Igraču iz Španije je zaplenjen dobitak i vraćeni depoziti.
Zdravo, ja sam Alejandro*****, pre nego što uzmem ovo u ruke advokata i uložim žalbu, želeo bih da napravim poslednji pokušaj ovde, pošto je ćaskanje uživo nemoguće. U uslovima i odredbama piše da ako zatvore moj nalog moraju da mi isplate stanje koje sam imao na raspolaganju ili povlačenja na čekanju, u ovom slučaju to su 60.000 evra, ne mogu odbiti da mi isplate moju zaradu putem e-pošte koju šaljem novembra 2022. drugoj kladionici zvanoj kazino estrella, rekavši da ima problema sa igrom... nešto što svi žustro govore ili tako da zatvaraju račun a kuće nisu tu sve vreme i šalju mejlove, sms, propagandu itd, i samo za ovaj e-mail koji sam poslao bez ikakvih problema sa igrom, jedan je jednostavno vruć i trebalo je da se moj glavni kazino račun zatvori u novembru 2022. Ne razumem kako to mogu da urade ako ne žele da mi isplate dobitke koje sam dobio čisto u ovom kazinu, štaviše, već sam ispunio period samoisključenja sa njima i mogao sam ponovo da uđem i mogao sam ponovo da uplatim, igram i osvojim tih 60.000 € čisto . Molim vas, pokušajte da mi pomognete... Osvojio sam sve, osvojio sam sve pošteno... samo da čak i ako ste imali vrućinu i poslali taj e-mail, ne vidim da je to razlog da uzmem svoj dobitak i da ga takođe pošaljem drugoj kladionici, koja možda pripada istoj grupi....ali zato dok nisam podigao novac, mejl nije izašao...Molim vas da sve isplate od €2000 delotvoran. Pošto hoće samo da mi daju 2000€ i ništa više. Mnogo vam hvala. Srdačan pozdrav i radujem se skorom odgovoru.
Hello, I'm Alejandro*****, before I take this into the hands of lawyers and file a complaint, I would like to make one last attempt here, since live chat is impossible. In the terms and conditions it says that if they close my account they have to pay me the balance I had available or the pending withdrawals, in this case they are €60,000, they cannot refuse to pay me my earnings by email that I send in November 2022 to another betting house called casino estrella, saying that he had problems with the game... something that everyone says hotly or so that they close the account and the houses are not there all the time sending emails, sms, propaganda etc, and only for this email that I sent without having any problems with the game, one is simply hot and it was for my star casino account to be closed in November 2022. I do not understand how they can do this, if they do not want to pay me the winnings that I obtained cleanly in this casino, what's more, I had already fulfilled the self-exclusion period with them and I was able to re-enter and I was able to deposit, play and win those €60,000 cleanly again. Please, try to help me... I've won everything, I've won everything fairly... it's just that even if you've had a hot flash and have sent that email, I don't see that it's a reason to take my winnings and also send it to another bookmaker, which It may belong to the same group....but that's why until I have withdrawn money, the email did not come out...Please make all withdrawals of €2000 effective. Since they only want to give me €2000 and nothing more. Thank you very much. A cordial greeting and I look forward to a response soon.
Hola buenas, soy Alejandro****** , antes de llevar esto a manos de abogados y denunciar querría hacer un último intento por aqui, ya que por el chat en vivo es imposible. En los términos y condiciones pone que si me cierran la cuenta me tienen que pagar el saldo que tenía disponible o los retiros pendientes, en este caso son 60000€, no se pueden negar a pagarme mis ganancias por un email que envíe en noviembre de 2022 a otra casa de apuestas llamada casino estrella, diciendo que tenía problemas con el juego...cosa que todo el mundo dice en caliente o para que le cierren la cuenta y no estén las casas todo el rato enviando emails,sms, propaganda etc, y solo por este email que envíe sin tener en ningún momento problemas con el juego, simplemente uno está caliente y era para que me cerraran la cuenta de casino estrella en noviembre de 2022. No entiendo cómo pueden hacer esto, de no querer pagarme las ganancias que obtuve limpiamente en este casino, es más, ya tenía cumplído con ellos el periodo de autoexclusion y pude volver a entrar y pude otra vez depositar, jugar y ganar limpiamente esos 60000€. Porfavor, intentar ayudarme... he ganado todo ganado todo limpiamente...es que aunque uno haya tenido un calentón y haya enviado ese email, no veo que sea razón para quitarme mis ganancias y además lo envíe a otra casa de apuestas, que puede pertenecer al mismo grupo....pero por eso hasta que no he retirado dinero no salido lo del email...Porfavor hacer que hagan efectivos todos los retiros de 2000€. Ya que solo me quieren dar 2000€ y nada más.Muchísimas gracias. Un cordial saludo y espero respuesta pronto.
Poštovani alekjacobi86,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem.
Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih bolje razumeo situaciju.
Možete li molim vas da objasnite kada ste otvorili račun u Casino Ektra? Da li ste se u bilo kom trenutku samoisključili u ovom kazinu u prošlosti?
Možete li molim vas da objasnite kakva je bila priroda bloka u kazinu Estrella? Da li sam dobro razumeo da je blokada vašeg naloga u kazinu Estrella već ukinuta?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear alexjacobi86,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please allow me to ask you a few questions so I better understand the situation.
Could you please explain, when you opened the account in Casino Extra? Did you at any time self-excluded in this casino in the past?
Could you please explain what was the nature of the block in the Casino Estrella? Do I understand correctly the block of your account in the Casino Estrella was already lifted?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Otvorio sam račun u casino ektra u septembru 2022. Samoisključio sam se iz casinoektra na period od 6 meseci zaključno sa sredinom 2023. Samoisključio sam se iz kazina estrella u novembru 2022. rekavši da ne želim više da igram jer imam problema sa kockanjem, ali bilo je za vrućinu i da zatvorim tu kladionicu i tako sam uradio jer ako oni ne insistiraju na vama jer želite da ga ostavite kao i druge kladionice. U kazino estrella sam uvek blokiran jer sam im poslao e-mail kao što sam vam rekao, ali od casinoektra je to bilo samo 6-mesečno samoisključivanje. Pored toga, u svojim uslovima i odredbama jasno stoji da će, ako se isključim iz kazinostara, to biti efektivno samo za kazino star. prilažem fotografiju.
31. marta sam ponovo ušao u ekstra kazino pošto je prošlo vreme za moje samoisključivanje i uplatio sam depozit kao iu drugim prilikama, i osvojio sam ovaj iznos od 60.000 €. Pa, ispostavilo se da kada napravim sva povlačenja od 2.000 do 60.000 evra, kažu mi da dam karticu koja nedostaje sa mesta gde sam deponovao, ja je dam i oni mi daju ok. Da ne bih ponovo igrao taj novac koji je već bio u procesu podizanja, rekao sam im da li mogu ponovo da me samoisključe na 3 meseca da bih sve skupio, a oni mi kažu ne, mogu samo 1 mesec , rekao sam im da je vredno uvek da pitam da to ne utiče na moje isplate i oni mi kažu da to neće uticati na to, da čak i ako ne mogu da uđem na svoj račun, isplate će se nastaviti svojim tokom. Kada uđem da pitam kako idu moje isplate, kažu mi da pošto sam poslao mejl kazinu estrella u novembru 2022. da ne želim više da igram, a izgleda da su od istog vlasnika, oni ne mogu da mi isplate sve isplate, samo oni. Oni će mi platiti 2.000 € od 60.000 €, čini mi se kao šala da šaljući e-mail drugoj kući ne znajući da su pripadali istom vlasniku, oni žele mene da uradi ovo sada. Morali bi da vide da je to urađeno ili da me obaveste od početka ili pošto sam želeo da ponovo uđem u casinoektra i uplatim, a ne da mi kažu kada želim da podignem svoje dobitke. Da sam izgubio šta bi se desilo? Oni čuvaju novac i to je to. Pomozite mi molim vas 🙏. Takođe imam sačuvane razgovore u kojima mi kažu da će, ako se isključim iz casinoektra, sva povlačenja i dalje biti vršena, dajte mi e-poštu i poslaću vam sve razgovore koje imam sa njima putem ćaskanja. Pozdrav i hiljade hvala.
