Igranje je bilo dobro.
Ponovo su promenili pravila, rekavši da morate da uplaćujete svakih 30 dana, inače ste neaktivni i gubite balans.
U mejlu koji sam upravo kopirao, videćete da oni zaista veruju da je naša odgovornost da čitamo te uslove svaki dan.
Takođe kažu da tamo savetuju svoje osoblje, ali bi bilo previše teško poslati e-poštu igračima. Smešno što je za promocije lako. Svi znamo da bi mogli da pošalju e-poštu sa masovnim obaveštenjima kada dođe do promene pravila.
Svaki put kada povučete, gubite bonus novac. Dakle, sve što je bilo tu su bila novčana sredstva.
Ponovo prilažem moj imejl i njihov odgovor.
„Šališ me?
Bingo selo mi se obratilo da izbrišem recenziju. Bilo bi mi drago da su radili sa mnom na rešavanju situacije.
Poslao sam im ovu e-poštu:
„Niko ih ne čita svaki put kada se prijavite, i vi to znate.
Postoji li poruka u kojoj nas obaveštavaju o promeni? Često smo uplaćivali da igramo slotove ili uđemo u roki.
Zato sam stavio tu recenziju. Želim da upozorim druge da vam je suviše lako da menjate pravila i ne savetujete ljude sa visokim bilansima, a na taj način gube novac a vi ga zadržavate.
Isto kada ste promenili platformu. Prilagodio sam se i pozvao druge da urade isto, jer ste rekli da ćete to raditi i verovao sam vam.
Pravno, kada dođe do promene uslova i odredbi, nakon što osoba kreira nalog i verovatno pročita te uslove, kao što sam ja uradio, morate da obavestite.
Koliko bi bilo razumno da igrači moraju da čitaju uslove svaki put kada se prijave? Znate da se to ne dešava. Možete napraviti bilo kakve promene i niko to ne vidi ili ne zna. Veoma nepravedno.
Ništa što sam rekao nije istina u recenziji. Zatvoreni ste za rezoluciju i povrh toga imate muda da mi kažete da niste krivi.
Pokažite mi e-poruku u dobroj nameri u kojoj mi je rečeno da ću izgubiti ceo balans ako ne uplatim depozit.
Tek počinjem sa recenzijom. Verujem da ljudi treba da znaju da ako postoji problem, nećete popustiti, bez obzira na to šta je ispravna stvar.
Vi ne pregovarate, vi diktirate, a ja sam igrao na mnogim sajtovima i nikada to nisam doživeo.
Moj sledeći korak je kopiranje/nalepljivanje razgovora koji pokazuju da nismo bili savetovani. Ljudi bi trebalo da znaju ako su operisani ili trpe smanjenje budžeta ili izgube posao na nekoliko meseci, oni će izgubiti sve za šta su radili. To je pogrešno. Nema smisla kockati svoj novac gde morate da pročitate odredbe i uslove svaki put kada se prijavite.
Imao sam prodavnicu i kada sam napravio promenu, imao sam list gde su svi članovi osoblja morali da se potpišu, potvrđujući da su svesni promene, i to je ono što je ovde trebalo da se uradi.
Žao mi je što vam se ne sviđaju recenzije, ali da li zaista mislite da će ljudi želeti da igraju na gour sajtu ako moraju da provedu sat vremena dnevno čitajući odredbe i uslove?
Takođe sam video da su drugi ljudi doveli u pitanje naknade za isplate. Oni su u pravu. A onda, da li mi kažete da možete da odlučite iznos koji imamo pravo da povučemo nedeljno i mesečno i da ga promenite da povećate naknade, koje su očigledno bile visoke, odbijanjem onoga što imamo pravo da povučemo.
Postoje stvari koje još nisam rekao, kao što su naknade, promena onoga što možemo da povučemo i vaš super niski maksimum, kao i činjenica da povlačite samo jednom nedeljno i da povrh toga, ako im treba nešto dodatno, morate sačekati još nedelju dana. Previše muke da bi se postigla potpuna ravnoteža.
Druga stvar, mamite ljude na depozit, lepim bonusima, ali nema smisla deponovati za bonus, jer ga gubite čim bilo šta povučete. Mnogi ljudi to ne shvataju, pa želim da ih upozorim i na to.
Takođe nameravam da kontaktiram komisije za igre na sreću za Kanadu i SAD. Oni su tu da zaštite javnost, a ne veb stranicu. Prilično sam uveren da će smatrati da je praksa na turnejama nepoštena
Voleo bih da smo ovo mogli da rešimo na drugi način, ali ne možete ništa da uradite da popravite nepravde prema meni, tako da je moje jedino rešenje da barem upozorim druge na ono što ih čeka. Ako spasim 10 ljudi od depozita, vredi 6.700 koje sam izgubio!"
