Zdravo Peter i Shavnarv37,
Odgovaramo na zabrinutost gospodina Shavnarv37 u vezi sa specifičnom transakcijom koja uključuje adresu 3D5ctV3cnkLfNczoJBcDv14vj9ivfFV42K. Važno je napomenuti da u našem sistemu ovaj novčanik zaista pripada igraču i da se aktivno koristio za uplatu depozita. Da bi naša istraga bila što potpunija, koliko je to moguće, pretražili smo transakcije pomoću „„BlockCipher"" istraživača, kako je moderator preporučio.
Uradili smo istraživanje koristeći TkID-ove koje je obezbedio Shavnarv37 koji su navedeni u našem sistemu. Primetili smo da su transakcije zaista označene kao „Dvostruka potrošnja". Dokaz možete proveriti prateći ovaj link: https://prnt.sc/4fibc0g_vAAS Štaviše, nakon klika na početni heš ID možemo jasno videti da nije bilo depozita sa takvim TkID-om u sistemu. Još jednom, više ste nego dobrodošli da to sami proverite prateći ovaj link: https://prnt.sc/-ekeOKuIHlh8
Na naše najdublje žaljenje, finansijski dobavljač je potvrdio da su ove transakcije u njihovom sistemu označene kao „Dvostruka potrošnja" i da ih naša platforma nije primila. Kao dokaz, dostavili su nam sledeće linkove u kojima se navodi da se ovi depoziti ne mogu ni pronaći:
Da bismo rešili ovu situaciju i pokazali našu posvećenost rešavanju problema, nudimo sledeću nadoknadu. Spremni smo da vam dostavimo iznose transakcije od 0,00331471 BTC i
0,00331327 BTC u obliku bonus balansa sa zahtevom za klađenje k1. Ovi iznosi će vam biti dostupni za korišćenje u našem kazinu i možete ih povući kada ispunite k1 opkladu. Ova ponuda ima za cilj da pokaže našu spremnost da rešimo ovu situaciju u korist igrača.
Naš tim se zahvaljuje Casino Guru timu za moderiranje i Shavnarv37 na saradnji i razumevanju.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili sugestija, slobodno kontaktirajte naš tim za podršku na support@miraxcasino.com ili putem ćaskanja uživo.
S poštovanjem,
Mirak Casino tim
Hello Peter and Shawnarv37,
We are responding to the concerns raised by Мr.Shawnarv37 regarding a specific transaction involving the address 3D5ctV3cnxLfNczoJBcDv14wj9ywfFW42K. It is important to note that in our system this wallet indeed belongs to the player and was actively used for making deposits. In order to make our investigation as complete, as it is possible, we have searched the transactions using the ""BlockCypher"" explorer, as the moderator recommended.
We did research using the TxIDs provided by the Shawnarv37 that are stated in our system. It came to our attention that the transactions are indeed marked as "Double Spend". You may check the proof by following this link: https://prnt.sc/4fybc0g_wAAS What is more, after clicking on initial hash ID we can clearly see, that there was no deposit with such TxID in the system whatsoever. Once again, you are more than welcome to check it for yourself be following this link: https://prnt.sc/-ekeOKuIHlh8
To our deepest regret, the financial supplier confirmed that these transactions were marked as "Double Spend" in their system and were not received by our platform. As a proof, they have provided us with the following links, which state that these deposits cannot even be found:
To address this situation and demonstrate our commitment to resolving issues, we offer the following compensation. We are prepared to provide you with the transaction amounts 0.00331471 BTC and
0.00331327 BTC in the form of a bonus balance with a x1 wagering requirement. These amounts will be made available for you to use in our casino, and you can withdraw them once you fulfill the x1 wager. This offer is intended to showcase our willingness to resolve this situation in favor of the player.
Our Team extends our gratitude to the Casino Guru moderation team and to Shawnarv37 for their cooperation and understanding.
Should you have any further questions or suggestions, feel free to contact our support team at support@miraxcasino.com or via Live Chat.
Mirax Casino Team
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