I opened the account at casino extra in September 2022. I self-excluded from casinoextra for a period of 6 months ending in mid-2023. I self-excluded from casino estrella in November 2022 saying that I didn't want to play anymore because I had gambling problems, but it was for a heat and to close that bookmaker and I did it that way because if they don't insist on you because you want to leave it like other bookmakers. In casino estrella I am always blocked because I sent them an email as I told you, but from casinoextra it was only a 6-month self-exclusion. In addition, in its terms and conditions it clearly states that if I exclude myself from casinostar it will only be effective for casino star. I attach a photo.
On March 31, I entered the extra casino again since my self-exclusion time had passed and I deposited as I have done on other occasions, and I won this amount of €60,000. Well, it turns out that when I make all the withdrawals of €2,000 up to €60,000, they tell me to provide a missing card that was from where I had deposited, I provide it and they give me the ok. In order for me not to play again that money that was already in the withdrawal process, I told them if they could self-exclude me for 3 months again so I would have collected everything, and they tell me no, I can only 1 month, I told them that it's worth always asking before that it does not influence my withdrawals and they tell me that it will not affect it, that even if I cannot enter my account the withdrawals will continue their course. When I go in to ask how my withdrawals are going, they tell me that since I had sent an email to casino estrella in November 2022 saying that I did not want to play anymore, and it seems that they are from the same owner, they cannot pay me all the withdrawals, they only They are going to pay me €2,000 of the €60,000, it seems like a joke to me that by sending an email to another house without knowing that they belonged to the same owner, they want me to do this now. They would have to see it done or notify me from the beginning or since I wanted to enter casinoextra again and deposit, not tell me when I want to withdraw my winnings. If I had lost what would have happened? They keep the money and that's it. Help me please 🙏. I also have saved conversations where they tell me that if I exclude myself from casinoextra all withdrawals will continue to be made, give me an email and I'll send you all the conversations I have with them via chat. Greetings and a thousands thanks.
Abrí la cuenta en casino extra el septiembre de 2022. Me autoexclui de casinoextra durante un periodo de 6meses que finalizó a mediados de 2023. De casino estrella me autoexclui en noviembre de 2022 diciendo que no quería jugar más porque tenía problemas de juego, pero fue por un calentón y para cerrar esa casa de apuestas y lo hice así porque sino te insisten porque lo quieres dejar como otras casas de apuestas. En casino estrella estoy bloqueado siempre porque les envíe un email como te dije, pero de casinoextra sólo fue una autoexclusion de 6 meses. Además en sus términos y condiciones pone claramente que si me autoexcluyo de casinoestrella sólo será efectivo para casino estrella. Te adjunto foto.
Yo el dia 31 de marzo ingresé de nuevo en casino extra ya que había pasado mi tiempo de autoexclusion y deposite como lo he hecho otras veces, y gane está cantidad 60000€. Pues resulta que cuando hago todos los retiros de 2000€ hasta llegar a 60000€, me dicen que facilite una tarjeta que faltaba que era desde donde había depositado, la facilito y me dan el ok. Para yo luego no volver a jugar ese dinero que ya estaba en proceso de retiro les comenté si me podían autoexcluirme durante 3meses de nuevo así ya habría cobrado todo, y me dicen que no, que solo puedo 1mes, yo les dije que vale siempre preguntando antes que eso no influya en en mis retiros y me dicen que no afectará, que aunque no pueda entrar en mi cuenta los retiros seguirán su curso. Cuando entro para preguntar cómo van mis retiros me dicen que como yo había enviado un email a casino estrella el noviembre de 2022 diciendo que no quería jugar más, y parece ser que son del mismo dueño, no me pueden pagar todos los retiros, que solo me van a ingresar 2000€ de los 60000€, me parece una tomadura de pelo que por un email que envíe a otra casa sin saber que eran del mismo dueño me quieran ahora hacer esto. Lo tendrían que a ver hecho o comunicármelo desde un principio o desde que quise entrar de nuevo a casinoextra y depositar, no decírmelo cuando quiero retirar mis ganancias. Si hubiese perdido que hubiese pasado??? Se quedan con el dinero y listo. Ayudame porfavor 🙏. Tengo también las conversaciones guardadas donde me dicen que si me autoexcluyo de casinoextra todos los retiros seguirán haciendose, dame un email y te envio todas las conversaciones que tengo con ellos por chat. Un saludo y mil gracias.
Period samoisključenja kazina se završio sredinom marta 2023, zaboravio sam da navedem mesec, izvinite.
The casinoextra self-exclusion period ended in mid-March 2023, I forgot to put the month, sorry.
El periodo de autoexclusion de casinoextra finalizó a mediados de marzo de 2023, se me olvidó poner el mes disculpa.
Poslao sam im ovu e-poštu:
Zdravo, ja sam Alejandro ****, pre nego što uzmem ovo u ruke advokata i podnesem žalbu, želeo bih da napravim poslednji pokušaj putem e-pošte, pošto je ćaskanje uživo nemoguće. U uslovima i odredbama piše da ako zatvorite moj nalog morate da mi platite stanje koje sam imao na raspolaganju ili povlačenja na čekanju, u ovom slučaju su 60.000 evra, ne možete odbiti da mi isplatite moju zaradu putem e-pošte koju sam pošalji u novembru 2022 u drugu kladionicu koja se zove kazino estrella, rekavši da je imao problema sa igrom...nešto što svi žestoko kažu ili tako da zatvore račun a kuće nisu tu stalno šaljući mejlove, sms, propagandu itd, i samo za ovaj e-mail koji sam poslao bez ikakvih problema sa igrom, jedan je jednostavno vruć i trebalo je da se moj glavni kazino nalog zatvori u novembru 2022. Ne razumem kako to možete da uradite ako ne želite da mi isplatite dobitke koje sam čisto dobio u vašem kazinu, štaviše, već sam završio period samoisključenja sa vama i mogao sam ponovo da uđem i mogao sam da uplatim, igram i osvojim te € 60.000 čisto. Molim vas, razmislite i uverite se da sam sve dobio čisto... to je da čak i ako je neko imao temperaturu i poslao taj mejl, ne vidim da je to razlog da mi oduzmem dobitak. Molimo da sva povlačenja od €2000 budu efektivna. Hvala puno. Srdačan pozdrav i radujem se skorom odgovoru.
Ovo su mi odgovorili:
Poštovani Aleksandre ****,
Hvala kontaktom sa nama.
Pošto ste izjavili da imate problem sa kockanjem pre nego što ste dobili novac, isplata koja je bila na čekanju je obrađena i račun je zatvoren.
Ovo je procedura kompanije, odluka je nepovratna.
Isplata od 2000 EUR je shodno tome plaćena.
