Sada dobijam ovaj odgovor, pogledajte ovo 19:00:39 Džozef Skot Jr
Zašto je onemogućen????
19:00:47 Džozef Skot ml
Šta je pravi razlog??
19:02:23 Džozef Skot ml
Nema odgovora???
19:04:19 Džozef Skot ml
19:08:41 Džozef Skot ml
Hajde sad
19:12:25 Džozef Skot ml
Ovo je čudno
19:12:35 Džozef Skot ml
Bez odgovora
19:14:31 Jeisi M.
Zdravo Džozefe, izvinjavam se, imao sam tehničkih problema, nisam mogao da odgovorim na razgovor.19:15:10 Džozef Skot mlađi
Možete li sada odgovoriti na pitanje??
19:16:16 Džejzi M.
Izvinjavam se zbog kašnjenja, Joseph, obavešteni ste o odluci, nažalost nemam detalje.
19:17:05 Džozef Skot ml
A zašto ne??19:18:58Jeisi M.
Ova odluka je doneta nakon pažljivog razmatranja svih činjenica i ovu odluku ocenjujemo kao konačnu, nažalost nemam detalje o tome, Džozefe, izvinjavam se.
19:19:23 Jeisi M.
Mogu li još nešto da vam pomognem danas?
19:19:35 Džozef Skot ml
Želim da znam pravi razlog iza ovoga
19:19:35 Džozef Skot ml
Želim da znam pravi razlog iza ovoga
19:22:07 Džozef Skot ml
Momci, zatvorili ste moj nalog za ništa
19:22:17 Džozef Skot ml
Nema pravih odgovora
19:22:41 Jeisi M.
Kao što sam ranije pomenuo, Džozefe, već ste obavešteni o tome, a nalog će morati da ostane onemogućen, da bi ova odluka bila konačna.
19:23:53 Džozef Skot ml
Saznaću pravi razlog za ovu lošu odluku koja nije fer
19:24:02 Džozef Skot ml
Ja ne odustajem
19:24:46 Džejzi M.
Ne postižemo međusobno razumevanje i nalazimo se na mestu gde moram da prenesem ovaj razgovor. Molim vas ostanite na liniji.
19:24:48 Džozef Skot ml
Nešto se zaista dešava sa ovim sajtom
19:25:34 Džozef Skot ml
Ne jer želim nazad svoj račun sa svojim novcem još netaknutim
19:25:52 Jeisi M.
je završio ćaskanje.
19:25:52 Jeisi M.
Uskoro ćete biti povezani.
19:25:52Katlen S.
pridružio se ćaskanju.
19:25:53 Džozef Skot ml
Zašto je moj nalog tako dugo onemogućen??
19:26:11 Katlen S.
Hvala vam puno što ste strpljivo čekali.
Ovo je Katlen, dežurni nadzornik. Kako ste danas?
19:27:13 Džozef Skot ml
Moj nalog je onemogućen bez dobrog razloga već godinu dana i tražim odgovore
19:28:41 Katlen S.
Tako mi je žao što ste morali da prođete kroz ovo. Dozvolite mi da pojasnim da je ovu odluku donelo odeljenje bezbednosti. Odluka je konačna i bojim se da služba za korisnike nema moć nad ovim. Takođe, nemamo detalja.
19:29:25 Katlen S.
Ako želite da uložite žalbu na ovu odluku, preporučujem vam da pošaljete e-poštu našem odeljenju za rešavanje sporova ovde: https ://
19:29:27 Džozef Skot ml
Zašto nema detalja, ne razumem šta se ovde dešava
19:30:28 Džozef Skot ml
Sad si mi dao link za rešavanje sporova
19:30:53Katlen S.
Joseph, razumem odakle dolaziš. Nakon potpunog pregleda aktivnosti na vašem nalogu, doneta je odluka da prekinemo poslovni odnos sa vama i obustavimo usluge i proizvode koji se nude. Ovo je uradilo drugo odeljenje, Služba za korisnike nema informacije u vezi s tim.
19:31:47 Džozef Skot ml
Još uvek ne razumem šta vi ljudi morate da krijete??
19:33:09 Katlen S.
Joseph, korisnička služba nema detalje o istrazi vašeg naloga. Žao mi je, ali ne možemo vam pomoći.
19:33:21 Katlen S.
Mogu li vam pomoći oko nečega drugog?
19:34:06 Džozef Skot ml
Ta veza za rešavanje sporova ne radi, možete li mi je ponovo poslati
19:34:56 Džozef Skot ml
Ovo nije gotovo
19:35:27Katlen S.
https :// imejl je KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk 19:36:48Joseph Scott Jr
Bolje da je ovo legalno
19:38:28Katlen S.
To je.
19:38:45 Katlen S.
Pošaljite im svoju žalbu i oni će odgovoriti.
19:38:49 Katlen S.
Da li ti još uvek treba moja pomoć?
19:39:34 Džozef Skot ml
Upravo sam im poslao e-poštu i uopšte nisam srećan zbog ovoga
19:40:23Katlen S.
Potpuno te razumem. Voleo bih da vam možemo pomoći, ali to nije na nama.
19:41:17 Džozef Skot ml
Oh, dobiću sve nazad, veoma sam odlučan da to uradim... 19:43:19 Katlen S.