Evo odgovora. Kao što ćete videti, oni se ne bave svakim pitanjem u e-poruci, oni samo poriču sve i ne preuzimaju odgovornost ni za šta.
„Nismo uradili ništa loše. Članovi su odgovorni da pročitaju stranicu sa uslovima i odredbama. Obaveštavamo naše osoblje o promenama, ali ne možemo da pošaljemo e-poruku svakom članu, zbog čega imamo stranicu sa uslovima i odredbama tako da su članovi u stanju da pročita uslove".
Dakle, osim ako nemate nekoliko sati dnevno da proučite odredbe i uslove u slučaju da dođe do promena, IZBEGAVAJTE OVAJ SAJT i molimo vas da širite vest, tako da igrači znaju u šta se upuštaju.
Datum iskustva: 09. jun 2024
The playthrough was fine.
They changed the rules again, saying you have to deposit every 30 days, otherwise you are inactive and you lose your balance.
In the email i just copied, you will see they actually believe it is our responsibility to read those terms every day.
They also say in there they advise their staff but it would be too hard to email players. Funny that for promotions, it is easy. We all know they could email with a mass email advising when there is a rule change.
Everytime you withdraw, you lose the bonus money. So everything that was there were cashable funds.
I attach again the email from me and their reply.
"Are u kidding me ?
Bingo village reached out to me to delete my review. I would have been glad to do so had they worked with me to resolve the situation.
I sent them this email:
"No one reads those every time you log in, and you know that.
Is there a message where we are advised of a change? We were depositing often to play slots or get into roxy.
That is why i have put that review. I want to warn others that it is too easy for you to change the rules and not advise people with high balances, and that way they lose their money and you keep it.
Same when you changed the platform. I adapted and urged others to do the same, as you said you would work it us and i believed you.
Legally, when there is a change to the terms and conditions, after the person creates the account and presumably read those terms, as i did, you must advise.
How reasonable would it be that players would have to read the terms every time they log in? You know that does not happen. You can make any changes and no one sees or knows it. Highly unfair.
Nothing I said was not the truth in the review. You are closed to resolution and on top of that you have the balls to tell me you are not at fault.
Show me a good faith email where I was advised that if I do not deposit, I will lose my whole balance.
I am just starting my reviews. I believe people should know that if there is an issue, you will not budge, regardless of what is the right thing to do.
You dont negotiate, you dictate, and I have played on many sites and have never experienced that.
My next step is copy/paste conversations showing we were not advised. People should know if they are operated or suffer a budget cut or lose their job for a few months, they will lose everything they worked for. That is WRONG. There is no point in gambling your money where you have to read the terms and conditions every time you log in.
I owned a store and when I made a change, I had a sheet where all staff members had to sign their name, acknowledging they are aware of the change, and that is what should have been done here.
I am sorry you dont like the reviews, but do you really think people will want to play on gour site if they have to spend an hour a day reading terms and conditions?
Also, I saw other people questioned the fees on withdrawals. They are right. And then, are u telling me you can decide the amount we are eligible to withdraw per week and per month and chamge it to incrwase fees obviously, which were already high, by refucing what we are eligible to withdraw.
There are things I have not said yet, like the fees, changing what we can withdraw and your super low maximum, as well as the fact you do withdrawals onc we a week only and that on top of that, if they need something extra, you have to wait another week. Too much hassle for breaking even.
Another thing, you entice people to deposit, with nice bonuses, but there is no point in depositing for the bonus, since u lose it as soon as you withdraw anything. A lot of people dont realize that, and so I want to give them a heads up on that as well.
I also intend to contact the gaming commissions for canada and the USA. They are there to protect the pulic, nI t the website. I am quite confident they will find tour practices unfair
I wish we could have resolved this another way, but you cannot do anything to fix the wrongs toward me, so my only recourse is to at least warn others of what is to come for them. If I save 10 people from depositing , it is worth the 6,700 i lost!"
Here is they reply. As you will see, they dont address each issue in the email, they just deny everything and di not take respondibility for anything.
"We have done nothing wrong. It is the members responsibility to read the terms and conditions page. We do inform our Staff of the changes but we cannot email each and every member this is why we do have a terms and conditions page so members are able to read the terms."
So unless you have a few hrs a day to rwad terms and conditions in case there are changes, AVOID THIS SITE and pls spread the word, so players know what they are getting into.
Date of experience: June 09, 2024
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