Hvala na strpljenju i razumevanju.
Ostajemo vam u potpunosti na raspolaganju, tako da ne oklevajte da nas kontaktirate za dalju pomoć.
U međuvremenu, želim vam srećan dan.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Odgovorio sam im ovo:
Ali ja sam to prijavio u kazinostaru, a ne kod vas i to je problem koji više nemam i nikada nisam imao, a kako piše u uslovima, isključio sam se samo iz kazino star i to zbog davanja razloga i zatvaranje računa sa kazino starom . Ne tako što ćete reći da u e-poruci od pre više od 4 meseca možete ukrasti 60.000 € koje sam pošteno osvojio, ne tako što ćete reći da sam imao problem, mislim da je to uticalo na igru ili dobitke koje sam dobio kod vas. Imam sve u rukama advokata i uveravam vas da ću pošteno povratiti novac koji sam zaradio, jer bez obzira na taj mejl, pošteno sam ga zaradio i kako odlučite u uslovima i odredbama prilikom zatvaranja računa morate mi platiti ostatak koji je morao biti €60,000. Ništa više ne bi bilo potrebno nego e-poštom da uzmete sav moj novac u lice i ako ne vidite da su stvari urađene kako treba i isključite me iz svih vaših kazina i ne dozvolite mi da uđem ili uplatim ili osvojim toliki iznos. Mislim da morate da pretpostavite da sam u pravu i da to što tvrdite nema ni glavu ni rep, a ne zato što ste tada rekli da sam imao problem koji nikada nisam imao...to je bio da dam razlog i zatvorim taj nalog sa kazinom zvezde. Sada sa vama, nemojte mi plaćati sav novac koji zaradim. Sve najbolje. Takođe vam kažem da sam imao više od 2.000 evra u povlačenju, imao sam stanje od 60.000 evra i 30 povlačenja od 2.000 evra. Ne razumem zašto samo 2.000 evra na čekanju ako je ono što sam imao na čekanju bilo 30 povlačenja od 2.000 evra.
I sent them this email:
Hi, I'm Alejandro ****, before taking this into the hands of lawyers and filing a complaint, I'd like to make one last attempt by email, since live chat is impossible. In the terms and conditions it says that if you close my account you have to pay me the balance that I had available or the pending withdrawals, in this case they are €60,000, you cannot refuse to pay me my earnings by an email that I send in November 2022 to another betting house called casino estrella, saying that he had problems with the game... something that everyone says hotly or so that they close the account and the houses are not there all the time sending emails, sms, propaganda etc, and only for this email that I sent without having any problems with the game, one is simply hot and it was for my star casino account to be closed in November 2022. I don't understand how you can do this, if you don't want to pay me the winnings that I obtained cleanly in your casino, what's more, I had already completed the self-exclusion period with you and I was able to enter again and I was able to deposit, play and win those €60,000 cleanly. Please, reconsider and see that I have won everything cleanly... it is that even if one has had a fever and has sent that email, I do not see that it is a reason to take away my winnings. Please make all withdrawals of €2000 effective. Thanks a lot. A cordial greeting and I look forward to a response soon.
They have answered me this:
Dear Alexander ****,
Thanks by contact with us.
Since you declared that you have a gambling problem before you got the money, the withdrawal that was pending was processed and the account closed.
This is a company procedure, the decision is irreversible.
The withdrawal of 2000 EUR was paid accordingly.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
We remain at your entire disposal, so please do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance.
In the meantime, I wish you a happy day.
A cordial greeting,
I answered them this:
But I declared it in casinostar, not with you and it is a problem that I no longer have and have never had, and as it says in the terms and conditions, I only excluded myself from casino star and it was for giving a reason and closing the account with casino star . Not by saying that in an email from more than 4 months ago you can steal the €60,000 that I have won fairly, not by saying that I had a problem, I think it affected the game or the winnings that I have obtained with you. I have everything in the hands of lawyers and I assure you that I am going to recover the money that I have earned fairly, because regardless of that email I have earned it fairly, and as you decide in the terms and conditions when closing the account you have to pay me the balance that It had to be €60,000. Nothing more would be needed than by an email you take all my money in the face and if not to see things done correctly and have excluded me from all your casinos and not have let me enter or deposit or win such an amount. I think you have to assume that I am right and that what you argue has neither head nor tail, not for saying at the time that I had a problem that I have never had...it was for giving a reason and closing that account with a star casino Now with you, don't pay me all the money I earn. All the best. I also tell you that I had more than €2,000 in withdrawals, I had a balance of €60,000 and 30 withdrawals of €2,000. I don't understand why only €2,000 pending withdrawal if what I had pending were 30 withdrawals of €2,000.
Yo les envíe este email:
Hola buenas, soy Alejandro ****, antes de llevar esto a manos de abogados y denunciar querría hacer un último intento por email, ya que por el chat en vivo es imposible. En los términos y condiciones pone que si me cerráis la cuenta me tenéis que pagar el saldo que tenía disponible o los retiros pendientes, en este caso son 60000€, no os podéis negar a pagarme mis ganancias por un email que envíe en noviembre de 2022 a otra casa de apuestas llamada casino estrella, diciendo que tenía problemas con el juego...cosa que todo el mundo dice en caliente o para que le cierren la cuenta y no estén las casas todo el rato enviando emails,sms, propaganda etc, y solo por este email que envíe sin tener en ningún momento problemas con el juego, simplemente uno está caliente y era para que me cerraran la cuenta de casino estrella en noviembre de 2022. No entiendo cómo podéis hacer esto, de no querer pagarme las ganancias que obtuve limpiamente en vuestro casino, es más, ya tenía cumplído con vosotros el periodo de autoexclusion y pude volver a entrar y pude otra vez depositar, jugar y ganar limpiamente esos 60000€. Porfavor, recapacitar y mirar que he ganado todo limpiamente...es que aunque uno haya tenido un calentón y haya enviado ese email, no veo que sea razón para quitarme mis ganancias.Porfavor hacer efectivos todos los retiros de 2000€. Muchísimas gracias. Un cordial saludo y espero respuesta pronto.
Me han contestado esto:
Estimado Alejandro ****,
Gracias por ponerse en contacto con nosotros.
Dado que usted ha declarado que tiene un problema con el juego antes de obtener el dinero, la retirada que estaba pendiente fue procesada y la cuenta cerrada.
Este es un procedimiento de la empresa, la decisión es irreversible.
El retiro de 2000 EUR fue pagado en consecuencia.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.
Quedamos a su entera disposición, así que no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros para obtener más ayuda.
Mientras tanto, le deseo un feliz día.
Un cordial saludo,
Yo les respondí esto:
Pero yo lo declare en casinoestrella no con vosotros y es un problema que ya no tengo y nunca he tenido, y como dice en los términos y condiciones yo solo me autoexclui de casino estrella y fue por dar un motivo y cerrar la cuenta con casino estrella. No por decir eso en un email de hace más de 4meses me podéis robar los 60000€ que he ganado limpiamente, no por decir eso de que tenía un problema creo que afecte al juego o a las ganancias que yo he obtenido con vosotros. Tengo todo en mano de abogados y os aseguro que voy a recuperar el dinero que he ganado limpiamente, xq independientemente de ese email lo he ganado limpiamente, y como vosotros decis en los términos y condiciones al cerrar la cuenta me tenéis que pagar el saldo que tenía que son 60000€. Na más faltaria que por un email os llevéis por la cara todo mi dinero y sino a ver hecho las cosas bien y haberme autoexcluido de todos vuestros casinos y no haberme dejado entrar ni depositar ni ganar tal cantidad. Creo que tenéis que asumir que tengo razón y que no tiene ni pies ni cabeza lo que argumentais, no por decir en su momento que tenía un problema que nunca he tenido...que fue por dar una razón y cerrar esa cuenta con casino estrella ahora con vosotros no me paguéis todo el dinero que gane. Un saludo. Además os digo que tenía más de 2000€ en retiradas, tenía 60000€ de saldo y 30 retiradas de 2000€. No entiendo el porqué solo 2000€ de retirada pendiente si lo que tenia pendiente eran 30 retiradas de 2000€.
