nakon što sam sumnjivo, nisam mogao da otpremim snimak ekrana na stranicu sa žalbom u dijalogu, rečeno mi je da, iako sam izbačen iz igre na pola puta, ne postoji način da povratim novac i da mi neće biti ponuđen bonus. Bila je to odvratna usluga za korisnike i mislim da govori o tome. Nedavno silaze niz brdo.
Uzgred, svi agenti koji su im navedeni sami rade za Batu, a ne za paljenje, tako da može doći do nekih problema sa upravljanjem
after being suspiciously, unable to upload the screenshot to the complaint page in the dialogue, I was told that, even though I was kicked out of the game halfway through there was no way to recover the money and I would not be offered to bonus. It was disgusting customer service and I think it speaks to. They’re going down hill recently.
incidentally, all of the agents referred to them themselves is working for Bata and not for ignition so there may be some management issues going on
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