Igrač iz Njemačke je zatražio povlačenje, ali nije obrađeno. Nažalost, igrač je izgubio svoj dobitak prije nego što smo mi mogli pomoći, stoga smo bili primorani da odbijemo ovu žalbu.
The player from Germany requested a withdrawal, but it has not been processed. Unfortunately, the player lost his winnings before we could help, therefore, we were forced to reject this complaint.
Igrač iz Njemačke je zatražio povlačenje, ali nije obrađeno. Nažalost, igrač je izgubio svoj dobitak prije nego što smo mi mogli pomoći, stoga smo bili primorani da odbijemo ovu žalbu.
Ovo nije kako je opisano u uslovima za povlačenje.
Veoma je hrabro držati ljude lukavo iza onoga što predstavlja prevaru.
U chatu se takođe kaže da očigledno postoje pravila koja nisu javno opisana i koja su u suprotnosti sa javnim pravilima.
This is not as described in the withdrawal conditions.
It's very bold to keep people cunningly behind what amounts to fraud.
In the chat it is also said that there are apparently rules that are not publicly described and contradict the public rules.
Dies ist nicht wie in den Auszahlbedingungen beschrieben.
Es ist schon sehr treist die Leute so Hinter listig hinzuhalten was auf Betrug auskommt.
Im Chat wird auch noch gesagt das da anscheinend Regeln sind die nicht öffentlich beschrieben sind und deren öffentlichen Regeln widersprechen.
Poštovani EC1986,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Da li sam dobro shvatio da ste na ovo povlačenje čekali od 8. juna?
Da li ste ranije izvršili uspješne isplate? Možete li pojasniti da li ste prošli KYC verifikaciju ili ne?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Unaprijed vam hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear EC1986,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Do I understand correctly that you have been waiting for this withdrawal since the 8th of June?
Have you made any successful withdrawals before? Could you please clarify whether you have passed the KYC verification or not?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dobro jutro,
Da, već sam dobio dio. I prošao verifikaciju nakon dugih problema sa pokretanjem.
Tačno je da sam čekao od 8. juna. Obrada bi trebalo da traje do 14 radnih dana, što odgovara današnjem vremenu.
Prijavio sam se za još 2 isplate ovih dana što se dešava od isplate od 06.08.2022.
Zato što je opisano da se uplata obrađuje u okviru određenih iznosa AB datum zahtjeva za plaćanje.
U subotu i ranije mi je također potvrđeno da moram čekati do danas i da je preostali iznos od 08.06. morao biti obrađen za to vrijeme.
Jutros, na moj šok, dobijam potpuno drugačiju izjavu. Da moram ispuniti svoj posljednji zahtjev za plaćanje. Tako da je opet trebalo čekati 3 sedmice.
I da uslovi nisu uvijek svi opisani.
Osećam se veoma izdano.
Zadržali ste se 3 sedmice nakon isteka 14 radnih dana, odjednom se pojavljuje potpuno drugačija izjava?
Uz najbolju volju na svijetu, to ne može biti slučaj i ovdje ljudi namjerno pokušavaju spriječiti ljude da isplate.
Good morning,
Yes, I have already received a part. And passed the verification after long start-up problems.
It is correct that I have been waiting since June 8th. Processing should take up to 14 working days, which corresponds to today.
I have applied for 2 more payouts these days what is going on from the payout of 06/08/2022.
Because it is described that the payment is processed within certain amounts AB payment request date.
On Saturday and earlier I was also confirmed that I had to wait until today and the remaining amount from 08.06 had to be processed during this time.
This morning, to my shock, I get a completely different statement. That I have to comply with my last payment request. So again had to wait 3 weeks.
And that the conditions are not all always described.
I feel very betrayed.
You are held out for 3 weeks after reaching the 14 working days suddenly a completely different statement comes up?
With the best will in the world, this cannot be the case and here people are deliberately trying to prevent people from paying out.
Guten Morgen,
Ja habe bereits einen Teil erhalten. Und die Verifizierung nach langen Anlauf-Problemen bestanden.
Es ist Richtug das ich seit dem 08 Juni warte. Bis zu 14 Werktagen sollte die Bearbeitung dauern was mit dem heutigen Tag entspricht.
Ich habe die Tage noch 2 weitere Auszahlungen beantragt was los steht von der Auszahlung vom 08.06.2022.
Denn es wird beschrieben das die Auszahlung innerhalb von gewissen Beträgen AB Auszahl Anfrage Datum bearbeitet wird.
Am Samstag und auch früher wurde mir auch noch bestätigt das ich bis heute warten müsse und der restliche Betrag von 08.06 bearbeitet werden müsse in dieser Zeit.
Heute morgen bekomme ich dann zu meinen Erschrecken eine ganz Andere Aussage. Das ich mich nach meiner letzten Auszahl Anfrage richten müsse. Also wieder aufs neue 3 Wochen warten müsse.
Und das die Bedingungen halt nicht alle immer beschrieben seien.