Pratim snimanja....
I follow the captures....
Sigo las capturas....
Danas su mi opet odgovorili sa još istog, samo da nisam platio...
Morgane (korisnička podrška)
7 apr 2023, 09:56 EEST
Zdravo Alehandro ***,
Hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.
Veoma nam je žao zbog trenutne situacije, ali ne možemo ništa drugo da uradimo. Vaš nalog je zatvoren zbog problema sa kockanjem, tako da ćete dobiti isplatu od 2000 evra. Međutim, nećemo moći da obradimo ostatak povlačenja.
Cenimo vaše strpljenje i razumevanje.
Ostajemo vam na raspolaganju, tako da ne oklevajte da nas kontaktirate za bilo kakvu dalju pomoć.
U međuvremenu, želim vam veoma dobar dan.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Casino Ektra tim
Odgovorio sam na ovo...
Ja nemam problema sa kockanjem, to ti kažeš i to je izgovor koji imaš da mi ne platiš, to sam napisao pre više od 4 meseca i već sam rekao da je to samo da zatvorim kazinostar nalog i po tvojim uslovima i uslovi kažu da će biti efikasan samo u kazinostar-u, a ne u ekstra kazinu. Ja nemam problema sa kockanjem i nikada ih nisam imao, i zato nećeš da zadržiš moj novac koji sam pošteno zaradio, već sam razgovarao sa advokatima i moraš da izgubiš, hoćeš produžite ga... samo napred, ali Ne zbog e-pošte koja nije upućena vama, zadržaćete toliku sumu novca.
Nadam se da pratite temu Tomas i da možete da mi pomognete ili da mi kažete šta mogu da uradim...
Today they answered me again with more of the same, as long as I didn't pay...
Morgane (Customer Support)
7 Apr 2023, 09:56 EEST
Hello Alejandro ***,
Thank you for contacting us.
We are very sorry for the current situation, however we cannot do anything else. Your account has been closed due to gambling problems, so you will receive a withdrawal of 2000 euros. However, we will not be able to process the rest of the withdrawals.
We appreciate your patience and understanding.
We remain at your disposal, so do not hesitate to contact us for any further assistance.
In the meantime, I wish you a very good day.
A cordial greeting,
The Casino Extra team
I answered this...
I don't have gambling problems, that's what you say and it's the excuse you have for not paying me, I wrote that more than 4 months ago and I've already said that it was only to close the casinostar account and as your terms and conditions say It will only be effective in casinostar not in extra casino. I don't have gambling problems and I've never had them, and that's not why you're going to keep my money that I've earned fairly, I've already talked to lawyers and you have to lose, you want to extend it... go ahead but Not because of an email that was not addressed to you, you are going to keep such a sum of money.
I hope you are following the topic Tomás and you can help me or tell me what I can do...
Hoy me han vuelto a contestar más de lo mismo, con tal de no pagar....
Morgane (CustomerSupport)
7 Apr 2023, 09:56 EEST
Hola Alejandro ***,
Gracias por ponerte en contacto con nosotros.
Sentimos mucho la situación actual, sin embargo no podemos hacer nada más. Tu cuenta ha sido cerrada debido a problemas de juego, por lo que recibirás una retirada de 2000 euros. Sin embargo, no podremos procesar el resto de las retiradas.
Le agradecemos su paciencia y comprensión.
Quedamos a su disposición, así que no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros para cualquier otra ayuda.
Mientras tanto, le deseo un muy buen día.
Un cordial saludo,
El equipo de Casino Extra
Yo les contesté esto....
Yo no tengo problemas con el juego, eso lo decís vosotros y es la excusa que tenéis para no pagarme, eso lo escribí hace más de 4meses y ya he dicho que solo fue para cerrar la cuenta de casinoestrella y como bien dice vuestros términos y condiciones solo se hará efectiva en casinoestrella no en casino extra. Yo no tengo problemas con el juego y no los he tenido nunca, y no por eso os vais a quedar mi dinero que he ganado limpiamente, ya he hablado con abogados y tenéis las de perder, que lo queréis alargar.... adelante pero no por un email que no hiba dirigido a vosotros os vais a quedar tal suma de dinero.
Espero que estés seguiendo el tema Tomás y me puedas ayudar o decirme que puedo hacer...
https://vvv.casinoektraplai.com/es/terminos-de-uso/ Ostavljam vam link ka uslovima i odredbama casinoektra, oni kazino estrelle su isti, ovo kažem iz tačke 6.4. Onda mislim da ono najvažnije ide od tačke do 2.5.3.
https://www.casinoextraplay.com/es/terminos-de-uso/ I leave you a link to the terms and conditions of casinoextra, those of casino estrella are the same, I say this from point 6.4. Then I think that the most important thing goes from point to 2.5.3.
https://www.casinoextraplay.com/es/terminos-de-uso/ te dejo enlace de los términos y condiciones de casinoextra los de casino estrella son iguales, lo digo por el punto 6.4. Luego creo yo que lo más importante va del punto a 2.5.3.
Zdravo, dobro... Video sam da istražujem da ima ljudi koji su se žalili na igranje Curacao-a, gde imaju licencu... Čekam pre nego što se žalim da vidim da li je ovde rešeno ili im se žalim, molim vas pomozite mi !! !
Hello, good... I have seen investigating that there are people who have complained about gaming Curaçao, which is where they have the license... I wait before complaining to see if it is solved here or I make the complaint to them, please help me !! !
Hola buenas...he visto investigando que hay gente que ha reclamado a e gaming curazao que es donde tienen ellos la licencia....espero antes de reclamar a ver si se soluciona por aquí o hago la reclamación a ellos, ayudarme porfavor!!!
Molim vas, dozvolite mi da utvrdim vremensku liniju događaja. Kada je tačno (datum) došlo do trajnog samoisključenja u Estrella kazinu? Šta je bio razlog za blokadu koju ste dali uz svoj zahtev? Kako vas je kazino obavestio o primeni samoisključenja? Molimo vas da prosledite e-poštu sa vašim zahtevom i odgovorom iz kazina iz tog vremena na moju e-poštu na KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk . Čekaću vaš odgovor.
Please, let me establish the timeline of events. When exactly (the date) did the permanent self-exclusion in Estrella Casino? What was the reason for the block you gave with your request? How did the casino inform you about the self-exclusion being applied? Please forward the email with your request and the casino response from that time to my email at tomas@casino.guru I'll await your reply.
Da li sam dobro razumeo, deponovali ste 400€ u Casino Ektra nakon što je vaša privremena blokada završena u martu?
Da li sam dobro razumeo da ste izgubili ili nemate nikakvu potvrdu od Casino Estrella o svom trajnom samoisključenju, slično onom koji ste dali (na snimku ekrana)?
