Hvala, norcorider012, na odgovoru. Odnos povrata na igrača (RTP), koji se još naziva i odnos isplate, je broj koji opisuje koji procenat svake opklade se statistički vraća igraču iz svake opklade (ne govori koji procenat depozita će igrač dobiti nazad, kao što neki ljudi misle ). Dakle, ako neko uloži 1000$ na igru sa 90% RTP-a, njegov očekivani prinos je 900. Postoje neke činjenice o RTP-u koje bismo želeli da istaknemo.
Pre svega, ovaj očekivani prinos je samo matematički prosek. Ukratko, svako može imati mnogo sreće (ili nesreće) i dobiti mnogo veći (ili manji) prinos nego što je očekivao. Međutim, ako igrate dugo, vaš pravi povratak biće blizu očekivanog. U matematici se to zove zakon velikih brojeva. Mnogi ljudi pogrešno veruju da to znači da ako neko nije imao sreće tokom nekog vremenskog perioda, trebalo bi da bude veoma srećan u narednom periodu. Ili da ako je crveni broj pobedio na ruletu deset puta zaredom, veća je šansa da sledeći pobedi crni. Ovo se zove Kockerova zabluda i nije istina.
Prošli rezultati ne utiču na buduće rezultate. Zakon velikih brojeva kaže da ako imate mnogo nesreće u prošlosti, možete očekivati da ćete dobiti prosečne rezultate u budućnosti (imali biste ista očekivanja ako ste imali dobru ili prosečnu sreću u prošlosti - ono što se dogodilo u prošlosti jednostavno ne nije važno u sadašnjosti). I ovaj prosečan rezultat će vam približiti prosečni rezultat. Na primer, ako je crveno pobedilo na ruletu 8 puta od 10 u prvih deset okretaja, a zatim 5 puta od 10 u sledećih deset okretaja, to je ukupno 13 puta od 20 što je mnogo bliže teorijskom očekivanju od 80% pobeda za crveno od prvih deset okretaja.
Ako želite da saznate više o RTP-u, preporučujemo vam da pogledate naše video zapise o ovoj temi:
Ipak, ako verujete da imate pravo na bilo kakav povraćaj novca, prosledite celu istoriju igre u Ekcel formatu na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk . Možete zatražiti celu svoju istoriju igara direktno iz kazina. Hvala unapred.
Thank you, norcoryder012, for your reply. Return to player (RTP) ratio, also called payout ratio is a number that describes what percentage of each bet is statistically returned to a player from each bet (it is not saying what percentage of deposits the player will get back as some people may think). So if someone wagers 1000$ on a game with 90% RTP his expected return is 900. There are some facts about RTP that we would like to highlight.
First of all, this expected return is just a mathematical average. In short, anyone can get very lucky (or unlucky) and get a much bigger (or lesser) return than his expectation. However, if you play for a long time, your real return will be close to the expected return. In mathematics, this is called the law of big numbers. Many people wrongly believe that this means that if someone was very unlucky during some time period he should get very lucky over the next period. Or that if the red number won on roulette ten times in a row, there is a bigger chance that the black one will win next. This is called Gambler's fallacy and it's not true.
Past results do not influence future results. The law of big numbers says that if you get very unlucky in the past you can expect to get average results in the future (you would have the same expectation if you get good or average luck in the past - what happened in the past just doesn't matter in the present). And this average result will give you closer to the average result overall. For example, if red won on roulette 8 times of 10 in the first ten spins and then 5 times of 10 in the next ten spins, it's overall 13 times out of 20 which is much closer to theoretical expectation than 80% wins for red from first ten spins.
If you want to learn more about RTP we recommend you watch our videos about this topic:
Still, if you believe that you are entitled to any refund, please forward your entire game history in Excel format to veronika.l@casino.guru. You may request your entire gaming history directly from the casino. Thank you in advance.
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