Ovo je prvi put da su me heibets (ili bilo koji drugi kazino u tom slučaju) optužio za ovo. Ja sam zapanjen. Da razumem zašto, 03.08.23, primio sam ovu e-poštu od heibets-a:
„Hej čovječe! :) Vaš račun je sada u potpunosti verifikovan.🎉 Imajte na umu da možete povući samo nakon što ste uložili svoj depozit barem jednom zbog §10.2. naših Uslova korišćenja usluge (https://heibets.io/tos ). U vašem slučaju, i dalje morate da uložite 6341,23$ pre nego što budete u mogućnosti da povučete. Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili nedoumica, ne oklevajte da kontaktirate naš tim za podršku.🤝 Srdačan pozdrav, Luke"
Igrao sam neke opklade u heibets kazinu i odgovorio da sam založio 6400+ USD, ali nisam mogao da se povučem. Bez odgovora. Bez plaćanja.
Da pređete sa e-pošte 03.08.23 na heibets poruku iznad u ovoj temi, na njihovu e-poštu 03.08.23. Ne izgleda kao da je moj nalog izvršio bilo kakvu „prevarnu aktivnost". Ali 18.08.23, imam? Imajte na umu da mogu da se kladim u njihovoj kladionici i kazinu u periodu od 15.07.23. do 03.08.23.
Ako moram ozbiljno da shvatim Heibetsovu optužbu za „prevarne aktivnosti", reći ću ovo. Snažno odbacujem tvrdnju heibetsa o „prevarnim aktivnostima" u kladionici. Ako se dobro sećam, opklade koje sam dao su bile na kvalifikacije za Ligu šampiona koje su se završile 23. 11. i 23. 12. 2007. Njihov dobavljač kvota je rekao, tri dana kasnije, da su ove opklade lažne? Kvote njihovih dobavljača kvota na ovom tržištu bile su u skladu sa ostatkom tržišta u vreme I
stavio opklade. Kladio sam se zbog vesti o povredi, a kvote su pale danima pre meča. Kladiti se na vesti o povredi i opisati ih kao lažne, jako je formulisano. Pozdravljam da se podeli dokaz od vašeg dobavljača kvota. Stavio sam broj u opklade u svom životu. Nikada se nije pojavila „prevarna aktivnost" koja bi opisala moje opklade. Ne iz kladionica. Ne od dobavljača kvota. Ne iz kazina. Nema (pogledajte moje žalbe od 2019. do danas). Ali hejbetovi imaju.
Heibets kaže u gornjoj poruci casino.guru: „15. jula naš Sport i Odd provajder „Betbi" nas je upozorio na lažne aktivnosti korisnika. Zatim smo deaktivirali korisnički nalog i zatražili KIC dok istražujemo njihove sportske aktivnosti."
Još jednom ću citirati email heibets od 3. avgusta:
„Hej čovječe! :) Vaš račun je sada u potpunosti verifikovan.🎉 Imajte na umu da možete povući samo nakon što ste uložili svoj depozit barem jednom zbog §10.2. naših Uslova korišćenja usluge (https://heibets.io/tos ). U vašem slučaju, i dalje morate da uložite 6341,23$ pre nego što budete u mogućnosti da povučete. Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili nedoumica, ne oklevajte da kontaktirate naš tim za podršku.🤝 Srdačan pozdrav, Luke"
Pozdravljam ispitivanje. Ako heibetsima treba nešto od mene, imaju moju e-poštu. Verujem da je moja igra na heibetu bila fer i u kladionici i u kazinu. U potpunosti očekujem da moj depozit i dobitak budu isplaćeni. S poštovanjem, molim Heibets da preispita ovaj slučaj.
Srdačan pozdrav,
It is the first time I have been accused of this by heybets (or any other casino for that matter). I am flabbergasted. To understand why, 03.08.23, I received this email from heybets:
"Hey hubby! :) Your account is now fully verified.🎉 Please note that you can only withdraw after you have wagered your deposit at least once due to §10.2. of our Terms of Service (https://heybets.io/tos). In your case, you still need to wager 6341,23$ before being able to withdraw. If you have any further questions or concerns don't hesitate to contact our support team.🤝 Best regards, Luke"
I played some bets in heybets casino and replied that I had wagered 6400+ usd, but was not able to withdraw. No reponse. No payment.
To go from the email 03.08.23 to heybets message above in this thread, to their email 03.08.23. It doesn’t seem as if my account had done any "fraudulent activity". But 18.08.23, I have? Keep in mind that I could place bets in their sportsbook and casino during the time, 15.07.23 to 03.08.23.
If I must take heybets accusation of "fraudulent activity" seriously, I will say this. I strongly reject heybets claim of "fraudulent activity" in the sportsbook. If I remember correctly the bets I made were placed on champions league qualifiers which finished 11.07.23 and 12.07.23. Their odds provider said, three days later, that these bets where fraudulent? Their oddsproviders odds on this market was in line with the rest of the market at the time I
placed the bets. I placed the bets due to injury news, and the odds dropped the days before the match. To bet on injury news and describe that as fraudulent is strong worded. I welcome proof from your odds provider to be shared. I have placed a number in bets in my life. Never have "fraudulent activity" come up to describe my bets, ever. Not from sportsbooks. Not from odds providers. Not from casinos. None (please see my complaints from 2019 until today). But heybets have.
Heybets say in the casino.guru message above: "On the 15th of July our Sport's and Odd's Provider "Betby" alerted us of fraudulent activity from the user. We then deactivated the users account and requested KYC while we investigate their sports activity."
I will quote once again the email heybets email from 3th of August:
"Hey hubby! :) Your account is now fully verified.🎉 Please note that you can only withdraw after you have wagered your deposit at least once due to §10.2. of our Terms of Service (https://heybets.io/tos). In your case, you still need to wager 6341,23$ before being able to withdraw. If you have any further questions or concerns don't hesitate to contact our support team.🤝 Best regards, Luke"
I welcome scrutiny. If heybets need anything from me, they have my email. I believe my play at heybets was fair both in the sportsbook and casino. I fully expect my deposit and winnings to be paid. With respect, I ask heybets to reconsider this case.
Best regards,
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