Do I understand correctly, you deposited 400€ in the Casino Extra after your temporary block ended in March?
Do I understand correctly you lost or don't have any confirmation from Casino Estrella about your permanent self-exclusion similar to the one you provided (on the screenshot)?
Nakon što je moj blok završio, deponovao sam mnogo više od 400€, ne znam tačan iznos, napravio sam snimke da bih znao isplate koje sam imao, a ne depozite... Nemam nikakvu potvrdu od kazina star ili mejl koji sam poslao. Juče sam od njih tražio mejl koji sam poslao 21. novembra 2022. sa zahtevom za samoisključivanje i odgovorom koji su mi dali, ali su mi odgovorili kao da žele ponovo da me samoisključe. Poslaću vam e-poštu na vašu e-poštu. Misliš li da možemo nešto da uradimo, Tomas, ili moramo da uložimo žalbu i igramo Curacao? To je da ako prođe 30 dana više neću moći da se žalim...
After my block ended I deposited much more than €400, I don't know the exact amount, I made the captures to know the withdrawals I had, not the deposits... I don't have any confirmation from the star casino or the email I sent. Yesterday I asked them for the email that I sent on November 21, 2022 requesting my self-exclusion and the answer they gave me but they have answered me as if they wanted to self-exclude me again. I'll send you an email to your email. Do you think we can do something, Tomas, or do we have to file a complaint and play Curaçao? It is that if 30 days pass I will no longer be able to complain....
Después que finalizara mi bloqueo deposité bastante más que 400€, no se exactamente la cantidad, las capturas las hice para saber los retiros que tenía no los depósitos...no tengo ninguna confirmación por parte de casino estrella ni el email que envíe. Ayer les solicite el email que envíe el 21 de Noviembre de 2022 solicitando mi autoexclusion y la respuesta que me dieron ellos pero me han contestado como si me quisiera autoexcluir de nuevo. Te reenvío email a tu correo. Crees que podemos hacer algo Tomas o hay que poner queja e egaming curazao? Es que si pasan 30 días ya no podré poner queja....
Hvala vam puno, alekjacobi86, što ste dali potrebne informacije. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Jozefu ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, alexjacobi86, for providing the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Jozef (jozef.k@casino.guru) who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hvala vam puno Tomas, veoma snažan zagrljaj i hvala na vašem vremenu.
Hoće li mi Josefa odgovoriti ili moram sve ponovo da pošaljem na njegov mejl?
Thank you very much Tomás, a very strong hug and thanks for your time.
Is Josefa going to answer me or do I have to send everything again to his email?
Mil gracias Tomás de verdad, un abrazo muy fuerte y gracias por tu tiempo.
Josefa sera el me va a responder o tengo que enviarle todo de nuevo a su email?
Prilažem sliku mog mejla i njegovog odgovora, tražio sam to i dali su mi kopiju nakon insistiranja 4 puta, evo ga.
Čekam odgovor, hvala puno Tomas na svemu.
I am attaching an image of my email and his response, I asked for it and they have given me a copy after insisting 4 times, here it is.
I await an answer, thank you very much Tomás for everything.
Te adjunto imagen de mi email y su respuesta, lo pedí y me han dado una copia después de insistir 4veces, aquí te lo dejo.
Espero respuesta, mil gracias Tomás por todo.
Poštovani alekjacobi86,
Apsolutno cenim što ste podelili svoja iskustva sa Casino Guru timom. Sada ćemo pokušati da stupimo u kontakt sa kazinom.
Dear alexjacobi86,
I absolutely appreciate that you shared your experiences with the Casino Guru team. We will now try to get in touch with the casino.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Zdravo dobro, vidim da je sada došlo vreme da se javim kazinu, kažu da se ne javljaju za 5 dana i da li mogu da uložim žalbu protiv njih ili treba da čekamo duže?
Hello good, I see that now it's time to answer the casino, say they don't answer in 5 days and can I file a complaint against them or do we have to wait longer?
Hola buenas, veo que ahora toca contestar el casino, di no contestan en 5dias ya puedo hacer la denuncia contra ellos o hay que esperar más???
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Kazinoektra račun je već bio otvoren mnogo pre nego što sam igrao u kazinoestreli... i mogu samo da uplatim i uradim sve i dobijem, tu ne vidite problem sa igrom, samo kada ću da se povučem, tačno... Sve sam dao u ruke advokatima. Takođe u vašim uslovima i odredbama jasno stoji da će ako izvršite samoisključivanje, to će biti efektivno samo u kazinu zvezda, a ne u drugim kazinom. Ako želite da zatvorite moj nalog jer i dalje mislite da imam problema sa kockanjem, samo napred, ali platite ono što sam već osvojio, mislim da činjenica da mislite da imam problema neće uticati na moju zaradu, vi ste ti koji zatvorili ste moj nalog jer ste zainteresovani, da nisam pobedio, vi biste mi vratili depozite, više od 15 dana kazinoektra račun je bio otvoren, deponovao i igrao....i dok nisam povukao, niste videli problem 😵💫. Ako zatvoriš račun moraš da platiš ono što je bilo na računu, to piše i u tvojim uslovima... pre ili kasnije ćeš platiti, pa ćemo se videti na sudu. I ne vidim nigde u tvojim terminima da piše da ako je neko rekao da ima problema pre više od 4 meseca ne može da podigne svoj dobitak, da je položio 100.000€ i meni bi to vratio.. uvek radiš ono što je najbolje za tebe . A ako kockanje shvatate tako ozbiljno, morali biste da vidite da su svi moji računi zatvoreni direktno iz vaših kazina i da mi ne dozvolite da igram.
The casinoextra account was already open long before playing at casinoestrella... and I can just deposit and do everything and win, there you don't see the problem with the game, only when I'm going to withdraw, exactly... I put it all in the hands of lawyers. Also in your terms and conditions it clearly states that if you make a self-exclusion it will only be effective in the star casino, not the other casinos. If you want to close my account because you still think I have gambling problems, go ahead, but pay what I had already won, I don't think the fact that you think I have problems will affect my earnings, you are the ones who have closed my account because You are interested, if I had not won, you would have returned my deposits, for more than 15 days the casinoextra account was open, depositing and playing....and until I withdraw, you did not see the problem 😵💫. If you close the account you have to pay what was in the account, it is also stated in your terms and conditions... sooner or later you will pay, so we'll see each other in court. And I do not see anywhere in your terms that it says that if someone has said that they have problems more than 4 months ago, they cannot withdraw their winnings, if they had deposited €100,000, they would have returned it to me too... you always do what is best for you . And if you take gambling so seriously, you would have to see all my accounts closed directly from your casinos and not let me play.
La cuenta de casinoextra ya estaba abierta de mucho antes de jugar a casinoestrella...y justamente puedo depositar y hacer todo y ganar, ahí no se ve lo del problema del juego, sólo cuando voy a retirar, justamente.... lo pongo todo en mano de abogados. Además en vuestros términos y condiciones pone claramente que si hace una autoexclusion sólo será efectiva en casino estrella no los demás casinos. Si me queréis cerrar la cuenta porque aún pensáis que tengo problemas con el juego adelante,pero pagar lo que ya había ganado, no creo que influya en las ganancias el que penseis que tenga problemas, ya sois vosotros los que me habéis cerrado la cuenta porque os interesa, sino hubiese ganado seguro que me devolvias los depósitos, durante más de 15 días la cuenta de casinoextra abierta, depositando y jugando....y hasta que no retire no visteis el problema 😵💫. Si cerráis la cuenta vosotros tenéis que pagar lo que tenia en la cuenta, también lo pone vuestros términos y condiciones....tarde o temprano pagareis, así que ya nos veremos en los juzgados. Y no veo en ningún sitio de vuestros términos que ponga que si uno ha dicho hace más de 4meses que tiene problemas no pueda retirar sus ganancias, si hubiese depositado 100000€ me lo hubieses devuelto también....hacéis siempre lo que más os conviene. Y si tan enserio os tomáis lo del juego, tendrías que a ver cerrado todas las cuentas mías directamente de vuestros casinos y no dejarme jugar.
