Pridružio se Gamegramu 15/12/2024.
Napravio sam depozit od 144 dolara i iskoristio bonus za registraciju koji su ponudili, a koji je bio 50 besplatnih okretaja kada sam dostigao 50kp, zatim dodatnih 100 besplatnih okretaja kada sam dostigao 150kp.
Iskoristio sam svojih 50 besplatnih okretaja, što nije bio problem, ali onda kada sam išao da koristim 100 besplatnih okretaja, nekako nisu mogli da mi ih ponude, već su mi umesto toga dali besplatna 2 dolara uz maksimalan dobitak od 5 dolara. Nisam profitirao ni od jednog bonus okretanja.
Zatim sam nastavio da se kockam kao što bih inače činio između slotova i ruleta i akumulirao sam dovoljno da sam mogao da povučem svoj prvobitni ulog (povukao sam 150 dolara) i ostavio 100 dolara za igru. Zatim sam osvojio još nešto i pokušao da podignem još 200 dolara. Ovo je postavljeno kao na čekanju više od 24 sata bez njihovog obaveštenja sve dok nisam kontaktirao podršku uživo koja je tada rekla da moram da proverim kod KIC-a. Uradio sam šta su tražili, postavio sam ličnu kartu, svoju fotografiju i parče papira sa "gamegramom 2024" na njemu.
Dok sam čekao na ovo odobrenje, prokockao sam se još i završio sa još 390 dolara na računu. Zatim sam otišao u krevet, probudio se sledećeg jutra i pokušao da se prijavim samo da bih saznao da sam trajno zabranjen (bez e-pošte ili bilo koje druge informacije).
Zatim sam otvorio ćaskanje uživo koji mi je tada rekao da ću dobiti e-poruku o mojoj zabrani. Nijedan email nikada nije primljen. Zatim sam ih ponovo kontaktirao i poslao nekoliko mejlova. Konačno su odgovorili i rekli mi da sam prekršio njihove uslove, ali su odbili da navedu koje sam uslove prekršio. Pitao sam ponovo, samo da mi kažu isto. Potom sam pokušao da pitam PONOVO i sada odbijaju da mi priznaju.
Nikada ranije nisam koristio njihovu veb stranicu. Koristim VPN, ali ovo nije u njihovim uslovima da ne mogu da koristim VPN.
Joined Gamegram on 15/12/2024.
Made a deposit of $144 and took advantage of the sign up bonus that they offered which was 50 free spins when reaching 50xp then an additional 100 free spins when I reached 150xp.
I used my 50 free spins which was not an issue but then when going to use the 100 free spins, somehow they were unable to offer me them but instead gave me a free $2 with a max win of $5. I did not profit off either bonus spins.
I then proceeded to gamble as I normally would between slots and roulette and accumulated enough that I was able to withdraw my original stake (I withdrew $150) and left $100 to play with. I then won some more and tried to withdraw another $200 dollars. This set as pending for over 24 hours with no notice from them until I contacted live support who then said I must verify with KYC. I done what they asked, I uploaded my I.D, photo of myself and a piece of paper with "gamegram 2024" on it.
So as I waited on this approval I gambled some more and ended up with another $390 in my account. I then went to bed, woke up the next morning and tried to log in only to find out that I have been permanently banned (no email or any other information given).
I then opened a live chat who then told me that I would receive an email as to my ban. No email was ever received. I then contacted them again and sent a few emails. They finally responded and and told me that I had violated their terms but refused to state which terms I have violated. I asked again, only to be told the same thing. I then tried to ask AGAIN and now they are refusing to acknowledge me.
I have never used their website before. I do use a VPN but this is not in their terms that I cannot use a VPN.
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