Fühle mich doch sehr verarscht.
3 Wochen wird man hingehalten nach dem erreichen von den 14 Werktagen kommt auf einmal eine ganz andere Aussage?
Dies kann ja im besten Willen nicht sein und hier versucht man doch bewusst Leute von den Auszahlung abzuhalten.
Do 08.06.2022
Podnio sam još jedan zahtjev za povlačenje 23.06. i 27.06.2022
Dana 24. 06. dobio sam uvjeravanje da preostale zahtjeve za isplatu od 06/08 treba obraditi do danas.
Na današnji dan sam već zatražio drugu isplatu od 23. juna i prema podršci i to treba tretirati odvojeno od datuma zahtjeva i iznosa isplate.
Ovdje se daju kontradiktorne izjave i, kao što rekoh, neko se zavarava do posljednjeg dana, da bi nakon isteka roka dobio drugu izjavu.
Drugim riječima, ako bih otkazao 2 isplate sutra nakon 8. juna, kazino bi ionako istekao njihov rok.
Tako kontradiktorno...?!
Nadam se pozitivnom pojašnjenju prije nego što javno ocijenim kazino i javno iznesem svoja očekivanja.
Nešto poput toga je obmana Anglistique i nepoštivanje vlastitih pravila i naravno bilo šta osim za igrače.
Next to 08.06.2022
I made another withdrawal request on 06/23 and 06/27/2022
On 06/24 I was assured that the remaining payout requests from 06/08 should be processed to this day.
On this day I had already requested another payout from June 23rd and according to support it should also be treated separately from the date of the request and the amount of the payout.
Contradictory statements are made here and, as I said, one is fooled until the last day, only to receive another statement after the deadline has expired.
In other words, if I were to cancel the 2 payouts tomorrow after June 8th, the casino would be over their deadline anyway.
So contradictory...?!
Hope for a positive clarification before I publicly rate the casino and publicly spread my expectations.
Something like that is Anglistique deception and not following its own rules and of course anything but player-friendly.
Neben dem 08.06.2022
Habe ich noch eine auszahlanfrage gemacht am 23.06 und am 27.06.2022
Am 24.06 wurde mir noch versichert das die restliche Auszahlunganfragen vom 08.06 bis zum heutigen Tag verarbeitet werden sollten.
An diesen Tag hatte ich bereits vom 23.06 schon eine weitere Auszahlung angefragt und die sollte laut Support auch ab Datum der Anfrage und Höhe der Auszahlung separat behandelt werden.
Hier werden widersprüchliche Aussagen getätigt und wie gesagt bis zum letzten Tag wird man an der Nase herum geführt um dann nach Ablauf der Frist wieder eine andere Aussage zu erhalten.
Anders gesehen wenn ich morgen die 2 Auszahlungen nach dem 08.06 abbrechen würde, würde das casino ja über ihre Frist sowieso hinweg sein.
Also widersprüchlich...?!
Hoffe auf eine positive Klärung bevor ich öffentlich das Casino Bewerte und meine Erwartungen Öffentlich verbreite.
Sowas ist Anglistike Täuschung und nicht nachkommen seiner Eigener Regeln und natürlich alles andere als Spielerfreundlich.
Pozdrav svima,
Željeli bismo potvrditi da se sva isplate vrše u okviru Uvjeta i pravila kazina:
"8.16. Za igrače koji su uspješno završili KYC provjeru, kazino će odobriti iznos za podizanje veći od 30 000 EUR (ili ekvivalent u vašoj valuti) u periodu od 5 minuta — 96 sati, ali ne duže od 30 radnih dana od datum zahtjeva, osim vikenda i praznika. Imajte na umu da vrijeme za isplatu novca može varirati u zavisnosti od načina plaćanja. Većina provajdera plaćanja, posebno banaka, ne obrađuje plaćanja vikendom i državnim praznicima."
Srdačni pozdravi
Hello all,
We would like to confirm, that all withdrawals are being performed within the T&Cs of the Casino:
"8.16. For the players who successfully completed KYC check, a withdrawal amount higher than 30 000 EUR (or equivalent in your currency) will be approved by the Casino within the period of 5 mins — 96 hours, but not exceeding 30 working days from the date of the request, except for weekends and holidays. Please note, the time for money clearance may vary upon the payment method. Most payment providers, especially banks, do not process payments on weekends and public holidays."
Kind regards
Vrtimo se u krug. 8. juna zatražena je isplata manje od 30.000 eura.
Za čiju obradu bi trebalo biti potrebno 14 radnih dana, a oni su sada gotovi. Dio je isplaćivan u malim fazama. Međutim, ostatak iznosa nije u navedenom periodu.
Zahtjev za blokadu računa nakon isplate.
We are spinning in a circle. On June 8th, a payment of less than 30,000 euros was requested.
Which should take 14 working days to process and these are now over. Part was paid out in small stages. However, the rest of the amount is not in the specified period.
Request for account blocking after payout.