Takođe sam imao potpuno verifikovane naloge, iz 2 kazina, i nikada nisam znao da su od istog vlasnika. Pošto je kazinoektra račun otvoren više od 1 godine, nikada nisam napravio novi nalog nakon samoisključenja, štaviše, kazino ektra nalog je već bio registrovan mnogo duže od kazinostar naloga. Zato nemojte izmišljati da sam kasnije otvorio račun. Već je bio otvoren i potpuno verifikovan sa svim mojim podacima, tako da nema izgovora
I also had fully verified accounts, from the 2 casinos, and I never knew they were from the same owner. Having the casinoextra account open for more than 1 year, I never made a new account after the self-exclusion, moreover, the casino extra account was already registered much longer than the casinostar account. So don't make up that I opened an account later. It was already open and fully verified with all my data, so there are no excuses
Además tenía las cuentas totalmente verificadas, de los 2casinos, y nunca supe que eran del mismo dueño. Teniendo desde hace más de 1año la cuenta de casinoextra abierta, nunca me hice una cuenta nueva después de la autoexclusion, es más la de casino extra estaba ya dada de alta de hace mucho más que la de casinoestrella. Así que no inventes de que me abrí una cuenta luego. Ya estaba abierta y totalmente verificada con todos mis datos, así que no hay excusas que valgan
Evo dokaza da sam imao otvoren račun mnogo pre kazinostara.
I potpuno verifikovan, tako da ste već imali moje podatke mnogo pre nego što sam se isključio iz kazinostara. Lažljivci, nikad nisam napravio novi nalog.
Here is the proof that I had my account open long before casinostar.
And fully verified, so you already had my data long before I self-excluded from casinostar. Liars, I never made a new account.
Aquí está la prueba que tenía mi cuenta abierta mucho antes de casinoestrella.
Y totalmente verificada, así que ya tenías mis datos mucho antes de autoexcluirme de casinoestrella. Mentirosos, nunca hice una cuenta nueva.
Da li ste već uspeli da procenite slučaj? Samo kažem da hvala na pokušaju ali sam već podneo tužbu protiv njih pošto nismo došli do rešenja a spor traje dugo, već sam te angažovao da pričaš stvari kao da se sve završava. Veliki pozdrav!!
Have you been able to evaluate the case yet? I just say that thanks for trying but I have already filed a lawsuit against them since we did not reach a solution and the dispute is taking a long time, I already hired you saying things like everything ends. Greetings!!
Ya has podido evaluar el caso??? yo solo decir que gracias por intentarlo pero ya he presentado demanda contra ellos ya que no llegamos a una solución y está tardando mucho la disputa, ya os hire diciendo cosas como acaba todo. Saludos!!
Poštovani alekjacobi86,
Hvala na strpljenju. Mogu potvrditi završetak evaluacije. Ali, i dalje mi je potrebno više informacija od strane kazina da bih doneo potpuno relevantnu odluku.
Dragi CasinoEktra timu,
Cenimo vašu saradnju.
Molim vas, da li biste mogli da objasnite zašto je otkrivanje naloga trajalo toliko dugo od prvobitnih informacija o problemu sa kockanjem? Prvobitne informacije su bile u novembru, a tek u martu nakon što je igrač osvojio prilično lep iznos, otkrili ste njegov nalog u CasinoEktra? Da li je tačna izjava igrača da je ovaj nalog verifikovan mnogo vremena pre samoisključenja?
Da li biste mogli da reagujete i na izjave igrača? Izgleda da ovaj nalog nije bio tako nov.
Dear alexjacobi86,
Thank you for your patience. I can confirm finishing the evaluation. But, I still need more information from the casino side in order to make a fully relevant decision.
Dear CasinoExtra team,
We appreciate your cooperation.
Please, could you explain why detecting the account took so long since the initial information about the problem with gambling? The initial information was in November, and only in March after the player won quite a nice amount you detected his account in CasinoExtra? Is the player's statement correct that this account was verified a long time before self-exclusion?
Could you also react to the player's statements? It looks like this account was not so new.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Ulazeći ponovo, prolazim capture sa svojim drugim imenom sa akcentom u casino estrella i casinoektra
Entering again, I pass capture with my second name with an accent in casino estrella and casinoextra
Otra vez metiendo, paso captura con mi segundo nombre con acento en casino estrella y casinoextra
Dragi CasinoEktra timu,
molim vas, možete li potvrditi da su sve ostale informacije bile iste, i da je upravo zbog ovog 'u' trebalo toliko dugo?
Dear CasinoExtra team,
please, could you confirm that all the other information was the same, and it was just about this 'ú' why it took so long?
Joseg, na 2 slike koje sam priložio mojim prethodnim porukama, vidi se da u casinoektra imam naglasak iu casinoestrella takođe...ne znaju šta da rade da ne plate, ali potražnja je već napravljeno i uskoro će stići pošto nisu hteli da to reše zauvek... Hvala u svakom slučaju na svemu, da vidimo šta će sad reći... hahaha
Joseg, in the 2 images that I attached to my previous messages, it can be seen that in casinoextra I have an accent and in casinoestrella as well...they don't know what to do to avoid paying, but the demand has already been made and it will arrive soon since they didn't want to solve it for good... Thanks anyway for everything, let's see what they say now... hahaha
Joseg en las 2 imágenes que adjunto en mis mensajes anteriores se ve que en casinoextra tengo acento y en casinoestrella también...ya no saben que hacer con tal de no pagar, pero la demanda ya está hecha y pronto les llegará ya que no quisieron soluciónarlo por las buenas... Gracias de todas maneras por todo, a ver qué dicen ahora....jajaja
Zdravo Jozef,
Želeli bismo da istaknemo važnost tačnog pružanja informacija čak i ako je u ovom slučaju reč o akcentu.
Naš sistem pre verifikacije je optimalan. Omogućava nam da identifikujemo i blokiramo naloge u vlasništvu istog igrača u nekoliko kazina, međutim ovaj poslednji se u potpunosti oslanja na informacije koje će igrač dati tokom registracije.
Mi smo kazino sa razumevanjem i zato molimo igrače da nas obaveste u slučaju da jedan ili više ličnih podataka moraju biti izmenjeni (prezime, ime, adresa, e-mail, broj telefona itd.).
Zbog toga sam pomenuo i činjenicu da se davanje različitih informacija o nekoliko Kazina može smatrati pokušajem zaobilaženja našeg sistema bezbednosti.
Ne možemo se smatrati odgovornim za radnje igrača.
Hvala vam.
Hi Jozef,
We would like to emphasize the importance of providing information accurately even if, in this case, it is an accent.
Our pre-verification system is optimal. It allows us to identify and block accounts owned by the same player on several Casinos, however the latter relies entirely on the information that the player will provide during registration.
We are an understanding Casino and that is why we ask players to notify us in the event that one or more personal information must be modified (surname, first name, address, e-mail, phone number, etc.).
