Napravio sam povlačenje ranog 4. aprila 2024. Ali kasnije sam primio e-poštu u kojoj je pisalo da je moj nalog zatvoren, zatim sam poslao e-poštu i pitao šta se dešava zašto je moj nalog zatvoren dok sam upravo izvršio povlačenje, nisam zahtevao da zatvorim svoj nalog . Zatim su odgovorili ovom porukom:
Draga Sanele,
Nadam se da će vas ova poruka dobro naći.
Zatvaranje naloga je rezultat rutinskog pregleda koji je sproveo naš bezbednosni tim. Važno je naglasiti da se takvi pregledi sprovode periodično na svim računima kako bi se osigurao integritet i sigurnost naše platforme. Naš bezbednosni tim će pregledati sve informacije dostupne na nalogu pre nego što donese odluku ove prirode, na primer igranje igre, ulozi, šabloni depozita i primljena identifikacija.
Budite uvereni da se svaka odluka o zatvaranju naloga ne donosi olako i da je doneta sa najvećom pažnjom i pažnjom. Naš primarni cilj je da obezbedimo bezbedno i prijatno iskustvo za sve korisnike uz očuvanje integriteta naše platforme. Nažalost, u ovom konkretnom slučaju, odluka o zatvaranju vašeg naloga je konačna i ne može se poništiti.
Pogledajte odeljak 8.2, 8.4, 9 i 12 naših uslova i odredbi za moguće razloge koji mogu dovesti do zatvaranja naloga.
Verujemo da smo na vaš upit odgovorili na zadovoljavajući način, međutim, ako vam zatreba dodatna pomoć, ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate gde ćemo nastojati da vam dodatno pomognemo. Naš tim Kontakt centra je dostupan preko našeg Kontakt forme na veb stranici.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Andrej F
Posle toga se nisam čuo sa njima.
Zato želim da mi pomognete da dobijem svoj dobitak
I made a withdrawal on the early 4 April 2024. But later I received email saying my account was closed, I then emailed then asking what is happening why was my account closed while I just made a withdrawal, I did not request to close my account. Then they replied with this message :
Dear Sanele,
I hope this message finds you well.
The account closure is a result of a routine review conducted by our security team. It is important to emphasize that such reviews are conducted periodically on all accounts to ensure the integrity and security of our platform. Our security team will review all of the information available on an account before taking a decision of this nature, for example game play, stakes, deposit patterns and identification received.
Please be assured that any decision to close an account is not taken lightly, and it is made with the utmost care and consideration. Our primary goal is to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for all users while upholding the integrity of our platform. Unfortunately, in this particular case, the decision to close your account is final and cannot be reversed.
Please refer to section 8.2, 8.4, 9, and 12 of our terms and conditions for possible reasons that may lead to an account closure.
We trust we have answered your query satisfactorily, however, should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us where we will endeavour to assist you further. Our Contact Centre team is available through our Contact form on the website.
Kind regards,
Andrei F
After that I never heard from them.
So I want you to please help me get my winnings
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