Znam da je prilično stresno čuti istu stvar iznova i iznova, ali realnost je da nema drugih dostupnih informacija koje možemo da pružimo. Treba li još nešto od mene? 19:45:08 Džozef Skot Jr
Smatrao sam ovo malom pobedom koju ću ponovo igrati jednog dana ili pre
19:46:07 Džozef Skot ml
Dao si mi link i to je dobro za mene
19:46:42 Katlen S.
Razumem! Hvala što ste nas izabrali! Neposredno pre nego što krenete, očekujte kratku anketu koja će pratiti naše ćaskanje. Takođe slobodno ostavite sve komentare koje imate u ponuđenom polju. Vaše povratne informacije su veoma cenjene. Ugodan ostatak dana!
19:47:44 Džozef Skot ml
Da i ti
Now i get this response look at this 19:00:39Joseph Scott Jr
Why is it disabled????
19:00:47Joseph Scott Jr
What the real reason??
19:02:23Joseph Scott Jr
No answer???
19:04:19Joseph Scott Jr
19:08:41Joseph Scott Jr
Come on now
19:12:25Joseph Scott Jr
This is wierd
19:12:35Joseph Scott Jr
No response
19:14:31Jeisy M.
Hello Joseph, my apologies, I was having some technical issues, I was unable to answer that chat.19:15:10Joseph Scott Jr
Now can you answer the question now??
19:16:16Jeisy M.
My apologies for the delay, Joseph, you were advised about the desicion, unfortunately I don't have the details.
19:17:05Joseph Scott Jr
And why not??19:18:58Jeisy M.
This decision was made after careful consideration of all the facts and we judge this decision to be final, unfortunately I don't have teh details about it, Joseph, my apologies.
19:19:23Jeisy M.
Is there anything else I can help you with today?
19:19:35Joseph Scott Jr
I want to know the real reason behind this
19:19:35Joseph Scott Jr
I want to know the real reason behind this
19:22:07Joseph Scott Jr
You guys closed my account for actually nothing
19:22:17Joseph Scott Jr
No real answers
19:22:41Jeisy M.
As I mentioned before, Joseph, you already has been advised of this, and the account will need to remain disabled, this decision to be final.
19:23:53Joseph Scott Jr
I will get the real reason behind this bad decision his is not fair
19:24:02Joseph Scott Jr
Im not giving up
19:24:46Jeisy M.
We are not achieving a mutual understanding and we are on a spot, where I have to transfer this chat. Please stay on the line.
19:24:48Joseph Scott Jr
There is something really going on with this site
19:25:34Joseph Scott Jr
No because i wan my account back with my money still intact
19:25:52Jeisy M.
has ended the chat.
19:25:52Jeisy M.
You'll be connected shortly.
19:25:52Katlen S.
joined the chat.
19:25:53Joseph Scott Jr
Why is my account disabled for soo long??
19:26:11Katlen S.
Thank you very much for patiently waiting.
This is Katlen, the supervisor on duty. How are you today?
19:27:13Joseph Scott Jr
My account has been disabled for no good reason for a year now and im searching for answers
19:28:41Katlen S.
I am so sorry you had to go through this. Let me clarify that this decision has been taken by the security department. The decision is final and I'm afraid that customer service has no power over this. Also, we have no details.
19:29:25Katlen S.
If you want to raise a complain about this decision I recommend you to send an Email to our dispute resolution department here:
19:29:27Joseph Scott Jr
Why no details i don't get it what's going on here
19:30:28Joseph Scott Jr
Soo now you gave me a link to dispute resolution
19:30:53Katlen S.
Joseph, I understand where you are coming from. After a full review of the activity in your account, the decision was made to terminate our business relationship with you and discontinue services and products offered. This was taken by another department, Customer service has no information in this regards.
19:31:47Joseph Scott Jr
I still don't get what are you people have to have hide??
19:33:09Katlen S.
Joseph, Customer service has no details about your account investigation. I am sorry but we can't help you.
19:33:21Katlen S.
May I assist you with something else?
19:34:06Joseph Scott Jr
That dispute resolution link is not working can you send it to me again
19:34:56Joseph Scott Jr
This is not over by the way
19:35:27Katlen S. the email is 19:36:48Joseph Scott Jr
This better be legit
19:38:28Katlen S.
It is.
19:38:45Katlen S.
Send your complaint to them and they wil reply.
19:38:49Katlen S.
Do you still need my help?
19:39:34Joseph Scott Jr
I just sent them an email im not real happy about this at all
19:40:23Katlen S.
I completely get you. I wish we could help you but it is not up to us.
19:41:17Joseph Scott Jr
Oh i will get everything back i am very determined to do so...19:43:19Katlen S.
I know it is quite stressful to hear the same thing over and over again but the reality is that there is no other information available we can provide. Anything else you need from me?19:45:08Joseph Scott Jr
I considered this i minor victory i will back playing some day or sooner
19:46:07Joseph Scott Jr
You gave me the link and that is good for me
19:46:42Katlen S.
Got it! Thanks for choosing us! Just before you go, expect a short survey to follow our chat. Please also feel free to leave any comments you have in the field provided. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Have a good rest of the day!
19:47:44Joseph Scott Jr
Yeah you too
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