Dragi moji,
Cenimo što ste odvojili vreme da nam se obratite i izrazite zabrinutost u vezi sa kašnjenjem koje je igrač doživeo sa isplatom. Razumemo da je ovo možda izazvalo neprijatnosti i želimo da se pozabavimo ovim pitanjem na transparentan i blagovremen način.
Imajte na umu da smo nedavno primenili novi i poboljšani proces pregleda naloga da bismo ojačali naše bezbednosne mere i obezbedili integritet naše platforme. Nažalost, ovo je dovelo do produženih perioda čekanja na isplate.
Želimo da istaknemo da aktivno radimo na ubrzanju rešavanja ove isplate. Naš tim sprovodi temeljne provere kako bi identifikovao potencijalna kašnjenja u procesu transfera. Budite sigurni, posvećeni smo brzom rešavanju ovog pitanja i obezbeđivanju da sredstva stignu do igrača što je pre moguće. Razumemo važnost blagovremenih transakcija i frustracije koje mogu nastati usled neočekivanih kašnjenja.
Nadamo se da je ovo razjasnilo stvar, a u slučaju da imate bilo kakvih dodatnih pitanja u vezi sa ovim slučajem, ne oklevajte da nas kontaktirate.
S poštovanjem,
Rembrandt Casino tim za žalbe
Dear all,
We appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us and express your concerns regarding the delay the player has experienced with his payout. We understand that this may have caused inconvenience, and we would like to address the matter in a transparent and timely manner.
Please be aware that we have recently implemented a new and enhanced account review process to strengthen our security measures and ensure the integrity of our platform. Unfortunately, this has led to extended waiting periods for payouts.
We want to emphasize that we are actively working to expedite the resolution of this payout. Our team is conducting thorough checks to identify any potential delays in the transfer process. Rest assured, we are dedicated to addressing this matter promptly and ensuring the funds reach the player as soon as possible. We understand the importance of timely transactions and the frustration that may arise from unexpected delays.
We hope this clarifies the matter, and in case you have any further questions regarding this case, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Rembrandt Casino Complaint Team
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