Pišem da vas obavestim da ne mogu da otvorim svoj Bc.game nalog (UID: 5****85). Dobio sam nasumični savet za svoj nalog u INR, nakon čega je moj nalog nekako blokiran od pristupa.
Ne znam šta se desilo pogrešno u ovome, ali sve što želim je da bc.game otključa svoj nalog i dozvoli mi da mu pristupim.
Prošlo je više od 4-5 meseci, ali nije data odgovarajuća podrška ili rešenje. Popunio sam žalbu kod njih support@bc.game mail ID i ispod priloženih datoteka ima sav razgovor u sebi za vašu referencu.
UID mog naloga - 5*****85 je takođe verifikovan, ali još uvek ne razumem razlog zašto su ukinuli pristup. Ranije sam imao još jedan nalog sa bc.game čiji je UID bio 1*****27 i taj nalog je neko hakovao nakon čega nisam mogao da se prijavim na njega. Zato sam napravio novi nalog čiji je UID 5*****85.
U pošti od support@bc.game zamolili su me da kontaktiram jednog od tamošnjih modova ili administratora čije je ime Bob (@bcgame_Bob) da rešim problem za koji sam takođe priložio datoteke. Ljubazno prođite i kroz to.
Sve što mi treba je fer plej. Posedujem novac ako je na mom računu. Uložio sam mnogo i rizikovao sam čak i izgubio mnogo novca, ali kada sam konačno zaradio novac, ograničavaju mi pristup svom nalogu. Ovo nije fer. Imam oko 2700$ na svom bc.game nalogu u INR obliku, od čega je pribl. $1000 Dobio sam napojnicu i odmor sam osvojio sam. To je moj teško zarađeni novac.
Uz vašu pomoć želim da pristupim svom nalogu kao što sam koristio i da povratim svoj novac koji je još uvek zaglavljen na mom bc.game nalogu UID 5****85. Vaša podrška je veoma cenjena.
Hvala i pozdrav
Sheraz ****
I writing to inform you that I'm unable to open my Bc.game account (UID: 5****85). I got a random tip to my account in INR, after which my account was kind of blocked from the accessing it.
I don't know what happened wrong in this but all I want is to bc.game to unlock my account and allow me to access it.
It has been more than 4-5 months now but no proper support or solution has been given. I filled the complain at their support@bc.game mail ID as well and below attached files has all the conversation in it for your reference.
My account UID - 5*****85 has been verified as well but still I don't understand the reason why they have revoke the access. Earlier I had one more account with bc.game whose UID was 1*****27 and that account hacked by someone after which I was not able to login into that. That's why I created a new account whose UID is 5*****85.
In the mail from support@bc.game they asked me contact one of there mode or admin whose name is Bob (@bcgame_Bob) to get the issue resolved for which also I have attached the files. Kindly go through that as well.
All I need is a fair play. I own the money if it is in my account. I made a lot of investment and I took a lot of risk even I lost a lot of money but when finally I earned the money they are restricting me to access my account. This is totally not fair. I have around $2700 in my bc.game account in INR form out of which approx. $1000 I got tip and rest I won myself. It is my hard earned money.
With your help I want to access my account as I use to and recover my money that is still stuck in my bc.game account UID 5****85. Your support is highly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
Sheraz ****
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