This is also why I mentioned the fact that providing different information, on several Casinos, could be considered as an attempt to circumvent our security system.
We cannot possibly be held responsible for the actions made by the player.
Thank you.
Ali na slikama možete videti da je naglasak na 2 naloga, casinoektra i casino star. Priložio sam slike!!! Ako u Dublinbetu izađe bez akcenta biće nenamerno, akcenat zaboga!!! DNI, sve ime, adresa... sve je tačno, nema nikakvog smisla, takođe je problem preko kazinoestrele koja komunicira sa casinoektra i u ova dva kazina imam akcenat, što me čudi da sam u Dublinbetu zar nemam ako je račun zatvoren kao što su rekli i casinoektra da imam akcenat kao u kazinostaru ne hahahaha hajde... Pismo sa zahtevom će stići, bez daljeg....
But in the images you can see that the accent is in the 2 accounts, casinoextra and casino star. I have attached pictures!!! If in Dublinbet it comes out without an accent it will have been unintentionally, an accent for God's sake!!! DNI, all the name, address... everything is correct, it doesn't make any sense, also the problem is through casinoestrella that communicates to casinoextra and in these two casinos I do have an accent, which surprises me that in Dublinbet I don't I have it if the account is closed as they have said and casinoextra that I have an accent like in casinostar no hahahaha come on... The demand letter will arrive, without further ado....
Pero en las imágenes se ve que el acento lo tengo en las 2 cuentas, casinoextra y casino estrella. He adjuntado imágenes!!! Si en la de Dublinbet sale sin acento habrá sido sin querer, un acento por dios!!! DNI, todo el nombre, dirección...todo está correcto, no tiene ningún sentido, además el problema es a través de casinoestrella que comunica a casinoextra y en estos dos casinos si tengo el acento, lo que me sorprende que en Dublínbet que no lo tengo si se cierra la cuenta según han dicho elloos y casinoextra que tengo acento como en casinoestrella no jajajaja venga va ... Ya os llegará la carta de demanda, sin más....
Dragi timu u CasinoEktra,
Cenim vašu saradnju. Međutim, još uvek nisam siguran u rešavanje mog upita nakon vašeg odgovora.
Možete li, molim vas, potvrditi da li su svi ostali detalji identični i da li je jedina neslaganja bila upotreba 'u', što je dovelo do toga da vaš sistem nije uspeo da otkrije plejer? Ili je bilo dodatnih nedoslednosti koje su doprinele ovom pitanju?
Dear team at CasinoExtra,
I appreciate your cooperation. However, I am still uncertain about the resolution of my query following your response.
Could you please confirm if all other details were identical and if the only discrepancy was the use of 'ú', which led to your system failing to detect the player? Or were there additional inconsistencies that contributed to this issue?
Ali šta je sa u već ste videli da je to laž i loš izgovor za neplaćanje, jer kažu da je kazinostar obavestio casinoektra o problemu i na ta 2 naloga imam u sa akcentom, u slike koje sam prethodno priložio možete jasno videti. Štaviše... kao što sam ranije objasnio na Dablinbet nalogu, nemam akcenat i prema njima, ako je zatvoren istog dana, poslao sam mejl kazinoestreli ... smešno ... u jednom da i u drugom ne, ali Neka bude jasno da imam akcenat na 2 naloga, u casinoektra i u casinostar. Ono što treba da uradite je da sada smanjite rezultat ovog kazina, jer je 7 sa onim što rade sa mnom nemoguće. Veliki pozdrav.
But what about the ú you have already seen that it is a lie and a bad excuse for not paying, because they say that it was casinostar that informed casinoextra of the problem and in those 2 accounts I have the ú with an accent, in the images that I previously attached you can see clearly. What's more... as I explained before in the Dublinbet account I don't have the accent and according to them if it was closed the same day I sent the email to casinoestrella ... hilarious ... in one yes and in another no, but Let it be clear that I have the accent in the 2 accounts, in casinoextra and in casinostar. What you have to do is lower the score of this casino now, because a 7 with what they are doing with me is impossible. Greetings.
Pero que lo de la ú ya has visto que es mentira y una excusa mala para no pagar, xq ellos dicen que fue casinoestrella que informa a casinoextra del problema y en esas 2cuentas tengo la ú con acento, en las imágenes que adjunto anteriormente se ve claramente. Es más...como explico antes en la cuenta de Dublinbet no tengo el acento y según ellos si se cerró el mismo día que envíe el email a casinoestrella ...de risa....en una si y en otra no, pero que quede claro que el acento lo tengo en las 2cuentas, en casinoextra y en casinoestrella. Lo que tenéis que hacer es bajar la puntuación ya de este casino, porque un 7 con lo que están haciendo conmigo es imposible. Saludos.
Zdravo Jozef,
Da odgovorimo na vašu poslednju poruku, nismo otkrili nikakve druge razlike osim "u".
Kao što je ranije navedeno, bez ove razlike, mogli bismo da blokiramo pristup kazinu ovom igraču, s obzirom na njegove obaveze prema drugim partnerskim kazinom.
Dok razmatrate odluku, želim da vas podsetim da smo refundirali iznos koji je igrač položio. Igrač na kraju nije izgubio novac.
Hvala vam.
Hi Jozef,
To answer your last message, we have not detected any other differences apart from the "ú".
As previously indicated, without this difference, we would have been able to block access to the Casino, to this player, given his liabilities on other partner Casinos.
While you are considering a decision, I want to remind you that we have refunded the amount deposited by the player. The player did not lose any money in the end.
Thank you.
Izgubio sam 58.000 evra koje ste zadržali, nisam izgubio pare, kaže, novac vraćate samo kada vam odgovara, da sam položio 100.000 evra sigurno biste mi vratili i sa tom polisom sad odem u sva kazina i kažem da sam poslao taj mejl, da li će mi vratiti uplaćeni novac??? I ponavljam akcenat u u nije tačan, nema razlike u računima!
I have lost €58,000 that you have kept, I have not lost money, he says, you only return the money when it is convenient for you, if I had deposited €100,000, you would surely return it to me, and with that policy now I go to all the casinos and say that I have sent that email, will they return the money deposited to me??? And I repeat the accent in the ú is not true, there is no difference in the accounts!
He perdido 58000€ que os habéis quedado, no he perdido dinero dice, solo cuando os conviene devolvéis el dinero, si hubiese depositado 100000€ seguro que me lo devolvéis, y con esa política ahora yo voy a todos los casinos y digo que he enviado ese email, me van a devolver el dinero depositado??? Y vuelvo a repetir lo del acento en la ú no es verdad, no hay ninguna diferencia en las cuentas!!!
Poštovani alekjacobi86,
һvala vam puno na strpljenju sa rezolucijom. Produžujem tajmer za 7 dana jer mi treba više vremena za evaluaciju. Javiću ti se što pre.
Dear alexjacobi86,
thank you very much for your patience with the resolution. I am extending the timer by 7 days since I need more time for the evaluation. I will get back to you asap.
Poštovani timu Casino Ektra,
Mogu li vas zamoliti da reagujete na snimke ekrana igrača? On se protivi vašim tvrdnjama da ne koristite 'u' u kazinu Estrella.
Dear Casino Extra team,
may I kindly ask you to react to the player's screenshots? It opposes your claims about not using 'ú' in Casino Estrella.
Zdravo Jozef,
Napominjemo da ovaj slučaj sada vodi naše pravno odeljenje . Verujem da je igrač to pomenuo i gore.
