo ime?
Only a few e-mails were submitted by the casino during the course of the exchange, and it is self-evident that they did not submit all the details.
Did you forget that there have been problems in this complaint as well, such as missing documents submitted by the casino and I had to submit them on their behalf?
Dragi andandjonnik,
Regulator kazina doneo je konačnu odluku na osnovu svih dostupnih činjenica. Ako je odluka u korist kazina, tu malo možemo da uradimo.
Kao što sam ranije pomenuo, kazino je samo delio neke od podataka istrage sa regulatorom, a ja nisam imao pristup njima. Zbog toga ne mogu objektivno suditi o ovoj žalbi. Savetujemo vam da se obratite regulatoru, jer oni mogu da istraže sve dokaze. Pošto je regulator odlučio u korist kazina, nemamo drugog izbora nego da zatvorimo ovaj slučaj u skladu sa tim.
Ako želite da dalje vodite ovaj slučaj sa advokatima, obavestite nas kada dobijete konačnu presudu.
Žao mi je što ne možemo da ponudimo više pomoći, ali smo učinili sve što smo mogli.
Dear andandjonnyx,
The casino's regulator made the final decision based on all the available facts. If the decision is in favor of the casino, there is little we can do about it.
As I mentioned previously, the casino only shared some of the investigation data with the regulator, and I did not have access to it. Therefore, I cannot objectively judge this complaint. We advise you to contact the regulator, as they can investigate all the evidence. Since the regulator decided in favor of the casino, we have no choice but to close this case accordingly.
If you wish to pursue this case further with lawyers, please let us know when you receive a final verdict.
I regret that we cannot offer more assistance, but we have done all we can.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
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