18. jula, nakon što sam napravio svoj šesti depozit kao deo bonusa dobrodošlice, deponovao sam $1500 i pobedio. Ispunio sam sve uslove za bonus u skladu sa odredbama i uslovima, ali uprkos tome što je moj KIC odobren, moj zahtev za povlačenje nije obrađen. 25. jula moj nalog je suspendovan pod optužbom da je duplikat, a moj dobitak, osim položenog iznosa, zaplenjen. Svi moji upiti su ignorisani. Pored toga, ne mogu da se prijavim na svoj nalog jer je suspendovan. Podneo sam zahtev za povlačenje iznosa mog depozita, a čak i to je bilo na čekanju više od mesec dana, a obrađeno je tek 17. septembra. Pošto su moji upiti konačno rešeni i više ne postoji rizik da mi se oduzme preostali iznos, podnosim ovu žalbu.
On July 18th, after making my sixth deposit as part of the welcome bonus, I deposited $1500 and won. I met all the bonus requirements in accordance with the terms and conditions, yet despite my KYC being approved, my withdrawal request was not processed. On July 25th, my account was suspended under the accusation of being a duplicate, and my winnings, except for the deposited amount, were confiscated. All my inquiries have been ignored. Additionally, I can't log into my account as it has been suspended. I submitted a withdrawal request for my deposit amount, and even that was pending for over a month, only being processed on September 17th. As my inquiries were finally addressed and there's no longer a risk of having my remaining balance confiscated, I am filing this complaint.
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