Wir drehen uns im Kreis. Am 08.06 wurde eine Auszahlung unter 30 000 Euro beantragt.
Was eine Bearbeitung von 14 Werktagen beanspruchen soll und diese nun um sind. Ein Teil wurde ausgezahlt in kleinen Etappen. Der Rest Betrag jedoch nicht in angegebener Zeitraum.
Bitte um Konto Sperrung nach Auszahlung.
Zdravo svima,
Hvala Vulkan Vegas Casino na odgovoru.
EC1986, da li sam dobro shvatio da je tvoj dobitak podijeljen na manje rate? Možete li molim vas da nam kažete kada ste tačno primili dio svog dobitka i koliko? Da li biste bili ljubazni da ovde objavite snimak ekrana svoje istorije povlačenja?
Hello everyone,
Thank you Vulkan Vegas Casino for your reply.
EC1986, do I understand correctly that your winnings have been divided into smaller installments? Could you please advise when exactly you received the part of your winnings and how much? Would you be so kind as to post here a screenshot of your withdrawal history?
Provjerio sam mejlove kada je nešto obrađeno ili primljeno novac.
(Različiti zahtjevi za povlačenje u različitim danima)
05.07.2022. - 1000€
04.07.2022. - 2000€
03.07.2022. - 1000€
02.07.2022. - 1000€
01.07.2022 - 2000€
29.06.2022. - 2000€
27.06.2022. - 1000€
26.06.2022. - 1000€
22.06.2022. - 1000€
21.06.2022. - 2000€
20.06.2022. - 2000€
17.06.2022 - 2000€
15.06.2022. - 1999€
06/09/2022 - 1000€
08.06.2022 - 999€
Srdačni pozdravi.
I checked the emails when something was processed or received money.
(Different withdrawal requests over different days)
07/05/2022 - 1000€
07/04/2022 - 2000€
07/03/2022 - 1000€
07/02/2022 - 1000€
07/01/2022 - 2000€
06/29/2022 - 2000€
06/27/2022 - 1000€
06/26/2022 - 1000€
06/22/2022 - 1000€
06/21/2022 - 2000€
06/20/2022 - 2000€
06/17/2022 - 2000€
06/15/2022 - 1999€
06/09/2022 - 1000€
08.06.2022 - 999€
Kind regards.
Habe mal in den Emails nachgesehen wann was bearbeitet worden ist bzw. Geld Eingang erhalten habe.
(Verdchiedene auszahlanträge über verschiedene Tage hinweg)
05.07.2022 - 1000€
04.07.2022 - 2000€
03.07.2022 - 1000€
02.07.2022 - 1000€
01.07.2022 - 2000€
29.06.2022 - 2000€
27.06.2022 - 1000€
26.06.2022 - 1000€
22.06.2022 - 1000€
21.06.2022 - 2000€
20.06.2022 - 2000€
17.06.2022 - 2000€
15.06.2022 - 1999€
09.06.2022 - 1000€
08.06.2022 - 999€
ne Samo djelimična povlačenja.
Međutim, slučaj se sada može zatvoriti.
Prevara je uspjela i još uvijek moram čekati sedmicu da sve bude na nuli. Preostalih 24.000 eura kredita je izgubljeno i više nema kredita za otplatu.
no Only partial withdrawals.
However, the case can now be closed.
The scam worked and I still have to wait a week for everything to be zero. The remaining 24,000 euros in credit have been lost and there is no longer any credit to pay out.
Nein. Nur teilweise Auszahlungen.
Jedoch kann der Fall nun geschlossen werden.
Die Masche ist aufgegangen und habe noch Woche warten nun alles auf Null verspielt 24 000 Euro Rest Guthaben sind somit verspielt und es ist kein Guthaben mehr vorhanden zum auszahlen.
Žao mi je što ovo čujem. Nažalost, pošto ste igrali/izgubili svoje dobitke, ne možemo mnogo učiniti za vas. Igrač je jedini odgovoran za svoj račun, aktivno stanje i sve opklade koje se odvijaju. Razumijem da se to nikada ne bi dogodilo da ste mogli povući iz prvog pokušaja, ali u ovom trenutku ne možemo tražiti od kazina da vam vrati izgubljeni dobitak. Zaista bismo željeli pomoći, ali ovaj put je nemoguće.
Nažalost, nakon prikupljanja svih potrebnih informacija primorani smo odbiti ovu reklamaciju. Žao nam je što nismo bili u mogućnosti da vam pomognemo sa ovim, ali molimo vas da nas kontaktirate ubuduće, ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom i mi ćemo se potruditi da vam pomognemo.
I am sorry to hear this. Sadly, since you have played/lost your winnings, there is not much we can do for you. The player is the only one responsible for their account, active balance, and all the bets taking place. I understand that this would have never happened if you could withdraw on the first attempt but at this point, we cannot ask the casino to refund your lost winnings. We would really like to help, but it is impossible this time.
Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information we are forced to reject this complaint. Sorry we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino and we will try our best to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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