Juče su mi poslali imejl samo rekavši da sam otvorio više naloga, ali nisam, odbijaju da daju bilo kakve informacije o drugom nalogu. „Usput, nijedan drugi nalog ne postoji".
moj dobitak je bio rezultat depozita od 20 dolara. Nije bilo nikakvih bonusa povezanih sa depozitom.
doneli su odluku da refundiraju samo 20 dolara.
Odgovorio sam im, nagovestio sam da bih bio u redu sa dve rezolucije.
#1. Jednostavno mi plaćaju 180 dolara koliko mi duguju. Potpuno sam u redu ako se donese odluka da se moj nalog zatvori. Međutim, treba mi platiti ono što mi još duguje.
#2. Imam račun u Cafe Casino-u, kao i slotove LV. Razumem da su sva tri ova kazina povezana.
ignition je doneo odluku da jednostavno vrati moj depozit, takođe bih bio u redu ako bi pristali da refundiraju moje depozite i iz drugih kazina. Pretpostavljam da bi to bilo preko 1000 dolara.
trebalo je skoro mesec dana da paljenje reaguje.
Ne postoji drugi nalog koji imam za koji znam, da sam imao drugi nalog, koristio bih ga.
nema razloga zašto bih napravio drugi nalog, znajući da nisam dobio nikakvu vrstu bonusa. Opet, nisam dobio nikakvu vrstu bonusa za otvaranje računa, niti sam koristio bilo koju vrstu bonusa na depozit.
They sent me an email yesterday simply saying I opened multiple accounts, but I did not, they refuse to provide any information about the other account. "By the way no other account exist".
my winnings were the result of a $20 deposit. There wasn’t any type of bonuses connected to the deposit.
they had made the decision to refund $20 only.
I had responded to them, I indicated that I would be fine with two resolutions.
#1. They simply pay me the $180 they owe me. I’m totally fine if the decision is made to close my account. However I need to be paid what is still owed to me.
#2. I have an account at Cafe Casino, as well as slots LV. I understand all three of these casinos are connected.
ignition had made the decision to simply refund my deposit, I would also be fine if they will agree to refund my deposits from the other casinos as well. I’m guessing it would be well over $1000.
it took nearly a month to get ignition to respond.
There isn’t another account that I have that I’m aware of, if i had another account I would have used it.
there’s no reason why I would make another account, knowing I didn’t receive any type of Bonus. Again, I was NOT given any type of bonus for opening account , nor did I use any type of deposit bonus.
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