Upravo iz tog razloga, više ne mogu da raspravljam o ovom slučaju.
Hvala na razumevanju.
Hi Jozef,
Kindly note that this case is now handled by our Legal Department. I believe the player mentioned it as well, above.
For this very reason, I'm no longer able to discuss this case.
Thanks for your understanding.
Već si video, Josef, da nemaju razloga da rade to što rade, srećom uspeo sam da nađem nekoga ko bi mogao da mi pomogne, što sam stavio u svoje druge komentare, odličnog advokata. G. Roelof EFA Bijkerk jer iz Španije je bilo nemoguće... Oni nemaju jurisdikciju van Španije. Ovaj advokat mi je rekao da je moj slučaj veoma jak i da moramo da pobedimo. Reći ću vam kako se sve završilo i hvala vam puno na saradnji, kada odluka bude objavljena poslaću vam je da vidite kakav je kazino i šta uspevaju da urade sa igračima van Curacao. Imao sam sreće jer je to bio veliki broj, pošto ko uzme slučaj radi procentualno, da je mali broj, mislim da ih slučaj ne bi interesovao... Žao mi je zbog broja ljudi koji će to isto učiniti i što su male količine ne mogu ništa protiv njih. Ovaj put je pošlo naopako i izgubiću veliki deo od 60.000 evra zbog truda, ali samo da vidim i pokažem kako varaju ljude zadovoljan sam. Čim budem imao vesti, reći ću vam, za sada znam da su tužbu primili i proučavaju je, a kako mi je advokat rekao, ako ne plate, nateraćemo ih da pate . Hehehe pozdrav i još jednom hvala na trudu. Veliki zagrljaj za sve kazino gurue koji pomažu igračima da reše stvari.
You have already seen, Josef, that they have no reason to do what they do, luckily I was able to find someone who could help me, which I put in my other comments, a great lawyer. Mr Roelof EFA Bijkerk because from Spain it was impossible... They have no jurisdiction outside of Spain. This lawyer has told me that my case is very strong and that we have to win. I'll tell you how it all ends and thank you very much for your cooperation, once the ruling is out I'll send it to you so you can see what kind of casino it is and what they manage to do with players outside of Curaçao. I have been lucky because it was a large number, since whoever takes the case works by percentage, if it had been a small number, I don't think they would be interested in the case... I feel bad for the number of people who will do it the same and being small quantities cannot do anything against them. This time it has gone wrong and I will lose a large part of the €60,000 due to efforts, but just to see and demonstrate how they are scamming people I am satisfied. As soon as I have news, I'll tell you, for now I know they've received the lawsuit and they're studying it, and as the lawyer told me, if they don't pay, we'll make them suffer. Hehehe greetings and once again thanks for your work. A big hug to all of the casino guru who help players to solve things.
Ya has visto Josef que no tienen razón ninguna para hacer lo que hacen, menosmal que pude encontrar a alguien que me pudiera ayudar, lo que puse en mis otros comentarios, un gran abogado. Sr Roelof E.F.A. Bijkerk porque desde España era imposible... No tienen juridiccion fuera de España. Este abogado me ha dicho que mi caso es muy fuerte y que tenemos las de ganar. Ya os diré cómo acaba todo y mil gracias por vuestra cooperación, una vez salga la sentencia os la haré llegar para que veáis que clase de casino es y lo que llegan hacer con jugadores fuera de curaçao. Yo he tenido suerte por ser una cantidad elevada, ya que quien me lleva el caso trabajan por porcentaje, si hubiese sido una cantidad pequeña no creo que se interesaran por el caso....me sabe mal por la cantidad de gente que le harán lo mismo y al ser cantidades pequeñas no puedan hacer nada contra ellos. Esta vez les ha salido mal y perderé gran parte de los 60000€ por gestiones, pero solo por ver y demostrar cómo están estafando a la gente me quedo satisfecho. En cuanto tenga noticias os digo, de momento se que han recibido la demanda y los están estudiando, y como me dijo el abogado, sino pagan les haremos sufrir. Jejeje saludos y otra vez gracias por vuestra labor. Abrazo fuerte a todos los de casino gurú y que ayudáis a jugadores a solucionar las cosas.
Poštovani timu Casino Ektra,
Želeli bismo da izrazimo našu zahvalnost za vašu pomoć po ovom pitanju. Nakon detaljne i izazovne istrage, došli smo do zaključka. Čvrsto verujemo da igrač ima pravo da primi dobitke.
Prvo, igrač se registrovao u vašem kazinu, a da nije svestan ili znao da će se njegovo samoisključivanje iz drugog brenda primeniti na njihovu igru u vašem kazinu. Nema dokaza da je pokušao da zaobiđe vaše mere bezbednosti. Štaviše, vaši uslovi i uslovi su prilično kontradiktorni.
Kao što vidite, samoisključivanje bi trebalo da se odnosi samo na određeni brend za koji se igrač samoisključio, osim ako nije drugačije obavešten putem e-pošte prilikom potvrđivanja samoisključenja. Nažalost, nismo uspeli da identifikujemo valjane razloge za oduzimanje dobitka.
Obično, kada kazino otkrije problematičnog kockara, blokira račun, plaća preostali iznos i zabranjuje igraču da ponovo pristupi njihovim uslugama. Smatramo da je isti pristup trebalo primeniti i sa alekjacobi86.
Dear Casino Extra team,
We would like to express our gratitude for your assistance in this matter. After a thorough and challenging investigation, we have reached a conclusion. We firmly believe that the player is entitled to receive the winnings.
Firstly, the player registered at your casino without realizing or knowing that his self-exclusion from another brand would apply to their gameplay in your casino. There is no evidence to suggest that he attempted to bypass your security measures. Furthermore, your own terms and condition are quite contradictory.
As you can see, self-exclusion should only apply to the specific brand where the player has self-excluded, unless they were informed otherwise by email when confirming the self-exclusion. Regrettably, we fail to identify any valid grounds for the seizure of the winnings.
Typically, when a casino detects a problem gambler, they block the account, pay the remaining balance, and prohibit the player from accessing their services again. We believe that the same approach should have been taken with alexjacobi86.
Zdravo Jozef,
Kao što je gore pomenuto:
Napominjemo da ovaj slučaj sada vodi naše pravno odeljenje. Upravo iz tog razloga, više ne mogu da raspravljam o ovom slučaju.
Hvala na razumevanju.
Hi Jozef,
As per mentioned above :
Kindly note that this case is now handled by our Legal Department. For this very reason, I'm no longer able to discuss this case.
Thanks for your understanding.
Zdravo alekjacobi86,
Kao što je kazino tim pomenuo, čak i na osnovu vašeg poslednjeg komentara, izgleda da ste zaista pokrenuli pravni postupak protiv Casino Ektra. Možete li potvrditi ovu informaciju? Dok se sudski postupak ne okonča, moraću da zatvorim ovaj slučaj.
Hello alexjacobi86,
As them casino team mentioned, even based on your last comment, it looks like you have really initiated legal action against Casino Extra Can you please confirm this information? Until the legal proceedings are concluded, I will have to close this case.
Kako nadležni vrše pravni uvid u slučaj, nismo u mogućnosti da intervenišemo. Stoga sam dužan da zatvorim ovaj slučaj dok se istraga ne završi.
As the authorities are conducting a legal inspection of the case, we are unable to intervene. Therefore, I am obliged to close this case until the investigation is complete.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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